



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 10:09 PM

Snowflakes fell heavily around her as she padded toward the glade that was Cairo?s resting place. It was her daily trip, her daily visit. Her daily retreat from the events transpiring in Valhalla. War. It left a nasty taste on her tongue just thinking the word. She had had enough of war when she was a pup. War had wiped out her birth pack. All but Cormalin. The nightmares had returned, and she often found herself here, when it was too dark to gather, or do anything of use. Gideon had returned, but they had lost Azalea, and they had recently lost Liberty, and Friction with her, to Glaciem?s paws. The budding rapport she had begun with Friction to dust off his skills and add more, was gone.

And according to Deteste, the new leader of Amenti had thrown their lot in with Glaciem. However, Valhalla now had an allegiance with Tortuga. Who would have ever thought? Taurig was now Tortuga?s leader. And her adopted son. After his father had completely disowned him for standing up for his beliefs and making a life for himself, and effectively named Tortuga as Glaciem?s enemy, how could she not uphold her offer to take Taurig as her son? She just hoped Chrysanthe would warm to him with time. She knew it was highly unlikely Syrinx would ever warm to the cobalt colored male. He hardly liked anyone. Maybe his children, and certainly Eos, and definitely himself. And his sisters Chrysanthe and Epiphron.

She frowned. He?d been so sweet as a pup. Even up to the age of a yearling? What had changed? When had he changed? Perhaps it was just meant to happen. Perhaps Neo was as well. And Gabriel? She huffed out a sigh as she reached the minor depression in the snow. In width and length, it was a large hole that was dig to house the greatest Alpha she?d ever known. ?You?d show Glaciem what?s what, now wouldn?t you? Isardis would cower at your paws by the time you finished with him.? She lowered her head, nosing at the snow, her breath melting it slightly. Settling, she lowered her head to her paws, letting the silence of the glade wash over her. The only sounds were the soft whisper of snow adding a new layer to the white blanket on the ground, and the occasional breeze rattling the branches.

She closed her eyes, letting herself drift, until the wings of sleep settled around her, like a sweet caress.

--The Dream--

She stood in a clearing ringed by ancient redwoods, the ground littered by bones bleached white by time, scattered by smaller predators and scavengers. It had been years since she?d been in this clearing in the waking world, but she knew it well. Grass flattened by constant traversal now grew tall, winding through skulls, growling up around den openings. She gazed around, and perceived gauzy figures, gossamer wraiths recognizable as family and friends she had known as a pup. It was rather like the dream she had experienced the night she was attacked trying to find the plant that might save Guinevere Adravendi. But? Insubstantial. Only the landscape was clear, though she sensed the mists just beyond the trees she could see.

She crossed the bone strewn clearing, throat tight, pausing at a pair of skulls. She knew who they were. Had seen the freshly killed bodies lain here. She lowered her head, brushing her nose against the slightly smaller skull?s muzzle. Her mother. Her nose drifted to the larger. Her father. They had fought and died here in the massacre, side by side, and they stayed side by side. ?I miss you??


11-03-2013, 02:31 PM
Cairo Adravendi

he was more or less a light. energy and something lacking a name--and yet it was here that he could appear as he so needed and see those of which he had so deeply cared about. Cairo simply adored the life he had gathered and the afterlife wasn't so bad. He, and a few rare others, had been granted the ability to see those they loved in the dreams of the living. the catch, however, was simple. they could only appear to those that they had met or those that had heard of them. Which was fine-most of the time. The next considerably acceptable part of it was...they couldn't tell them about Somnium. To divulge the tales and the secrets would be a true act of sin and there was no doubt they would be rallied against and stripped of the right they had. the right to leave mere hope in the minds of many.

