
Keep Your Head Up



5 Years
Extra large
10-05-2013, 10:43 PM

OOC: All tortugans please come and any who wish to join came pop in

Tortuga was his and no one was taking it from him, that much was clear. So that now that he was pretty much established, it was time for him to call his first pack meeting ever. It was a bit nerve wracking, since this was the first time he was doing any sort of pack stuff, but he was taking it in stride. And with Newt, the former queen, at his side, everything would go smoothly. The cobalt King rose from his perch atop his den, giving himself a brief stretch before descending from the ledge, moving towards a clearing centered in the middle of the territory. It was a decent size, definitely spacious enough to hold all of the wolves that were part of Tortuga at the moment.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, the King would throw his ebony muzzle towards the cool skies, a summoning howl erupting into the atmosphere, calling forth all of his Tortugan wolves and any potential members that hadn't had the chance to find their way to the border yet. His call would continue to ring even as he allowed his skull to drop down, icy gaze waiting expectantly to see who would arrive.

Talk like this


10-05-2013, 10:52 PM

The vagabond was never far from home so this day when the howl for a pack meeting echoed forth the demoness would like her head in silent contemplation. It was a call from Taurig for a pack meeting, would that include her? Taurig had been gracious, or stupid depending on your views, enough to let the woman stay in the place she had always called home though she had thus far promised no allegiance to him. But if nothing else she wanted to know what was happening, her desire for knowledge overruling her devil mare care attitude for once. So she would hop from her perch above her home and set off at a steady lope towards the meeting.

Surprisingly she was the first one there and for a moment she slowed a distance away and cast her gaze around. A one on one meeting with Taurig wasn't exactly what she wanted, though she knew others would come she didn't really want to give him the time to chase her out... But swallowing those uncertainties she approached slowly. It seemed that each time they met her submissive posture increased. This time her tail remained at her heels and her head lowered so it was carried parallel to her spine. "Greetings Taurig..." The woman had yet to embrace the term king or lord with this man but there was a politeness to her tone as she dipped her head in greeting and moved to sit before him but a bit off to the side to wait for the others.



10-06-2013, 12:08 AM

She had never been far but then again she had never been especially near, slithering through the shadows and living in the darkness of her own mind since that first pack meeting. She should have been ruling beside her love, should have been lending a paw but she had been unable to bring herself to do such a thing. She wanted nothing more then to live out the rest of her life in blissful solitude, maybe with Newt but honestly Zara couldn't blame her if she wanted greater things. But these last few months since Tortuga had once more fallen and Newt had vanished once more had been hard on the massive female, hunger eating away at fat and then muscle on the once massive female. Still and imposing figure, though, much of her bulk now came from her fur. It was the first harsh winter night that had made her realize that she needed a pack to survive. And so she had headed up the mountain with a slow confidence, crooked tail hung low and scarred face lowered so her nose almost hit the ground. She knew most of these paths well enough but should something spring forth in her path her nose would hit it before she tripped.

She was just approaching the boarder when the howl went up and the giant of a woman lifted her head, scarred features contorting into a frown as frayed and town ears fluttered in an attempt to discern the sound. Male defiantly, so there was a new king? Tortuga had changed paws once more? Curiosity caused her to move uninvited into the lands, nose once again lowering to scout the path before her. Nose was constantly sniffing, drawing in the scents of the various pack members but non she recognized. Since loosing her sight her nose had led her and it wasn't often that she forgot a scent... A woman's voice marked the presence of the others and as she drew closer she could hear their breath and heartbeats well enough to mark their general locations. She approached slowly, half due to need and half to let the pair know her presence.

"Lord, Madame... I've come to seek acceptance into your pack. My mate was the last queen of these lands thought I've lost her since we disbanded... I can offer services as a medic and as a warrior if needed..." Her words were a slow rumble, addressing both present at first, heading turning to each as if milky gaze could see them. But after her words were addressed to the male alone. The female seemed familiar, her scent holding a strange tinge to it. Family? She would have to ask later if her proposal was accepted. The once battle hardened female could handle one on one battles still well enough, as long as she could get them in close enough and keep them close but a war was no longer in her cards. She would be happy to live the rest of her years treating the wounded and pup sitting if it would be allowed. The scarred woman had always loved children, and from the sounds of things war was in the air with Glaciem and Valhalla. Where this new pack stood she didn't know, if there were even pups to be tended to she didn't know but she would do what she could.

