
take away my pain


10-14-2013, 04:34 AM

She moved almost painfully slow, a potent smelling mixture of herbs gripped loosely within her jaws. Yellow eyes seemed distant as she walked back towards Tortuga, swaying slightly as if she was dizzy. She had been bad, she had gone against her every belief today and now she felt lost... One fun night with Creedance had brought her back for more, her had brought her back to the hot springs in search for him. Lo and behold she had found him, most as if fate had wished for them to meet again be had been there and waiting. It had been a moment a weakness and now she had to deal with the consequences. Only once before had she been in this situation and because of it she had sworn off men. If she was being completely honest, she was scared... She knew what kind of pain was to come if she are these herbs.

But to have children...

It had never been her plan, she had never wanted to plague herself with pups. Having watched what pregnancy had done to various other females it made her even less keen on the idea of having some of her own. To have her stomach stretch, tests swell and to expel some demon spawn from her body after being forced to carry them really did not interest her in the least. But she remembered the pain and sickness that came with these herbs and the closer she got to home the more she began to shake. She needed guidance, she wanted the goddess or her brother even but both were unable to help... She knew that these herbs needed to be injected sighing a day of conception and already she was pushing that limit. So she had headed home, headed for the sister she barely knew but the closest family she had. Maybe Io could have helped too but Vi hadn't seen her since she had come to the boarders to join. Zara was all she had.

Since meeting the massive, scarred she wolf at the pack meeting Vj had since invited her to live with Vi in her den. Kylar and Vi had lived together in it for almost a year, the space large enough for three comfortably as well as space for plants to be dried from the ceiling. Maybe with time they could dig I out further but for now it suited their needs. Though Zara wasn't much for talking it was nice to be around family again. It was nice to not feel as lonely at nights and it was nice to have a job. Zara could care for herself well enough for a blind lady but Vi had taken to hunting for the both of them. The red woman didn't feel the same blood bond to this sibling as she did to her brother but it was there none the less... And as she approached the den her trembling only increased, pausing outside to peer in. "Sister...?" She called softly as she dropped the herbs, her voice as dry and brittle as she felt.



10-14-2013, 05:04 AM

The massive woman had never been one to ask for help or even accept it really, but when one of her younger half siblings had offered to share her home with the blind woman Zara had only hesitated for a moment. What was family for if not to help each other out in times of need? Turns out Vi wasn't a terrible den mare and whoever her brother had been had known his herbs. Even before she had added her few extras, plenty of herbs were hung drying from the ceiling and more already dried herbs were piled neatly in the corner. It smelt so much like her mothers den growing up that it had almost been painful to enter it the first few times. That mixed with the seemingly permanent scent of sulphur that hung off Vi's pelt it was almost exactly like home.

She was beginning to out on weight again thanks to Vi and because of the steady food silly she had once again begun training. Soon she would venture to the battle field again to spar but for now she tested her limits and pushed at them. She was not running yet, not familiar enough with the territory to go simply by memory as she had been with Amenti. But every day she explored the territory to familiarize herself with it. The immediate area surrounding her's and Vi's home already memorized so she could successfully defend it if needed. She put herself through old drills she had learned as a child when she had trained with her friend Zoltan under his mother Darcia. Because of those drills all that extra weight was going straight into her muscles.

Vi had left sometime in the night and Zara had already been through a full day of exercise without smelling or hearing her sister. Normally the young woman lay atop the fallen tree that served as the roof of their home in silence to watch. She would leave to hunt or patrol on occasion but normally Vi would say a farewell or something along those lines. So after a day without her sister Zara couldn't help but begin to worry as the chill of night began to set in. She retreated into the large den only to find that without her new found family it felt empty. So pressing herself into the far back corner she curled up to wait for her sisters return. "Sister...?" The words pulled Zara's head up. There was hesitance in the younger females voice that made Zara worry. There was a moment where Zara's blind eyes simply watched the girl as she stood in the entrance. It smelt of herbs out there, though with all the herbs around her in the den she couldn't distinguish it.

"What's wrong? Come in here Vi, are you hurt?" She was concerned now as she repositioned herself closer to the herbs so Vi could come lay beside her. The motherly side was takin over now even though she couldn't smell blood she knew that wounds of the mind could be just as dangerous. She had watched insanity eat away at her mothers mind, just as she could feel it pull at the edges of her own. It ran in their family and though Zara knew nothing of this female she knew that she was one of Lust's many children and that she was born the same year as Aiden and Io. Any child of Lust's was at risk, and the fact that Zara knew nothing of Vi or her brother Kyar worried her. She had been there for the births or all her siblings but somehow these two she had never seen. Had Lust secreted them away? What was their story?



10-15-2013, 04:35 AM

Zara both scared and fascinated Vi, as the moonlight filtered past Vi's slender form it seemed to illuminate the massive woman's various scars. Scars had always been something that the red woman had both feared and detested but on Zara... Her image was disturbing, despite her seemingly kind and motherly nature her many scars were enough to shake up pretty much anyone, her milky gaze only adding to the unsettling image. But since Zara had moved in Vi had begun to take an odd sort of comfort in the scarred woman's appearance. So as soon as Zara repositioned herself and addressed Vi the red woman lowered her head to retrieve her herbs before ducking into the den. She dropped the herbs before her sister before brushing her face along Zara's course pelted shoulder. She drew in a shuddering breath before she dropped to her haunches and then folded her forelimbs so she lay curled up next to her sister. "No... I'm not hurt," she said, her voice a soft whisper.

Eyes were cast down as her mind once more raced through what had happened that day and what was going to happen. Everything that could happen. "I'm scared..." Her voice was soft again but threatened to break, feeling like she was on the edge of hysteria. She wanted to cry, to scream, to carve her rage and pain into the flesh of another. "I did something I swore never to do again. I was with a man today and its my season," she said though about half way through her words a sob broke out. She couldn't have kids, she couldn't be pregnant, she couldn't be a mother. She just couldn't. She was beginning to shake again and in an attempt to root herself she lay her head down across Zara's paws so her nose was facing the herbs.

"I need advice, I need help. I'm terrified at the thought of being a mother, by these herbs scare me just as much if not more." She was almost cryin now, yellow eyes squeezed shut to try and keep the tears from flowing. She felt herself beginning to unravel, it was everything she could do to keep herself from shattering to pieces. Vi wanted her mother now, wanted the goddess's guidance more then anything but she would have to settle for her sister now. Family was family, blood was blood and she would rather have any family around to help her out rather then handle this on her own.
