
she always tries, truth or lie


10-15-2013, 01:03 AM

The marked peculiar would stalk; pale emerald lanterns pinned with determination, tail level with coiled spine, chest hugging the pebbled rock-face beneath her; following the earthen rabbit with fortitude. Her stomach rumbled beneath her, and although the youth was an image of prime health, she had not long since departed from the ease of her homelands. Hunting took a look more willpower on ones own. However the rabbit would lift onto its hinds, alarmed, glancing to it?s right with the sharp turning of his delicate skull. The vulpess would lower even more so, holding her breath; but alas, it would tear away from her reach, and her half hours hard work would seem all for nothing. Something had scared the creature though, and so curiously the frustrated babe would rise herself once more, glancing out across the vast stretching of boulders and flat stones, nostrils quivering with mild interest.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 01:23 AM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2013, 01:26 AM by Conan.)

The pendant around his neck swung back and forth, occasionally bumping against his powerful chest; it was a constant reminder. No wrong deed went unpunished and the brute of a man was a testament to that. His family had been slaughtered and the man, then boy, had dedicated his life to training and becoming strong enough to rip the throat of the bastard who had had his family killed. It had been a grueling journey, full of hatred, blood, pain and determination. Along his way the barbarian had made a few friends here and there, as well as freeing those who had been taken as prisoners. He lived a free life and believed that everyone else in the world had that same right. A fond smirk twisted his sooty lips as he recalled the day he had gotten his revenge. The bastard hadn't see it coming. He hadn't expected the scrawny pup he'd seen all those years ago to turn into the hulking man that had come for his head. It had been a tough battle, but in the end Conan came out victorious and his family was finally avenged. As a prize and reminder to himself, the titan ripped one of the fangs from his opponent and gotten it strung into a necklace that he now donned around his neck. It was a reminder to him of where he came from, as well as a warning to the rest of the world that he wasn't a man to be trifled with.

Mammoth sized paws worked against the earth at a leisurely pace, ruby gems dancing across the unfamiliar territory. Now that he had avenged his family, the titan didn't exactly know what to do with himself. He had met a woman during his travels and they had had some time together...But he was a wanderer and the world called to him, to keep exploring, to keep fighting for those who couldn't fight for themselves. And that's what he was doing, which was how he had ended up in this strange new place. It was such a diverse land, with a few different climates, but somehow they all meshed together quite well. Currently his worn paws carried the massive behemoth towards what looked to be like an old ruin of some kind, stones of every size imaginable littering the area around the main structure. It had probably been something big and grand, but now it was simply a pile of rubbish. The man would approach the stones carefully, velvety nostrils quivering with interest; there was another wolf in the area. Russet stained ears would flicker forward, ruby gaze noticing a strangely marked figure across the boulders. Nostrils would flare, testing the air to catch the second wolf's scent; female. And she was alone. The man would halt, his massive frame rippling with bulking muscle as he observed the young dame, wondering where she was from and what exactly she was doing out here alone.

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10-15-2013, 01:44 AM

It would not take long for the creature that had so unknowingly disturbed her lunch to appear a short distance away; noticing him apparently only after he had noticed herself, ivory-etched towers flicking towards the seemingly brawly male with an innocent sense of interest. She could quite easily see from her safe distance the sheer volume of his powerful size, shifting warily upon dainty toes as the youthful lupess would ponder a cautious approach. Though figuring he could be of no less threatening than the strange character she had met only a few days earlier, the dainty maiden would saunter carefully towards him; effortless, though perhaps hesitant, as fiery plumage would mingle so delicately with ivory accents. She halted a good few meters from him, skull tilting curiously to the side as enthralling gaze would rest upon the strange ornament that hung his neck, lashes beating lightly as she spoke, ?Good afternoon, sir; I hope I have not disturbed your roving all too much.? Well, he was certainly impressive, the babe would offer him that.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 02:00 AM

