
A formal apology, and among a change[joining]


10-10-2013, 03:00 AM

Ozz still bore the injuries that the titan king had given her from their fight over Poppy. Plenty of things had changed from then though, Ozz had lost her former mate, her former home, but she had also gained a new one, now all she needed was the home. Her head held low Kai standing a few feet ahead of her, Ozz approached the borders. She hoped Tidus would be nearby, just in case Taurig would try to snap at her. She wouldn't blame him, but she was already broken and bruised, in more then one place, from her endeavors. All she wanted was a place to rest and settle down, a place to train and protect and prosper. Possibly a place where her future children would be safe, including the males. If it weren't for her fierce mentality tears would have bordered her eyes. Would she be hated? She was already hated by Canttina, and she had to live with that burden for the rest of her life.
Ozz didn't raise her head, held at shoulder level. Giving out a small bark at the borders as Kai stood beside her. The demon was still here waiting for her to die, and she wasn't surprised. The lady's green eyes looked forward. Waiting half scared for the beast to confront her. Tidus could explain right? She would try her hardest, apologize as hard as she could. But in the end that'd never be enough for the sadness she felt. For all that she was worth and what had happened in her past, she felt like she was blind. Then again, she wanted to handle things with Confidence, she was simply injured. And didn't want to die.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-15-2013, 02:26 AM

A sigh escaped the young mans lips as the cold winter breeze rolled across his back. He watched the snowflakes fall onto his nose, and the steam escape with his breath. He had returned to his packlands, Ozz staying behind as she was not a member of Tortuga...He was about to take a nap atop the fallen tree he was on, when a familiar scent reached his nose. Lifting his head, his nostrils flared to capture the scent and where it came from, and soon an all too familiar bark would follow suit. Tidus' heart leaped up in surprise, ears perking as he rose and slid off the wood to the ground below. With quick steps he moved towards the direction of the bark, knowing all too well who it would be. As he crossed a small stream, a figure would come into view and he felt extremely happy to see her. Ozz, his new mate and his very reason for continuing to breath and live life stood at the borders, waiting for him. She had called to him, and though he was in no position to accept others yet, he was all too happy to be at her side and call for Taurig. Upon approaching, a gentle bark would let loose from his lips as he nuzzled her neck. Taking a step back, he roamed her figure to make sure she was okay and uninjured...asides from the new scar that the amentian bitch had left on her. Oh how Tidus wanted to seek revenge, and he would in due time as well.

"Ozz, it's good to see you sweetheart." His voice came out in a gentle purr as he licked her muzzle, clearly happy to see her here. With a smile, he would speak again as warm blue eyes gazed lovingly at her. "I take it Taurig is in need huh? Just a sec." he turned briefly as he raised his muzzle to the sky, and just as he did so a call to his new alpha would breach the air and surrounding lands. He knew vaguely about what happened between Ozz and Taurig, but hopefully Taurig would be the kind to deliver a second chance...especially to someone who was so willing to try. After his initial call, he moved to stand beside Ozz, his pelt brushing hers in comfort after seeing her look so down. Even though they hadn't known each other long, Tidus felt fiercely protective of her, on top of all else...he found that he loved her to bits and would do anything to keep her safe.




5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 06:39 PM

Ozz. That name left a foul taste in the back of his mouth. She was not a welcome memory. There had been absolutely no reason at all that could've been valid in order for her to challenge for Poppy. The girl, as far as he knew, had done nothing to merit a response from the Amenti woman. The cobalt King didn't react well to those threatening his family for no reason and Ozz would forever be marked in his mind. The scarred King was resting atop his den, forepaws hanging over the edge of the ledge, crown resting gently against his legs, marred ears flickering as a voice sounded across his territory. It was male and vaguely familiar...A new member? He had yet to remember the names of his newest members but he was sure if he saw their face he would be able to recognize them easily enough. Rising from his perch the King would give himself a shake before descending, powerful ebony limbs pulling him in the direction of the call.

Pace was a steady easy lope, icy gaze falling across Tidus' figure. He was standing next to someone who wasn't exactly the most welcomed sight in the world. What is she doing here Tidus? The king would come to a halt not too far from the pair, noticing how Tidus stood so close to Ozz. Were they mates or something? Lyrics would be neutral, neither threatening or friendly, icy gaze unreadable as he looked over the amenti woman standing beside Tidus.

Talk like this


10-16-2013, 07:18 PM

The woman was clearly beaten, to add onto the kings wounds. She now had a fairly large scar over the left side of her face. Running from the top of her eye down her snout, scabbed over from the freshness of it her entire body ached with pain. It was the mark of exile, she was no longer welcome in amenti and she knew it. The look of hate on the scarred king. Could he ever forgive her, Ozz mildly whined as she looked up at Tidus slightly. Moving to the side, as she was happy that Tidus would give her any source of comfort. The lady pulled back her ears looking like someone completely different as she spoke to Taurig. "Taurig.....I wanted to speak with you before this happened but. I'm sorry, very much so for the useless fight I pulled for your lass. The fight pulled some sense into me, I met tidus and we are mates now. I ask for your forgiveness, and ask if I could possibly make my home here. I am a changed woman." Her lips quivered with every word. Sure Tidus could do the talking, but he couldn't do all of it.
Ozz began to weep she pressed her head down against the dirt. Her paws forward on her snout her entire body ached with the wounds, and her chest felt like it was about to explode. "I have no where else to go sir, I have lost my old home which wasn't much of a home in the first place. At the first sign of weakness they throw away what they deem useless. I'm dearly scared for my future, I am deeply sorry for my stupidy. And I wouldn't be surprised if you never forgave me. But, I love tidus, and I want to try and make myself stronger at least in the sense where I can protect what is important to me." She seemed to beg. Her jaws splayed out as she looked at Taurig, then over at Tidus. She was practically at her breaking point anyway. As the bloody woman picked herself up she pressed her snout to Tidus' side.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


