
Tending The Wounded



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-26-2013, 03:02 PM

Battle raged at the border of her home, and Erani watched the path that led in that direction like a hawk, face blank of all but calm serenity. She broadcast it among the healers gathered with her, to keep them steady and focused. Rayne and Soleil were the only ones to stay, so far. Friction had gone after his daughter, to protect her as best as possible. Cael and Imena were going with those evacuating to Seracia. Deep blue pools lifted to the sky, then fell back to the path. Tail tapped the ground lightly, thoughtfully.

Should any enemy come to try an attack on the Healer?s Den, they?d get a nasty surprise. Valhalla?s healers weren't pansies. She imagined even Soleil would want to tear into Glaciem. Her daughter was a prisoner of that pack, and a mother?s wrath was like no other anger known to wolf kind, strong enough to over-ride the normal personality. Soleil was generally timid, and beyond humble.

Yelps. Snarls. Howls. Battle. She waited.


10-28-2013, 10:40 AM

The woman moved silently, paws bringing her to a halt beside the woman who had mentored her. Two toned eyes looked out at the war that took place within the sanctuary of her home. Slowly she turned to gaze to the pale wolf, finding some comfort in her peaceful expression. The Healers den was behind them, awaiting for the wounded to come. Soleil was there, waiting as well. "What do we do?" Soft tones slipped from her pale lips, her attention returning to the howls and snarks that raged below them.

Sitting here made her restless. Wolves we being injured and she was waiting for them to come to her. Tail thumped the earth restlessly, anxiety rising within her. Wide eyes looked to her mentor for the answers. Though the pair were now of equal ranks, both lead healers, she looked up to the woman who had taught her. And now.

War had now come banging on their door, threatening the lives of her family, her pack. It was her duty to care for them, to heal their wounds. Triangular audits fell back against her skull, toes flexed against the earth, heart pounded against her chest. She knew she needed to pull herself together, the wounded would be coming shortly and they would need help. The enemy could also sneak up, though they would have a nasty surprise waiting for them.

"speech" thought


10-29-2013, 10:55 AM

The red temptress slithered with deadly grace as she lead her siblings towards the war. She had followed Taurig for a time before he had broken off to go to war and she had begrudgingly watched him leave their party. Other Tortuga's had already left before them to follow the Valhallan who had brought war to their door step to battle. Rage slithered and arched through her like a venom, opening up hateful wounds as lantern eyes stared down at the battle below. She was following the scent of Erani now, she hadn't met the woman before but knew her scent well enough. At one point Vi had been pretty sure she was going to kill the bitch one day but that had never come to pass. And now... Her she was going off to help her, oh how the tides had changed... She heaved out a deep breath, looking back at Io and Zara before returning to their present course. She had brought both dried and semi dried herbs from her den as well as sticks and some moss that could be used as sponges. The smell was potent but somehow she managed to make it to the little gathering of white wolves. It had hard for the russet wench to hold her tongue but she approached in a non threatening manor and lay the herbs down near Erani. "Greetings healers of Valhalla, Tortuga comes bearing gifts." She would murmur, trying to keep the usual sly grin and sneer she wore off her face. The result was her expression remaining carefully neutral as she raised her head and motioned to her siblings. Did they know Friction was in Valhalla? "We have come to help tend the wounded, I am Viridiana Sovari and these are my family members, Zara and Io. Just tell us what you need us to do..." Her lyrics were smooth, easy and evident that she had a fairly practiced tongue. After saying her words she took a step back to return to Zara's side and offered a small smile to Io in case she wanted to add something in.

Talk like this


10-29-2013, 11:44 PM
Midnight stumbled leaning against one of the trees for a moment she could hear voices up ahead she knew the healers had set up near by but in her condition even a few steps felt like a mile. A thin trail of blood stretched out behind her and she pushed herself back up off the tree. ?not much further,? she told herself quietly shuffling forward on her three legs until she cleared the tree line. Her right shoulder stung the missing skin allowed the air in to play over flesh now covered in dirt but it was nothing compared to the torn flesh and broken bone of her right fore leg the bite wounds still dripped blood but more slowly now the blood congealing in her fur and sticking the dark fur down both the radius and the ulnar where damaged and she held it as high as she could as she moved.