She was a small thing, not necessarily tiny if she was compared to a normal sized wolf, but when compared to him, she looked to be like a nymph. He was an impressive man, he knew that for a fact, but he wasn't always the monster that he appeared to be. His appearance was a lot rougher than most, but his interior didn't necessarily match his exterior. He wasn't saying that he was a giant teddy bear and that he was ready to roll around with pups and such, but he wasn't such a monster. Well, not in the technical sense. He had killed plenty of wolves before, his slightly bloodstained daggers revealing as much, but it had been because it was in the defense of others who couldn't defend themselves. He never went out and killed in cold blood. That wasn't the code that he lived by. And it wasn't a code that he would ever live by. The only ones who died beneath his jaws were the ones who imprisoned the innocent and hurt them, otherwise no one had anything to fear from him. Though it would be wise to keep the behemoth as an ally, instead of an enemy.

The tiny nymph would spot him, her emeralds dancing over his massive figure. He was kind of hard not to spot. He could see the curiosity etching itself across her ivory decorated features and to his surprise she began to move towards him. The titan would make no sudden movements, keeping his relaxed stance as the woman would approach, her gaze flickering to the token that hung about his neck. Her voice was polite as she spoke, bringing a wry smile across sooty lips as an amused chuckle rumbled quietly in his cavern like chest. Afternoon miss, you needn't worry. It is I who must apologize. I fear I may have scared away a potential meal. Lyrics were gruff, like stones grinding against each other, a low rumbling bass as he spoke. He had scented the rabbit before he'd approached and he could only assume that's what the young maiden was doing. Then again his assumption could be wrong. It was all the same to him.

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10-15-2013, 02:14 AM

So darling she would smile, coiling her haunches slightly in an almost submissive-like manner, heavy lashes batting so hesitantly above sea-green opals, as if somewhat afraid to miss something. She marvelled beneath his divine etchings, the scars that slithered so potently his frontal features, crawling no doubt with the livid cries of so many stories. Unlike she, who wore only a jacket of unmarked purity, wholesome in its entirety and dull within its stories; this man seemed a map of brilliant places, and noteworthy adventures. Oh how envious she was. Thick tail would flick idly about haunches as the delicate ember would allow plump cheeks to tweak warily with a sweetheart smile, ?No no, I am not the most excellent solitary huntress just yet; you are not to blame for my sluggishness.? She almost giggled at her words, ?My name is Paradise, may I ask yours?? an eccentric name it was, but nothing of particular brilliance.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 03:01 AM

The nymph was a pretty thing in her own right. He had encountered many wolves of all different types, shapes, sizes and colors. He had seen his fair share of interestingly marked wolves and this young woman before him was no exception. He had met some wolves who were much more decorated than she was, but she was very appealing to the eye in her own sense. The ivory markings lining her russet features accentuated the sea green eyes that peered up at him. He wouldn't be surprised if she had someone waiting for her back home; wherever her home was. Now he on the other hand, had no one. No real family, no woman waiting for him somewhere; only acquaintances and friends in distant lands. But with the distance that separated them, it was like the titan was all alone anyways. He didn't mind it much. He was much more of lone wolf kind of guy, preferring to be on his own than have someone tag along. And love...well that was something he wasn't particularly looking for at the moment. He wasn't a very attractive looking man to begin with, so he wasn't expecting to be fawned over by the females.

Her frame would seem to bow slightly in the presence of the behemoth, almost rather submissive like, her gaze hesitant, though it wasn't enough to dissuade the soft, sweet smile that would twitch her ivory lips. She had such a look of innocence about stirred the feelings of protection in the behemoth, but those feelings would have to be pushed to the side as her melodic voice danced around his ears. No no, I am not the most excellent solitary huntress just yet; you are not to blame for my sluggishness. My name is Paradise, may I ask yours? There was a hint of a giggle tacked onto her words, making his sooty lips quirk at the edges. Well either way, I apologize for intruding. It's a pleasure Paradise. Name is Conan. Again the rough sandpaper, stone grinding against stone like voice rumbled up from his pipes in response to the young woman's question.

