
You belong to me forever and always


10-11-2013, 11:10 AM

After the meeting with Taurig, the woman left with Bas at her heels, heading towards the hot springs she had passed on her search for the father of her children. She said nothing and didn't stop moving until she reached her destination. Cena trailed after the pair of wolves at a far more leisurely pace, in no rush top catch up.. "You already seem to know so there is no point in me repeating myself." She barked out lyrics in dangerously soft tones. She was still furious in the situation she found herself in. It shouldn't be possible. A low growl rumbled in here chest though it was directed at no one.

Coral gaze turned to the brute who belonged to her. It was not his place to have any say in this but she still gave a brief pause, giving him a brief moment to speak his mind. She movede towards one of the pools, stepping, letting the water warm her cold paws. Winter had long set in and was unforgivingly cold. Coral gaze dropped to look at her reflection in the rippling pool. She had gotten herself into a mess. But she refused to see it that way, she now had a small army growing in her belly that she could raise to do her bidding. They would warriors, they'd go down in history, the sound of their names would strike fear into the hearts of others.

She cast a glance over her should at Bas. He had shown no jealousy, only protection when he had arrived. She had become accustomed to it, but her goal was to have him depend on her, to be jealous when she was in the arms of another. The woman knew he held some deep rooted anger that had nothing to do with her but it could and would be put to good use. Her children would be raised in his presence, they would learn many lessons from his obedience and loyalty, even if that loyalty was forced.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-15-2013, 06:37 AM

Even if he wasn't what one would call happy, Basilisk Saxe was okay. He had always been able to handle what life threw at him, and this situation was no different. With ease he trailed after Cataleya, mildly amused at her frustration with her current predicament, but he refused to show it. Instead, his face was a picturesque display of detached annoyance. Had she really been so stupid as to not realize that she could end up pregnant? Or had she been swept away by passion and longing? He didn't picture her as the loving time -- and so he couldn't help but laugh inwardly at the mere thought of her with another man.

And still he followed as Cataleya lashed out at nothing in particular, her rage seeming to grow by the second. Before long they reached the hot springs, and Basilisk slunk forward quietly. A gaze was offered in his direction, and his ears swiveled on his cranium as he considered.

"Doesn't strike me as your type," he remarked dryly, his tone conversational. "He seems like a bit of an idiot. Better off keeping your children away from him." Especially if she wanted their loyalty -- and he was certain she would want just that. Not that his opinion mattered much. Slowly the brute would recline a distance from her, sliding down to rest on his belly and gaze at his own rippling reflection in the warm pools. His paws would dip down, enjoying the feeling of the warm liquid as the cold seemed to seep from his very bones.


10-16-2013, 03:44 PM

Doesn't strike me as your type. A smirk tugged as the corner of her mouth, already the young brute was catching on. She heaved up her ever growing mass, turning on sturdy limbs to approach the shadow that had settled himself some distance from her. "I'm no fool, of course he won't have a part of them." She didn't speak until she had stood beside him and her crown had lowered so her kissers were millimeters from his ear. Tones were eerily gentle, spoken softly.

"You on the other hand...." She pressed her nose roughly into the side of his neck, applying pressure until he rolled onto his side. Silver crown lifted slightly to meet his amethyst gaze. Her own pools of coral darkened with undeniable emotions. There was no love or compassion or longing, only something darker. She needed his upmost loyalty if he was to stand beside her when she birthed the little demons growing in her womb.

She needed to break the last of his resistance that she knew he still harbored. She needed to gain his trust and make him dependent on her, make him crave her every moment of every day. She was going to steal the last little bit of innocence he still had. Assuming he still had it. Lips curled back in a silent and, for once, harmless snarl. He was a year old still. A damn little baby. None the less, sharp gems continued to lay into the brute, careful calculating plans forming in her wicked him.

OOC- Cat is gonna try and seduce Bas

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 08:12 PM

Basilisk, from the outside, was a weak man -- controlled by a woman even smaller than himself, with no intent on breaking free from her grasp quite yet. But inside his hate had only grown, bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to unleash when he saw fit. Everything he had ever loved had been destroyed -- his home, his father. There was no use in caring for anyone, since they all seemed to leave him. He remembered Clash, the boy he had sparred with on the battlefield -- Aegira, the tiny girl in the cavern -- Odette, the brave wolf that had somehow captured his interest and part of his heart, in a twisted way. And his sister, oh where was she? She had sworn she would remain by his side, and where was she now? Cataleya was all he had, and he was not even sure he wanted her.