It was like an alarm when someone he cared about fell into sleep--more importantly wandered into Somnium without realizing they had. Erani came today and he smiled. He had gotten to see Chrysanthe--and though he knew she might not belive his words were true...he had gained perspective and if they found the belief in spirits that was what Cairo was and he wanted them to know he was alive in a few senses of the word. Even if not entirely. Regardless of his newly found and supposedly called 'religion' Cairo came forward seeking her out. And when he did manafest it was a sight that was beautiful. The convergence from light to a physical form took place with ease and had been something he had been able to take to well. No longer was he a decaying old man--but the brightness from his youth had returned and oh how beautiful he was.

He watched her from afar and was patiently waiting for the best time to present himself. As he watched the scenery build around whatever place it was that she was envisioning and creating he watched her move until she stopped. Then he listened as her words crafted a crescendo and echoed through the air and fell on his ears. It was then that he would drift towards her, that he would offer a kind smile, and that he would-out of her vision- whisper, "i wouldn't suppose you mean me?"



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-03-2013, 04:57 PM

The air changed, almost feeling charged. For some reason, this feeling brought back a memory. Following a herd of elk through snow, in Ciroc. Trailing the lame old bull, then catching a scent on the crisp, cold air. Lightning. Had it really gone back that far? That love? She had thought the electric sensation had been from seeing Cairo the first time, and knowing that he was a strong, powerful alpha that a pack could always rely on till his last days. But maybe that had only been the base of that sensation.

Her head raised, even as his voice whispered over her ears. She didn?t turn her head, not quite yet, but her muzzle pulled into a smile. ?Mm. How can I miss you when you?re always in my heart? Your touch, however? I do miss that. However fleeting that experience was.? She hadn?t truly gotten more than a friendly touch from the chocolate alpha. There had never been that freedom, with him having a mate, and then she herself having Nova. But the day before his death, there had been a touch. A first and last freedom.

She turned her head finally, seeking him out with a deep blue gaze. Found him. ?Hello, Cairo.? So much feeling in that greeting.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


11-25-2013, 09:06 AM
Cairo Adravendi

The air was chilled and crisp, from his perspective, and he only continued to stare at her. Erani was a pretty thing--someone that he found perfect faith in. Her life had become more important than most he had known shortly after he had met her; and though now he didn't see a glimmering smile like he once had--there was still a fraction of happiness about her. Something Cairo only wished he could see more of. He was all too familiar with the fact that Valhalla had fallen at the hand of her enemies but that was okay. It was something they would all come to understand. Valhalla was not meant to last forever. Until the stars burn out. that had been the phrase he had spoken time and time and time again when it came to Starlite--or Valhalla. Every star (no matter how bright) burned out at some point or another. Valhalla's time was drawing near an end--of this Cairo felt was true. It would be hard for those still living to accept, but they would disperse to whatever corners of the world they could, and ultimately they would be given a chance to spread their wings and fly somewhere new. They would flourish. Cairo wondered...what would Isardis be like? How would Cairo have handled the situation? War was never an immediate answer, and yet the Adravendi was certain it was inevitable. "Time seems to move so fast here. you know? Sometimes I think decades have past. Everything seems to slow when I see you or my daughters. Even my son," He rose up and moved towards her, dropping his head against her shoulder, "Something is coming, Erani. I want you to treasure it when you find them. Look at this as a last hope," If she believed in spirits she would awaken and take heart to the words he had spoken, if she didn't--she would see in time.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-30-2013, 07:43 PM

She smiled faintly when her eyes found the sapphire gaze of Cairo. Her own eyes held the weight of age, the knowledge that she was old now, and her years were drawing to a close. She?d be with him and her birth pack eternally soon. But not yet. Valhalla was in danger, and she wasn?t about to rest when they would need her skills and knowledge. He spoke, and she drank in his voice, like a wolf dying of thirst. It?d been so long since she had heard him speak. ?I?m so proud of Chrysanthe? She?s just like you, an echo in the bone and flesh... I just wish she could see that truth.? Her head turned, cradling Cairo?s head against her neck, chocolate fur melding with snowy white. There were no inhibitions here, only a timeless relaxation. Rather like her meditations, but on a deeper level. Her tongue slid free, caressing his muzzle lightly.