"Talk here."


10-06-2013, 01:15 AM

Rage, it sang threw her bones as the aroma of someone so dear crossed her nostrils. Yet she shoved that emotion deep into her chest as she followed the howl of her new king. She felt nothing when the word hit her ears. No remorse, no pain, only acceptance but what she did feel was betrayal from those that had once called themselves friends and lovers to her. She shook her body to rid herself of the lingering emotions and followed the call of her comrade. She had been working diligently attempting to accept wolves in a way to ease her new kings burdens. She knew how difficult it was to rule alone and she would show him that he wasn?t alone. Not so long as she stood by him. Until it?s time for me to retrieve Amenti.

She moved towards her cobalt king. Allowing him the head and seating herself just a few feet beneath him. A show of her support and her title, she was his beta, and she would stand by him should anything out of the ordinary happen. Her gaze shifted towards those that were coming to his call. Some female she had never met had greeted him by his name. She had caught the end of the conversation just as she saw Zara come to pledge her loyalty. Her fur erupted on end, making her normally large body even more so. She had called her, her mate, really? She was her mate now? Since when? Since she abandoned her the day she took on Tortuga? Since she allowed her to fall into despair again, ALONE! Her lip curled back in a sneer but she left no words break free from her lips. No, she let the silence sink in. they would inhabit this pack together but she would not recognize her as her mate.

She wanted nothing more then to throw herself on the woman, chase her out, and leave her for the laws of the land to deal with her. But this was no longer her kingdom. No, she hadn?t had the help from those that had falsely fallowed her. She had raised her children on her own, without Zara, and she felt nothing but resentment in this moment. She hoped her children would come and settle around her. So she could hold them all beneath her paws and show Zara what she could have had. It should have been us. Tortuga should still belong to me and it would have worked if you had been there. Her thoughts rolled around her head as she waited to hear what her alpha said and all the while that one flicker of rage had vanished and left her bone dry. She showed nothing in her features. It was as if she had flicked a switch and cut off any emotions she might have shown Zara. She merely turned her attention on her King and nodded, ?I am here Taurig.? She said, yet she said nothing to the words Zara had spoken. She simply dismissed them. She wouldn?t dare accept those words. Not now. She was merely eager to see all the faces of Tortuga she would be protecting along side her king. The queen in her couldn?t help but desire to know them all. Even if her heart was screaming deep inside her head to be set free and allow her pain to shine throw, now was not her moment, now was his.


10-06-2013, 04:48 AM

With bouncing steps and a grin plastered to his face, Tidus was in an unusually happy mood today. He had been traversing around the nearby lands of Alacritis, and he would return with a surprise...or rather, many surprises. He had been nearby when the call rang out, leading the way into Tortuga's heartland. He would glance behind his shoulder every so often, his grin seeming to stretch wider frome ear to ear. As the gathering wolves would come into view, his tail would wag as he made straight for his alpha. "Hey Taurig, nice to see ya! Look what I found!" he would chime excitedly as one by one, a small group made their way through. Tidus would seat himself on the ground just a few feet from his Alpha, a pleased expression upon his face. Indeed, he had found a small band of rogues, all were once on their own...but he had managed to gather them as he went along, and then bring them all here.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


10-06-2013, 04:56 AM

With unwavering confidence, the young boy followed the outgoing young man into a territory he had not been in. Having just arrived in Alacritis but a season or so ago in the search of his mother, he had ended up here soon after learning that his mother was within a pack that Byakuro did not agree with in values. Harems were frowned upon, and he did not understand why his mother was in a pack that did that. He thought that since he had nowhere else to go, he would wander until either his mother changed his mind about returning with him to their home to bid farewell to his sick and dying father, or until a messenger showed up to tell him that his father had passed on. He hoped for the previous thought, however. Hoping that his mother would decide to return with him and give her last farewells...but she was taking too long in deciding. And each day was a countdown to his fathers last day.

