
Let Me Burn You



Extra small
10-16-2013, 09:47 AM
I need Chrysanthe, Thane, Cormalin, Gael, & Cael to reply to this thread. --Caerul is also needed for extra reasons. I need this to be done quickly so I need replies by the 19th. Anyone who doesn't just won't be involved. If you could all get replied today--bless you.

It was late evening and Syrinx had been circling the premisis all day letting his mind wander. He would make a trip to Seracia to gather some warriors from his allies, and after that, he would be ready to move out against Glaciem. Still, it was fair enough that in the pack he had found a couple that he trusted to rise into the upper levels. He wanted to let all that were capable be elligible fighters in the war, and he had to admit, that number was surprisingly low. They had a lot to reclaim and few who were willing to fight for it. syrinx wanted to change so much here, but his mind was already made up, Valhalla would not--and could never be-- an eternal home for him. Not without changing things so much for others. He needed not to be an Alpha, but to be a Arkhos.

rear war brought to the ground and he was firmly seated before the lands. his head tilted back and he summoned a select few to come to him. They were going to do their war-talk. And while some of them might not agree with his ideas and his ways. He was going to keep them alive and they needed to rise to the things he asked. It was simple. Very simple.

Coding by Lu


10-16-2013, 06:08 PM

The drums of war were beating steadily. War was coming to his home; to his doorstep. Although young and still rather inexperienced in the art of combat, the young Adravendi was ready to put his life on the line for his family. He would go to war to protect his mother and his sisters, as well as Meili and every other Valhallan. He would sacrifice himself so that they could live another day free of worry. His uncle's familiar voice would ring out across Valhalla, summoning for him. They had had war training just a few days ago. Could this be another session, but more private? Not wanting to waste any time, the young man would emerge from his den, senses alert, adrenaline beginning to flow through his veins as he moved in the direction that the call came from, ceruleans falling across the figure of Syrinx. There was an air about him that made Gael's hackles stand on end, but the Adravendi pushed those feelings asidem moving towards his uncle with a wary gaze.

Uncle, what's going on? Something was up. He could feel it, but just what exactly he didn't know. The man stood silently before his elder family member, the muscles beneath his silver coat tense as he waited to see what Synrinx would tell him.

Talk like this



10 Years
Athena I
10-17-2013, 04:53 PM

A call pulled him forward, the voice belonging to the newest alpha. The ivory brute did not wish to see Srynix again so soon after how the brute snapped at his mate and demoted her so harshly, but with war on the horizon he had little choice. He stood and trotted swiftly toward the call, his companion Elva running behind him.

The healer was really quite surprised that he was being called to another one of Srynix's meetings. He wasn't aware that he did anything to impress the male, but perhaps of the healers in Valhalla there was something that Srynix saw in him that he liked? Cael really didn't have the foggiest idea why.

He arrived a few moments later, seeing that Gael had already arrived. He put aside his feelings for Syrinx, giving the alpha a respectful nod. "Syrinx, Gael," he said, greeting them both. Elva sat down beside his forelegs, the small fox watching the wolves with the same curiosity a pup might hold. Cael sat down as well and waited patiently for Syrinx to reveal why he had called them here.




10-20-2013, 12:44 AM

The call from Syrinx was not unnoticed. Cormalin stifled a cough as he padded toward the call. Erani had cleared him for this. The cough was just about gone, and he was feeling much better, physically at least. Alsander had been training Surreal in fighting and it was a great help. Alsander was a good wolf, and would have been a good Beta. Cormalin wasn?t much pleased by the new second Alpha?s treatment of Imena. Demoting because of rudeness was fine, but telling her she was worthless was not. And Cormalin was keen on speaking to Chrysanthe about her brother. The last thing they needed was the healers being demoralized by their own leader, in the midst of a war. And Imena had been through enough in her previous pack.

