
The Bugles of War Are to Be Heard!!!


10-21-2013, 05:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 06:17 PM by Thane.)
The man would heed his Alpha's words, jumping onto the task at paw. He had started his way towards the said destination with a quick pace. A screech of an eagle was heard above as Cyril flew above him, casting a shadow onto the ground nearby. Thane ran as fast as his gray paws could carry him. With his leg healed now he was glad he was able to run at all now. Each paw-step closer towards Tortuga was an advancement, he had to get there fast. War was here, they had come. It was now after the brief meeting with his alpha and the others, then seeing the war start to form did he go to inform Tortuga of the circumstances, as he was told to do so.

"Master Thane, I see the grounds ahead, we're almost there!" the golden eagle would yell down as they continued on their way.

"Alright,good news, but we still better hurry."


The brute would continue as his paws pushed up the dirt from each push off of the ground. Jumping over a fallen tree log the male would land briefly before having the scents of the Tortugan border reach his nose. Skidding to a halt by the borderline the man caught his breath. Despite him being almost five come Winter, Thane thought he would love to see another about his age race from Valhalla, to Tortuga, and back!

Lifting his muzzle to the sky,parting his lips into an O, the man would let loose a howl, one that showed the eagerness for an answer.He almost felt like this was almost better than fighting in the actual war for now. The man knew it took a lot to have him lose his temper, and that he was good at solving problems, that's why he was an adviser.

White lined ears would be perked up, awaiting an answer or for a voice to be heard. Whomever resided here and had some sort of authority, they had to come quickly. He would stand there, aqua blue eyes surveying the area looking for any sort of movement. The golden eagle that glided above would descend and perch lightly on the man's shoulder. The eagle's golden eyes would look to and fro as it as well searched and listened for any sort of movement.

"should I fly home Master Thane? Now that you're here, you know, to check on your family?"

With a shake of his head the brute would reply.

"No, they are fine, they will be alright. You and I both need not worry so much Cy." he said before remaining silent once more...holding his tongue for the words that he needed to speak to someone that would hopefully come in an answer to his call...



6 Years
10-21-2013, 08:35 PM

The man seemed to be making a habit of answering calls at the border. Not that he though himself high enough to deserve to answer them but his natural curiosity was getting the better of him. This time had had been close to begin with, hunting, as was his duty. Earthen audits perked at the sound of the call, his head lifting and limbs unfolding as he lifted himself from his crouched position. He stood for a moment unsure, but dammit if he wasn?t curious. With a chuckle he wheeled around and padded towards the sound, hesitating as he drew closer.
That was the scent of another pack. Strange that they?d be out here. He drew up before the other man, narrowing his eyes some though not in a threatening way. He settled upon his haunches, unsure what to say. Before finally managing a cautious greeting. ?Hello.? He said, somewhat quizzically. Maybe he should have left it well enough alone but he was here now.




5 Years
Extra large
10-21-2013, 08:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 10:17 PM by Taurig.)

Tortuga was safe. His pack was safe. Glaciem wasn't coming to attack them; not yet at least. But as for Valhalla and Seracia, that was another story. He knew Seracia wasn't directly involved in the war, but given that they were allies with Valhalla, it was more than likely that they would send some reinforcements along to aid the Valhallans and rightly so. They would need all the help they could get. Taurig would've been at the scene to fight alongside Chrysanthe with a few warriors, but he didn't want to put his growing pack in jeopardy. He was just getting to a good spot with his pack and he didn't want to ruin it by involving them in a war that he had nothing to do with. Plus, he didn't know what his warriors were capable of. He didn't want to send them into a war where they could possibly not come out alive from.

But just because he wasn't a part of the war didn't mean that he could sleep with ease, or walk in comfort for that matter. The cobalt King sat atop his perch, dark brows furrowed deeply over icy eyes as he gazed in the direction of Valhalla. What was going on with them? Had the war started already? Had Glaciem annihilated them? Question after question would file through the King's head as he observed his surroundings. He had promised to Valhalla that he would be there to support them in the war with his warriors; part him hoped that they wouldn't call for him and his people, but he knew they would. There was no way that they wouldn't call for any available bodies. He just hadn't expected it so soon.

An unfamiliar call rung out across from his borders, catching the King's attention. Someone was at his borders and it sounded important. Taurig was quick to descend from his perch, ebony limbs pulling the titan towards the source of his call. Gitan, one of his hunters, was already present to greet the dark man who was accompanied by a bird. The man smelled of Valhalla and the King's stomach knotted; the war. What news do you bring messenger? He would give a brief nod to Gitan before turning his attention back to the man, needing to know what was going on with Valhalla.