He arrived soon enough, glancing back at the shy young girl with the bandages upon her forelegs. He thought it strange that she hardly spoke, but he figured it was just the fact that being around many strangers made her shy. He watched Tidus take a seat near the Alpha, and with a respectful nod Byakuro seated himself where he stood, a yard or two in front of Taurig. "Good day, sir. My name is Byakuro, it is nice to make your acquaintance."



10-06-2013, 05:15 AM
With a wavering saunter, the pirate would arrive on scene. He followed the small group, conversing with the young boy who found him and learning of the pack called Tortuga. Jack knew it was much different then what he had known it to be, much different then the Tortuga he had been a member of for a very short time period before it disbanded. A smirk would play on his face as he saw the woman who had accepted him the day he called, knowing now that someone else was in her previous place. "Ah, so the former queen still plays among her people. Yet is replaced by a strapping young lad." He would dip his head and make a bow, hazel eyes flickering with delight. "Name's Captain Jack Sparrow, at yer service. Though the Captain part is for when I have my own great pack!" He would chuckle then, knowing that was but a far away dream. "Say lad, ye don' happen to have a rank with that name eh? I'd be more then happy to partake or suggest that rank if ye don' have it. I'll just leave that to twirl in yer mind a bit as a suggestion eh?" He would smile, turning to take a place near Tidus as the others would file in.


10-06-2013, 05:45 AM

Timid silver and grey features followed quietly behind the small group. She had come down from the North, getting away from the wretched lands as fast as she could. After her first encounter with a man named Oddity, she was more then happy to leave those lands behind as quickly as possible. Closer to Tortuga, she had met the young man Byakuro, and from there the boy Tidus who then led them to find the older gentleman Jack. Though Jack was a strange one, Lily found that the trio of men had a way of making her feel comfortable...more so then she had ever felt around men before. She had always been wary and afraid of being around males, but Byakuro had been kind and gentle, Tidus had been trusting and funny, and Jack was charming and had his own way with words. She found that the combination of the three men were quite...comforting. Until that is, they came into the clearing where a few others were gathered. Hesitantly she would follow Tidus, her long feathery tail tucked as she moved to keep up with the male. She was timid, shy, unsure of what to do in such a setting. One bandage began to unravel a little, threatening to fall away but she caught it as she stopped behind Tidus, using his body as a sort of barrier between her and the strangers. She was not far from Taurig, and with a meek nod she would gaze at the grey giant, a blush rising up behind silver markings. Embarrassed, she hid her muzzle behind Tidus' haunches. Keeping quiet as they waited for others to arrive.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"



10-06-2013, 10:05 AM

Maija had been sleeping in her den, the main way her subconscious could get away from the consistent thoughts that racked her brain every day. Once she was awake, however, she would be bombarded by the images of the large, dark brute that had taken her as his wife. She was mentally exhausted from dealing with the memories of Dragomir, yet she didn't want to stop remembering the good times she had with her husband. The prediction was confirmed when Taurig's howl spread across the Tortuga territory and woke her up. Floodgates were open and she recollected Rotterdam's summoning howl with a painful grimace.
Slowly, the golden dame rose to stand on all fours. She stretched her elegant legs before shaking all over and padding towards the den's entrance. Leaf green eyes sleepily looked out, trying to pinpoint the King's chosen place for his pack. What she didn't see, she ended up smelling, and his familiar scent reached her before she saw his cobalt pelt in the distance. A faint smile appeared on her face, quickly fading before she left the safety of her new abode.
It didn't take long for her to reach the clearing. Already, wolves that had been welcomed into the pack were sitting or standing, having come to the beckoning call of the new Tortugan king. She was hesitant to approach any of them, for meeting strangers was not one of her strong suits. The paranoia was slowly surfacing as she warily looked at each wolf, taking in their scents and physical descriptions for later use. When her eyes landed on Newt, she had a small, sharp intake of breath. The violet behemoth was still here, even though Taurig was the acclaimed king? What was going on? She was puzzled, but didn't say anything.
At that point in time, she wasn't really focused on meeting the other wolves that were slowly coming to the meeting. Instead, she found herself padding close to Taurig, remaining a bit distant from everyone else. She didn't speak, but only gently nudged his sturdy left shoulder to announce her presence. Wary gaze still wandered and she took a few steps back as other wolves approached her King, excited to be joining the pack she now called home. Maija reclined to her haunches in a spot that was a few steps away from the cobalt ruler, silently keeping an eye out for anyone that would possibly approach her. For the moment, she was there to support Taurig and her place within the territory.