Talk like this


10-15-2013, 03:18 AM

His name was a simple one, however appealing, one to be easily stored within her mind. She would only hope that she would require it later, so interested to know the likes of this strange man and the tales that he withheld. Emeralds would trace the scars that littered his face, and follow them down to his limbs, to his colossal paws, and back to his crimson eyes; fascinated, bewitched by his almost vintage appearance. She craved so deeply to ask of his adventures, and yet feared them to be rude or perhaps too forward for their short meeting. ?Have you travelled far, Conan?? sweetheart lyrics she would enquire, sugar-sweet upon the tip of her elegant tongue; perhaps she could ease him into the question of his past, of his juicy history.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 03:41 AM

He didn't have a normal upbringing. When he was born, instead of being fed his mother's milk, he was fed his mother's blood. His mother had been a warrior, a barbarian and true to barbarian nature, even when heavy with child his mother had refused to stand aside and let her family fight alone. The stress of the battle had induced labor and Conan had been born. He had been born a puny thing, one of the smallest pups in the tribe and the other boys didn't miss a chance to remind him. Training for young barbarian warriors started at an early age and Conan was no exception. He had to try twice as hard as any of the other boys in order to prove that he was able enough to be part of the warriors once he became of age. His sheer determination and natural ability for it allowed his to excel, but before he could officially become part of his tribes' warriors, a raiding pack came in and threw everything to hell. His father, the leader of their tribe, had been taken and tortured before the then boy's eyes. He had tried his hardest to save his sire, but his efforts hadn't been enough. The raiders got away and his father was left to die, him alongside. Or so they thought. He had been able to escape, and from that day on he had dedicated his life to righting as many wrongs as he could. For his people, perhaps that was a mostly normal childhood, but for anyone else he could only assume that it was a strange as strange got.

The little nymph's sea gaze would travel across his massive frame, lingering across the scars that decorated his features and along his bodice. He could almost see the curiosity physically bubbling beneath the surface of her russet coat and behind her eyes. She had to have a million questions that she wanted to ask. Who wouldn't when they came across such a titan like him. Have you traveled far Conan? Ah women, such delicate and beautiful creatures, though that could hardly be said about his own people's women. They were quite the beauties, but hardly delicate. Paradise was as delicate as they could get physically and her voice was nearly identical to her looks. Indeed I have. I've been all over the world. Across the oceans, through deserts. Almost anywhere you can think of, I have probably already visited. I take it you haven't explored much? She was interesting little creature to say the least and he wanted to keep the conversation going, even if he had to spur her on to ask the questions that he knew were burning on her tongue.

Talk like this


10-15-2013, 10:17 PM

So darling she was, her slender form as fine and elegant as the most breakable of glass; a china doll perhaps, perfected and accurate within her features, as if hand-painted by somebody dedicated to the soul of perfection. However she wasn?t weak, and although she was yet to ever test her unpractised skills in battle, she was well capable of self defence. However, it seemed she preferred much more to loiter mid-rank amidst others, not one to strive for the highest of calibres by heart. Her ambitions may somebody become restless, but for now, she was as tranquil as a slumbering dove to be nobody of particular hierarchy.

The words that left his tongue would send the youth?s gaze into one of awe, gorgeous emeralds glimmering with an imagination of the places he had been. ?Oh, I can only imagine,? her gaze would wander for a moment, to gaze serenely out over the rocky plains, glassy eyes blinking amidst thick lashes. ?It was unwise to our people, for a babe to stray from her homelands before sexual maturity,? she faltered for a moment, glancing back towards his crimson lanterns, ?I would love some day to carry my own stories. But perhaps you wouldn?t mind sharing some of your own?? Hopeful the sweetheart would lower her haunches to rest upon the stone-glazed earth beneath her.



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 10:58 PM

They were nearly polar opposites. She was small where he was large. She was lithe where he was bulky; light where he was dark. She was innocent where he was tainted. They surely made an interesting pair to say the least. No one would think that they had anything to do with each other if they saw them from a distance. He had run into his fair share of dainty maidens, but Paradise was especially dainty in appearance. He was making assumptions of course, but everyone did. She could be a very fine warrior and even better hunter, but he rather liked to think of her as dainty. As someone who needed a behemoth like him to help her with certain things. If there was one thing about the titan, he liked helping others that couldn't help themselves, even if it wasn't against someone who has treating them unfairly.