Shock was setting in her vision blurred with the pain as she looked at the three wolves gathered there, somehow she managed to reach them her head was hung low as she finally allowed her hinds to give way dropping her ungracefully to the ground. She managed a small half smile raising her head to meet the older white females gaze, ?I seem to need some help,? she panted before dropping her head again her body was screaming at her to just pass out to let the pain stop but she kew the healers may still need her concious able to respond or at least swallow and so she fought the feeling instead focusing her mind on the future how would she return home if she couldn't walk she would have to ask the alpha permission to stay assuming there was still an alpha after all this, she would hope her leg would heal, that she wouldn't lose it. She whimpered softly life was not going to be easy.

OOC:: bite would to top of right shoulder having removed the fur and skin from the area the lower area of her right fore is torn with obvious tooth marks, the underlying bone had a greenstick fracture in the ulnar and a closed simple fracture in the radius.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-30-2013, 02:05 AM

Rayne came up to her side, gazing out toward the sounds of battle, before the grey and sky gaze turned to Erani?s own. The softly voiced question met Erani?s ears, and she turned her head a fraction to gaze into the mismatched eyes. ?Remember your training, both fighting and healing, and follow your instincts. Fight off any enemies that attempt to follow the wounded back. And make the wounded comfortable. Obsidian is nearby. She intends to fight, but will guard us until she heads out. They won?t expect a horse, unless your attacker is among them?? She sensed the anxiety in her fellow Theta, and reached her head over to nose Rayne?s shoulder, issuing a gentle rumble to calm her.

?Peace, Rayne. You?ll need to seem calm and relaxed, to keep wolves calm and focused.? She rose to her paws, as three strangers approached. Legs fell into a balanced square, head lowering and chin tucking, eyes piercing the three. All three female, one huge, and one red, while the third was Albino. She analyzed their scents, then relaxed marginally, as the red lady hailed them. ?You are welcome, Ladies of Tortuga. Any help we can get is welcome. Relatives of Friction are you?? The question was a relaxed step toward conversation, broken by the first wolf to arrive from the battle. A black female that didn?t carry Valhalla?s scent, but that of a rogue. Her leg was obviously broken. Erani dipped her head and passed the three Tortugans to go to the female. ?Lean on me, if you will. My den is just ahead. Let?s get you into an Alcove. Rayne, could you pull out the Valerian, please? And please, show Lady Viridiana and her sisters to the herb stockpile.?

Her voice was low velvet, smooth and soft, soothing to the ears. Gently, she began a step forward, slowly, allowing the injured female to keep pace with her. ?So what is your name, miss?? She inquired softly to the female, keeping a line of conversation going, both to keep the female focused, and hold the shock at bay.


10-30-2013, 10:15 AM

She listened to the wise, gentle words of the older Healer. Obsidian. She had grown fond of the giant horse since the day she had helped save her life. The mentioning of her attack made her heart skip a beat. Could he be here? The last time she had seen him, he had refrained from trying to kill her, claiming he didn't want to anymore. Something she didn't understand. She could hope that he wouldn't bee here today and change his mind. She felt the comforting touch of her woman's nose pressed against her shoulder, and gaze her own nuzzle in return.

Audits twitched, sensing the approach of others. Her defenses slid into place, crown dropping to cover her throat, legs spreading out equally and bending at the knee. Nostrils quivered, taking in their scent. Three woman who she had never seen came into view. She relaxed along with Erani, greeting them with a quiet nod, allowing Erani to speak. Before anymore could be said, a injured wolf stumbled into view, her leg broken and wounds littering her body.

Erani jumped into action, giving orders. "This way ladies." She turned picked up an lope towards the den. They weren't far so it didn't take long to find the alcove. Slipping inside, she headed towards the herb stack. "All the herbs are found here. We've combined all of our stacks, you are welcome to anything. Soleil will be also in her, she's a small white woman, she will be helping care for the wounded." She offered a sad smile to woman before picking up valerian. She turned to and moved back out of the den, finding her way back to Erani.