Cormalin came into the group, stopping beside Cael, giving his son a greeting nudge to the shoulder with his nose before mismatched gold and blue gaze turned to study the restless second Alpha. Chrysanthe?s name had been in the summons as well, but she had yet to show. He knew she had been badly injured in the most recent challenge. Liberty had been lost. Azalea was gone, having traded herself, very foolishly, for Gideon. And Friction, a promising healer, had gone with his daughter. So now there were three members imprisoned by Glaciem. There was nothing holding Cormalin back from engaging in a challenge. The only reason he hadn?t fought on command at the first challenge was because there was still a ray of hope that they could walk away without further problems.

?My apologies for lateness, and my absence at the training. I was ill. However, I am on the mend. Erani has cleared me for duty.? Gaze left the bare-jawed male to land upon Gael. It looked like Gael would be the newest Beta, at least until they won Liberty back. He nodded, then glanced at his son. ?How is Imena?? The question was asked in a concerned tone. His new daughter was sensitive, and easily hurt by harsh words, from what he had seen. Erani had been working on her shyness issues, and Syrinx had likely slammed her back into first base.



10-20-2013, 01:06 AM

The call was heard and the dual toned man made his way towards it. It was a familiar call, belonging to none other then the Alpha that had replaced Gideon. Though he wasn't particularly happy with this Alpha if at all for the way he had treated Imena, his new sister-in-law, he wanted to remain on his good side and so he came collectively and quickly, arriving soon after his Father. He stopped among the gathered wolves, wondering why his Father and brother Cael as well as young Gael had been summoned here. What did Caerul have that Syrinx wanted? He figured he would find out soon enough. With a dip of his head, he would greet the Alpha. "Greetings Syrinx." He said cooly, turning his gaze then towards the others and nodding a brief greeting. He sat down, and thus waited for the reason of why they had been summoned here...



10-20-2013, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 09:13 AM by Thane.)
White lined ears perked up as a howl reached the man's ears, a call. Standing up from his haunches the brute would start into a run, following the howl. He was summoned, probably along with a few others. Nearing the premises on which other scents wafted from the wolves Thane knew this would be a serious matter. Slowing to a walk an eagle's screech was heard above as Cyril glided above him.

"Good day Master Thane, what are we or in terms, you, summoned for?"

"Not sure, but we're about to find out. I smell other's so this must be some sort of discussion." he guessed.

Coming up closer to his pack-mates aqua blue eyes looked around. A few others were present, they all as well seemed to ponder the thoughts and questions of why they were here.

Giving a nod towards Syrinx the male would speak as he walked up to take a seat on his haunches.

"Apologies for my timing" he would say with another nod.

Listening patiently for whatever was going to go down Thane would look to his right for a moment as Cyril followed up and perched on his left shoulder.

"Greetings and apologies as well" the golden eagle would say before he would perform a respectful bow.

The companions would wait together as they looked around at the other members that had been summoned. Curiosity bit at the edges of their minds, only to be fed soon enough.



Extra small
10-20-2013, 06:58 PM

He had many things to discuss, though he would announce them quickly and with as many manners as he could uphold for the Valhallans. He held something akin to hope for them, but he was uncertain as to if they could deliver. They all lacked the ability to tolerate punishment--he had witnessed that with Imena. Everyone had looked at him as though he were a leper for scolding them in their blatant disregard for hierarchy and respect. He did not approve, and yet now was not the time to debate. Instead, as they glared at him and bothered not to say anything he left them with a simple few statements, "Firstly, thank you for coming--secondly, I care little for your personal problems with me and I care even less for your disregard for my authority. We will win this war and you will understand least somewhat," there was enough prodding around and immediately his words jumped into the slur he sought to understand.

"Gael, you press forward the strongest in this pack and understand your place even if you don't always hold your tongue. I respect you --oddly enough-- and I am asking that you give your life to Valhalla. You will war and defend anyone challenged for when Glaciem comes, you will not strike against them first. You will stand and wait. Will you defend Valhalla as heir?" the speech was commemorative and it was decent enough, "If I fail in what you will see me attempt, it is your duty to challenge for Azalea. It your responsibility to bring your sister home," he laid a thick burden on the boy's shoudlers, but if he was a true Adravendi with the additive of a Valhallan he would handle it with ease.

