
Slipping to the Dark Side


10-14-2014, 01:00 PM

Everything had changed, and now here he was was, alone on some large mountain. Hercules's firey gaze glared down at the land below, focused in the direction his home had been before some wench had come and ripped it from his parents grasp. He scoffed. 'Pathetic.' He grumbled to himself yet the word was mentally spoken. Some woman had come to claim a place that belong to a family, rather than starting one up on her own. Katja was the name, and so it would remain in his mind, burned into his skull. At some point, once he was grown and strong the boy would go back to the plains and reclaim what had belonged to the Olympians. He would make the woman beg, kiss his paws for mercy. Yes...

With a deep breath the russet and black marked boy would stand, eyes narrowing one last time before he turned away. Large paws carried him perpendicular to the slanting mountain, tail lashing behind his growing muscular frame, head held high and lips pursed. He would pretty much be on his own now, having moved here with his family but not hearing or seeing anything of them for what felt like weeks now. So he would be on his own now, travel and observe others, learn what he sought then go for the goal he had set for himself.


Awesome table by Millie <3