
A rose can never lie


10-16-2013, 07:39 PM

"I am in love with the word of death, and the being of it all"

The woman was enjoying herself, maybe a bit too much. Her tail flicked back and forth as she watched the small stone on the deck. She had been here a few days, and she already had poked her interest in the women here, the beast had obviously fallen in love with Canttina. Though love was probably just a lustful word in her mind. She was polygamous down to the core, and she loved her women. She never wanted to be dominated, and definitely had herself set on high hopes anyway. Her face carved a smile, a broken smile made of the scars deep in her flesh of the cheeks. When her father tortured her, he made sure to make work of her. Her tail flagged left from right as the over grown pup placed her paws on the stone. Wacking it back and forth making noise until she finally kicked it over the ship into the snow. Oh how she loved this place.
Ryouta hadn't found anyone worthy of calling her by her nickname. Ryu, a shortened version of the japanese name she had been given at birth. And her last name, carried the blood of royalty though she never revealed that part of her past. That Kigu was a royal family of a pack Ryu tore apart soon after a fire starting. It brought giggles bubbling up at her throat, just thinking of the way she tore her father apart and lost her insanity. It was the only way to live now.



10-18-2013, 10:58 PM
Tea cupped paws made no sound as the dark fae padded up the stairs, jaws parting as she yawned. She had just been napping in her quarters, when an incessant scrabbling noise disturbed her. So she decided to investigate, since sleeping too much during the day would keep her from her night time beauty sleep. Exotic orbs took in the new she wolf, Ryouta, as she knocked a pebble off the deck of the ship the pack lived in. "How deranged do you have to be, to be entertained by a pebble?" She mused to herself, out loud. She really didn't care if it offended the dark pelted female, she lacked the ability. Besides, this one was interested in her beloved Queen, and the obsidian shadow simply couldn't have that. Although there was something about this one that the sultry ebony demoness found interesting, but she chose not to dwell on that, for she didn't want to be interested in someone who wanted to steal away her Canttina.

Sitting down on the deck of the ship, just inside the doorway, she leaned her shoulder against the warped wood frame. "You woke me up, by the way." She murmured, a slight growl marring her silky, beautiful voice. Still, her vocals managed to sound sexy, more like a cat's purr than a cross statement. She beat her tail against the ground lightly, waiting for an apology.



10-18-2013, 11:16 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Ryu didn't try to steal anything, she simply showed an interest in one thing, and enjoyed it. After all Canttina herself was polygamous, same as Ryu, so there was no such thing as stealing. Ryu knew how many wolves she had bed, if one was oblivious that was their fault. The overseer only laughed, she was insane, it was a fun state of mind. And she didn't know who else didn't like it, unless they were plain stupid. It was the lady Raven, oh how she had grown an interest in her too. Raven was beautiful as well in her own way, though a bit foolish from her point of view. And nothing could offend her, she just didn't work that way.
"Oh but it is morning!" She snickered, pulling herself closer towards Raven. They were pack mates, they shouldn't hate each other. There was no need to be sorry, because Ryu was simply not sorry. She lowered her head though and made a small pouty face. "I'm sorry dear Raven, I did not mean to cause trouble." After she smiled and perked up again. Her tail wagged back and forth.



10-21-2013, 05:02 PM

The dark furred she wolf's voice still filled her ears, yet no apology would come with her speech. A huff of annoyance was emitted from her throat, and she beat her tail upon the ground once, a lazy flick. "Whatever." She muttered, rolling her strange, two toned orbs upwards. This wolf was by far one of the stranger ones, so childish, and yet she was undoubtedly quite womanly. The tiny shadow of a woman picked herself up and wandered onto the deck of the ship, leaping onto the rail and seating herself calmly. In the sun's light, one could see the markings on her flanks that looked like folded wings. She was an angel from hell, beautiful as a rose, but her heart was black as tar. "So what brought you here, Ryouta?" She asked quietly, not exactly interested, but simply making conversation to pass the time and entertain the pup like dame.



10-26-2013, 12:36 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Ryouta watched Raven with a flick of her tail, mouth still stretched into a smile. She could act like a child all she wanted because she was that mad. But, all the same she could still be intelligent when it came down to it. Just no one had brought out that side to her. The one that manipulated, got into another's head, and broke them from the inside out. If they were weak that was, otherwise it just made her more appealing and less insane to those she spoke to. But it was far too boring for her taste to do that.
"Rumors, ones that suited my fancy so I arrived here in the hopes of taking my fun to another level. One where the pack won't simply throw me out." The beautiful words slipped from her lips. Like she was suddenly normal, just devious, but it was only because she had been in Raven's eye for a few moments now. Ryouta was rather intrigued with her, and most could not resist the giant beast in front of her anyway.



10-27-2013, 01:37 PM

When words slipped from the scarred fae's inky lips, the cat like she wolf nodded, turning her delicate cranium to gaze out into the snow filled lands that surrounded their home.

"Interesting enough. I was kicked outta my pack too, probably not for the same reasons as yourself." She muttered, her memory taking her to that faithful day, when her pack finally decided they'd had enough of her. She remembered the fear, the pain, and the firm resolution in her heart when the blow were landed. She would never love, she would no longer let her heart feel anymore, she would use her body as a tool, and then take it away from those who wanted her enough, so they could feel just a smidgeon of the pain she did that day. Why she took her anger out on others, no one could understand, not even the sultry black demon herself. A twisted chuckle would escape her throat, and she turned to face Ryouta, her exotic optics meeting with the dark she wolf's own as a silky purr fell from ebony lips.

"I guess that's something we have in common." She said, her long tail twitching to stir up the fur on her right front ankle, a gesture that would bare hidden scars if one truly looked. Waiting for a response, or for the she wolf to lose interest, she returned her bi coloured gaze to the frozen lands around them.
