


10-08-2013, 01:59 PM
OOC Name: Rain
How did you get here?: Found an ad on another rp site
Age: 21

Character's Name: Nakita Sokolov
Age: 2 years
Season of birth: Autumn
Size: Medium
Appearance description:
Not sure if you wanted a simple description or the full one... so here are both!

Basic: Red-brown in color with lighter undersides, and various markings of the same color scheme. Tangerine orange eyes.

Detailed: Exquisite hues of wine dress this beauty with an untold elegance. It is not a rich wine, but something in between. Over this russet base lies a softer tone of the same pigment which covers her undersides, brightening the otherwise darkly tinted form. The hue flows from her chest down her slender limbs all the way to the tip of her tail, and even reaches the inside of her angled ears. Dainty toes are all dipped in a darker ink, as if she stepped into some sort of dye. This same paint surrounds her slanted eyes, and touches upon her shoulders, spilling down her back in a dorsal back-stripe. The tint reaches down onto her hips and wisps at her thighs before disappearing under yet another pigment. This final hue is the darkest, but no less rich or beautiful. The deep shade of seal brown that borders on black slips over her hips, however it doesn't touch her thighs and instead spreads onto the top of her tail creating a wonderful contrast of light and dark. Upon her chest it appears as a small mark, and on her muzzle is blazes across as the deep hue licks her forehead. Her eyes burn with a fiery intensity, the burning amber lenses seemingly glowing beneath long onyx lashes. Those tangerine gems perhaps are a view into her blazing soul.

A body to match her silky fur is something very apparent. The form starts with a wonderfully built torso, strong and yet it is not broad like an amazon warrior. The chest leads into a smoothly slender middle, and elegantly widening out into the phoenix's swaying hips. Limbs are long, graceful, helping to create her charming form; paws are quite dainty to match. Tail is long and covered in lush, silky fur, something Nakita takes great pride in. She is not big boned but is instead, quite dainty in appearance. However, don't be fooled by such a figure. After first glances are made, and one takes a closer look, strong and compact muscles can be seen moving under the wine colored pelt. She is lean and built with a certain hidden strength, don't be fooled by first impressions for she is anything but weak. Head is always held high upon a strong neck. Ears are nicely angled at the tips and are placed proudly on her crown. Cheek bones are angled, however they are not overly so. Muzzle points out, a suitable form on her face, while eyes are slanted and lips are dark and alluring.
Duty: Tracker


10-08-2013, 05:15 PM

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