Her words were gentler than he expected. How quickly her emotions changed, from anger to something more composed ... even he was more in control of himself. A cold exterior kept the rest locked inside. His facade was always like this, painted with a mild distaste for his own existence and a morbid sense of self-loathing that was all too genuine. And yet he suddenly questioned everything as she murmured 'You on the other hand...'. Basilisk shifted, moving his weight from one paw to the next. The feeling of her wet nose was enough to send him twisting, truly not wanting to feel her wrath if he disobeyed her -- she was bitchy enough for the both of them lately. Slowly his body turned, writhing to the ground as she pushed him over quickly. There would be no fighting. He knew she would not inflict pain upon him unless he disobeyed her, and he was so masochist like his mother. The mere thought of wishing pain on himself made him nauseated, but he pushed such thoughts from his mind quickly.

His own purple gaze sought hers, as unfeeling as her own. The boy did not feel love or compassion, but he knew how it felt to want. And he felt a strange sort of longing as she towered over him, only vaguely aware what kind of longing it was. Companionship was a natural desire in any beast, however heartless they claimed to be, and he wondered why she had chosen him for now. "You want me to help care for your children?" Came his question a long moment later, perhaps a bit late.


10-17-2013, 11:18 AM

As she knew he would, her little shadow rolled onto his side. He tried to avoid her angry wrath most of the time but sometimes she felt the need to remind just of who he belonged to. Today was not one of those days, luckily for him. Instead she looked at him impatiently, waiting for his answer. But instead she watched emotions cross his face. A certain longing. A malicious grin wanted to spread across her face but she held it back. You want me to help care for your children? His response was late but it didn't matter.

"I want a lot of things. But what is it you want? What is it that you've be craving? Don't lie to me, there's something that keeps that bitter look plastered on your pretty face."" Husky tones would tease his ears, she tongue sneaking out between deadly jaws to plant soft kissed along his neck and shoulder. She was about to strike a bargain, he'd be foolish to pass up on it. She knew he wanted something, but she didn't know what.

The gears turned in her mind, wondering what it was he so deperately wanted. She knew exactly what she wanted in return for this little favor. Coral pools pinned him to the ground, desire burning, darkening her gaze. A low growl rumbled in her throat, toes flexed against the earth.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-17-2013, 01:57 PM

It was foreign for him to feel wanted. Everything he experienced seem to be a simple string of events, with nothing that made much sense or ultimately mattered. Even if Cataleya did not desire him as a companion, or even as a friend -- he was not so sure he considered her either -- she wanted him to remain with her and help raise her children. How strange. As if he would be any better than Taurig. Even if she didn't admit it, her silence spoke volumes.

Her question surprised him, and he mulled over it silently as he felt her do as she pleased. Her breath was hot against his ears, and she nipped gently at his neck, teasing him in a way. "Since when do you give a fuck what I want?" The words themselves were harsh, but his tone as as detached as ever. Non-argumentative and complacent. Cataleya had never asked for his story; never seemed to care who he was, or where he was from, as long as he followed her. Slowly he turned his head, trying to find eye contact with her, despite the growl that threatened to spill. "I want revenge." That was it ... it sounded so simple, and yet in reality it was oh so complicated. Would she care to help him in his plan? It was doubtful, but she had asked. He wanted more, but he didn't know what. He was consumed by hate and all he wanted was to destroy the one that had caused him so much pain.

And though the feeling of Cataleya being so affectionate -- in her own little way -- was new to him, and he would relish it in for as long as possible. It was foreign to him, and he wouldn't deny that it sparked some kind of curiosity within him.


10-17-2013, 09:44 PM

Soft laughter bubbled from her lips. Since when do you give a fuck what I want? His detached tones didn't match his harsh words. She felt the bunching on his muscles as he turned to find her gaze. She let him find it, coral pools mingling with amethyst one. I want revenge. Her amusement turned into something far more wicked. Now they were getting somewhere. "For what?" The temptress cooed softly to her little shadow. She would continue with her assault of gentleness, pulling him in closer, figuratively of course as she could not be any closer.

Limbs would continue to support her weight, leaving only her crown lowered. "What is this wolfs name, my little shadow?" She let his new nickname roll off her tongue in sultry tones, her salmon tongue snaking over to caress the curve of his ear. She knew so little about her shadow, it time to change that. It time to tie him to her in darkest of ways. He would never escape her grasp, unless she granted it to him, and even then she wanted to him to want to stay.