10-21-2013, 10:52 PM

Creamy white ears perked forward as the scent of his familiar king would wave towards him on the winds. Within moments, Taurig was at the borders...though he didn't seem happy, and Tidus knew why. His blue gaze rested on Taurig as the Re questioned why Ozz was here. But before he could respond, Ozz had spoken up first. He watched her carefully, knowing how broken the woman must feel. He could tell that her words held truth as well, she was sincere in her apology and she wanted to show that she had changed. Her tone turned to a kind of plea, hoping that the king would change his mind. He felt the touch that Ozz placed upon him, and a small smile would come to rest on his lips as he returned his gaze to Taurig. "Taurig, I know she's the last wolf you want to see right now...but please, give her a chance. In the time I've gotten to know her, I can see that she really wants to change. I was witness to what her pack did, they drove her out, attacked their own when she requested to leave. It's dispicable if you ask me, and they didn't care one bit. Give her a chance, I promise she won't be any trouble. She can change...with some help, and I promised I would help. I've...I've fallen in love with her because I can see something more, someone who needs help. Someone who needs an understanding and loving heart to guide her along, so I took her as my mate. And I wouldn't want anyone by my side other then her." His short speech finished, and Tidus would gaze at Taurig for his judgment. Would he be the king that Tidus knew him to be? Or would he turn away a lost soul and sentence her to exile?




5 Years
Extra large
10-25-2013, 01:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2013, 02:02 AM by Taurig.)

He was expecting an explanation from Tidus, but the woman Ozz would speak up first. Icy gaze would turn on the scarred woman, nape bristling slightly as he listened to her explanation and apology. Taurig.....I wanted to speak with you before this happened but. I'm sorry, very much so for the useless fight I pulled for your lass. The fight pulled some sense into me, I met tidus and we are mates now. I ask for your forgiveness, and ask if I could possibly make my home here. I am a changed woman. She would allow the front of her body to bow forward, crown pressing into the dirt. Taurig took a step back, ears flattening against his skull. She didn't need to grovel and stoop to such a level. She had to have some shred of dignity left at least. "I have no where else to go sir, I have lost my old home which wasn't much of a home in the first place. At the first sign of weakness they throw away what they deem useless. I'm dearly scared for my future, I am deeply sorry for my stupidy. And I wouldn't be surprised if you never forgave me. But, I love tidus, and I want to try and make myself stronger at least in the sense where I can protect what is important to me.

It was only after she had finished her speech that would raise herself back up, only to give affection to Tidus. Dark brows would furrow together as his gaze settled back on the ivory, ebony decorated knight, ears rotating forward as Tidus gave his own explanation. Taurig, I know she's the last wolf you want to see right now...but please, give her a chance. In the time I've gotten to know her, I can see that she really wants to change. I was witness to what her pack did, they drove her out, attacked their own when she requested to leave. It's dispicable if you ask me, and they didn't care one bit. Give her a chance, I promise she won't be any trouble. She can change...with some help, and I promised I would help. I've...I've fallen in love with her because I can see something more, someone who needs help. Someone who needs an understanding and loving heart to guide her along, so I took her as my mate. And I wouldn't want anyone by my side other then her. Fallen in love? That seemed rather sudden, didn't it? Then again he couldn't really be one to judge. He had fallen for Argent rather quickly as well, but he was slowly getting over her. He would never forget her, but he wouldn't let himself pine over her when she was never going to be his.

He would stand before the two, quietly considering what the two had told him. Part of him was saying to turn Ozz away. She come to try and take Poppy from him without provocation and now she was here, groveling for a place within his pack when she had tried to break it apart? But the other part of him wanted to give her a chance. Everyone deserved second chances, but did that include Ozz? He had to at least give her one; if she messed it up, then that was it for her. One strike and she was out. What you did is nothing I will forget anytime soon Ozz, but because Tidus cares for you, I will allow you to take residence here in Tortuga. But this is the only chance you will get. If I catch wind that you have caused trouble, or that you have brought trouble to my pack's borders, then I will personally chase out of Tortuga. Are we understood? He would first look at Ozz and then at Tidus, features serious. He wasn't kidding. One chance. That was all she would get.

Talk like this


10-25-2013, 01:04 PM

Oh for the love of everything, things were going more smoothly then she could imagine. The lady shivered slightly as she listened to Taurig's words. She had never been given another chance before, not even after she had tried to escape her fathers grasp in her murder attempts. Her green eyes once filled with insanity, were filled with thankful vibes. Emerald eyes gleamed with delight as she let out a good sigh. She could relax slightly couldn't she? There was no way she could thank him enough, no way possible. "Yes, YES! I understand, I would never want trouble to befall my family. You won't regret it Taurig, I have Poppy, Newt, and Hajime to apologize to. I promise I'll make good work of myself, the best I can." The words spewed out of her mouth oddly. Still trying to get the tears streaming down her face to stop. It was stinging her face wound. Her body already aching from the bruises they had given her from slamming into her. Tail slightly wagging, she looked slightly like a pup looking up at Taurig. A new king, worth serving at that.
"I....I'm not very well off fighting, but I can help with hunting, perhaps even a healer. I am keen on herbs and would like to help those who are hurt." Though at the moment she didn't know if Taurig would even want her around his injured members. It was the least she could do. Kai standing beside her gave her a small nudge just under the chin. His fake warmth giving her slight confidence to the girl who seemed fairly broken but trying her hardest. Ozz looked at Tidus, wondering if he'd think it a good idea for her to be a healer. It was the least she could do, specially in her condition.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,