
Pit Stop to Hell's Gates


10-06-2013, 06:34 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

He would pass through the Devil's Spout; white toed black paws landing on the ground one by one. He licked his lips as he tried to clean off the remaining blood that lay drying on his light gray muzzle. The purple gaze of the bastard would sway left and right as he watched the mist rise off of the ground. There was no layer of snow here besides some white spots here and there. The heat radiating from the ground had melted all of it. Kairos relished the warm feeling the ground gave his paw pads. He would scrunch up his toes at one point and let out a sigh.

No emotion would show, he felt at peace. Despite the fact of just killing his mother he felt completely fine. Guilt would come later, unless suddenly inflicted. Kairos was actually surprised of how easy it had been to kill his mother. She still refused to hurt him, to lay a scratch on one of her precious babies. Even that told him how much she loved him and still does. For God's sake she was still probably looking down at him from the Heavens with that same loving soft smile.

With a grunt Kairos would sway his head towards the left as a hot jet of water spewed out of the Earth. He would then turn his head to the right as it happened again. Making sure he wasn't walking over any holes Kai would be on his way. Surrounded by steam, fog, and hot jets of water that shot into the sky.

Maybe he would go home once someone discovered his mother's body. Mabe he would even attend the funeral if there was one. She deserved one though...

He hadn't even seen anyone from his family though, they had all seemed to vanish from his life. He felt fine with that for now though, he didn't need them did he?

Stopping in his tracks for a moment the brute came upon a puddle of water. Leaning down he lapped up the warm water that had obviously been sitting there fora while. Probably collected in this shallow dent in the Earth from the spews of water that rose up and tried to reach the sky. Just like those lost Hell-forsaken souls. Reaching their paws up to try to get a grasp of the high life, of what they could have had...

Life was tough, life was rough...sometimes Kairos wished he had never been born. Well he could blame his bastard of a father on that one. In all his mother never really planned on having children or being raped in the first place.A small growl emitted from his mouth as he even thought about it. How could someone do that to her?!?! She didn't deserve that, she was too good!

And yet she went through it and accepted it...always staying strong for him and his brothers. Devoting what was left of her life to raise her three sons. And what did she get back? They all left her, but one came back to free her.

HE WAS THE GOOD ONE!!! Kairos was the GOOD ONE!!! He had freed her, released her! Now only she would know where his other brothers were, she would watch over them all. She knew they were alright now, she was up there in paradise. Kairos himself knew when she was a up she had dreamed of paradise, a pack. He knew the story all too well; leaving her rogue family consisting of Aunt Maka and their parents. She left at a very young age, still a pup. Eventually she arrived at Glaciem during a snowstorm at the age of two. Falling into the sight of Crusade, she took her in. Then Aunt Maka arrived. Grandma Crusade had adopted them...they used to all be happy.

Now where was his grandmother? Where was his Aunt? And he knew where his mother was....dead.

Lifting his head to the sky Kairos let loose a howl. He howled until the air in his lungs was all gone. He let out a rather eerie howl. Dead was the old Kairos, born was the new. Looking at himself new he had grown considerably well, a big male with a grin of a scar across his muzzle.

This was it, he wasn't going to run away from himself anymore. This was when Kairos would accept himself for who he truly was, neither light nor dark, but both....

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



10 Years
10-06-2013, 09:17 PM

Odette was once again out on her own, facing the big world she planned to take over as her own one day. Her parents were nowhere to be seen, nor were her favorite siblings to accompany her. The Gargoyle mini-me was alone, going stag as she wandered from the familiar den she had called home since birth. A small ball of irritation and frustration was building up inside, something that shouldn't have been happening to a pup that was six months old. She had a lifetime ahead of her to be mad at the world. It didn't mean that it should be happening at that moment in time.
The usual playful pup was getting tired of not having her family around. She was the kind of person whom adored the security of family members. To know that they would be there for her if the world seemed to be too much for her shoulders to bare. Alas, the idea she had for that type of reliance was not there and it drove her nuts. So, on this particular day, she was mad at the world for not having her family there.
Her paws had somehow carried her farther North than she intended, but at this point, she could care less. She was so aggravated that she didn't pay attention to the warmth that spread beneath her mitts the closer she got to the geysers. If it wasn't the warmth, then it was the noise of the water beneath the surface that drew her out of her spell. Odette's red and blue eyes immediately looked up and she realized she was in the wrong place. She backed up and made it to the safety of a nearby tree as the water sprung up from the ground, forming a small whale spout before cascading into the earth again. She had never seen such a thing in her life, but her curiosity was redirected by a howl.
It wasn't too far off from where she stood and she cautiously walked around the tree to avoid getting close to the geyser to approach the unfamiliar wolf. His scent hit her nose and she could detect the faint smell of iron that seeped from blood. Odette's nose wrinkled at the scent and she sensed another bit of the male's personal hormonal smell that was familiar. It reminded her of Papa, of his scent that she surrounded herself with each morning. That is, she had been until he wasn't there anymore.
Sadness swept over the young one, but she took a deep breath and strutted over to the dark male. If he smelled like Gargoyle, then he was related somewhat. He appeared to be wrapped up in his own thoughts, so she politely stopped a few feet from him and said, "HEY!" Bi-colored eyes gleamed in anticipation as she waited for his response.