Audits stood attention, impatiently waiting for his answer so that her plans could start to fall into place. If she decided to help him, in exchange for a little something... Wicked things rolled about in her mind. His freedom. By holding what he so dearly wanted, she could mold him into the perfect killing machine. The perfect predator.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-19-2013, 07:07 PM

Cataleya didn't answer his inquiry, only laughed, and his expression darkened slightly. And yet she was not mocking him, no -- she almost seemed ... interested? "Revenge for my father's death." His words were somber, eyes flashing, laced with hate all too obvious. He had only admitted this to his sister, but he knew Cataleya could do no harm with the information. Only good. The feeling of physical closeness as intoxicating, and though he did not writhe beneath her, the fact that she had claimed him was not the only reason he was kept from shifting away.

"The woman that slayed him is Jupiter," came soft words, whispered as he tilted his head up closer to her ear. She had not been so bad to him after all. He had been lost, and she had found him. Given him purpose, even if only for now, to straighten his head and keep him grounded. A shiver crawled down his spine at the feeling of her tongue against his ear, and a soft exhalation of air would leave his lips. "She's the alpha of Ludicael." There was more he wanted -- to claim her children, or Aegira at least, but what he wanted was her head more than anything. Her death would settle the hate that bubbled deep within his soul -- or so he thought.


10-19-2013, 10:31 PM

It was perfect. Words caressed her ears. His hate for this woman was rooted so deeply within him, he'd do nothing unless her blood was spilled. "Then revenge you shall get." Coral pools swallowed him alive, each word a gentle, sweet coo that spoken with deliberate slowness, allowing it to sink in. But in order for this to work, he needed training. Inexperience would be his downfall if he wasn't careful.

She stayed close to him, feeding his desire for physical touch. "But you have much to learn my dear. Much to learn." She let her gaze roam his massive frame. Already he was larger than her, meaning he was certainly larger than the wench that captivated his attention. Her shadow had the determination and drive to beat this woman, but that would not be enough if he wanted to see her suffer. "Do you want to see her suffer? To watch her world crumble at her very paws? To rip everything she cares about from her grasp?" Words became a husky growl, feeding into her desire for blood and power.

A malicious grin pulled back darkened lips, revealing ivory daggers, eyes glinted with cruelty as she waited for his response. She was handing him his chance on a silver platter, all he had to do was take it. For a small price.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-21-2013, 07:53 PM

Basilisk listened quietly, his eyes burning with hate that refused to leave him. It controlled him, his need for revenge, and though he had tried desperately to stifle it, it went to no avail. Perhaps he could've been a decent man. He had tried, so desperately -- Cross had been a good influence on him, but he had disappeared, not to be found again. He'd even tried to control his anger around Aegira, around Odette. They were girls so innocent, and yet all he felt in recalling meeting them was a desire he knew was too impure to speak of out loud. To manipulate them, to make them his; to destroy everything they loved and leave destruction in their wake.

Was she taunted him? Or was she serious? His gaze was guarded as he watched her, unsure of her intentions. "Why do you want to help me?" The boy asked softly. "Will you teach me?" He had the potential, but he needed guidance. Training. Needed someone to add fuel to the fire that burned inside his hollow chest.

A soft growl followed her own. It was obvious that he was growing vaguely aroused by her words. She didn't understand how badly he wanted this. Oh, what he would do to see Jupiter grovel before him and beg for her life... "Help me," he asked, his voice nearly pleading. "And I'll help you." And His head shifted, moving away from her gaze, tongue daringly sneaking out to find contact with her flesh. It was not at all strange for a boy his age to feel desire, and though it was glaringly obvious she was teasing him, egging him on -- it only make him all that much more excited that she seemed willing to help him fulfill his darker desires.


10-21-2013, 09:07 PM

Questions spewed from his lips, distrust clearly written on his face. He had every reason not to trust her. His first question would go unanswered, why was of no importance to him. His pleading words fueled the wild fire that had been set loose within her, letting it run free. Help me, and I'll help you. It was just the words she had been wanting to hear. Words that caused her wicked grin to spread even farther across her face. She felt the gentle and daring caress of his tongue across her flesh, leaving a white hot path in its wake.

"Good." Husky words dripped like honey from her lips. She continued to egg him on, feed his darkest desires with simple touches and words. She would continue to fuel the fire that burned within. "The first thing you need to know is that you don't strike for the obvious. She'll be expecting that one day someone will come for her head. If you want her life, then you start with her pack, her family, everything she cares for."