She carried the valerian carefully, coming to view of the two wolves. Quickly she brought over the herb, placing it at her feet, eyes traveled over the woman. Her wounds continued to seep blood, shock was beginning to set in. She kept herself calm, placing a serene mask upon her face. "The ladies are in the alcove, heres the valerian. I'm going to check for anymore wounded down on the field." She let her words flow softly, she would not discuss it, if this wolf was so badly wounded, she could image how everyone else looked. "I'll be back soon." She placed a gentle lick on the woman's shoulder before breaking into a run and heading off to the battle field.

-exit Rayne-

"speech" thought



9 Years
10-30-2013, 01:23 PM

Alsander moved as quickly as the throbbing pain in his leg would allow. Obsidian would be guarding the healers from the shadows. But he would be needed as well, and treatment was needed for his leg and thigh. A warrior had gone ahead of him, her leg broken, but he had lingered on the edges, in case he was needed to go in again, until the pain in his wounds forced him to retreat fully.

The scents of three Tortugan females mingled among Erani and Rayne?s scents, and he passed Rayne as she headed for the Battle. He frowned after her, before limping to find Erani. ?Aunt.? He was acknowledged by a quick nod toward the den, and ducked his head before taking the ravine path into the sheltered area. Up the three natural stairs and into the cave with it?s wide open main area, and many alcoves branching off into the hill the den was set into.

His eyes found the three Tortugan healers, and albino, a massive brown one who looked to be entering the last stages of blindness, and a red female who had a slippery feel of insincerity in the way she moved. ?Ladies.? The greeting was formal, respectful, head lowering in a light bow, before he made his way to a spot out of the way of the activity, lowering his head to groom the blood from his leg. His wounds could wait until the black female had been tended.



10 Years
Athena I
10-31-2013, 10:21 PM

The ivory druid padded forward toward Aunt Erani's den. He could already smell several different scents in the den, but the one that stuck out the most was that of his brother. As he stepped into the entrance of the den, spotted the gray form of Alsander and he immediately altered his course to go to his brother. He would worry about finding his Aunt as soon as his brother had been cared for.

He breifly glanced to the three Tourtugans, dipping his head in greeting before focusing his attention on Alsander. "Brother, are you alright? How is the fighting going?" Cael was familiar with the layout of his Aunt's den already so he stepped away from his brother's side for only a moment while he listened to the gray brute's answer to get the herbs he would need to help him.

On his way back to Alsander with the small grouping of herbs in his muzzle, he happened to glance into one of the many alcoves and saw his Aunt tending on one of the wolves from the battle and his heart quickly sank. He hoped the rest of their fighters were fairing better than this one.



11-01-2013, 07:24 AM
Midnight tried to regain her feet but fell back to the snow 'come on now' she thought 'what happened to the wolf that walked cross country with an infected bear wound? You've gotten soft midnight, living with the pack has made you weak as a pup. Now up!' with a huff and a mumbled whimper she regained her feet stumbling slightly and landing against the women shoulder for a moment she stood taking a few deep breaths before straightening and getting her feet back beneath her, her breaths where a little rough but nothing too alarming. Most of her weight was balanced on her three legs but she still lent some against the dame Midnight was sure the women could bear her weight more fully, after all midnight was not a large girl, but she was determined to make way,at least for the most part, under her own steam. ?Thank you elder,? she intoned as they started the slow limp towards the woman?s den.

Midnights head had dropped again and she was counting the steps letting the women lead the way with slight adjustments to the pressure on her left shoulder, she let her mind wander and so it took her a moment to realise that the dame had asked a question, she shook her head in frustration and tried to lift it a bit higher, ?sorry, my names midnight, I come from the snow rouges and before that the old Glaciem under Gargoyle, I think,? she paused here uncertain, ?we may have met once before,? there had been a white dame she had thought came from Valhalla who had visited glaciem not long before its fall trying to teach those there about the herbs that cured but in her frazzled state midnight could not remember a name or even a face she wasn't even certain how old the dame had been, sighing in frustration she turned her head slightly, ?perhaps not, so what should I call you, I get the feeling you may be stuck with me for a while,? she tried for another smile, unfortunately it may have come out more like a grimace, still points for trying.