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10-06-2013, 09:43 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

He was standing there in all his glory submerged in his thoughts proceeding his howl. Kairos' ears perked up as he heard a sudden voice offer a greeting. Turning his head slowly to the side to have his purple gaze lay on the young female before him recognition passed through his eyes. A glimemr for a second is all it was,the young one looked familiar indeed. Her eyes were almost that of Aunt Ocena's and her pelt was like Uncle Gargoyle's. Letting out a breath slowly Kairos looked at the girl as his eyes narrowed slightly. She was probably one of the newest litter...she seemed young enough to be so.

"Greetings...cousin..." he said

His salmon tongue would flicker out of his mouth once more to make sure no visible blood was left on his muzzle. Kai knew there was no purpose in trying though; if she was smart she would have already smelled the blood on him. If only she knew who's blood it was.

"Hey listen here little one, have you seen Cross around?" he asked curiously

Now settling down as his mother's side came out Kairos sat down on his haucnhes and turned to face the girl.

"Aren't you a bit far from home? I know that your parents haven't really been around recently...but it's dangerous out here. Or are you lost...if you are I can take you back home real quick, but then I have to continue this way to where I'm going." he said, knowing her home wasn't his anymore.

"My name's Kairos, Kairos Menapache. Only one still in these lands of your Aunt Keki's litter. What's your name cousin?" he would say

Sitting here on his huanches before his cousin Kairos would wonder if she would ask where his mother was. How would he explain where she was? What should he do? What should he say?.....the truth. The truth is what he would say.

It was clear though of what Kai knew, he had killed his mother and he wasn't going to be a coward about it.

Looking at the girl now he wondered if she would be able to bring a message back home to the others if he should continue on his way to find the pretty vixen. Maybe she could tell the others so they could have a burial for his mother. The brute even knew if they were to do so he would travel back here to attend it. The male had almost called it home...but it wasn't his home anymore. As of now Kairos thought that home was wherever Newt was...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



10 Years
10-09-2013, 10:48 PM

Odette listened with attention, but confusion was mixed in with what she was trying to understand from him. It seemed that her one word to make herself known and opened a flood gate of curious inquiries that she had been unprepared for. His words came so fast, the questions flying at her like angry bees, and she immediately flattened her ears against her skull from being overwhelmed. Once he stopped speaking, she regained her focus and began to return her part of the conversation beginning to take off.
"You ask too many questions." She flatly said, eyes in tune with the slight annoyance that danced in her gaze. Small haunches found the cool ground and firmly planted themselves there, creating a small hole in the white blanket of snow. The irritating look that was bestowed in her bi-colored jewels faded and she cleared her throat before she began to answer each question individually. "I am going to overlook you calling me little, because at this height, I am pretty tall for my age. I haven't seen Cross, nor have I even met him. All I know is that he is Aunt Crusade's son and a quiet mammoth of a wolf."
Her bluntness was definitely from her father, even though it didn't show itself often from the great brute. She was serious with each answer she gave as she continued. "I am far from home, but because you are correct in knowing my parents haven't been around recently, I don't see any reason why I should stay." Odette had no problem telling this stranger -- whom smelled so much like her papa -- why she wasn't at the cove. "I've been exploring so much since I was three months old that it has become natural to wander from the den."
She eyed the black male in front of her, still a boy, but growing into a full-fledged man. She didn't care that he was taller and bigger than her. Being Gargoyle's daughter, she was used to having large wolves in her family. His name rang in her ears, but it didn't have a trace of familiarity about them. Odette softly sighed and blinked a couple of times before acknowledging his introduction. "This is my first time hearing of you, Kairos Menapache. I didn't get to meet Aunt Keki, either, so I suppose I am sheltered from your point of view."
Her chest puffed up, indicating a slight disgruntled huff from the young female. "My name is Odette. I haven't a clue as to what Papa and Mama's last name is, but if I did, I would definitely use it." A hint of her puppy humor found its way into her next sentence. "I think having a last name is pretty awesome because you have one more name than the next wolf." She watched Kairos for a reaction as she said, "More stuff means more power...doesn't it?"

