
The Only Rules That Really Matter Are These:


10-07-2013, 09:18 AM
It was high time that the Captain became acquainted with the knowledge of a good fight. Though fair would probably not be in his quota, it would be something to learn. He sauntered across the open lands, hazel eyes flicking to the stains of blood that decorated the earth. He climbed atop a rocky outlook that was held up by a few fallen rocks, and he would let out a howl to ring across the earth. Who so would join the dear Captain for a fight?

He closed his features, and he would wait for his opponent. The rugged man would settle himself onto the rock, crossing his paws as he waited for the excitement that he hoped would follow soon. He had lots of energy and he needed to release it in other ways then courting whores and drinking until he couldn't tell which way was up or down. He came all the way from the Ibis Islands that he claimed as his own, so he would not leave until someone accepted his challenge...else he go looking for an opponent, but that was not his way.


10-07-2013, 10:45 AM
Sebastian was back at the battlefield. He liked it here, he liked the scent of the fresh blood, he liked watching the fights. Watching t hepuny ones get beaten. He liked laugh at them, at their pain. He had been sitting at the edge of the battlefield for a while when he heard the howl. Someone looking for a fight? He would not decline. He stalked to the source of the noise, and sitting there was a brown male. He had a black tipped tail, his ears were also dipped in the same inky black. His brown eyes looked at Sebastian, they danced with excitement. He would not be so happy soon. "You called? I am assuming that you want a fighht, if so you have come to the right place." he grinned.

OOC: he sounds so cocky but he's going to loose XD


10-07-2013, 12:01 PM

Hazel eyes would dance as the male looked towards where his opponent would come. He stood then, sizing up his opponent though there wasn't much sizing up to do. His dark opponent was clearly some inches taller then himself, as Jack only stood at 30 inches in height. He slid off his perch, sauntering a little closer to the stranger in his strange way of walking, looking as if he were drunk. But of course it was a given usually, though Winter was usually Jack's "Sober season" as the ingredients he used for his fix were much more scarce. "Good day to you stranger, and aye it is a fight that I want or you would not have heard my call eh?" He would chuckle a little at the man, blackened and yellowed teeth flashing as he moved a little more into the open.

"You boy, have you found your luck? Because it's not everyday one spars with Captain Jack Sparrow and lives to tell the tale." he would wink and sway, oh this would be an interesting fight indeed. He would give the man the option to attack or speak first all the while he would set up his defense just in case. He would ready his tail for balance, aligning it with his spine as his knees became bent. His head would lower to protect his throat, while at the same time narrowing his eyes as if studying the other intensely, shoulders tucked in to allow for quick movement should the naive boy decide to go for full frontal assault, or whatever attack the beast threw at him. He scrunched his scruff to offer more protection, toes splayed, claws penetrated the earth for traction, and his body was slightly lowered for a counter of his own when the boy decided to make his move. "Right lad, let's get this swords dance started shall we?" he would display a smile at his opponent, as if discreetly taunting his nerves.

Practice/Normal Spar

4 Rounds

Fight Stats

Round: 0/4

Defenses: Tail aligned with spine for balance, knees bent, head lowered to protect his throat, eyes narrowed, shoulders tucked, scruff is scrunched to protect the back of the neck, toes splayed, claws dug into the earth for traction, body lowered for easy movement.

Attacks: None


Out Of Character Notes: I'm letting you decide if you wanna attack first, just setting up defenses as a precaution ;D don't worry about whether you're doing good or bad, just try your best. I'm a first time Spar-er too. Good luck~

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-07-2013, 12:26 PM
Jack Sparrow? That was a rather stupid name he thought. "So it begins." He grinned and moved so that he was square on to the male, or should he say mister Jack Sparrow. He flattened his ears against his skull. Tucked his chin down to prevent him from gaining access to his jugular. He distrubuted his weight evenly between his paws to provide the best balance. Muscles rippled beneath his midnight fur. Eyes narrowed and focused only on his opponent, he was ready for this fight. He dug his feet into the ground for better traction. He raised his hackles and bent his knees. He looked at his opponent. He would try to pounce to the left and then throw himself into the male's side, aiming to wind and off-balance Jack. He was very confident. He was not too angry today. BUt he always loved a fight. He would not turn one down.