Reaching the smaller alcove was heaven they may not have travelled far but blood loss could be a pain and she was not as young as she had been when she had last suffered this much loss. She let herself fall onto her side leaving the wounds exposed any bruises on her other side would heal in their own time. Her eyes closed for a few moments before reopening just enough to judge who was coming into the small alcove.


11-01-2013, 02:51 PM
She followed after Viridiana, only stopping to uncover a stash of herbs that she had dried during the summer and hidden in Western lands. Dried chamomile and rosemary for topical wounds that these wolves would surely have, as well as a bit of lavender to calm those that were nervous because of the ongoing fighting. It was a mouthful to carry, and she had to keep a close eye on Viri while she went along, but she would manage. Luckily for her, her kin was easy to spot, her dazzling red fur was so pretty against any backdrop. Nearing Valhalla's borders, the healer would stop, her eyes wide just from the sounds coming from the battlefield. It was horrible - this was far worse than she had imagined.

Why had Isardis attacked this pack? She had never heard of it causing any trouble, it had allied itself with Amenti back when she was a member... yet political matters were not what she had come here to think over or discuss. She would dip her head as the red female introduced she and Zara, calmly looking over the little gathering of healers and injured. The albino watched for any sign of direction, only to focus in on a white lupine that seemed to be in charge here. Io quickly deducted that she was the lead healer in Valhalla and perhaps that sharpness wasn't squared in to medicine alone. 'Friction?' She had not heard the name in a long time, but he was family, and she was beyond curious as to whether he was here or not. The albino would nod in return to the woman's statement - unable to answer with her mouth stacked carefully full of herbs.

Another ivory fae would lead she and the other Tortugans to their dens, and she would watch as Erani started tending to a dark female that didn't really smell of a pack, but managed to be injured in this war. Gently she would place her addition to the stash of remedies that all of the healers here had, and afterward when her mouth was less full she would look to the wolves here and wait for a moment where she could be of service. "Sir." She would answer back to him, instantly smelling the blood and cueing in on his leg. "There are quite a few of us here, you do not need to wait here." He was cleaning it, she would tend to it if he let her.

Someone would pass her with herbs in his mouth though - a male with a peculiar marking on his forehead. She would follow him, standing somewhat behind him, but in the injured male's sights. Io would stay out of his way and assist if she could. If not, she was sure there would be other wolves that would find their way here.


11-01-2013, 03:23 PM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Oh, if you only knew What we've been up to I guarantee you'd keep it secret So give it to me now We're lost in a dream now Do it one more time The Vegas lights Where villains spend the weekend The deep end We're swimming with the sharks until we drown
The scarred female had just earned her rank as a healer within Tortuga. While many, that including Taurig, didn't trust her very well. Considering being the ex right hand queen of Amenti. And right before the war she came to Tortuga with her new mate Tidus who was now risking his life in the war. The shy scarred lady stood back slightly watching the others. Scars on both sides of her face and one on her left side, she still had pieces of missing fur here and there. She may have been a bit late but she was here to help and she figured it was the least she could do. Her demon Kai standing beside her, though obviously no one could hear or see the five foot tall beast. He was the only friend she had at the moment, and since she had given up on fighting, and turned towards helping others. She felt slightly infuriated at her ex packs actions. Half of her pained to see the people she thought she loved hurt. But the other half reminded her of how they treated her after she simply requested a leave because she no longer felt she belonged in amenti. What was done was done though and she bore a scar of exile.
"Should I just wait for more injured?" She whispered slightly looking up at Kai. He hissed and lowered his large head pressing against her side. "Perhaps you should wait to be addressed then? You are new at being a healer, even though you know herbs well." Ozz gave a slight nod and pulled her eyes towards the ground. She felt so uncomfortable, but she knew that those who were getting hurt needed more help. How could she have been such an idiot?

scream of synesthesia



9 Years
11-01-2013, 03:45 PM

Alsander had just finished cleaning some of the leg wound when the Albino lass who had greeted him in return approached. He gave her a smile, noting that she was quite pretty, and appeared to have a good heart. ?I?ll manage. Nothing?s broken, really, but if you?d like?? Irish accent was given in a gentle baritone while he lifted his head from his leg, an invitation for her to tend to it as she wished. Just then, Cael arrived. ?Cael, brother. You should be in Seracia, shouldn?t you? Is everyone alright?? Emerald and gold gaze stared up at his little brother, concern written in them. ?Have you seen Claire? Caerul is still out fighting I think? I would have fought on, but you know Aunt Erani?? He gave a quiet chuckle, wincing as the smile creased the scratches on his face.