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10-11-2013, 06:25 AM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Eyes narrowed at the girl as she seemed rather annoyed. Black ears perked up,listening to her words. She surely had some attitude, that wasn't taken very lightly as she may wish.His little cousin who had eventually given her name as Odette seemed like quite the charm...

First she spoke that he asked too many questions, this got a small grumble from the male.

"Counting them I had only asked three; and there is no limit to how many questions I may ask you. You should at least try to tolerate what is thrown at you. But I can or ask whatever I want. It doesn't mean you have to answer them though...but I expect you to." he said in a flat tone, a little bit annoyed in return.

Next came her opinion of him calling her little' giving an entire speech on that part. Yet no information of the whereabouts of Cross was given, she didn not know either.

"May be tall but little in age, you're still the second litter of cousins so therefore you're one of my little cousins." he threw in casually as he glanced around.

Kairos continued to listen to the young female; she spoke now of how her wandering about was something she was used to. Kai would only give a shrug in return. The female also didn't know his mother; that was sort of obvious but a good try. Next came her mention of a last name, of course she had none or Kairos would know it. The bastard would listen as she then mentioned power, names and power. More stuff more power is what left her tongue.

Raising a brow purple eyes would lock onto Odette. His little cousin knew what she was talking about...well kind of. Sighing the brute shifted to a more comfortable position on his haunches before speaking once more.

"Power...if you mean by stuff then you can mean anything. A name is just something to have others know. A name can mean many things in power...but power comes with force and such, not just stuff. I could claim all of the trees in the land but I wouldn't have any power...I would just have trees. But now if I claimed all the prey in the forest then I would have some power. Hungry wolves coming to ask for something to fill their bellies hm? Or I would be killed,either or....but sometimes it depends on who can be eliminated."

"I believe that I have power over myself now...because both of my parents are dead. My father was never really around though like yours, you're lucky he even got to see you and you to him. I saw my father for the first time and the last, on the day of his death and watched him die. He raped my mother though, so I hated him yet was curious at the same time. I believe my name is Kairos because I'm the odd one out of my brothers. Kairos after Kaios, the bastard of a bastard."he said before pausing to snicker.

"Then my mother passed today. I killed her to in a ways set her free. No one can hurt her again now, she'll never be alone." he said in a casual voice.

Some may think he's crazy for what he did; others may understand. Others should understand....

All that he knew in his heart was that his mother could rest now. She wouldn't have to worry about him and his brothers. From where she was he hoped she could watch over all three of them. Keki probably knew where Tiberious was, the one Kairos viewed as the better brother out of all of them. He had always wanted to be the man of the family...well he got his wish but failed. No one was the man now, they were all separated. The three of them were supposed to be together forever, always by each others side. Then Pericles disappeared too; he probably sought out more adventure. Kai wondered if he was not merciful, if he was not the better brother now. After all...he had set their mother free to eternal rest and peace.

Finishing and finally closing his light gray muzzle the male would look at his cousin. Kairos wondered how the girl would react...would she think negatively of him and his decisions?

"Someone has yet to find her body." he said in almost a whisper.

His purple gaze settled on the girl. He would stare at her while his face showed no emotion whatsoever.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



10 Years
10-11-2013, 08:13 PM

The story began to unfold that Odette was not prepared for. She didn't expect such a tale to flow from the boy's lips, especially after just meeting him. For some reason, she listened with rapt attention and began to wonder just how someone could take a person's life without feeling any remorse. He spoke of how he had freed his mother, giving her the chance to be open and unchained to the world by physical bonds. From his point of view, he was the angel of Death for his mother.
"You doing that to your mother -- my aunt -- shows that you chose to use power to take away her life." Her eyes watched Kairos with a serious gaze as she rose from her haunches to stand. Slowly, she started to walk left to right, thinking about what he had done. "Normally, pups are raised to think that their parents are the sun and moon. That without them, we would have no reason to exist and that they are our role models." She felt a storm brewing in her chest, one that hadn't been there for a few days. "When they are not there with that power, the drive to show us the life lessons we have to learn, what do we do instead?"
She was in mid-step when she looked up at Kairos. "We take the power and the decisions we make to do whatever we need to do with that power is wrapped in one package." Odette wasn't sure if she was speaking nonsense, but the way her cousin had just taken hold of the situation to slay his mother gave her hope that she could do that for her future. Her eyes burned with a new flame and she flicked her tail behind her as she spoke again. "I've been waiting for Mama and Papa to show up, to wrap me in their arms and devour me with hugs and kisses. I have been disappointed for the longest time...even my own siblings haven't been there recently."
The young female's heart ached and she pushed herself through the agonizing emotions. "I want to learn how to prevail in my life, how to gain the power, respect, and drive that proves what kind of a wolf I am." Odette inhaled deeply before saying, "I want to be like Papa." Despite not having him around, a part of her still looked up to her father. He was the patriarch of the pack they had around the Cove, even though she didn't see that many members like she used to as a pup. The warm fuzzies were gone, but she wouldn't forget how they felt. Maybe in the future, she would get to feel them again.
After she had voiced her opinions, she continued to slowly pace, making a bigger hole in the snow that covered everything around them. "There is so much I don't know, so much I don't understand, and I despise it." She continued to look in front of her as she paced, one paw in front of the other. "I don't think I will be able to know everything from just staying in one place my whole life." Odette sighed and softly said, "I wish I were older...then I could leave without worrying." Her gaze rose to the black male in front of her and she asked, "What was it like, leaving home for the first time and knowing that you wouldn't go back until you chose to kill your mother?"