Harsh words would be followed by a rough attack. Jaws would unhinged and aim for the muscle of his shoulder. If he didn't move then her fangs would only brush the surface of his skin, leaving him unharmed for the moment. From behind him, then tiny feline began to move, tiny paws made no noise as they kissed the earth and when she was close enough she struck, launching herself at the brutes back, claws extended for grip. The silver temptress would lift her head, eyes never straying from her shadow, giving nothing away about Cena's attack. Either he would remember and notice her approach or he would remained fixated on herself and fall victim to tiny claws across his back.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-23-2013, 07:25 PM

He would die trying to kill her, but only when he was ready. Perhaps it would take days, or weeks, or even years -- but the hate that churned within his heart was a fire that could not be extinguished. His words would please her, and he observed the wicked smile on her face quietly, assessing whether he could trust her or not.

Cataleya would give him some advice. Don't strike for the obvious -- of course. That was part of the reason he had been so terribly interested in Aegira, and yet he hadn't been tempted to outwardly harm her. No... he wanted to corrupt her. To do things so much darker than just make her bleed. And yet he had clearly not expected her attack, oblivious that he, too, was subject to such rules. The monsters in the dark only struck when it was least expected. Fangs would sink into his shoulder, and a dull groan left his lips. The pain wasn't horrible. It was more tantalizing than anything, and he held his frame still.

And yet the next attack was more unexpected; the woman's companion had launched himself forward, claws extended to scrape across his back. A snarl left his lips as he jerked beneath Cataleya. "Fucking cat," he murmured under his breath, irritated by the thing's presence in a moment that seemed so raw and personal to him.


10-23-2013, 07:43 PM

A groan would rumble from the boys chest as her fangs kissed his flesh. Soft laughter bubbled in her won throat as he was blind sided by Cena, barely catching the words he spoke under his breath. The feline chuckled to herself before leaving the boy alone and resuming her post several few away. Cat would return her attention to her little shadow, fixating her gaze on him, planning on enticing him even further. She would stand beside him, barking a light order at him. "Stand." Softly spoken words held an underlying threat. She waited until he came to his full height before she began to pace in cirlces around him.

"Surely you have already attempted to set this plan in motion?" A brow lifted as she casted a brief look over her shoulder as she pressed her smaller frame against his left side, taking slow and deliberate steps. As she moved her tongue would lash out against the fresh wounds left be Cena's claws.

"Tell me, what have you done?" She continued in her tight circle around him, giving him a light nip with every step she took without him answering her. Already ideas formed in her mind. Alpha. The woman had a pack, which meant that she had a family, children no doubt. One by one she would stand back and watch as they all fell at the jaws of her little shadow. He would get what he wanted and in return she would get his freedom, there would be no challenging for it. "If I help you, then you are mine." She had completed a circle and stopped at his shoulder, maw tilted up towards his ear, "Forever."

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-28-2013, 06:58 AM

The dynamic of the wolf-cat duo was lost to Basilisk, but he didn't dare question it. What kind of woman would want a feline for a companion? He grimaced at the pain, but he had felt much worse from Cataleya herself, so all he would do was clench his teeth and let a barely audible growl bubble up from within his chest. She was sick, of that he was sure ... but so was he. He had a disease of the mind, an incurable ailment given to him by his parents. A genetic affliction that he was certain would never leave him. He'd resigned himself for such a life, despite Cross's pleas that he could better himself. He was wrong.

She commanded him to stand, and slowly he would roll onto his side and lift his massive frame upright. 'Surely you have already attempted to set this plan in motion?' She would inquire, and his gaze would follow her as she circled him. "I had planned to," he spoke, his voice lacking the cold irritation in typically possessed. "But certain things have changed, as you know..." Namely, he'd been claimed. Before that, he had been watching some of the Ludicael wolves. Met Jupiter's daughter. Even met Aegira's caretaker. A sigh would leave his lips as her tongue met his open wounds, and he shuddered silently. "My mother is planning to torment Ludicael, but I wanted no part in her plan. I had to distance myself from her and time was necessary..."

Cataleya claimed she would help him, but he would belong to her forever; unless he fought for his own freedom ... if he ever would feel the desire to do that. "Fine," he answered after a long moment of deliberation. Belonging to her wasn't so bad. It could be worse... "I am yours."


10-28-2013, 05:04 PM

I am yours. Those three little words were like music to her hears, bringing a twisted grin to her face. Perfect. He had already laid out plans but the fell through when she claimed him. His mother. It added an interesting twist to things, but nothing that couldn't be beneficial if the woman had plans to torment that same pack. Haunches slid to the earth as she sat near his shoulder, looking mildly thoughtful.

