
War has come knocking at our door


10-22-2013, 04:06 PM
OOC- Hope no one minds this, just having her follow Taurs orders :)

Dark sides heaved, sucking in air to her protesting lunges. She had left her King at the border, following the orders given to her. As she reached the heart of the territory crown tossed back and howl flowed freely, demanding everyones attention. Never before had she been given such a task, she refuse to fail. She was requesting the press of first Seraphim and Newt along with the pack.

The woman paced within the small clearing awaiting the arrival of the pack. She hoped the Betas would arrive quickly. Adrenaline still pumped through her veins, heart pounding against her chest. Worry clenched her jaws, she prayed that everyone would return home after this war, that no one would be left behind and no one would lose their life.

As she paced her demons began to crawl back to the surface as the fear of more loss. Since joining the demons had stayed away, leaving her in peace but now that she was faced with more turmoil they began to claw at her mind in an attempt to escape. Paws continued to kiss the earth as she waited, her anxiety growing by the moment.



10-22-2013, 07:15 PM

ooc;; Taking a few minutes from my mountain of homework at Wolf's request, as Seraphim will be leading the pack at home during the war. I will be absent again after this post, and will note this on my absence.


Word traveled quickly in Tortuga. He had heard the whispers shortly before the call reached his ears and was already making his way up the mountainside to greet the young lady who had loosed it, along with the rest of the pack. He had considered the possibility of war for some time, ever since he heard that one was brewing between the young Re's father and Valhalla, a pack Taurig had recently secured an alliance with. It was not surprising in the least that he would move with his allies against his father after the maiming that had taken place at his claiming of Tortuga.

Seraphim found the girl pacing in the clearing, obviously distraught. Maia, he greeted quickly, moving swiftly to stand before her. Thank you for calling. I appreciate your help in gathering the pack here. He lowered himself onto his haunches, wrapping his tail around his legs. He took a moment to consider who would head to the front to assist Valhalla and prayed that none of his children were involved in this war, especially Devya and Ares. Hopefully Devya would come up the path he just had with news of her safety and the safety of his son.

Don't expect Newt along, she's been preoccupied as of late, he noted to the young girl beside him. He had heard news of her death match and was unsure of its status, but doubted that she would be making the climb any time soon. He focused his narrow verdant gaze on the path before him and awaited the arrival of the rest of the pack to share the news.

talk, think



10-22-2013, 08:11 PM

Whispers of war had spread through the pack, it had kept her home since her fight with Artemis. She had no seen her father since the attack and for his own safety. The babe pushed herself to her saws, wincing as pain shot across her fractured ribs that were still healing, along with the other milder wounds she had received. Trying to move quickly the girl would answer the call that had breached the solitude of her den. Pain stabbed her with every step, unforgiving each time.

She climbed the mountain, slowly her pace to ease the pain in her side. The call had come from a woman she didn't know which made her curious. Upon her arrival there was the familiar form of her father, relief flooded her knowing he had no gone off to war. But beside paced a sable woman she had not met. And there was no sign of her mentor, Taurig. "Father!" She rushed towards, wincing slightly as she pushed her muzzle into his neck affectionately.

In that moment a picture of Ares flooded her, crashing down on her. Where was he? She could only hope that he was not involved in the war or injured somewhere. Panic began to swell in her chest, making her heart pound. "What's going on?" Fear made her words squeak, wide eyes looked up at her father, begging for answers.




10-23-2013, 01:07 AM

The war and what it was doing to Tortuga kept Dragomir from haunting Maija's thoughts. She was so wrapped up in beginning to worry about the pack -- hard to believe, even to herself -- and what would become of the place. Tortuga had begun to come her home, even before Taurig had come to claim it. A part of her would always remain there, even if she was driven away from the land. That was also a possibility, and so with the slightest twinge of regret, Maija left her den and answered the howl.
The call was from Maia, a young female who was going by Taurig's orders to get the remaining pack members to safety. Each step felt like a heavy weight, but she carried on and finally made it to the small group already building up. Icy gaze looked around, not displaying any signs of doubt and stress with the Re currently absent. She couldn't help but wonder how Taurig was doing...if he was going to come back at all... Her heart began to slightly hammer from the thought and she shook her head. No, she musn't think like that.
Maija played off like she had something in her head fur, and slowly moved her gaze out to the outline of trees that were at the borders. Somewhere, out there, was a world fighting...and she didn't like it. A low snarl escaped her lips as they curled back, thoughts of what bloodshed looked like bubbling up into her mind. "War is a horrible thing," was all she said, Romanian accent curling around her words. It was the first time she had spoken to anyone aside from Vi and Taurig, but at that moment, she didn't mind being honest about her opinion.