Round : 1/4
Defenses : Ears pinned against skull, Chin tucked to stop access to throat, weight distrubuted evenly for balance, eyes narrowed focused on Jack, feet dug into ground for traction, hackles raised
Attacks: Attempts to slam into left side, aiming to wind and off balance.
Injuries: N/A
Note: The round number was edited with Aislyn's permission


10-07-2013, 04:56 PM

A smile would cross his features, narrowed eyes dancing with mirth as he watched the other male make his move. He made no movement, not until his opponent would come closer. Muscles tensed, toes gripping the earth in preparation for the attack that Jack had predicted. The other would try a frontal assault, though at a left angle. Ready, Jack would wait for him to come closer before making his move. And at last it would be made. As the male closed in on him, Jack would meet him with a retaliation of his own. As the black male attempted to slam into his left, Jack would launch himself midway to meet his attacker by lowering his head just slightly as his front half lifted off the ground, hunching his back and shoulders and attempt to slam his shoulder blades into the man's abdomen and hoped that this move would knock out his air to possibly daze him. The pillager was smart, risking his own safety in an attempt to overthrow the attacker, he knew his shoulders would probably become bruised or sore later but it would be worth it. If this retaliation of attack made its mark, then the rugged beast would then attempt to bite the black beasts right leg thigh and grip it to either hold him down and prevent him from moving too much, or pain him so that his movements were hindered. "Ah, the advantages of being smaller then your opponent...often it means you could be faster." He would growl mockingly to the larger male.

His teeth would snap in a flurry of movement, hind legs spread apart for balance as they raised his body pushing him forward and up, toes splayed for balance, nails digging into the earth, tail tucked to avoid as much damage as possible should the beast decide to attack him there, ears flattened, eyes narrowed just enough so he could still see his potential mark, hackles rose in aggravated excitement, his head was lowered just enough to prevent access to his throat, shoulders tucked to allow for swift movement, his scruff bunched as much as he could during his attack. Should this fail, he would attempt to trip him by snagging his right paw around the hind paws of the assailant. Then again, Jack was never one to plan anything...things just happened as they went.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/4

Defenses: Hind legs spread apart for balance, toes splayed for aided balance, claws digging into the ground, tail tucked, ears flattened, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, head lowered enough to protect his throat, shoulders tucked to allow for easy movement, scruff bunched to protect the back of his neck.

Attacks: A retaliation attempt to meet his opponent midway by hunching his shoulders/back and lifting his front half off the ground to slam his opponent in the abdomen, hoping to knock his air out and possibly daze him. After this, an attempt would be made to bite Sebastian's right leg on the upper thigh where the muscle is to hold him in place or cause pain and hinder movement. Should his teeth miss his mark, then Jack would attempt to trip him by snagging /sweeping his right paw at Sebastians hind paws.

Injuries: possible bruising to shoulders/upper back

Out Of Character Notes:

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-09-2013, 12:13 PM
He laughed at the attempt at mockery. "You know what? I'm not going to bother to hear your opinion on that. But this is what. Fuck You." He couldn't be bothered with his cheek. He wanted an easy fight, as much as he wanted to deny it. Have liked fights where they were slow and small. As easy to snuff out as candles. He began to get his mind back on the fight.

The cold was starting to bother him a little. It was ever so slightly annoying. He spread his feet and pasted his ears to his skull. He lowered his head over his jugular, spread his weight over all four paws, after all, balance was a key point in fighting. He raised his hackles. He splayed his toes and dug them into the ground for optimum traction. That again was another key fighting skill. You could not face an opponent while you were slipping all over the place, a definite no no. He tucked his shoulders down, as he was doing this he saw the coming into his blow. He tried to stop but he slammed into jack and lost his balance, it knocked the wind out of him. It would do this to the other male too. Sebastian regained his breath quickly and shook it off. Just then he saw the jaws coming toward him. He tried to dodge the jaws, they grazed him, narrowly missing his legs. Too close Sebastian said to himself. He narrowed his eyes. Looking at jack again, just then he saw jack's paws coming at his back paws. They caught him and he was off balanced. He would regain it quite quickly, not allowing to let the male get another attack in. He began to circle. He would attempt to pounce on him and catch his hind legs with his powerful jaws. If he managed to dodge that, he would twist and try to slam into his side and wind him. This would hurt him ever so slightly too, but Sebastian should have been to recover quickly.

Round : 2/4
Defenses : Ears pressed against skull, head over throat to protect jugular, weight evenly distributed for balance, hackle raised, toes splayed, toes dug into ground for traction, eyes narrowed and focused on Jack, shoulders tucked for easy movements
Attacks : Will attempt to bite into hind legs, hoping to pin or severely injure, if that doesn't work he will try to twist and then slam into his side, aiming to wind and daze. Sebastian will try to shake the daze off quickly and regain his balance.
Injuries : possible bruising to left side and grazes on right leg (upper thigh)

OOC notes : sorry for the massive wait... well two days but...