?That little lass sure packed a sting.? He turned his head, checking out the gashes on his thigh. Deep, but not to the bone, but Luna?s fangs they hurt. This was, to date, the first real battle he?d ever been in. The rogues they?d fought off during their journey to Alacritis in search of their father paled in comparison. His gaze drifted back to the Albino, who had followed Cael, and looked like she wanted to help, but would follow orders instead. ?Hey Cael, can you ask our aunt if she has any warriors guarding the den?? It was imperative that he know how much protection the Healers had, and whether or not he was needed to guard them. Plus? He rather wanted to let the Albino help him. No offense to his brother, but he was intrigued. Ah, where were his manners? ?I?m Alsander, by the way. This is my younger brother Cael.? He offered the introductions at large, though directed his own to the Albino.


11-07-2013, 02:46 AM

Somehow, he had made it off the field of battle. His attempt at revenge on the white beast hadn't succeeded, but he had done as much damage as he could and he had help. It seemed he wasn't the only one who hated the so called king. His muscles burned, his wounds bleeding and his pelt stained with crimson. The final blow from the kings bitch had jarred him...and permanently scarred him. His right eye was bleeding heavily, and he feared that he might never be able to see out of it again. Labored breathing arose in his chest, yet he pressed on. He wasn't going to die here, not away from his newfound soulmate Ozz. He had no idea that she had come to Valhalla, he thought that she was still back in Tortuga. But he feared that if he tried to return to Tortuga without first seeking medical help that he would not make it. The stench of blood filled his senses, his vision blurred as his head throbbed. His paws stumbling across the ground as he occasionally fell to the ground. His slumped body would pull itself up just to press on. His determination at seeing his newfound love strong. In fact, it was the only thing that kept him going. If not for Ozz, then Tidus would have given up his life in the field of battle without a second thought. But before plunging into the war he had promised himself to return to Ozz alive. His only regret was not telling her that he was what if he died here today and never got the chance to tell her how much he loved her?

At last he would hear the dull sound of voices. Though to someone who didn't have a head injury like his it would have sounded clear. Swallowing down the taste of blood, he stumbled into the clearing and his body would fall to the ground. His legs shook, unable to support him any longer as his vision began to black out. He knew he had made it to the medics, he could barely catch the sharp scent of herbs and see their forms through his flickering field of vision. A gasp escaped parted lips as he thought for a second that he had caught a glimpse of Ozz and a rather large black figure. Was that the demon wolf that walked beside her? "O-Ozz?" He managed a barely audible whisper, and then his world would lean towards unconsciousness as he faded into darkness.

ooc// Injuries: Right eye blindness, bleeding heavily. Bruised face, bite wound to left side of abdomen, bite wound to lowerback/haunch.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


11-07-2013, 12:18 PM


Blood still flowed freely from the wound on her neck, her bruised shoulder throbbed at her sudden sprint. It took no time at all the reach the Healers den. Heavy pants gave her much needed oxygen, her body trembled with the left over adrenaline that was slowly fading from her system. Immediately her frozen gaze found a man who was severely wounded, his eye was gone. She quickly approached him, allowing her paws to make noise so as not to startle him. His heard him mumble a name, one she was no familiar with. "My name is Rayne dear, I'm a lead healer of Valhalla. Now come and we'll get you fixed up."Her words were firm yet soothing, she pressed herself against his side, urging him to his feet, leading his to a quiet alcove in the den.

She guided him, allowing him to lay down before she briefly left him to gather herbs and moss. Audits swiveled every which way, nostrils flared. The stench of blood was heavy in the air. Immediately she got to work, using moist moss to absorb some of the blood that flowed freely before she applied her herbs. Eyes scanned his body, here was covered in wounds, though the worst was his eye. "Who is Ozz dear?" She tried to keep him talking, to keep awake and from slipping into shock. She would keep him out of the hands of death, he would be patched up just fine, though she was certain that he was now blind in his eye.