speech here


10-07-2013, 07:53 AM

The call. Hansel would rise from his resting place and make his way to the call that he assumed summoned those who were within Tortugan lands. He made his way to the meeting, though at this point all manner of playfulness that once graced his personality were long gone. The man had changed, taking on a more purposeful and serious personality since his brief and short meeting with his sister. He had found her, but she could not come with him. Since then, Hansel had found himself at Tortuga's gates greeted by the packs Beta, Newt. He respected her, as they both seemed to have a common enemy. Canttina had made an enemy of them both; him for enslaving his sister, and her for taking the pack that once belonged to the behemoth former queen. The pair had decided to work together, to help each other get stronger so that they could challenge for each their own reason. Though Hansel knew that he would help Newt should she ask for it, and he'd be there to support her just to see the wicked witch fall. And Hansel would hope that Newt would return the same favor and aid him should he need it, though he figured she might accompany him when the time came to challenge for his sister.

He arrived, his gaze sweeping over the gathered wolves. Hansel had not talked to anyone else since Newt accepted him just a short time ago. In fact, he had kept to himself in a den he found not far off, secluded underneath a fallen tree. He was once a vibrant, talkative and playful man...but due to recent events, he changed. With a dip of his head to Taurig, he moved near Newt and greeted her in the same manner, his eyes betraying nothing but the new seriousness he had begun to grow acustomed to. Were things different, he would be a much different person. Always showing some sort of mirth or hot headed defiance in his ever present vibrant blue gaze...but as of late, his vibrance had diminished to nothing more then a steel gaze that he was sure nobody would ever be able to get past. The man would take a seat a few feet from the Beta, and he would simply stare at the ground as he waited for the meeting to start.




6 Years
10-07-2013, 03:53 PM

The rodent slipped from his grasp, jaws snapping closed just inches from its head, the impact jarring him some. He scrambled to his paws, determined to catch his fleeing prey. Its strong back legs pushing it forwards; It was rare enough to see such plump rabbit this far up the volcano?s side and he?d be damned if he let it get away. Cream paws pounded across the ground as he pursued the rodent. The rocky terrain was a hindrance for both of them, and the rabbit had a head start; things did not look as though they would go his way. The small animal darted to the right and Gitan skidded after it.
Then the howl punctuated his concentration. His head shot up, ears perking. He stumbled, paws knocking against rocks he wasn?t paying attention to. He flashed his gaze back towards the fleeing prey, knowing it was out of reach now. ?Tabarnac!? He swore under his breath before turning towards the direction of the howl. He loped off to answer the call. He had sworn to do his best to hunt for the pack, and was rather disappointed that the prey had gotten away, though he supposed he?d have another shot at a later point.
He slowed some as he approached the clearing, forest gaze scanning the assembled wolves. He recognized a few of them, though he did not know their names. All with the exception of Taurig, he gave a small bow as he entered the clearing, choosing to sit a little off to the side. He slowly settled in, waiting for what it was that the cobalt king would say.



10-07-2013, 05:06 PM

She had not been within the borders of Tortuga when she heard the call. But as soon as it reached her ears, the sable babe shot off in the direction of her home. Taurig had agreed to mentor her, and how terrible would it be if she showed up late for her first meeting. Surely he would not be happy. Elegant limbs moved effortlessly over the familiar terrain. Thankfully the rock garden was not far from home. Slowing her pace to a brisk trot, the babe tried to catch her breath before entering the meeting.