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10-14-2013, 12:10 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 12:11 PM by Kairos.)

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

A chuckle escaped the male's maw as it escalated into a cackle. Such a smart and innocent little dame she was. Well-raised despite the recent absence of her parents. She was the wolf he used to be-used to. Maybe she was the wolf he could have been; but no, his genes were what had decided his fate and actions. His mere existence was a curse to his family along with himself!

"Ohoho! Such a great retaliation little cousin! If I could clap my paws I would!" he said as his voice lowered at the end.

Standing up on all fours, rising from his haunches, did Kairos start to walk around the pacing fae.

"Still young, as am I. But experiences can ruin that little've got that all wrong as well. My brothers and I were raised by my mother alone, no father around. She was just the victim of rape you see? My father saw her as a pretty little thing, a superb target for one night of pleasure. As I was raised I never thought much of my father besides the fact that he was a bastard...and that I was too. My brothers, such gentlemen, taking after mother dearest they did. Now...who did I take after? Of course! The bastard! Every time she first looked at me I saw the fear in her eyes, the hatred! Yet in one to a few seconds it would be gone as she realized who she only saw was her son."

"I killed my mother out of pure love!!!" he yelled as the brute stopped right in front of Odette.

A menacing snarl escaped his lips, the beast had awaken...

"Look at you, at least you were wanted, at least you have a father who loves you somewhere! At least you didn't grow up wondering who would have to step up! We all had to be the man of the family! My brothers always succeeded in comforting my mother. And what did they do?!?! They left her! They left her all a lone with me! The bastard!" he said as the young man flicked his tail.

He went quiet...quiet did he go as his cousin asked him what it was like leaving...then to return to kill his mother.

Black ears perked up as a small smile appeared on the man's face.

"Wrong, wrong wrong wrong. Ooooh little cousin that was not the first time I had left. I left to seek out the bastard who I would have called father. I saw him die at the paws and claws of the orange lady. Then I went home, resumed my boring sorry life. Next time I left I ran into a pretty vixen, Newt Saxe. I figured home is wherever she I went home to free my mother. I went home with determination in each step to make sure my mother would never be hurt again. Never be raped, never to suffer loneliness..." he said in a calm voice.

"You only understand half of what I say. You do not have my mindset...therefore you only see in while I see out." he finished with a final flicker of his tail.

Sitting back down on his haunches Kai resumed his earlier pose and waited for his cousin to reply. Odette was a different character than he was used to. Her personality was strong yet lost. It did not know where to go, which way to turn. But beneath the foggy thoughts there was her path...she just had to find it.

