
Take The First Step Forward


10-11-2013, 04:48 AM
ooc// I added in the other names in description should they want to join to watch Dragon and Cassius or interact a bit before he takes him for training idk lol i'm sure his parents worry x3

Large scarred frame moved throughout the pack's camp. Dragon was eager to behin training with his new student, and he hoped that Cassius would be just as eager, though upon seeing the boy at the meeting not too long ago, he was sure that the boy would be just as shy as Dragon was. He sat within the clearing, it was still early and not quite noon yet but it was almost there. Dragon would sit and wait patiently for Cassius to awaken or come into the clearing. Though he was fairly new, he had somehow gained enough trust to train the son of the Seracian king himself. Even with the uneasiness he saw in the parents eyes, he would not disappoint. He settled himself down, red eyes half closing as he waited for his apprentice. He wondered if Aeil would show up today and help him should he need it...though he was sure he could handle it himself. He wanted to get to know his student as best as he could and teach him the simple things in life to be grateful for.


Cassius 1


3 Years
10-26-2013, 12:49 PM
I fail at life but this is finally here. I'm so so so so x 100000 sorry about making you wait so long.

Of course on the very day that he was supposed to be starting his mentoring with Dragon he would find himself so very far from home. With a twitch of his tail the boy would scamper toward his den, knowing it was likely that Dragon would meet him there. At least now he was getting better at not being lost every second of the day. He knew his way back to his den from almost any place in Seracia ? almost. It took him a while with such scrawny legs, but soon enough he arrived where he was being sought, and found Dragon awaiting him. ?S-sorry I?m late Mr. D-dragon. I was f-far away and I..? He choked, not exactly knowing how best to explain his tardiness and illustrate his sorrow for making the man wait. Here he was, the son of the King, and he couldn?t even manage to get somewhere on time. How pathetic. With a tilt of his head he would rock onto his haunches, unsure if they were awaiting anyone else or if they would begin at once. To be honest he was still quite nervous about this whole situation, but he supposed that the only way to face it was to do what he could and hope for the best. He only hoped he wouldn?t let his father or mother down in the process.



11-04-2013, 02:06 AM

Tilting his head towards the sun, he would notice that sun high was soon to approach noontide. He guessed that Cassius was not in his den, otherwise he would have been out seconds after Dragon had arrived. Today, however, it would seem the boy would be late. Though Dragon didn't mind at all, he was sure the boy was as nervous as he was...and was probably taking his time somewhere. Moments after the thought, a scent would reach him and he would turn to see Cassius coming in, and immiediately began to apologize to him. Dragon gazed down with gentleness and understanding, no harshness would enter his gaze or tone. It was only natural that one so young as he would be exploring his pack lands. After all, Dragon himself had done that when he was that age, and up till he was a year old...though unfortunately, his last escapade had landed him in a near fatal accident which scarred his back and chest for life. They were not but the memories of a nightmare, that he wished he could forget. But as it was, they would probably stick with him forever.

He would turn, standing to face the boy. A dip of his head as he shook it gently. "Do not apologize young one, I am in no way offended. It is only natural that one so young as yourself would be out and about exploring." A gentle smile would grace his features as he tried to relax the young boy. Not wanting to frighten him, but to make him feel more comfortable...or at least try. He would then lower his body to the ground, coming to rest on his belly so that he was on the same eye level as Cassius. With a gentle gesture, he would become relaxed, brushing aside the nervousness that had threatened to hold him. "Are you ready for today's training? It won't be hard at all...I promise."


Cassius 1


3 Years
11-05-2013, 03:33 PM

The man stood, turning to face Cassius - and immediately the child would cower lower to the earth. He'd messed up already. Tail would tuck tightly against his rump and abdomen, trying to show how sorry he was through his appearance. It was important to be submissive if you couldn't be assertive - and he knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that he'd never be seen as assertive. ?S-sorry I apologized.. I mean uh. Hi.? He truly didn't know what to say. Dragon had told him not to apologize, and yet he'd apologized for apologizing. Maybe i'm not cut out for mentoring. Cassius relaxed as Dragon laid upon the ground, allowing his tail to relax and hang at a more comfortable position. ?I g-guess so,? he would respond with uncertainty as Dragon promised him today's training wouldn't be too difficult. Just navigating his own home was difficult for the two-tone child, who's to say whatever Dragon had planned would be any easier than that? Nevertheless, the man had promised.. and Cassius was always inclined to believe a promise from an adult.