Her voice, as well as her eyes were full of awe as she cast her glimmering emerald gaze towards the strewn rocks as she spoke. It was unwise to our people, for a babe to stray from her homelands before sexual maturity. I would love some day to carry my own stories. But perhaps you wouldn?t mind sharing some of your own? He could only imagine what would happen to a young she-wolf if she were to leave the safety of her pack before she reached her breeding age. He had seen it plenty of times before and it sickened him to consider that it could've happened to the dove standing before him. She would recline herself back, apparently knowing that he was more than willing to divulge his past stories of adventure. I wouldn't mind at all, but I must say that I won't go into any detail, since more of my tales are pretty gruesome. My life wasn't exactly a very pleasant one. I was raised on a culture of war, from the moment I took my first breaths of this world until now, all I have seen is war and bloodshed. My own family was taken from me in war, during a raid actually. My father was murdered before my very eyes and I would've too had it not been for his sacrifice. I lived on, though I was not left without my reminders. He would pause for a moment, allowing his words to settle as well as his powerful haunches, crown tilting downwards just a bit more to pointedly expose the scars across his features.

I trained hard and long after that, pushing myself to get better, stronger so I could exact my revenge. And I did get my chance, two years later. I found the ba- man who took my father's life and we battled. It was a long, hard battle, one I could've lost, but luck or fate, or maybe both were on my side that day. We struggled but finally, I came out victorious. I was able to avenge my family and my tribe after two years. As a reminder of my triumph I took a tooth from him, to remind myself what I fought for and to warn others. He would finish his tale, allowing his chest to puff out slightly to display the tooth that hung around his neck. Surely that would sate her appetite for a story?

Talk like this


10-15-2013, 11:27 PM

And so he would begin, every word sinking like liquid gold to be treasured for a lifetime; the syllables falling like plated pennies into the hungry containments of her mind. She would absorb herself in his words, head tilting as he would speak, sweetened features slowly changing to one of sorrow, an awkward sense of grief staining the honey depths of her glittering globes. Such cruelty he had seen, and such violence that had injected itself into his life. For a moment she felt sympathetic, but as his haunches lowered and he continued she realised he was not the kind to desire such sentiment. His last sentence sent a shiver crawling down her spine, gulping back a nervous gulp that almost threatened to form within her throat.

A legend it seemed he was, through and through. And although she didn?t believe in ?revenge?, she was certainly not the kind to judge another?s reasoning. ?I can?t relate to your experiences Conan, my childhood has been but of? innocence, however I am proud to have met you, you are a strong man,? she would sway lightly upon her haunches, attempting a sweetened smile however falling just short. Perhaps they could learn from one another? He to teach her of the glorious ways of nature, of the wonders to see and the places to go, and she to point out all the little things in life he may have missed from his childhood. ?Perhaps someday we could exchange our worldly experiences?? Perchance they could remain friends?



4 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 11:48 PM

It probably wasn't the best story to tell a stranger right off the bat, but why not? He had nothing to hide, nothing to fear or to be ashamed of. He was a warrior through and through and he had killed the bastard who had taken his family from him. An eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. It was the way things worked; the way it was supposed to be. He wasn't sure how the ivory decorated woman before him would react to hearing such a story. Would she be scared? Awed? Horrified? He would watch her features as his story fell from his lips, her facade transforming from one of curiosity to sorrow and then to something akin to nervousness. Perhaps he should've left that last part out, but it wasn't like he saying it to threaten her. She had nothing to fear from him as long as she did nothing that went against his belief or outright threatened his life. Both which were highly unlikely to the titan.