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



10 Years
10-24-2013, 05:32 AM

From the way Kairos spoke of his childhood and how he grew up, she began to think that there were specific things she would never understand. Her parents had wanted pups, wanted to hold her and love her and her siblings. Aunt Keki, on the other hand, wasn't too thrilled about birthing the children of her rapist, and so lived in fear of Kairos in particular. She flicked her tail as she watched her cousin's reaction to how he grew up. The Ocena part of her wanted to wrap itself around Kairos, nuzzle him and tell him that everything would be all right. However, her papa's side stood out as she slightly hardened her facial expression to keep her opinions to herself.
It didn't last long, though. "You're right, Kairos. I had parents that loved me and made sure we knew it." She chimed in Oracle and Galahad, for they were involved with the care, after all. "That doesn't excuse that most of the family has disappeared without telling me." A low growl escaped her perfectly aligned teeth as she thought about it. "At least you had your mother to go to if you desired to see her. I can't even do that with my own mama!" By now, her ears were flattened against her skull and her eyes lacked the twinkle they usually held.
The anger she had for not having her family around subsided and she shook herself all over to physically remove it from her mind. "I miss them, Kairos," she admitted. "I hope that they do show up one day, but I will always wonder if it was because of something I did that made them leave." Odette then reclined to her haunches, seating herself in front of Kairos as she did so. "I don't know how I would see life through your eyes, cousin. A part of me is afraid to even think of what could happen if I did. But, you never know what life will throw at you to change your perspective."
He mentioned the name of his father's mate - now widow - Newt Saxe. The last name rang a bell and she remembered where she had heard it. Baskilisk...the older boy that had been her knight for an hour on the beach. The memory of the large, purple brute would forever be imprinted on her young mind. A part of her didn't want him to ever leave her thoughts, so she chose to keep him there for old times' sake. Odette didn't voice this to her cousin, for fear that if she said something, the fact that he and Bask's relationship would wrap around her own. Instead, she inhaled deeply and watched his purple gaze as she asked, "What do you want out of life, Kairos? I know you said that your genetics made you who you are now, but surely there must be something - or a few things - that will make you happy?"

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10-24-2013, 06:04 PM

[Image: arC7pCx.jpg]

Black ears would lay flat against his skull as he would secretly listen. Acting as if every word she said didn't matter to him...and yet, it did. She was still his of course he cared. She went on about all of that love and stuff and about her own parents. It was almost kind of sad hearing her,it almost made him angry. In the pit of his stomach it did. If he could, he would yell at his Uncle for leaving. If he could, he would tell him how it personally feels not to have a father around. And here his little cousin was, she needed him but he wasn't here. Kai knew the pain, he knew it all too well... The anger seemed to drip from him, like melting ice as his mother's side overcame him. As she sat down the brute would stand up and walk forward. Sitting down on his haunches closer to the girl he would put his neck around her and pull her close.

"If I hadn't killed my mother I'm sure she would have looked after you...she was so kind and sweet...she never even yelled at my brothers and I. but I know how you feel all too I'm sorry...." he would say almost in a whisper before he drew back.

The mood change in the young man was noticeable; it was as if he was bi-polar, yet he wasn't. Just two clashing sides raging on in a never ending war inside of him.
He lips parted once more, asking hi a question. She would ask what he wanted in life, what would make him truly happy. Cocking his head to the side slightly Kairos would think about that...he had never really thought about anything he wanted that would make him happy before...usually it was what would make his mother and family happy.

The male's purple gaze would stay still,set on Odette. Looking down, breaking the glance he would put one paw atop the other over and over again nervously.

Thinking now....Kairos would realize there was something there....but rather a dream than something that would probably actually happen...

With a sigh he would part his lips to reply to his cousin.

"Nothing that I've known but there is thing that I've wanted ever since I was rather young, or younger. I...I wish for a family of my own someday. It seems like a dream, something one would wish upon a star for...but I want to be a father some day; to give my own pups or children what I never had. I want to be there for them as a father like my own never was...I want to give them what I couldn't have..." he would say before looking back up at the girl.

He would then whisk the wish away...knowing that a wish such as that for him would be too good to be true...

I talk,
I think,
you speak"



10 Years
10-25-2013, 12:59 AM

The embrace that Kairos gave was what Odette needed. She had gotten one from Aurora and another from Seth, so the hugs that she received were definitely working in her favor. The anger that simmered from the lack of presence her parents showed slacked off as she felt another body next to hers. His beating heart and gentle words made Odette calmer, bringing her rapid breathing to a minimum of fourteen breaths per minute. The calming effect was amazing.
She looked at him as he pulled back, eyes meeting each other until he went to answer her question. A family, huh? That wasn't a bad wish at all. On the contrary, Odette thought he would want world power and glory, but people could be wrong. The young girl wrapped her tail loosely around her paws as she replied to his words. "That wish sounds like one that you won't have trouble fulfilling," she honestly said. "I know that you said your daddy wasn't there and that he was a...very bad man, but being able to prove that side of you wrong would be a nice outcome from having Aunt Keki as your mama."
Her eyes began to twinkle again, slowly coming back to their basic shininess as she continued. "If -- no, when -- you have your family, let me know so I can meet them. Your pups would probably be the cutest things in the world." She let slip a sly, "Not as cute as mine will be, anyway." A light laugh escaped her and she padded the ground beneath her front paws as she said, "I hope that you will find the right girl someday, just as I wish to find the right boy when the time comes."

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