Others had already gathered within the center of the territory, patiently waiting for the meeting to commence. The youngster took her spot amongst the crown, offer a gentle 'hello' to her mentor as she passed him, shooting a grin his way. Haunches slide to the earth, tail curling around her, two toned eyes bright with excitement. She wondered what this meeting would be about and if more people would be arriving. Looking around her, eyes landed on Newt, the previous Queen, who she had met briefly with her father. She offered a small smile to the woman. Then she wondered if her father would be joining the meeting. She still had not asked Ares if he would join Tortuga with her. It made her a little nervous, opening herself to the chance of rejection. Nonetheless she made a mental note to speak with the pale brute soon.



10-07-2013, 05:13 PM
Nausica Saxe

The girl had heard the call. Within the time that had passed since her birth she had been wandering with her brother, though always returning to the safety of their mother. She wasn't entirely certain of what was happening to her home. One day her mother was ruler, and the next some strange blue man came and called this his home. But it was not! It was her home! Constantly growing the babe propelled herself across the place she called home, answering the call of the King. She knew her mother would already be there, and briefly she wondered about the rest of her siblings. She really only cared about her brother, her sister was so gentle and feeble, she didn't belong here, and the midnight tyke made that abundantly clear.

Amethest quickly found her mothers familiar shape amongst the crowd when she arrived. The pup shot forward, tumbling into her mothers side. "Mama!" Little nips showered her mothers legs and shoulders before the girl finally seated herself beside the great woman. Eyes danced with an unexplainable wickedness as she looked at the wolves that surrounded her. One day she would be a ruler, just like her mother, only she wouldn't let it slip from her grasp as her mother had so foolishly done.


10-07-2013, 06:36 PM

She had wasted no time in answering her Kings call. Their previous meeting had ended in him offering just about any rank of her choice. It had been glorious, to be so readily handed a place within the new pack. She would make sure that she would succeed and that her King would not regret giving her all that he had. She slim ebony form weaved in and out the familiar landscape of her home. Demons still haunted her dreams and tempted her with the thrill of a hunt, but now that she was within a pack she had been forced to shut them down more readily, refusing to answer their pleas.

"Taurig." Words fell with a dip of her crown as she greeted the King before taking her place amongst the crowd. She was definitely not the first one to arrive but she was not late either. Next time she would be one of the firsts to arrive. Looking around her, she saw a few family connections and longed for the company of her brother. She wondered if he knew of Tortugas new King and if he would join her or not. She had not seen him since their meeting in the caves and she desperately hoped that was not the last time.



10-08-2013, 11:21 AM

The king was calling, and he was quick to answer that call. As powerful limbs pressed himself up and towards the call. He was still a bit sore from the fight with Liberty, considering his sprained left paw that he was limping on. But, thank heavens that he was over the poison. Now chipper as ever the man was ready to head the kings call. Practice was all he needed, Liberty had been a good fighter, and he was happy to have the experience without any scars. Hajime wasn't a fan of them, not yet on his body at least. He had only recently turned two, so the idea of scars felt like an odd thing to him.
Hajime dipped his head in greeting towards the wolves he didn't know. Taking a seat closer to the king. This was the first meeting, so there were bound to be more than just members who had joined before. Newcomers came as well. The boy was all the more happy with knowing where his mother was. Perhaps Allen would finally show up too. Although he knew his uncle wasn't too happy with Hajime not being at the top where Taurig was.



10-08-2013, 04:15 PM
Since meeting his nephew on the islands once more the earth colored brute wasn't exactly happy. The thought of Hajime being under another wolf just rubbed Allen the wrong way... but he wouldn't question his nephew's judgement. He wouldn't be able to call Hajime by the title he felt that his nephew deserved while in this pack... but Allen wasn't about to abandon Hajime. He trusted the younger wolf's judgement. He was certain that someday Hajime would rise up to take control of a pack soon enough. All Allen had to do was remain patient and follow his nephew's lead.

Where had that lead him? To the Tortuga packlands. Hajime had joined the ranks of this pack during the week that he had been separated from him. Allen had agreed to follow the other here, to join the ranks as another member. But he knew he would be watching these other wolves carefully. He was fine with being part of a pack... but the thought of Hajime being anything other than a King made him for slightly sick to his stomach.

Allen padded up closed to Hajime, looking to the alpha of Tortuga. He dipped his head respectfully, a smooth voice leaving him. "Greetings alpha. I would like to request to join your pack." He glanced to Hajime, offering a small smile before he turned his attention on the alpha once more.