The woman was aware of the presence of her mentor, no words were spoken, she had a job to do. She would tend to her own wounds later, for now she focused on the man at her feet, just as Erani focused on her own patient. The den was large but it was solely growing crowded with so many healers and patients filing in. "What's your name?" Words continued to fall from he crimson stained jaws. Her own bleeding had slowed, though blood dripped down her shoulder and leg, caking to her ivory coat.

OOC- throwing her back in after her fight


11-07-2013, 05:31 PM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Oh, if you only knew What we've been up to I guarantee you'd keep it secret So give it to me now We're lost in a dream now Do it one more time The Vegas lights Where villains spend the weekend The deep end We're swimming with the sharks until we drown

Ozz hadn't noticed Tidus at first. She was a bit scared of the others right now, but as soon as she saw Rayne lead him into a safer place, her ears perked and she padded over towards where she was. Treating Tidus, as Kai hissed beside her, stress fully Ozz let out a small gasp. Socializing wasn't her thing, but scenting the blood and the condition Tidus was in her heart suddenly filled with worry. She gave a smile towards the other healer, hearing her speak. Noticing she too was injured. "I'm Ozz, This is Tidus' he's my mate." Ozz said as she nuzzled the man. Then her eyes narrowed, she took in a deep breath and got into healer mode. "You're injured too miss, sit yourself down and I can take care of your wounds." Ozz said as she looked over Tidus. Rayne had taken care of his serious wounds, one of his eyes was missing. But thank god he was alive. Kai whispered profanities into Tidus' ears, if he could hear them they were insults to try and keep him awake. Mostly though it would only turn into shivers. The demon was a big figment of Ozz's imagination after all.
Ozz looked at the herbs supply, beginning to treat Rayne's own wounds. She seemed so confident in herself when it came to healing others. It was the one time she actually felt comfortable. "Are you from Valhalla?" Ozz asked. Kai's red eyes glinted over at Ozz, then back to Tidus as he smiled. Sticking out his forked tongue and running it down the boys cheek. Slober sticking around the snout of the demon as he let out a laugh. Ozz didn't entirely approve of his doing.

scream of synesthesia



6 Years
11-11-2013, 04:22 PM

The man gritted his teeth against the pain in his chest. He was sure it wasn?t nearly so bad as it felt but? damn. Gitan lifted his gaze to draw in the sight around him. There were a number of woman milling about tending to the wounded. He hesitated for a minute; he really wasn?t too bad all things considered. His gaze fell upon a figure he recognized as one of the men he had charged into battle with, Tidus. He was being tended to by another Tortugan, though one he did not know by name. Gitan?s eyes narrowed as he swung his gaze back around. Where was Hansel? He had watched the male take on an Amenti woman with a few others before fleeing over the border? he should have been here.
He would keep those worries to himself however, frowning as a new thought entered his mind. Symphony? He did not know of her pack?s involvement in the fighting, if they were involved at all, but she had to know that his pack was allied with Valhalla. The male wanted to visit her? why? To let her know he was alright? but there was more?

((OOC note: Three mild lacerations on ribs and moderate bruising on left side.))




10 Years
Athena I
11-12-2013, 03:12 PM

Cael was so preoccupied with his brother and the fact that one of his own family was hurt that he really hadn't noticed the albino fea speaking and when he glanced back behind him and saw her there he felt awfully rude. He set the herbs, just the typical goldenseal and marigold along with a few willow leaves for the pain, down by Alsander, realizing that she was about to take the task of healing his brother before he interrupted.

Alsander asked a string of questions and by the time Alsander got to the last question Cael got the feeling that his brother wanted some time with the fea behind him. She was pretty, so he couldn't exactly blame him. "I was about to leave for Seracia with the rest of them, but I was asked to stay behind to lead any stragglers to Seracia, but so far I haven't seen any... And Claire..." He thought hard, trying to think of the last time he had seen their dark colored sister. A sudden wave of worry washed over him. Claire! How could he have not thought of her! Where was she? She wasn't with the group that went to Seracia and apparently she wasn't out fighting. He shook his head and continued, "I haven't seen her... I hope she's okay."