I can?t relate to your experiences Conan, my childhood has been but of? innocence, however I am proud to have met you, you are a strong man. Strong man. Physically yes, he was probably one of the strongest out there, but what else did she mean by it? That he was strong for having endured everything that he endured in his life so far? He didn't think of it like that...more like determination. He wasn't going to let someone else come and screw him over and ruin his life. No one would get away with hurting his family or loved ones. That was a guarantee. Thank you Paradise, the feeling is mutual, but I don't see myself that way. I may be strong physically, but I believe myself to be more determined than anything else. Determination was what kept him going, even when everything seemed hopeless. But now that he had gotten his revenge, what kept him going? Perhaps someday we could exchange our worldly experiences? He didn't easily make friends, but the usually stoic titan could see himself making friends with Paradise somewhere along the way. Perhaps it was a good thing that he make one in her. Would you like that? rumbled the behemoth with his grating rock like voice.

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10-16-2013, 12:23 AM

A luminous smile would flutter upon ebony lips, fiery features softening once again as she leisurely came to terms with the duos differences. He seemed to be quite the gentlemanly soul, though not particular one worth medalling with; surely the consequences such a brawly beast could inflict wouldn?t be any effortlessly healed. Emerald gaze would rest again upon the tooth, now a permanent reminder to her that it belonged to a beast so bitter and disturbing it almost periodically simmered at her heart. A shallow sigh would carry her attentions back to his masculine face, as modest as he seemed, she didn?t doubt that such an overpowering creature bore some form of pride. It was only natural. She would giggle, a fleeting burst of pure bliss effervescing so delicately from feminine lips, ?I would like that, Conan. I am always eager to learn, and to share,? striking crown would tilt lightly as she shifted her weight, ?Would you pleasure such a thing also? Perhaps we could try and catch some lunch, firstly?? she didn?t want to seem to forward, but her stomach boiled with the frisk of hunger beneath.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 12:33 AM

He wasn't usually one to partake in idle conversation with a stranger whilst telling them about his life story, but this was a different time. A new place. The burning desire for revenge had been quenched, the trophy around his neck proof. Perhaps he could let go of his more stoic ways and embrace something more...alive. Paradise appeared to be the living embodiment of it. She had been so sorrowful just moments ago but it was quickly washed away with the bright smile that brightened her russet features. Females always looked more beautiful when they smiled and she was no exception. A giggle would burst from her delicate lips, a melodic tinkling sound that was pleasing to the titan's ears. He had heard laughter all through his life, but not one so carefree and genuine.

I would like that, Conan. I am always eager to learn, and to share. Would you pleasure such a thing also? Perhaps we could try and catch some lunch, firstly? She was more than an acquaintance than now, but not quite a friend. Something in between, though he wasn't sure what to call her. Paradise. She was just Paradise. That was fair enough. Then so would I. And please, it would be the least I could do after I scared off your meal earlier. He would replenish the dame's meal with something far more grand and tastier; a full deer, all for herself. The behemoth would raise himself back onto all four paws once again, giving his sooty coat a brief shake before mammoth paws would beat the earth as he strode forward at an easy walk, ruby gaze cast sideways towards his companion as he waited for her to catch up.

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10-16-2013, 12:50 AM

Wasn?t it lovely? To no longer feel alone, to have the heat of somebody?s flesh and the thought of their mind; to be spared even a moment of thought as you realised the day no longer would be faced alone. She would extend their time together as much as she could, as all previous meetings had been so painfully short. She hoped that now, she could learn to look upon the mammoth as a friend, and perhaps they could share knowledge and even assistance, however limited it may have been. She felt at home, welcomed by his side as she lifted her haunches to follow him, smiling so tenderly as ribbon-like stilts would move at a resolute trot, faithful within his abilities and eager to find what he sought.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 01:06 AM

He needed a purpose and for some time after having been able to exact out his revenge, the titan had lacked any real kind of purpose. Sure during his wanderings he had lent his help to those in need of it, but there had never really been something that he was bound to do. Helping all those strangers was just out of the kindness of his own scarred heart, something he felt was needed. It was something to fill the void, to give him a reason to wake up every morning, but now he was here in this new place. Could there be wolves that needed his help here too? Paradise wasn't exactly a damsel in distress, but he felt like he could help her. And that maybe she could help him too, though in what way she could help him he didn't have the slightest cue. How could he be helped? He was a good man, but with a rough exterior who maybe would never be able to attain redemption for the things he had done, even if they had been for the right reasons.