3 Years
Extra large
10-08-2013, 07:44 PM

And so the boy would hear the mans call, and in a way it would rattle the boy inside and out. He did not like him, no, he hated this man. He had taken his mothers power, and she rightfully deserved it. She was a queen, a ruler, a god in the childs eye. She could do no evil, do no wrong, and every move she made was a gift sent from above. She was his. No man would pry her from the boys grasp, no matter how old. He would fight for his mothers womb, for some day it would squirm with his children. She would be the one he littered his seed into, she would be the one to give him eternal happiness. Though he did not know it yet, this would be his future. All the boy knew now was the overpowering feeling he got when imagining or seeing his mother with another male. It drove him mad.

His paws would carry his small yet lengthy body across Tortuga as he followed the mans call. Surely his mother would be there, and if another were touching her he would pry them from her skin. No one would be allowed to embrace his mother but himself. As the group came into view he acknowledged no one, Newt was the only thing on his mind. Eyes bounced back and forth in search of his mammoth mother, and finally she came into view, though he did not like what her saw. Lips would curl around small daggers as his sister came into view. The way she bounced and craved attention from his mother made his stomach churn. "Nausica! How dare you touch ma mama like dat!" He would screech, legs moving rapidly as he sprinted across the crowd. He would not stand for this, he would not allow her to touch her mother in that way. Only he was allowed to do so.

As he came closer he would set a few defenses, but because of his young age and no training he did not know what he was doing- he was merely acting out of anger. Ears would pin, lips remained curled, jaws parted, and his pelt stood on end as he charged at his sister. He was aiming to knock her over, and if that were to succeed he would rapidly snap at the side of her throat. He would attempt to pin her to the ground momentarily, just to show her that she was not allowed to do that. Then, he would pry himself away from his sister, and he would fall into his mothers embrace. He would rise onto his back legs right paw attempting to place itself on Newt's chest as he licked her chin and muzzle many times. Then, when satisfied, he would sit by her side, body pressed close to her leg. He would stare out at the crowd, watching for any male members to look up at his mother. If he caught them, they would be next.

OOC: SAF, your character was regarded in this. I had him attempt to ram into her, bite her neck, and pin her. Once again, all an attempt, you can have her react in anyway you want. If she decided to fight back, they will end up brawling, so you could set up fight stats in your next post if she reacts that way :)




5 Years
Extra large
10-09-2013, 03:26 PM

The King would sit regally in his post, eyes of ice watching the area around him, senses alert. His call had become nothing but an echo now. The waiting game had started and to his surprise, it didn't last long. Vi was the first to show up, surprising the Cobalt King. She wasn't necessarily part of the pack, even though she lived within the lands, so there was really no reason for her to show up to the meeting, but he was pleased to see that she was taking something of an interest in the affairs of the pack. Her body language would be one of a submissive, which seemed off for the russet woman. She would greet him, her tones polite, bringing a ghost of a smile to touch the man's lips. Glad you could make it Vi. The King was starting to rethink the idea of simply having her as a loner. She had somewhat helped Hajime that day he had been poisoned. That deserved some kind of reward didn't it? Would it be so bad to allow her to wear the title of Tortugan again? She had mentioned that she knew some stuff about herbs. Perhaps she could be a healer for the pack? He would find out soon enough.

The next to arrive would be a mammoth of a woman, very close in size to newt, if not an inch or two taller. He had heard of huge females, but he had never seen them for himself. Until now. The strange chocolate woman lumbered slowly towards them, her eyes glazed over with cataracts. She was blind. A sense of respect immediately filled the titan in regards to the blind woman moving towards him. She was brave for continuing her life even without her precious sight. Lord, Madame... I've come to seek acceptance into your pack. My mate was the last queen of these lands thought I've lost her since we disbanded... I can offer services as a medic and as a warrior if needed.. Newt? Newt was the last queen before him...this woman was her mate? Unknowing to the woman the King would raise one eyebrow questioningly. Newt had a mate? He hadn't been aware. Greeting stranger. Welcome to Tortuga. If you would, please join us for the meeting. I will be announcing who has been accepted into the pack soon. The behemoth of a woman was scarred up, her ears tattered and torn. She walked with the feel of a warrior. Perhaps she could be helpful, even if she had some hindrances.

