
begin again


10-16-2013, 06:36 PM

It was difficult for Seraphim to get a solid grip on what had occurred at the claiming of Tortuga. He had watched with a focused eye as the new controller of the pack accepted abuse from a wolf who appeared to be an angry father. Deep within his bones he felt shock at the whole event. He couldn't imagine harming his own child that way, at any age. It was abhorrent.

Once the unwelcome entourage had exited, the young male quickly composed himself. To Seraph's surprise, Devya was the one to speak up and ask what the plans for the pack were. He listened attentively, somewhat thrilled at the prospect of rebuilding Tortuga. He wished to speak with the boy, to tell him of his willingness to aid, but he chose to allow others to speak first. A male he didn't recognize was granted the rank of hunter, and Seraphine offered to help the male with his wounds.

He had wanted to follow behind Seraphine to speak with the male, but decided the timing wasn't right. The young leader would need time to rest and adjust before being hassled with questions. He had left quietly with his daughter with the intention of returning. He now stood close to the Tortuga throne room and loosed a call from his maw before patiently waiting for the alpha male's arrival.

talk, think




5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 06:45 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 06:45 PM by Taurig.)

The claiming and the pack meeting that soon followed moved by quickly. Many wolves had turned up, more than he had expected, which made it difficult for the king to be able to speak to individual members separately. He managed to catch some of them, but he knew that there were still some that wanted to have a word with him, like the male who was requesting his presence right that moment. A somewhat familiar voice rung out, calling for the cobalt monarch. No time would be wasted as the titan would be quick in his response, limbs pulling the gargantuan towards the sound. The figure of an ivory man came into view and he vaguely remembered seeing the man before. He had been at the claiming.

Frame was relaxed, demeanor friendly as he approached the lighter man, plume licking at his hocks. hello sir. Forgive me if I can't recall your name, but I do remember seeing you at the claiming. You wish to have a word? Words were diplomatic and respectful in nature as he waited to see what the man wished to discuss.

Talk like this


10-16-2013, 07:02 PM

The elder brute offered a brief, low bow to the alpha, then rose but kept his head and tail lower than those of the young male who stood before him. He was no stranger to the etiquette when standing before a superior, being a former alpha himself. A small smile crossed his maw as he spoke his reply. Good afternoon, Taurig. My name is Seraphim, I am Devya's father.

It was difficult to know what to expect as the male's response to his wishes, and he was unsure whether he should just come right out and ask or wait slightly longer. Some leaders were hesitant to have their subjects speak too freely, yet Seraphim wasn't one to hide his intentions when it came to matters of this sort. He only hoped the boy would appreciate his direct approach.

I called to you hoping to speak with you about my position here in Tortuga, he began, his maintaining a respectful tone and posture. Before your claiming, I had taken up the position as Newt's Beta, and before coming to these lands I was to serve as my pack's Alpha. I do not seek any position in particular, but I wish for something that will utilize my skills in helping to bring this pack back to its former glory. He paused, giving the male a chance to consider is words. Of course, this is only if you have such a position as you are willing and able to grant me, my Re.

talk, think




5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 07:26 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 07:27 PM by Taurig.)

The man, though older than him, would offer the cobalt King respect, presenting him with a low bow, mindful of the way he carried himself. A welcoming smile would grace the titan's lips, already sensing the man to be of good heart. Good afternoon, Taurig. My name is Seraphim, I am Devya's father. Devya. He had recently undertaken the young girl as his apprentice. It's a pleasure sir Seraphim. Devya is doing well here in Tortuga. I have recently taken her under my wing as an apprentice. He only hoped that he would be able to teach the young girl adequately enough.

Seraphim would waste no time in getting directly to the point and the King appreciated his frankness. I called to you hoping to speak with you about my position here in Tortuga. Before your claiming, I had taken up the position as Newt's Beta, and before coming to these lands I was to serve as my pack's Alpha. I do not seek any position in particular, but I wish for something that will utilize my skills in helping to bring this pack back to its former glory. Of course, this is only if you have such a position as you are willing and able to grant me, my Re. Seraphim was older then he was, probably the same age Newt. He was going to rule under Newt. He appeared to have experience in leading a pack and Taurig could use someone with knowledge like Newt to help him run his pack better. There was only one position he could think of that would fit the ivory man. I am still learning the ropes of being an alpha and ruling a pack, but from what you've said it sounds as if you have some knowledge about this kind of thing. I believe that the rank of Duca(beta) would suit you will sir Seraphim. The Re felt confident in awarding Devya's father this position. It could only benefit Tortuga.

Talk like this


10-16-2013, 07:41 PM

His smile widened at the Re's mention of Devya's apprenticeship. As he had not seen his daughter much recently, he had been unaware of her promotion. I am proud to hear that you have taken Devya under your wing, my Re. I took her in when she was frail and frightened, but even then I could tell she showed the makings of a future leader, I would assume an inheritance from her birth parents. Though you are young, I have faith that you will be able to bring out the best of those features which lie dormant within her.

The words of the young male put his worries at ease and sent him into another brief bow. I appreciate your confidence in me, lord Taurig. Tell me what my duties shall be and I will be sure to complete them to the highest standard. And of course, if ever you need support or advice, I am always available. Now he could be certain of his place, and watch his daughter rise as well.

ooc;; crappy post is crappy!

talk, think