He would wait for the answer from the young man and turn his gaze to Cael. He had the decency to come on his call and he wanted to at least address him and allow him the chance to go. Syrinx was seeking no friendship with the boy--for he had little to befriend, but he could at least offer him the chance to use his strengths, "you're not one to shed blood; are you? No, well you'll be acting as a messenger. When Seracia arrives I'm asking you to run to Seracia and bring them here. We will need all of them alongside us. You will also take my children there...expect that to be a task all in it's own," he gave the boy his job and left him be. He would either accept or decline and when it came to war if he couldn't deliver--then Syrinx would command another to go; even in the heat of battle.

Eyes fell on Cormalin and syrinx stared at him for a long moment, "You're a beta here and I expect you to be able to lay your life down when it means any member is in danger. You will stand on guard and make no move until a challenge for one of ours is issues. When the challenge is issued you will respond as quickly as you can; and you will win," the boy stared at him, for there was no room for failure in their domain and Syrinx had every intention of at least showing Cormalin some of the fire that fueled him so. Perhaps they didn't agree on well, anything, but Cormalin would at least see a passion for something in his glare if he was as wise as they all said he was.

"Thane, I've recruited members from Seracia to battle against Glaciem. You've been placed as a messenger and are being demoted to Theta. I do not want you fighting unless you must and preferably not until you return from Tortuga. They will need to be alerted of the impending battle. I will not accept failure, of this you must know about me," Syrinx had been direct with all of them and could not be expected to back down to anything that they tried to mutter off to him. After all, he was an Adravendi--and he was a leader. He was natural born and bred to do this--to command and he expected that someone who knew his father would be able to see this too. Thane was a long time member of Valhalla and Syrinx needed to be able to trust the elders; did he not?

"The ones that I called to fight with us are Bronze, Themisto, and Pontifex. Bronze and Themisto have been placed in Beta and Delta positions and Pontifex was summoned to act as a runner to Seracia if my previous plans fail. I want every capable body working. If you want to survive this-that is," the red king murmured his words and turned his head towards the horizon, "We will attack Glaciem soon enough, because I don't see them coming upon us so quickly, but if they do--this is our battle plan and I want you all to trust me," because a thousand armies couldn't keep me from this. it made him feel close to his father, it made him feel like he was doing something right, and for the first time it was like things mattered.


10-20-2013, 07:30 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 07:39 PM by Gael.)

The other men would come; no one could deny his uncle's call. Not now that he was the second alpha. Four other men, including Cormalin their beta, would arrive at the scene, not exactly as prompt as he had been, but they had managed to make it in a reasonable amount of time. His uncle would take a moment to first thank the group before him for having arrived. The young Adravendi would simply dip his muzzle down in silent acknowledgement, knowing that Syrinx still had more that he had to say. Gael, you press forward the strongest in this pack and understand your place even if you don't always hold your tongue. I respect you --oddly enough-- and I am asking that you give your life to Valhalla. You will war and defend anyone challenged for when Glaciem comes, you will not strike against them first. You will stand and wait. Will you defend Valhalla as heir? If I fail in what you will see me attempt, it is your duty to challenge for Azalea. It your responsibility to bring your sister home. His secondary alpha respected him. That was something he hadn't expected to hear from his uncle, given the bad first impression he had given the day he had returned from his worldly travels. Syrinx was asking him to fight for Valhalla, to fight for his family and...he was being promoted to heir...

