
Since you've been gone...


10-10-2013, 02:51 PM

the skies where painted deep gold, red and pink- the sun had set and still Poppy was walking around. Thinking. It never really occurred to her about how her life could have changed in a single battle between taurig and ozz. How the dame could of become a slave to a wench she has only heard rumours about. It infuriated her, she didn't hear it from the king himself, but by whispers all around. A sigh would roll past her lips, tracing her moist tounge until something in the distance began to move. Who was it this time?

As Poppy neared closer her posture remained calm, Tortuga didn't have much strangers around since its been claimed. The dame had heard some news, news that made her stomach flip. The women she though had fled had come back to help the pack... and to hopefully find The youth. Within a few moments Poppy would stop, her head lowering and the rosy lips parting, "newt... Is, is that you?" A whisper would greet the air, it seemed like a large figure that was lurking, and the only large creature she's seen was newt.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee


10-13-2013, 03:24 PM
Warmth, it filled her heart and face with a smile. She had been so worried about the youth, she had told her she would care for her and had unfortunately had her paws full from the responsibility of helping her new king accept all the wolves into the pack. She followed the aroma of poppy for a while. She had heard the new of Ozz attempting to steal her. She was concerned that her adoptive daughter may have acquired some injuries and desired to see her for herself. She heard the whisper of words on the wind. So unsure, so lost, and it almost broke her heart. She moved like liquid shadow from what seemed like nowhere and was beside the child quickly.

?Yes, I am here. I am so sorry I was not there to watch our king fight for you. I am only grateful he won the battle and brought you back home. Are you all right? Did she hurt you?? she questioned, her gaze roving over her body for any signs of wounds. She wanted blood for what had happened to her. For the possible fear she had endured and the possible trauma. She was a daughter, regardless if she was not her blood, and she would destroy anything that hurt her children.


10-21-2013, 12:07 PM

A smile would curve softly upon the lips as Newt would swiftly appear, her precense bringing poppy at ease for the first time in a while since arriving to the foreign lands. The muscles would relax and within moments the youth would softly bury her tiara into her mothers chest. " ive missed you, im glad your still here I got worried I was all alone... again." Perhaps it was a fact to say the autumn dame had troubles with facing the world alone, after the death of her parents and the slight absence of her adoptive guardian Poppy had a hard time coping with the basics.

Standing back slightly the youth would trace over the womans strong structure " Im fine, but what if she comes back? I could become a slave or something" A sigh would pass through the ebony lips, Poppy always did over think things.

Table by Pann, Image by Jolee