
Need You Now


10-24-2013, 05:06 PM

So much was happening, there was almost not a moment to do what was necessary.. but when he found one he took it. Crown lifted upward, tilting perpendicular to the earth as jaws fell open to let loose a semi-urgent cry for Dragon. It was imperative that he speak to the man at once, as he assumed things would only get worse the longer he waited. With haste he would return his head to its normal inclination, resting onto his haunches and masquerading his face as placid as he could. Things needed to be done, and he was without a right hand man. Something told him Dragon could willingly - and logistically - fill the position until it was no longer necessary to do so. So then he would wait, his tail tapping the earth nervously as seconds ticked by.



10-25-2013, 08:41 PM

Dragon had been resting comfortably after a long hunt. His shoulder felt sore from the headbutt that the deer had inflicted upon him before he took its life. And now, it was being shared among the pack's members. A small smile would curve his lips as he yawned, ready to take a nap. Just as he had begun to close his eyes, he heard a call slice the silence within his den. King Maverick...Calling me? Instantly he would rise and leave his den without hesitation. If his King was calling for him then he would arrive in swiftness. Though he wondered what Maverick would want with him, the last time he had spoken to him was at their last meeting. What had he done for his king to summon him? More importantly, what for?

It was only moments before he saw the red and noble figure of his king. As he approached, Dragon would dip his head in respect as he took a seat a respectable distance away. Gentle red eyes observing his King. "You called, Sir?"



10-26-2013, 01:01 PM

After what felt like an eternity but was certainly only a few minutes, Dragon would arrive and settle himself a comfortable distance away. The King dipped his head to him, ?yes I did, ser.? He paused, wondering how best to voice his concern and his request. ?I have a favor to ask of you.? Of course there was the chance that Dragon would not want more responsibility, in which case Maverick would seek help elsewhere. ?As you may know, I have loaned three warriors to Valhalla to service them in the siege. One of these knights was our Grand Duke, Pontifex.? Perhaps it was a mistake to send off his most trusted warrior, but that was a mistake he couldn't fix now. ?I am in need of a man to fill the position, as I fear Seracia may be in jeopardy with few warriors and extra wolves to protect.? It was a very real fear, and something he hoped would be dissolved upon the promotion of Dragon - if he accepted. ?Should you accept it, I would like to give you the rank of Grand Duke for a temporary period of time. I know not how long this siege may last, or if any of our warriors will safely return to us - so I cannot give you a time period unfortunately.? A sigh left his lips as he gazed into the red eyes of Dragon. ?Seracia needs you, ser.?



10-26-2013, 11:55 PM

The patient Seracian male looked intently upon his King, ears perking when he told him that he had a favor to ask. Dragon straightened, tail curling around his paws as he waited and listened patiently. He nodded in confirmation to his knowledge about some of the warriors leaving to aid their family pack in the war against Glaciem and Amenti. He would have volunteered to go, but he didn't want to risk his life when he just barely found it with Aeil. No, he would not risk it. If Dragon could help it, he would try to keep war at bay and try to find other peaceful terms. But as it was, the current Glaciem and Amenti would never resort to such terms without something in it for them, of that he was sure. His eyes gazed upon his young king again, as the words hit Dragons ears about someone filling in for the Grand Duke, Pontifex. He knew that Seracia was in potential danger, he knew that from the start when warfare was upon the winds. Dragon had then begun to constantly patrol their borders, ensuring that they would not be at risk of ambush attacks upon their home. Dragon saw the look in his young king's gaze, knowing that the young boy was afraid for his kingdom, his pack, his family. If Dragon were in his position, he would feel the same way, and try to ensure that his family and friends were safe from harm. His surprise would seep through his pupils, however, when the King requested Dragon's help to fill the position for Grand Duke. Ears twitched slightly at the sigh released from the Seracian King, and then his final words.?Seracia needs you, ser.?

It was then that Dragon dipped his head, not having to think it over. Of course he would accept it, it was his duty after all to help his pack in any way he could. And from the moment he became a Seracian when Aeil had accepted him, he had felt an instant connection to Seracia. He had vowed then, to protect it with his life, and he would not go back on his word. "I accept this honorable position, Sire. I vowed to protect Seracia with my life upon joining, and that has never changed. I promise to do everything I can, Sir. You can count on."



10-30-2013, 06:16 PM

It was out there, and the ball was now in Dragon's court. The King had stated it as eloquently as he knew how, with as much emphasis on how much the man was needed as he could place. Now it was all up to the clergy to determine if he wanted that much responsibility or not. Surely he would think this a great honor, as there were others of higher rank than he that could have stepped up - but Maverick had chosen him. For some reason the russet king had a fondness for the man, though he did not know him well. Whatever the case was, only time would tell what the future held. Dragon's answer came, accepting the position at once - with almost no hesitation at all. A smile spread across the monarch's features, happy to have had such a positive response. ?This means more to me than you could ever know, Dragon. I know you will do well. With this comes the ability to do just about anything necessary in the upcoming days or weeks, and of course if you should need anything don't hesitate to ask.? He paused, wondering what task was most essential for the new Duke. ?Perhaps you could prepare those you come across for the incoming Valhallans? We'll need extra food and dens prepared, as well as herbs for the healers, etc. ? That seemed suitable enough, not to mention it was a monumental task.