speech here


10-27-2013, 05:42 PM

The call jerked the young girl into startled awakening, wintery blue eyes widening with fear as she cast about for danger. Swallowing, she rose to her paws as quickly as she could and exited her den. She looked about the clearing, and the scent of fear and distress was strong, instantly making her feel terrified. She knew the war was in progress, after all her Alpha and the boy Tidus who had brought her here had gone off with a few others. Lily had been afraid to go, afraid to see the chaos and the turmoil that ensued with bloodshed and death. Though she was a healer in her own rights, she was still unused to such horrors that she had seen among others in her travels, and preferred to avoid such evils of the world. But as it was, she had the urge to help those she came across, even if she couldn't help herself.

With a racing heart, she moved to find the small group of gathered wolves, her fear obvious in her eyes and in the way she slunk towards the back of the group with a tucked tail. Her ears splayed back as she was unsure about what was going on, and the group though she had seen them in the last meeting, she did not know who they were and remained silent. Waiting for someone to speak.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"


10-27-2013, 05:55 PM

Maia. Her name caught her attention, bring to sights to rest on the wintery beta, Seraphim. He had wasted no time in answering her call. A small was offered as he thanked her for gathering the pack. "Thank you for coming so quickly, Taurig simply asked to gather the pack and keep them all safe but he said nothing more." The dame offered a brief explaination, assuming he had been given further orders on what needed to be done from this point on. Haunches slide down to the earth as she placed herself a few feet from the brute, emerald gaze watching and waiting.

The rest of the pack began to trickle in, some more slowly than others, much to her surprise. It was war, there was no time to dawdle. A young she-wolf rushed to the greet the man beside her, obviously holding some relation to him. Two more females arrived, including the one she had seen gathered at the border before coming here. She didn't know either of their names.

Was this the entire pack? There seemed so few, and now warriors had gone off to war. Worry continued to course though her vein. "Is this everyone?" She cast a glance at Seraphim before turning to look at the three women that stood before them, the final one to enter clearly frightful. She had not met everyone in the pack, but with the pack meetings, there seemed that there should be more?

ooc- not sure where to take this since Raii is absent



10-27-2013, 06:57 PM

A call, it sung to her very call, the sound of it was oh so foreboding. Dark ears pulled upright at the sound, she wondered where her children had run off to but the call was not to be ignored. Something was urgent in that call. She began to move swiftly towards the source of the call. Her violet gaze landing on several wolves around her and she tilted her head to the side with confusion as she spotted seraphim. She caught sound of his words and allowed a soft snort to escape her nose as she gently moved beside him.

?Now now, I know tracking the borders is tedious work but I would not ignore a call that sounded so unsure. What is happening that has the wolves so itchy?? she questioned, her gaze shifting towards the black woman who had called to her, them, she was unsure what was going on. She had indeed been dealing with pressing issues but she could deal with Zara and her turmoil another day. What ever was wrong, after this meeting, she would be finding her children and ensuring they were home safe and sound.

Her gaze shifted towards Devya, her cries seemly confused. She was curious as to what was going on. What was making everyone so on edge. Not that she disliked the idea of everyone enjoying a good fight or two but all the tension was more then just that. She smiled gently at the youth then found her eyes to meet Maija. Her tail flicked behind her as she studied the woman and her words brought her ears forward. ?War?? she felt her teeth clamp with the words. Who was at war? Her tail had begun to dance back and forth behind her showing her agitation. Had someone threatened Tortuga? She wouldn?t allow it. Not now, not while they were making so much progress with rebuilding the pack back to its potential.

ooc: sorry this is before Newts DM, Liquid time.


10-27-2013, 07:23 PM

ooc;; 1) Raii ended up getting ahead and was able to end absence early. 2) Sorry Dark, Wolf said that you couldn't post because of the DM. I think that since it's a DM and the war leaves a lot kind of up in the air, it would be good to double check with staff just in case if you haven't already! :)

First to arrive was Seraphim's own daughter Devya. He returned her affection gently, noting her wince and making a mental note to question it later on. All will be clear in a short time, Devya. Have you seen Ares recently? He had not seen his son, keeping true to Morphine's wishes for the time being. He hoped that his daughter knew of his whereabouts and that he was not involved in the war.