Talk like this


10-21-2013, 09:00 PM

A howl rumbled in the air and Hansel was quick to answer. He had been on edge with anger and frustration for weeks now, ever since the encounter with his imprisoned sister. Steeled muscles carried him across the grounds to see who called at their borders, and though he was in no position of authority he still had a duty to see who it was. Hansel's ears pricked forward, his steel gaze unwavering as he saw a grey man waiting at Tortugan gates, and in attendance was Taurig and Gitan. Hansel would approach, nodding to Gitan and Thane as he stopped just beside Taurig. There seemed to be an air of urgency around the stranger, and the scent of Valhalla would reach his nose. He swallowed, and he hoped that it wasn't bad news that this man carried...He waited silently then, hoping and praying that it wasn't what he had been dreading for so long now.



10-21-2013, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 09:28 PM by Thane.)

[Image: 2tHh5hD.jpg]

As he would wait the man would not be alone for long. Soon enough a brute appeared, offering a simple hello. Aqua blue eyes then averted to another figure that had appeared before Thane could reply. This man he assumed was the King here. Thane could only imply that he was as so due to the question he had asked of what news he brought along with the way he seemed to carry himself. Out of the corner of his eye another wolf appeared, no words fell from the other male's lips. Giving a small respectful nod towards the man who he assumed to be the King. Thane would then part his lips to speak of the urgent news.

"My name is Thane Tsarev, I come bearing news of war."

"As you have probably guessed, war is here, they have come. Glaciem has come to our borders, the war is waging on as we speak. Glaciem has attacked is along with their allies of Amenti. We Valhalla have acquired some warriors from Seracia as well who have come to fight alongside us. Alpha Syrinx has sent me in matters that have previously been discussed for your aid in this battle. "

" if you are to agree to this request then I am to take those chosen to aid is to Valhalla to merge with the others in the war. Cyril can fly ahead as he can inform us of what is ahead that we may not be able to see. Your help will be highly appreciated Sir, I am certain of that."

The golden eagle on the man's shoulder would shift his weight, growing uneasy of the time that they were spending here while others fought at home. Thane knew all too well of what his companion was feeling. He himself yearned to hurry home; but matters such as these were vital to the war, it would help everyone because one more wolf always made a difference.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



6 Years
10-21-2013, 09:36 PM

Gitan would give a polite nod to the king as he passed, keeping an ear out for the answer to Taurig?s question. Forest gaze flicking to Hansel as he entered, giving a nod of greeting but remaining where he was. The Valhallan would speak then, bringing tidings of war. Gitan perked up, staring wide eyed at the man as he listened. Gitan knew little of any of the packs involved but it sounded like his pack would need to send help. His gaze flicked towards the bird as the newcomer mentioned his name. With a sigh Gitan would rise to his paws and step towards the king.
?Taurig I request that you allow me to go and aid them.? He wasn?t a warrior, a hunter but he wouldn?t stand by if his pack needed his services.



10-21-2013, 10:06 PM

It was just as he feared. The war had begun, and with it the fear of losing his sister. His heart raced and it felt as if the ground beneath him lurched away from his feet. It was obvious now, as the panic set into his newfound steel gaze. It had felt like something knocked the air out of him, the news of Amenti in the war meant one thing to him; Gretel would be forced to fight for the pack that she despised. His eyes stung as he tried to force away the tears that accompanied his dark thoughts. Immediately, he would turn to Taurig then as his voice came out sharp. Though he hadn't meant to, he just didn't want his sister to get hurt or killed in a war that she was forced to participate in against her will. "Taurig! If Amenti is there then my sister Gretel will be there as well, forced to fight in a war that she wants no part of! She's a slave, Taurig. Please, let me go to this war...I have to make sure she remains unharmed. I fear she won't be able to fight like she used to, not with the injuries that the masked bitch inflicted on her! I saw her in Amenti shortly before coming to Tortuga...please, I beg you don't let her come to any harm from our own..." His voice would begin to shake, and his gaze wavered though he tried to keep it strong. His sister...oh his poor dear sister. He would trade places with her in an instant if he could, or try and take her back from Amenti. But as it was, he was not yet of high enough rank to do such a thing. A thoguht occured to him then, and he wondered if his Alpha or another of high enough rank would be willing. "Taurig sir, I have a request. Could you or one of our betas possibly challenge for her? Please, she's all I have. I would trade my life for hers without question, if I must then I will do that. She doesn't deserve to endure the life she's in, and I can't stand to see her like that...please Taurig, she's my only family. We only have each other...please, I'm begging.."