10-31-2013, 03:57 AM

A small smile would accompany the gentle look that was landed upon the king. He hoped that with this new position, however temporary, he would be able to ease the kings troubles and lift some of the weight off his shoulders. He'd dip his head again, and then would straighten himself to sit tall like one should when in the presence of his or her Alpha. "I will do all that I can to ensure that our Valhallan cousins are well taken care of. I'll begin the preparations at once." his voice would rise out strong and gentle from his cords, conveying to the young king that he would aid in easing some of the burden upon their kingdom, and the king himself. He wondered if he should tell Maverick about his proposal to Aeil, and just at the mere thought brough Dragon feeling warm and fuzzy. Perhaps he would in a moment, first he wanted to make sure that the king new that he would do what he could to help. The male offered a reassuring smile, his gaze also allowing for the feeling to pass through. Though it wasn't much, he wanted the king to know just how much Dragon would be behind him or at his side supporting him and helping him through the difficulties that life threw at the young king. "With all due respect sir, I would like to say that it is okay now, to let some of the weight upon your shoulders, go. When I came to Seracia, I vowed to protect it and the members within. I would do anything for this pack, as I would do anything for the Alphas as well. I only wish to help in lifting some of the burdens and responsibilties that seem to press down upon your shoulders with the weight of the world. I also hope to become your friend, as what bond is stronger then that asides from the bonds with your wife and children? Alacritis is in a state of darkness as of late, and there is no telling when it will end...but trust me when I say, that I will die for my pack. It is the only place that has accepted me after my home pack was slaughtered." Towards the end, his voice would turn low for a brief moment. But he would quickly change his tone as he was now eager to lighten the mood with news of his joy.

Taking a deep breath, the man would try to shake away some of the nervousness that began to grip him, and with confidence he would confide in his king. Clearing his throat, he would tell him of his news. "King Maverick, I would like to announce to you, that I have recently chosen Aeil as my life partner. I proposed to her not too long ago, and she accepted." At this, his eyes would seem to shine with the love and adoration he felt for the she-wolf, his tail tapping lightly against the ground. "I was wondering...if perhaps there was a chance at having a wedding sometine in the future? Perhaps when things settle...I love her very much, and I want to show her that by giving her everything that she deserves."



10-31-2013, 06:00 PM

Already the King could feel the relief flooding over him. He had not thought through the idea of letting Pontifex go and fight, and when he'd found himself without the Grand Duke, he had worried probably more than he should have. But now he had Dragon - who seemed truly eager and willing to help out in any way that he could. He assured the King that he would begin preparations at once, and the King nodded in affirmation. He would of course help, but it was nice to know the responsibilities weren't entirely on him. Dragon continued with more relaxed speech, assuring the King that he did not have to bear the weight alone, and that he was truly dedicated to the position and the Kingdom. Emerald eyes danced with the threat of a tear or two, but the King held it back. Another topic was brought up, Dragon had taken Aeil as his wife! A jubilant smile would greet the monarch's features as a chuckle rolled forth from slightly parted jaws. Dragon requested a wedding be had, and the King could not help but agree. ?Certainly, certainly! Of course we will wait for the siege to die down and our warriors to return, but I assure you Aeil will receive what she deserves. She's a fine woman, Dragon - you two will be a marvelous pair.? He saw something of the same joy in Dragon's eyes as he did in his own when he thought of Epiphron, and that encouraged the King beyond words. Despite all of this war and destruction, there was hope and joy in Seracia's future.



11-02-2013, 04:35 PM

Red eyes would observe the king, holding their usual kind gentleness that he always sought to place upon whomever was before him. He watched for the king's reaction, and though he saw the beginnings of what he saw as relief among other things, he did not comment or press the young king to tell him. His tail wagged more as his king approved for the wedding, and he was all the more excited. His eyes danced with happiness at the thought of giving Aeil a wedding, after all, he wanted to give her the best that she deserved. He dipped his head to Maveric in thanks, and as the seige was mentioned he would calm himself to voice another thought that had formed. "I have a concern about the war upon us...I believe that it is possible that Glaciem and Amenti may try to use the war as a distraction. I fear that they may try to set up ambushes upon our pack since we are solely focused upon the thoughts of war. Would it not be logical to use that as a distraction in order to catch us off guard? Perhaps it would be wise for our Seracian family as well as the Valhallans, old and young alike to stay within our borders, or if they choose to go beyond then they must travel in groups of two or three, at least until the war is over or we hear news of Glaciem and Amenti retreating. I fear that our wolves will be picked off should they leave the borders at all...I've grown close to many of the wolves within the pack, and I wouldn't want them losing their lives in such a dishonorable way." With his concern brought up, he would leave it to Maverick to decide what the final decision was. He was certain that his king would opt for safety rather then a blind eye. But Dragon had thought about this for some time, as not even he wanted Aeil to go out on her lonesome...not without him at least. And he was sure that his king would probably have similar thoughts should his wife venture out and become slaughtered for no reason. A shudder racked his body, pushing the images of any of them getting killed at the paws of the enemy...especially in that way.



11-04-2013, 09:07 PM

Though he was now considerably more relaxed with Dragon at the helm of the pack alongside he and Epiphron - there was no hiding the anxiousness in his bones - the worry in his features. A sigh slipped from his muzzle as Dragon spoke up, claiming he was worried about the upcoming war. Who wasn't? The Duke went on, giving a more specific worry and explaining how it could be remedied. He would suggest that everyone stay within the borders unless accompanied by a small group. It sounded logical enough - so much so that the King wondered why he hadn't thought of it. It had never occurred to him to set limits upon his own members for their safety - but apparently the Duke had ideas up his sleeve. With a slight pause he would nod his head in agreement. ?A fine idea, Ser. I will notify anyone I come across of the new regulations, if you could do the same I'm sure we'll reach them all in a short time period.? He then - for some unknown reason perhaps triggered by the stressful events of late - thought of someone he hadn't thought about in some time: the child that Loccian had adopted. He couldn't recall her name, but she had been injured on the outskirts of Seracia, just past the borders. ?Perhaps we ought to warn mothers to watch their children more closely in times such as these - we've lost children before when there was no war raging the lands.? Another child lost would not be good, especially since he had children roaming about.