Heir. Heir. Wasn't Aza heir? Speaking of Aza, he hadn't seen his russet faced sister around for quite some time. Where had she gone off to? His uncle was going to attempt something, but as far as what it was he hadn't had a clue, but if the russet man was to fail, they he would challenge for Aza. He had to bring her home...Glaciem had taken his sister?! I accept Uncle. I will be Valhalla's heir and I will defend our home with my life. Aza will be home with us soon. I swear it. There was an edge to the young Adravendi's voice, though the seriousness was unmistakable. It was time to man up. Gone were the days that he was babied by his mother and had simple spats with his sister. His sister had been taken by their enemy and Gael had to get her back. He only hoped that his uncle would succeed in whatever he was trying to do.

Talk like this



10 Years
Athena I
10-20-2013, 10:12 PM (This post was last modified: 10-20-2013, 10:22 PM by Cael.)

The healer listened as the second alpha requested that Gael take on the role of heir, his brows rising in mild surprise. Gael was young, but from what he had seen Gael had proven himself to be very strong in physique and in personality, so Cael smiled with approval when the young brute agreed. Cael only hopped that Gael would be able to handle the new burden of responsibility that now rested on him.

His gold and sapphire gaze fixed on Syrinx once again as the alpha addressed him, offering him the task of being messenger to Seracia. Cael was relieved to know that he was not being recruited into the fight. Syrinx was correct, Cael was not one to shed blood. However, Cael could be quite swift on his paws when he needed to be and he was more than capable to pass along a message in a polite manner. The job of messenger seemed as well suited to him as any job in this war. The only real challenge in this could be taking Syrinx's children with him, but even that he felt could be handled without too much issue. He dipped his head in respectful agreement and replied, "I would be happy to take on this task to assist Valhalla in the war."

Cael still was not a huge fan of Syrinx, but he had to admit that as he listened to the brute's tasks and assignments he did seem to know what he was doing with the art of war. Someone had to do it and he was glad that at least Valhalla had someone with this sense of fighting on their side. Cael waited for Syrinx to finish his speeches and to see how each of the wolves there would answer before he stood to take his leave. "Best of luck to you all," Cael said to them all, "I'm sure we will all need it."

Before he left he would turn his gaze to his family, his father and brother that had been called as well. He pressed his muzzle against each of their necks and said with sincere worry, "Please be safe." With that he turned to leave the way he came, returning to his den with the ever obedient Elva at his side.

-exit Cael-




10-21-2013, 08:26 AM
She had arrived in silence, watching the wolves that her brother had summoned with interest. Ranks were being shuffled, and that was a good thing. They needed to prepare for war, and it was necessary to prep their higher ranks and give more loyal members a place that suited them on the battlefield. The woman herself was still injured from her last bout on the field, more wounds from Glaciem, another loss. It was hard not to give up on herself even if she had hope for Valhalla, but she would try, she had to. Friction and Liberty were both gone, and Azalea had given herself up - even if she managed to win one or Valhalla two... there would be punishments for whoever was left. Winning was loosing and all she had managed to gain for Valhalla was loss. How could they even look at her as if she was an adequate leader anymore?

Silently she would sit beside her brother, her stomach churning, but her visage giving nothing away. Emotionless she would listen to him, holding her head level out of sheer instinct and perhaps a bit of habit. Inside though, she was a torrent of emotion. Her niece, the girl that looked so much like her, it killed her to see her rank filled by another. A part of her was willing to snap, to snarl, to deny that they needed someone to help fill that rank... but she would hold her tongue. Logically the woman agreed with his changed - Gael would make a good heir... at least, until Azalea returned. Somehow, someway, she would be returned...

While she withered beneath the weight of war and all that came with it, she watched her brother flourish. He was a strict general, a worthy commander, in ways that she could not muster he pushed forward and bared his fangs. When the time came to fight she would join him, stand at his side and do the same - she trusted him, perhaps too much. Yet with him, she nearly felt like they had a chance of surviving this. With a nod and a brush of her shoulder, she would show that she supported him - and the woman would raise her head and try to do more than look the part.

War was on the horizon, and regardless of who made the first move, Valhalla had a plan. Regardless of her wounds and emotions, there was still fire in the Adravendi - and she would fight.