10-21-2013, 10:19 PM

Mismatched black paws had brought him onto the scene just in time to hear Thane's news. So the war was here? Tidus stopped behind Taurig and the others, oceanic gaze flicking to each one until his attention had turned to first Gitan and then Hansel. His heart went out to Hansel, and he understoof how the man felt. Tidus would have done the same for his own, but all he had now were his Tortugan family...and Ozz. And he would do exactly what Hansel would in this situation as well. It would be worth it after all, to ensure the safety of the ones you love and care for. With a slow nod, he turned his gaze to Taurig. "Taurig, allow me to attend this battle as well. We'll need all the strength we can get, and I won't forgive myself if I stand here idly if one of our own gets killed." He voiced with determination. He was intent on going, after all, he knew some of the wolves out there. He couldn't stand by and wait to hear news if they died..



10-21-2013, 11:26 PM

It wasn't often that she was late for a meeting, especially when the howl was so urgent. But today the red woman was across the territory, on the back end of a loop of her patrol. But as soon as she heard the howl the woman's neck would turn so quickly her neck crack. What was this? She had heard of the impending war, had spoken to both Friction and Kylar about it. Was it here? Long legs set her off at a quick lope and then into a sprint, weaving in and out of the trees expertly before coming to an abrupt halt a short distance off from the small gathering. Words ebbed and flowed around her and immediately her heart dropped. Vixe store with Glaciem but her siblings stood with Valhalla. Damn she should stand for Valhalla... Lips curled back into a vicious snarl, ears folded back as a mental war raged within her skull. What could she do? "Lord Taurig, I would like to request that I go with Valhalla and act as a medic, I can treat wounds and I have a stock like of herbs in my den. Zara and Io may want to come as well... Just as medics, I'll keep them safe." Her voice was hard, a low growl rumbling up her throat. Zara and Io could do what they wanted, Zara had experience as a warrior just as Vi was if not better so she could care for herself but maybe it would be best if Io stayed behind. She was young and could do more here but Vi wouldn't stop her if she wanted to come along.

Talk like this



10-22-2013, 12:59 AM

Maija had been out patrolling the borders, leaving her scent around any nearby trees, when she heard the unfamiliar howl. Her head turned in its direction, ears perked and curiosity steadily rising. She didn't waste time in leaving the spot she currently occupied, so she wrapped herself twice around the nearest tree before heading out. All the while as she was steadily jogging and retracing her steps, Maija's curiosity was still growing.
In a matter of three minutes, Maija arrived on the scene. An unfamiliar wolf with a bird companion was speaking to a group of her pack members. Three males she recognized as Gitan, Tidus, and Hansel were there, as well as Viridiana and...her breath caught in her chest...her cobalt King. Slowly, she approached, paws remaining quiet on the familiar ground with each step. Her leaf green eyes searched each face for only a minute until she sat beside Viridiana, words not said.
The talk of war made her stomach uneasy. Her abdomen muscles clenched as she thought of what the possibilities would be for Tortuga. She secretly hoped that Taurig wouldn't leave them...leave join the fight that this wolf had come to mention. Her eyes temporarily glared at Thane, but left his face to rest on Taurig. With intensely perked ears and an icy look, she wondered what he would end up saying.

speech here


10-22-2013, 10:33 AM
Quote:She would peek out from the back of the crowd, watching as the brute explained why he had come. Apparently he was from Valhalla, and they were involved in a war. War... the word was heavy and intimidating, and everything that came with it frightened the female. Why did they have to get involved in war? Yet what was an alliance for? Besides that, it seemed that the man that scarred Taurig was the one that had called war on one of the packs they were allied with. A troublemaker he seemed to be, and she had almost allowed him to creep alongside her that chilly spring night. She would remain quiet, not offering herself up, but willing to go should Taurig need her to do so. It was Viridiana's words that would pull her eyes toward her, and she would step quietly toward her kin, making the decision to support her was even easier than supporting Tortuga. Although she did not like violence, feared bloodshed, she would heal alongside her sisters with as much pride as she could muster.


10-22-2013, 11:35 AM

War was on the horizon. Tension blanketed the entire earth, just waiting for something to snap. Triangular ears swiveled on top of an ebony crown. Someone stood at the borders with an important message. Paws carried her swiftly, legs propelled her forward. Nostrils flared, taking in the scents as she approached. Others had already gathered, including her King. Slowing to a brisk walk the dame approached the ground, her attention grabbed by the requests to leave for war. So it had finally come. War was knocking at the door of their allies.