10-23-2013, 04:55 AM

Jack grinned with satisfaction, his attempts hit their mark and the black male would fall in a daze with the wind knocked out of him. His teeth had also done some little damage, though Jack wasn't entirely aiming to handicap the brute. It would seem that he had succeeded in off-balancing the male twice, and Jack would internally laugh. What folly, who allowed someone to do that twice in a row? He came to land upon all fours once more, narrowed eyes watching his opponents movements. Jack watched as Sebastian circled, and Jack would mimic the motion going clock-wise. Hackles rose and tail tucked to protect his jewels. His ears were flattened to his head, head lowered slightly to protect his jugular and his scruff bunched to protect the back of his neck. It would seem that the male would circle behind him, and he saw the man pounce towards him, closing in on his legs. With a smirk, Jack would retaliate with a kick backwards, hoping to catch the man in the jaw and and attempt to deliver a good blow. He needed his legs for the work he did, so he would not allow someone to handicap him in such a way that he couldn't use them. He saw as the man tried to slam into him, and Jack would nearly dance out of the way leaving the brute to just barely pass his shoulder in nothing less then a push. Jack would whip his head around to his left to try and grab Sebastian's scruff in his teeth and would then try to shake. As he did this, he would make an attempt to rise on hind legs to then try and wrap his forelegs around Sebastian's neck to hold him as he shook his head. He would attempt to cause pain to the man, seeing now that Sebastian had other plans rather then a friendly spar like Jack had originally intended. He planted his hind claws in the ground for traction, toes splayed and hind legs spread for balance as he would try to push weight against Sebastian during his attempted grapple hug to try and keep him from moving too much, or at the very least to keep him from getting away.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/4

Defenses: Eyes narrowed, ears flat, tail tucked, head lowered over throat, scruff bunched, hackles raised|| When he stands, then toes splayed and legs spread for balance, claws digging into dirt for traction/grip.

Attacks: Attempts to rear kick Sebastian in the jaws as he comes towards his hind legs, and afterwards would whip his head to the left to try and grab Sebastian's scruff in his teeth and would then try to shake. As he did this, he would make an attempt to rise on hind legs to then try and wrap his forelegs around Sebastian's neck to hold him as he shook his head. Then attempts to try and push his weight down on Sebastion to keep him from moving too much.

Injuries: Bruising to top of shoulders/upper back, and bruising to right? shoulder...(going off from my clock-wise circling...)

Out Of Character Notes: I am thoroughly confused by Sebs last post...A direction was not mentioned in where Seb was circling so I just kinda made a direction and guessed? Also Jacks air couldn't have been knocked from him during my first attack, not in the position that he was in. Seb would have been knocked up and pushed away with the momentum, not down on top of jack. (At least thats from the perspectives of many other opinions.) I played with what I could, i said, it wasn't all that clear...

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think

The Judge


11-07-2013, 08:08 PM

Jack v Sebastian for Spar

Round 1

Work on your attack, for starters you said he would pounce to the left and then throw himself into Jack?s side. He didn?t move forward during this? Also.. where on Jack?s side is he aiming, with what part of his own body is he planning to attack? Head, shoulder, hip?


?If this retaliation of attack made its mark, then the rugged beast would then attempt to bite the black beasts right leg thigh and grip it to either hold him down and prevent him from moving too much, or pain him so that his movements were hindered.? Try to avoid if, then attacks as they can throw off the timeline of a fight post. Instead, see if you can apply simultaneous attacks with multiple body parts.

Just a note, if he?s reaching out to bite Sebastian?s leg, it would be difficult for him to keep his chin tucked ? make sure your defenses coincide with your movements.

Round 2


Where did he slam into Jack? What body part hit Jack? Which of Jack?s body parts hit him? Where did Jack?s jaws graze him? What damage did they leave behind? Two cuts, four?

He began to circle. That?s powerplaying. You can?t have him get away from Jack without attempting to do so. Not to mention when he does launch an attack, you didn?t give any directions, lefts, rights, or angles.

Catch his hind legs. Both of them? Where at? The paws, mid leg, at the bend? ?If he managed to dodge that, he would twist and try to slam into his side and wind him.? Like I told Dragon, don?t do if, then attacks.


Not bad here.

Fight Defaulted to Jack

- By [Andy]