A simple gesture of affection, but it spoke of so much more. Erani was more open around Cairo, in life and here in dreams, than she had ever been with anyone else, save perhaps Nova. The glancing sadness as the black behemoth that was her mate crossed her mind was brushed away, the pain of abandonment going with it as she took in Cairo?s next words. ?I will cherish them.? The scene around them changed as her sleeping mind slid from one memory to another. A sun-washed meadow she?d encountered a while before coming to Valhalla, then called Starlite. During the time she had been feeding from a kill she?d made, she had taken this meadow as a small home. Crisp and cold smells changed to warm spring, filled with delicate scents of flowers and sunlight.

?So soon, Surreal will be two? Cormalin?s thinking of stepping down then and lifting Surreal into his place as Beta?? A small, proud smile crossed her muzzle. ?She?ll be a great one.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


04-14-2014, 08:38 AM
Cairo Adravendi

There was so much resolve in her eyes. And how could Cairo expect anything more or anything less from the very woman who looked at him as though he were some piece of perfection. Even when he has stood and spoken so wrongly it was Erani who stood up an stood beside him. No one else would help pull him back on a path that he belonged on, and that was what made her so much better than him. ?She was willing to fight even more so than he was, and everyone knew that Cairo's main downfall was his blatant stubbornness.
? It was amusing to himself as she gushed and bubbled over her daughter ad how could he expect any less. One's own progeny was, arguably, the most easy topic to speak over. Whether hey had turned out to expectation or not. Cairo had to admit that he was prod to say his children had not all done things he had expected
Of them, but each had remarkably done something and done it well. Each of his had become leaders--no matter how brief a time. That had been the pride that He had wanted to see in all of them, no? To see them rise above everything and rule their own kingdoms. However, he would admit that some of them could have upheld softer hearts. Could have better nurtured those that came to live around them. Perhaps that was the hardest part of it all. ?
?These were not his concerns today and he would not let them harm his thoughts; especially as before him sat a long time friend who was locked in slumber and whose mind was making him up. Least--such was how she would remember it. There were few that believed in anything past the after life and for him to tell her anything about the world he lived would desecrate some unspoken law. Cairo knew if he dared something would eternally separate him; and so silence
would encumber him.
? "You do Valhalla more good than I think I single handedly could, Erani. Continue to protect it," and as he now began to move forward the angel king would press his nose into her neck and his breath would once again fall on her, "Just as I continue to love you," her conscious state of mind would likely register it all as a dream, but her subconscious state of mind would make of it what she most desired and he most certainly insinuate what he most extremely wanted.?
? ?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-17-2014, 09:57 PM
Erani Adravendi

Cairo bore her happy enthusiasm about Surreal with silence, though she could sense the amusement welling in him at her words. A smile spread from her maw to her eyes, tail waving gently through the sun drenched air. His words elicited a soft chuckle from her chest. Deep blue gaze rested upon his sapphire eyes, warm and gentle. ?You are the best king I ever knew. You kept Valhalla together as a family for such a long time. I owe you so much for who I am today.? Her eyes turned serious, and with a deep finality, she spoke to him next. ?I will do all in my power to protect it, and keep it strong. Whatever it takes.? Even if she must take the reins herself and steer them clear.

He stepped closer, ethereal nose pressing into her neck, and his low voice thrummed through her fur on his breath. Quietly, she leaned into the caress, a smile curving her lips again. ?I love you too, Cairo. That love will never end, and you had better be here when it?s my time to join you.? The last bit was spoken with a stern, laughing expression that said she looked forward to being with him for more than just a dreamspan. Death was something she didn?t fear one Iota; not if it meant walking through eternity with him. Should it come through violence, or dreams, she would welcome Death as he came to greet her.

She leaned more firmly against him, eyes growing intent. ?I know this is real. And I want to make up for what we never could have in the living realm. And I know you want that, too.? In that stare was sensuality, love, and the need to be as close as she could possibly get, even if it was an ethereal bonding. Her voice came low, almost a purr. ?Dance with me, Cairo. Dance with me.?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think