He glanced over to where his aunt was at work at his last question and gave his brother a nod. "I'll go ask her." He looked back at the albino and gave her his signature kind smile, speaking in his irish accented voice, "Would you mind taking care of my brother while I go talk to Erani? I'm assuming you're a healer? Here's some herbs and if you need more the stockpile is over there." He turned his two-toned gaze back to his silver brother for a moment, a mischievous gleam in his eyes, telling Alsander silently that he saw through his question from a mile away.

Cael turned and walked over to Erani, noticing that even more wounded had shown up in the short time he had been there. He stood beside her, quietly asking, "Aunt Erani, is there anyone guarding the door? Alsander was wondering. I believe he'll take up the post when his wounds have been taken care of either way." He glanced around the den. He saw that there was quite a few wounded here already, but there were also a fair share of healers. With the two Tortugans, the tan, green-eyed woman, and of course Erani and Ryane, Cael felt like he wasn't really needed. "Erani... Do you need my help? I can guard the den with Alsander if you want... If not, I would like to go to Seracia to find Imena, if that's okay."



11-12-2013, 08:58 PM

Her heart raced, pounding into her small chest at break neck speed. She didn't know how much of this she could handle, as fragile a wolf as she was. Her thoughts were on Collision and she told herself over and over of how strong he was. Sitting a ways off from the other healers she sat blind to the wolves that came, her stomach sick.

When she finally came out of her own thoughts, and realized all the activity that buzzed around her, there were wolves everywhere. Her eyes landed on a pain stricken Torgugan who was only just arriving. Erani and Rayne were both tied up so she jumped into action. The petite white healer woman grabbed cobwebs and a couple poppy seeds just in case they were needed. Rushing toward the male she gave him a once over. Kind blue eyes did their best put the male at ease but were fighting to hide the worry she felt. "Let's have a look, shall we? I'm Soleil, and you are?" Her tone was conversational, another tool for relaxing her patient.

She looked at the side where blood matted his coat the most. It looked like a few minor wounds, nothing serious though she figured by the way he held himself that he probably had some nasty bruising going on. "This is cobweb, it will stop the bleeding. Would you like something for the pain?" Normally she wouldn't ask but they could use the spare herbs. She dabbed the cobwebs at his side delicately, working them away from her own fur and into his.



11-14-2013, 11:30 AM
Quote:It didn't take something being broken in order for it to give a lupine trouble. If that injury somehow became infected or inflammed, then the warrior would be in a lot of pain - not to mention danger of getting very sick very quickly. Still, he was holding up well, and his smile was both disarming and gave a good sense of how he was feeling. If that leg was hurt too badly that smile would have fallen into a grimace - easily. She would watch him interact with the others - her eyes following the conversation, but she had no urge to participate in a chat she had little to do with. At his mention of his opponent though, she would frown slightly, wondering how many other warriors this little lass would tear into. War was a horrible thing, and the sight of blood like this would chill her for a single moment - because if Aiden had ever been involved in something like this he wouldn't last a moment...

She would gently place her memories aside as the male introduced himself as Alsander, and although he had said Cael's name before, she would dutifully nod when introduced to his younger sibling. "It's a pleasure - I am Io." It would have been more of a pleasure had the situation not been so bleak, but there was no point in bringing pessimism to a group of injured. Cael would turn to her and ask whether she would tend to his brother, and she would nod - perplexed by both his accent and the one that his brother held. They weren't from around here, were they? Perhaps she would ask Alsander where he and his family had lived before they came to Alacritia.