He would catch the tender smile that would grace his smaller companion's lips, making the titan's own sooty lips curl up at the edges. She made him feel good and he didn't remember if he had ever felt like this before. He would slow his pace so that Paradise wouldn't have to work so hard to keep pace, ruby gaze occasionally flickering to her as they moved past the tree line into the forest, velvety nostrils working as he hunted for his prize; deer. He walked through the unfamiliar territory with ease, unafraid of any possibly dangers that could be lurking around any corner, though alert in case any of the dangers threatened his companion. The scent of his meal tickled his senses, massive frame immediately shifting into a hunting stance. Center of gravity was lowered, limbs folding slightly, his leisurely gate turning into a precise stalk. A glance would be spared back to the dame, hoping she would catch on quickly as he maneuvered his way towards a clearing, ruby gaze zeroing in on the figures of a small herd of deer grazing quietly. The behemoth would lower himself until his abdomen kissed the earth, one ear pulled back against his skull as he waited for Paradise to join him. She would take no part in this; he would fetch her the meal on his own. He didn't want her to run the risk of injury.

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10-16-2013, 01:33 AM

She would notice his returned smile and almost blush, wanting to glance away and yet finding herself not daring to take the risk; as if perhaps she would miss something critically important. The rising scent of deer would be all that would drag her attentions away from his dark features, a reluctant glance cast to the looming figures in the distance. She quickly halted as it seemed Conan would shift from canine to predator, somewhat delayed within her realisation of his tactics as she had been caught within distractions. She would stand there a moment, breathing lightly, perhaps as if afraid to move, however his backward glance would invite her forward; slender figure dropping into stalking-stance as she would creep up by his side, casting a look of questioning towards the concentrations of his gape. What did he plan, and what did he want of her? She didn?t doubt that she were a faster runner than he, her very light, almost grey-hound like body built far more for the purpose of short bursts and rapid speed. However unlike Conan, she lacked the body weight and power to bring such large prey down on her own. Hence, why the woman had grown so skilled upon hunting rabbits and grass-dwelling birds. Regardless, she would wait for him, and follow through with any requests.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 01:56 AM

He would miss the shy glance away from Paradise as she caught a glimpse of his slight smile. Women around him were never shy; always forward and direct with what they wanted from him. To their misfortunes, the behemoth was always clear that he wanted no part in their games and tricks. Only one woman had been able to get past the titan's hardened heart and scarred exterior...but that had been quite some time ago. He had helped her get back to her homeland and he hadn't turned back since. It had been nice while it lasted, but she would not come with him on his journey around the world and he would not force her. It had been something of a bittersweet parting, but he had been glad to have met her. She had taught him that the world wasn't all about war and bloodshed. There were precious things that could be overlooked so easily and never be noticed.

Her reaction was a bit delayed, but she would catch on nonetheless, her lithe figure mimicking his own as she crouched beside him, having spotted the herd before them in the clearing. There was a young doe rather separated from the group, nibbling on some plants in the shrubbery, completely unaware of any dangers lurking nearby, her back to Conan. She was the one he would take down. Stay here and stay hidden. I will fetch your meal. And with that the titan would move away from his companion, crossing before her to his left as he circled the perimeter of the clearing, trying to get as close as he could to the doe before making his move. One misplaced paw stepped atop a twig, cracking it. The rest of the herd spooked, taking no time in bolting away; but the young doe was much to slow.