Emerald gaze lifted to Taurig, muscles tensed instinctively, waiting his verdict. Would they fight? Or would they let their allies fall? Immediately her brothers came to mind. She could only hope that they weren't caught up in the mess, especially Rune. The dark woman ignored the presence of her aunt as she requested to take healers to aid Valhalla. The two still did not care for each other.

"Anything you need, I will do it". Firm words drifted from her kissers. If she needed to go to war then she would go and fight, if she was needed here then she would stay and perform the duties given to her. This place was once more her home, and now that she was old enough, she would defend it to her last breath.




5 Years
Extra large
10-22-2013, 02:17 PM

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As he waited for the man to speak, another of his pack mates, one of the newer ones, Hansel if he wasn't mistaken, materialized beside him, intent on hearing what was going on with their allies. A nod of greeting would be given to the man before his attention was pulled back to the messenger as he spoke. My name is Thane Tsarev, I come bearing news of war. As you have probably guessed, war is here, they have come. Glaciem has come to our borders, the war is waging on as we speak. Glaciem has attacked is along with their allies of Amenti. We Valhalla have acquired some warriors from Seracia as well who have come to fight alongside us. Alpha Syrinx has sent me in matters that have previously been discussed for your aid in this battle. If you are to agree to this request then I am to take those chosen to aid is to Valhalla to merge with the others in the war. Cyril can fly ahead as he can inform us of what is ahead that we may not be able to see. Your help will be highly appreciated Sir, I am certain of that.

Isardis. The albino bastard was trying to take Valhalla. Would he ever stop being a nuisance to the world? Dark features pulled together in deep thought, frame tensing. Syrinx was calling on him to aid them in battle and Taurig had given his word that they would. He couldn't go back on his word. As he mulled over Thane's words, Hansel would speak up, pleading with the cobalt King that they needed to rescue his sister because she had been enslaved by the Amentis. Massive skull would raise, conflicted diamonds fixating on the man's figure. His sister...He wanted to rescue his sister and he wanted either him or one of his betas to challenge for the girl. But Taurig couldn't do that...He could, but it wouldn't be the wisest option. There had to be another way. At the same time Gitan and Tidus, another member, stepped up, offering their services for the battle. Taurig allowed his gaze to touch each man individually, features drawn. Vi's familiar figure would suddenly appear at the little gathering as she would offer the services of herself along with her king Zara and Io. He really hoped that they wouldn't need medics, but it was better to be safe than sorry. Sir Thane, take Gitan, Tidus and Hansel with you. They will be my warriors to accompany. Viridiana, Io and Zara will also to attend as medics. Go now. I will not be far behind.

He would motion for the three men to take their leave alongside the Valhallan messenger, in the same motion giving Vi the all clear to head out as well once she fetched her kin. As he turned back, the forms of Maija and Maia would come into his sight, twisting his already knotted stomach even more, dropping his heart to his paws. Maija...Would he live through this to see her again? Anything you need, I will do it. Maia wasn't of use in the battlefield, but she could be good use here. Find Seraphim and Newt. Gather up the pack and take them into the heart of the territory. Stay safe. Go. He would nudge the young girl and wait until she had departed before turning his attention to Maija. What did she think of all of this? Ears would flatten against his skull as he took a step to close the gap between them, ice meeting emerald. Stay safe...Please. Help gather the pack and keep them together. If Glaciem comes for us, you run and you run far. Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself. Get yourself somewhere safe. I will find you when all of this is over. His words would be a low rumble, muzzle pulling close towards her, as if to bestow a token of affection. And he did. A gentle kiss to the tip of her nose before the Cobalt King turned and left, marching behind his warriors; marching into battle.

[b] Talk like this


10-22-2013, 03:58 PM

She was addressed immediately. She would not be sent off to war, part of her was relieved, she would live to see another day. The dame listened carefully to the words spoken to her, find Seraphim and Newt and gather the pack. "As you wish." She would offer the King a brief nuzzle bidding him good luck before she turned from his nudge and bolted from the meeting. Limbs stretched long, strides wide and powerful as she moved toward the heart of Tortuga.

-exit Maia-



10-22-2013, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-22-2013, 04:28 PM by Thane.)

[Image: 2tHh5hD.jpg]

A handful of wolves would show up, offering their services, one even pleading to go. This was good, more bodies were needed to aid the others back at home in the borders that had become a battlefield. White lined ears would perk up as the Tortugan King would speak.

Thane would note those that would be going to the battle with him; having the king follow up behind close by. With a nod he would answer or reply.

"Yes Sir." he would say before nodding towards the other wolves who would come;signaling that it was time to go.

They would travel as quick as they could, time was vital to the difference between life and death for some. The golden eagle on the man's back would give his master a small nod before spreading his wings and taking off. He would escalate into the sky, keeping an eye below and ahead.