Swiftly she would pad along the gray brute's side, before getting a closer look to the injury on his leg and thigh - they seemed to be the most severe wounds from his time on the battlefield, but he was scratched and bruised as well. She would gather a select few herbs and settle back beside the male, placing a few chamomile leaves around his thigh to settle the inflammation from his apparent lacerations. She would gently do the same for his leg, before giving a few licks to the scratches on his muzzle. "You and your family, where do you come from?" She would ask somewhat tentatively. The crowd and the gentle ebb and flow of their conversations were normally unnerving, but today she had a job to do and a kindhearted brute to speak to. Her nervousness could be ignored.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-14-2013, 09:51 PM

Erani made sure that the black stranger was firmly secured against her shoulder before stepping forward, nodding to the lass? thanks. Though the Elder bit made her chuckle inwardly. I am getting old, aren?t I. It was a thought tinged with a sense of sadness. Her years on this earth were nearly done. She still had some time left, though, and there was no way she would allow herself to drop dead when her pack and family were in danger. A moment later, Midnight gave her name, apologizing in such a way that Erani surmised her mind had wandered slightly. ?All Snow Rogues are welcome in Valhalla. Though we haven?t met. You may be thinking of Soleil. She went to Glaciem to help train healers back during Gargoyle?s reign. My Name is Erani, and I am one of the Lead Healers here.? Gentle, relaxed conversation to keep the injured female focused on the here and now, and out of shock.

As they passed through the ravine and through the wide area that had served as nursery and playground for her children when they were small, other fighters were arriving, a male blinded in one eye, Rayne back from the battle. Rayne, injured. A perceptible chill stilled the Healer?s eyes as she took in the state of her secondary. ?They would attack a healer?? A midnight whisper, deceivingly calm as within, her anger seared through her like a blizzard gale. Erani helped Midnight up the three natural stairs of stone that were the entrance into her actual den, a cave under the hill with a large main chamber, and many alcoves of varying sizes branching off, sometimes continuing on into the hill as more chambers and small rooms. She chose a small one a bit deeper into the hill. Midnight, so far, was the most wounded wolf that she?d seen other than the half blinded male.

Midnight flopped down, and Erani frowned slightly at the rough landing, though she?d lined as many of her cave chambers as she could with moss and leaves. That leg didn?t need so much jostling. ?I will be right back with something for the pain, and to set that leg straight. You should be safe here.? Erani dipped her head and padded back to the main chamber, Cael meeting her as she came in. ?Ah, Cael..? She paused, listening as he asked Alsander?s question and then his own. ?Obsidian and Sarak have gone to the fighting I believe, and no, Alsander may not continue fighting on that leg if they break through to this location. We?ll have this den as an added advantage. It?s a good place to ambush an enemy. And I can tell our Tortugan guests here have fighting experience.?

Erani took a glance around the main chamber, noting those there. ?I think you?ll be fine to go. I do wish Friction were still about?? She spotted Soleil applying cobweb to a Tortugan fighter. Was Taurig out there too? ?I?d suggest a little Agrimony poultice if the bleeding doesn?t stop with the cobwebs, Soleil. It?ll help keep the wounds clean as well.? For all that one would expect there to be panic, Erani was relaxed and calm, in her element; helping the injured and hurting. And she broadcast the calm emotions to the healers through stance and movements as she passed Cael and went to the pile, picking out Valerian for the pain, sticks to bind the leg, and several others for the rest of the injuries on her patient before she turned back and padded into the small chamber that housed the Snow Rogue member.

?This may hurt some, but the valerian will ease the pain. Chew it and swallow the juices.? Calm instructions given, she set about working with the wolf?s leg, aligning it and then working to bind it to the sticks. She?d often heard stories about humans being able to grasp things and manipulate those things with their paws. Right now, she would give a great deal to have that ability. But she worked with what she had, and soon, she had finished binding the leg and tending the lesser wounds. By now, Midnight would likely be fast asleep from the Valerian if she had taken it as directed.

Erani surveyed her work, then nodded in satisfaction and trotted out of the chamber and through to the main chamber. ?Once you have tended the wounded, lead or carry them to the caves deeper in the hill. They will be protected back there.. I?ve explored the full extent of these caves, and they all end in dead ends. No attacks will come from behind. As you see from Rayne?s wounds, they will attack healers, so be ready to fight should the enemy break through and come here. Alsander, you are not to fight unless there is no other alternative; I don?t want that leg injured further. Healers?? She paused to glance over the healers gathered, the frozen rage that lay under that deadly calm rising to the surface of her eyes. ?Show the enemy no mercy should they come calling to this den.?

With a soft flick of her tail, the snowy healer turned toward the front of the den, padding to wait for more wounded, or a fight to come their way.