"Very well. Until I can rid my body of these bastard children, you will go and gather anything you can about this pack, learn every detail." She pinned him with a stare, her lyrics spoken low, calculated. "And then we will begin the fun stuff." Words fell like a lullaby from inky lips, singing to his desires for blood.

"Why do you not take part in your mothers plans, hmm?" A brow lifted questioningly, surely it'd be easier and far more beneficial then handing his soul over to the devil.

Ludicael. The name hung in her mind. Right she was useless to do anything herself. With her womb occupied, her defenses were weakened, she couldn't barge into a pack. Jupiter. She must have had a good reason to kill her shadows father. But what? "Why did this woman kill your father?"

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-28-2013, 06:26 PM

How was it that it felt vaguely, irresistibly like they were almost equals now? Basilisk Saxe would shift his weight from one paw to the other, turning slightly as he watched her settle to the earth. Her expression was mirrored by his own, a slight smirk playing at the corners of his lips. She instructed him to learn more about this pack, and he nodded slowly. Already he had met Jupiter's daughter. Maybe he could seek her out again? And yet the thought of gaining information from Deteste was not at all comfortable to him. He respected the male a bit, but that didn't stop him from wanting to kill his dear friend...

She would be a partner to him. Help him. He would not be alone. The smirk grew slightly, tail flicking idly behind him, though its movements ceased quickly. "My mother failed me too," he commented, his expression faltering slightly. "She failed to defend our pack. My family." He loved her, and would defend her, but that didn't mean he was happy with her. "I want to work alone. She would want to claim Ludicael. I just want to see Jupiter dead." His grin returned, vague amusement at the thought.

Hesitantly he shifted a bit closer to her, leaning to press his nose down into the side of her belly. A daring move, but he knew she would not maim him over it. She had pledged her help to him. Why would she lie to him? Her belly was thick and swollen, and felt strange. He pulled back a moment later, turning his gaze to her again. "My father was a rapist and a killer. He couldn't control himself." It was a simple, honest answer. He wasn't proud of it, but it was the true.


10-28-2013, 09:04 PM

The temptress noticed everything. From the smirk that lit up his face, to the briefest wag of his tail. It was the first time she had seen any positive emotion from him. My mother failed me too. It seemed that there was a lot of wolves in his life that had failed him. She wouldn't, couldn't, not with prospect of blood being shed. I want to work alone. So would not acknowledge it so long as it didn't put any hiccups in her plans.

Much to her surprise, the boy shifted closer to her, hesitantly, but he still did. She watched as his crown dipped down, his cold nose pressed against her belly. "Feeling bold are we?" For once there was no malice in her words, no hidden threat or anything of the sort, a trace of amusement lay hidden beneath her words as coral pools watched his movements.

Rapist and murder. She studied him carefully, trying to assess how he felt about that. Would he follow in his fathers foot steps? Or would he have more control? Only striking out at specific targets? Well now he didn't have a choice. If he wanted revenge, then he would be a murder. He would ruthless. He had no choice. She was going to drill it into him.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
10-29-2013, 06:46 PM

Their conversation had gone quite differently than Basilisk had expected. He now had a partner, whether he liked to or not; but he doubted his sister would be pleased if she knew he had been claimed by this strange woman. It was a weird thought, and not one that settled well with him.

Now that he had healed, he would have to begin training. And she would help him. That settled his anxiety a bit. She had claimed him; she was strong. Would she teach her children to be fighters too? To be ruthless little minions? He could only hope.

'Feeling bold are we?' she asked, and his smirk would falter momentarily. "Well, you want me to help raise them, do you not?" Basilisk inquired guardedly, leaning back and giving her space once again. "I figured I better get to know them." It was a genuine request. There were so few wolves he cared about -- and while he doubted Cataleya's children would be thoroughly loved by him, but trying was the least he could do.


10-29-2013, 07:54 PM

Low laughter bubbled up in her throat. His expression faltered but his request was genuine much to her surprise. Lips remained curled back in a smirk. He was just full of surprises. And yet she found herself tiring of his presence, she was tired and wanted peace. She would rise, tail swaying between her hocks as she walked to one of the warm pools stepping in to warm her paws.

"You have your task, now go. I expect to see you when the brats are born and then we will pick up again." She easily dismissed him, leaving him to do his own thing. He would come when she called, no longer did she worry about disobedience from him. She now held the power to make or break his plan for revenge. She cast a glance over her shoulder. "I will be in the area." She walked past him, jaws reaching up to give a light tug on his ear, fangs softly scraping the tender flesh. And with that the woman would part ways with her little shadow, leaving him to travel to Ludicael and when she saw him again, he had better have something to tell her.


"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"