"We will travel quickly as Cyril will keep us updated if need be. When we arrive and merge into the war...may fate be ever in your favor..."he would say before quieting down and keeping his aqua blue gaze set ahead for home.

Worry would still be set deeply in the brute's heart. He would worry for those that he had seen on the battlefield when he had left to go here. Hopefully when he returned with the extra warriors everything wouldn't have went too much downhill since then.Running a few thoughts over in his mind did he himself wonder about his own family. surely they would be smart enough to stay away and seek refuge right?

With a shake of his head to free himself of his thoughts the man would raise his maw to the sky and let out a howl. He would start into a run as Cyril let out a screech above,it was time to quicken up the pace for they were surely well needed.

They were coming, at the eagle's cry, they were on their way...

-Exit Thane-
I talk,
I think,
you speak"



10-23-2013, 01:28 AM

When Taurig approached and his ears flattened, Maija knew that the inevitable decision had been made. Her Re was going off to war, to fight for the other pack that needed their help. She didn't like -- hated, in fact -- that he had to go, but it was something she had to live with. As their eyes met, Maija's own icy green eyes showed a hint of tenderness. It was something that only one other wolf -- the husband that vanished -- had ever seen come from those eyes. In that moment, Maija couldn't help it. She was beginning to care for this man, however much she tried to shake away the conflicting feelings.
He told her to be safe and if she needed to, flee for her life. Maija already knew how to travel. Being with Dragomir and then on her own were both experiences she could look back on and know how to handle the open lands again. He reassured her that he would be fine and if she became lost...he would find her. Maija wasn't sure if she could believe him or not. What if he didn't come back if she ended up running? The doubt became slightly open in her eyes, but she pushed it away when he gave her a light kiss upon her nose. The golden female blinked in surprise, but offered a soft whine only he could hear before he turned to leave. Ears flattened across her crown as she gently whispered, "Don't be gone for too long..."
She watched him leave and a soft sigh escaped her lips. Her King was leaving and the only acquaintance she had made -- Viridiana -- was leaving as well. Maija then felt all alone, which was strange, for it hadn't been a problem before. Licking her lips softly with a salmon pink tongue, she waited until the group of wolves had left her sight before turning back to retreat inside the borders. An idea came to mind and she silently pursued it.
The journey to the familiar sight of dens didn't take as long as she had expected. Her paws carried her towards the steep road that took her to her claimed home, but she only slowed down to peer inside before moving past it. Instead, Maija was aiming for the one that was next to hers...his. She lightly stepped into the entrance of Taurig's den, nose tingling at the scent that filled the empty space. Once her golden form was completely in, she turned around to face the entrance and slowly lowered herself to the floor. Her stomach touched the still warm soil and she placed her head across stretched out front legs. Maija gave a larger sigh this time and with dull eyes, she whispered, "MI-e dor ai deja ..." (I miss you already)

speech here


10-24-2013, 11:16 PM

There was a hardness in her gaze and a steel in her voice that wasn't normally there as she stood loyally beside Taurig. As Io appeared, floating like a ghost from the background her gaze would soften slightly as she turned her gaze to the female who held the Sovari name. They still hadn't had the chance to talk and figured out how exactly they were related but Vi was loyal to her family, loyal to her blood and she didn't need the proof. Zara had spoken of their mothers last litter, spoken of her albino daughter... It was enough. Enough to soften the normally hard woman's exterior as she reached out to touch Io's shoulder tenderly. She would keep the girl safe no matter what, she wanted to fight but she wouldn't leave the healers unattended just in case someone was stupid enough to try and attack the medics. Maija appeared on the scene a moment later and though they had only met once already Vi liked her at least more then the rest of her non family pack mates and only slightly less then Taurig. She said nothing and Vi didn't push, allowing her to join the red woman in her silent way. So Vi turned her attention back to Taurig as he spoke simple instructions, the softest of smiles tracing her lips. Her head tipped back and a short howl rang out to call to Zara, they were going to war. She didn't speak to Thane, simply watched as he left and then looked to Io. "You'll be safe dear, we'll stay hidden from the actual fight. If needed Zara and I can go down and retrieve the fallen..." There was no judgment in Vi's tone, no harshness. She wanted Io to be safe and the albino was a medic solely from what Vi had heard. Vi was an assassin with a basic knowledge of healing flesh wounds and resetting breaks and dislocations is needed and Zara was both medic and long time warrior. Vi would make sure that their strongest medic stayed out of the fray and came home safe. So she would wait, a bit impatiently for Zara to arrive so they could follow Taurig out.

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