



11-03-2013, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2013, 11:15 PM by Isardis.)

So the masked peculiar was dead, eh? Too bad, not that Isardis had entirely appreciated her as an ally at the best of times. Her ways were strange, and she in herself was not particularly a character he was fond of. However, her people had responded to his call in their time of need, and so he would do no less than to offer his Kingdom as their home. The albino beast, still marked with the wounds of war, would meander athwart his home and continue towards the lands which were no less than neutral. Having been informed by the pale brilliance, Artemis, he was now eager to gather whomever he could find. He would pause, satisfied with the central exposure of the Battlefield, and skull would crane to cry for their attendances. He knew not if they would yield, but he would sustain his efforts regardless.

ooc; Not sure if any will come, but Isar will try anyway <3 Also, This thread is timed AFTER Artemis tells Isardis of Canttina's death. A thread that doesn't yet exist mind you, lololol. Rules, who needs rules.


11-03-2013, 11:45 PM

A call rang out from a familiar man, and the heartbroken shadow wandered in that general direction. Now that her beloved was dead, she had no purpose anywhere, and there would never be love for her. Might as well investigate why the albino monster required her and her former sisters of Amenti. Her short legs and tea cupped paws carried her onto the battlefield quicker than she would have liked to appear, and her exotic eyes found the beast in question.

She murmured, her voice betraying no emotion. Outwardly, no one could tell she had been hurt by the suicide of her lover, they could only see a cold, emotionless mask and a distaste for whomever made eye contact. She had decided, she would not love another ever again, that she would not fall for the best of hearts, the most amazing of bodies, or even the man of her dreams. Now, she was just a pretty face, scarred by the war, scarred by her past, and never to truly smile again. Fuck the world, all you really needed is sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Just have fun, until you kick the bucket. The obsidian bitch approached the rosy fleshed man, looking up at him over her nose, her eyes slightly lidded, and looked him over. I can see why he has such a large brood in his pack. She thought to herself, her lips slightly curving to reveal bright pearl razors. Oh such a tease she was, but she couldn't help it. Though she knew he had a woman of his own, and a plethora of bitches to sate his needs. How could it hurt though, she wouldn't fight for him if the opportunity arose, she simply thought he would be a little fun. Sauntering away, she sat down and waited, since she knew others would come at this one's call.