Slowly but surely few others trickled in. Seraphim raised a brow at the arrival of Newt, surprised at her presence. He had been informed that she was busy elsewhere, but perhaps that information was mistaken. With a quick glance, he noticed that the number of wolves here was far lower than he had hoped or expected. He was uncertain how many had gone to fight and how many were in the area, but he could not delay any longer. With a clear of his throat he sought to grab the attention of the women gathered around him.

As some of you may know, our Re has agreed to aid Valhalla in the war against Glaciem. He and a handful of our pack mates are currently on their way to the battlefield. For the time being, Newt and I will be leading Tortuga in his stead. He paused, opening the floor for the others to speak, before adding his last bit.

If you encounter others in the area, be sure to inform them of what is happening. For now, I would advise that you all account for your loved ones and make sure that those of us who have remained behind are safe.

talk, think



10-27-2013, 08:05 PM

A call for the members of his new pack, and Byakuro found himself late in answering. He was nowhere near the packs main area, and so with haste he would cross the territory. It seemed as if long minutes passed as black stockings finally brought him in time to hear Seraphim's words. His ears perked, catching the words of the senior wolf and his blue eyes looked thoughtful as the gathered wolves pulled their attention to their betas, and Newt on scene not knowing what was going on. Byakuro saw that as a problem, after all, was it not imperative that everyone in the pack including the higher ups be up to date with all that went on? He watched in silence, keeping words to himself for the time being until someone else spoke up, and then perhaps he would voice his own things.



10-27-2013, 10:56 PM

The self proclaimed captain would saunter steadily across the land to the call. He had been busy watching the borders, ensuring that no ice wolves would make an attempt at ambushing his home. But the call had steered him away from his task and he would quickly make his way. Mismatched chocolate form would arrive on scene opposite of the boy Byakuro, and stood amidst the small gathered group. Black ears and rugged features listened and looked on intently, the words of the older male. He flicked his tail at the end of his words, Jack releasing a sigh. He of course, had no family to care for. And though he always saw himself as a solo flier, often there were times where he wanted a mate and kids. He figured that would change his perspective on life and his reason for being. However, Tortuga was his primary home now. His second, a self claimed island not far from the Eastern coast. Swiping his tongue over his lips, he would speak up something that was not addressed. After all, to him it was a concern...was his thought not upon his mind? "Aye, I've somethin' to get out there. What are we to do should an ice wolf or other wolf from the enemy packs step onto our lands? Be they seeking to ambush, talk, or seek refuge?"

Talk like this


10-28-2013, 02:40 PM

Her father greeted her, telling her absolutely nothing. A frown tugged at her lips. As she seated herself, she could only hope that her father hadnot noticed any of her injuries. Wolves trickled in but the numbers were startling small. Surely the pack wasn't this small, there always seemed to be more at the meetings. Newt arrivedv seeming shocked by the news of war. A brow lifted in surprise. How did she not know?

Her father had asked about Ares, she shook her head in response. She hadnt seen him since he had helped her get back to Tortuga. She hoped he was alright. As soon as this meeting ended she would set out to find him, to make sure that he was alright. The words of others began to catch her attention. Some where worried about an ambush, a shot of fear passed through her. They wouldn't survive an ambush with no warriors. Two toned eyes turned to her father, desperate for answers and security.



10-28-2013, 02:45 PM
Nausica Saxe

Her mothers had once again disappeared, leaving her and her siblings to fend for themselves, but even her siblings weren't to be found. The dark girl pressed forward, following the sound of the call. It demanded her attention, someone was in distress. A wicked smile curled back her ebony lips. Someone for her to torment. She was still no more than a pup but she already had a mean streak.

As she entered the scene, it was apparent that she was late. A bored look cross of her face. War. The word caught her attention. She walked forward to stand beside her mother, brushing against her side. So there was a pack at war. She looked at the wolves around her, fear drenched the air, feeding into her desire for blood or torment. Where was her brother? She was desperate for his presence.


10-29-2013, 09:11 AM

Once again Poppy was late.

Blood would faintly stain her outer muzzle from her carcass only a few moments ago. The murmers of the tortugan members would leave Poppy the trail to follow. What was happening? As usual she would remain silent in her approach, not wanting to disturb whatever the discussion was about. Poppy was a fast learner, and she would catch the sound of war in the topic. It wasn't a very pleasant things, wolves always come back injured or missing a vital body part. The healers would begin the duties, it was a wonder how they didn't react at the horrific sight of the wounds. The pictures can remain in someone's head for many years. Looking upon the members present her eyes would latch upon newt and her Pup along side her. A faint smile would press upon the ebony lips at the sight. Finally the youth would come to a sit, not particularly close to anyone- preferring the company of silence.