Seizing his opportunity before it slipped away, the titan would launch himself towards the straggling doe, forelimbs reaching out to bat at her hind limbs. Protests of pain would erupt from her tan jaws as she tried to run away, ankles bleeding from his scratches. Powerful muscles would ripple beneath his sooty coat as he pushed himself to move beside the already fleeing doe, jaws raising up to snap at the herbivore's delicate throat. The deer would attempt to strike out with her front hooves, nicking the behemoth across the chest, trickles of crimson oozing from the shallow scratch. Ignoring the light throbbing Conan would throw his entire weight at the fleeing animal, forelimbs reaching up to wrap around its neck, daggers sinking into the delicate flesh, hind limbs scrabbling at its chest and underbelly as he used his body as a counterweight, dragging the deer down towards the earth. The animal couldn't handle the titan's massive frame and tripped, tumbling down towards the dirt, falling on top of the gargantuan as they rolled together, all the while his grip never failing. When the dust finally settled the doe lay on her side, the behemoth still attached to its delicate throat, its crimson liquid flowing into his jaws. The deer twtiched and then went still, its life draining from its panicked eyes. Slowly Conan would release his prize, taking a moment to asses the damage to himself before he would pull his limbs back underneath him to stand, ruby gaze dancing towards the spot he had left Paradise in.

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10-16-2013, 02:56 AM

She would feel lightly disappointed that the man didn?t require, or wish for her assistance. His words coming as somewhat of a surprise as she would take two glances at his expression just to make sure; alas, he was far too fixated on his prize to notice any suggestions of insistence. And so she would comply, resisting any urges to protest with his decision. She wasn?t powerful enough to make the kill on such a thriving and large animal, but she was certainly good at running them into an ambush, or at least tiring them out. Alas, it seemed Conan required no assistance, and although she would hold her breath as predator and prey clashed, he would do as she so expected and bring the doe down as if she were nothing more than a wounded rabbit; effortless, and yet not without consequences.

A duo of quails would flee from the grasses nearby, bothered by the commotion, stirred from their feeding sites as they would rise up above the vegetation only to drop down a few meters away. Quails were something she was particular talented at hunting, however with an adult deer now sprawled lifeless beside her new companion, killing another life would be no more than a waste. Though she didn?t deny the strong desires to prove her abilities to the man before her, even if just to show she wasn?t entirely incapable of feeding herself. He would see, eventually. A smile would tickle the edges of feminine lips as she would trot eagerly though cautiously towards him, lips lashing excitedly at red jowls as she would anticipate the taste of red meat. Oh it seemed as though it had been a life time. She would remain wary however, not wanting to test the mans patience by attempt to dominate his kill; so with her tail lightly tucked she would pause by it?s thigh, skull dropping between her shoulders, ?The hunter eats first.? Gently she would smile, hopeful that he would take her offering.



4 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 03:10 AM

He hadn't meant to keep her away from the kill because he thought her incapable. He was more than sure that she was capable enough of bringing down her own prey. If he hadn't come across her in those moments, she probably would've been dining on her own rabbit meal, but because he had interrupted her hunting he felt the need to pay her back and for that he wanted to do it on his own. He probably should've explained to her why he asked her to stay back, but it was too late now. The doe lay dead at his paws, its blood dripping from sooty jaws. He was glad that she had listened to his instruction though and that she was remained unharmed and in pristine condition. Massive chest heaved with the great gulps of oxygen the mammoth took, his tooth token rising and falling with each movement of his chest. A ruckus from the nearby shrubbery would catch the man's attention, ruby gaze dancing away from where Paradise was hidden, catching sight of the birds that fluttered from their cover only to drop down not far from their original position. Birds were tricky things to catch, as well as rabbits and a man of his size couldn't be properly fed one any of those. Deer or whatever large herbivore happened to be in the area he was in was always the preferred meal.

His russet companion would emerge from the foliage, eagerly moving towards him, though there was an air of caution about her step, figure bowing in a slightly submissive gesture, her skull hanging between her shoulders as she insisted that he have the first bite. A shake of his crown would be given in response to her statement. It's not my deer but yours. He would say simply, taking two steps away from the carcass, lowering his own massive skull to match her own. He wasn't hungry and he had caught this for her. She deserved to eat as much of it as she could or wanted. A shake would rock the titan's figure, droplets of blood arching away from his massive frame before he would settle down, limbs folding beneath him as he would lower himself down onto the earth, ruby gaze intent on Paradise, waiting for her to dig into her meal.

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