His beta Newt would be soon to arrive after the scarred warrior, her frame displaying the unease that she clearly felt towards the behemoth. The woman had said that Newt was her mate...was that true? Curiosity bubbled beneath the surface, his right ear flickering towards his beta as she spoke to him, announcing her presence. Thank you for being here. A nod would presented to the violet hued woman, attention returning to the growing crowd before him as wolves began to file in. One of the newer members Tidus would be the next to make his apperance, quite pleased with himself as three rogues trailed after him; two males and one female. The first rogue introduced himself as Byakuro. A nod of greeting would acknowledge the man, a friendly smile upturning ebony lips as the next man introduced himself as Jack Sparrow. The last rogue, the little female shyly hiding behind Tidus. After the little band of rogues arrived, the familiar golden figure of Maija came into view. She would approach him from the left side, coming to take a seat beside him, somewhat behind, nudging his left shoulder. A half smile would curl the King's lips as he turned to gently nudge her neck in acknowledgment of her presence as well as a silent thanks before allowing his attention to wander again.

Several more members would wander in, some that he didn't know while familiar ones like Gitan, Hajime, Maia and Deyva trailed in after, his young apprentice shooting him a little grin accompanied by a hello as she took a spot, Maia calling to him by name as she too took her seat. Newt had mentioned that she had children, but he hadn't seen them until now. Two of them, a little female and male came trotting in to bury themselves in their mother's fur, the little brute tousling about with his sister. Another unfamiliar figure trotted in, requesting a place within Tortuga as well. There was a good crowd gathered around him, though it felt like there could still be more to come. There was no sense in waiting any longer, nearly everyone was here. Taurig would clear his throat, allowing himself to rise to his full height as he addressed the crowd before him. Welcome all, members and rogues, to the new Tortuga. I am Taurig, the new King of these lands. I know these lands have gone under many paws in the past, but that has come to an end. I am here to stay and to build this pack up to what it should've always been.

He took a deep breath, allowing his words to sink in while trying to race the frenzied pace of his erratic heart. The titan wasn't usually one to get nervous, but he couldn't help it. This was his first real pack meeting with himself at the head; how could he not be nervous. Tortuga is a neutral pack. We're not looking to make enemies, even though we already have one. I warn you, especially the women, stay away from Glaciem. They are not a good pack. I speak from experience. There are a select few that could be considered good, but the King is not to be trusted. If you ever see him, an albino with golden cuffs around his elbows, stay away. Steer clear and head straight home. He is only bad news. He's the one that gave me these scars. The titan would dip his skull, allowing the crowd a view at the scars across the top of his muzzle and his torn nose, twisting his skull so that his torn left ear could be seen. Isardis was not one to be trifled with. But as long as you all stay away from them, you should be fine. I have been able to secure an alliance with Seracia, Valhalla and Ludicael. They are our allies, should we ever need help they could provide it, and vise versa. If any of our allies ever decide to pay us a visit, please make them feel welcomed.

Now that you are all informed, I would like to extend an invitation to join to all those new here today. It is not a requirement to hold a rank, but if you wish, you may let me know. Welcome everyone to your new home. If no one has anything to add, then the meeting can be brought to a close and you are all free to do as you wish. He would wait quietly, icy gaze dancing over all his members, waiting to see if anyone would speak up.

Talk like this


10-09-2013, 06:03 PM

The slightest of smiles tugged at the corners of the males lips and a sly smile of her own was returned, just maybe he was warming up to her? She had to admit she liked the idea of possibly being a part of a pack once more, though whether she decided to remain here or maybe seek out her brother she wasn't yet sure. Though she didn't even know if Taurig would grant her a position if she requested it. She was no fighter, didn't care enough about others to hunt for them and she knew only enough about herbs to do a patch job on a wounded wolf. She had never taken to the art as well as her brother had. But to her knowledge every one of Lust's many children had been forced to at least learn enough to heal themselves if they ever got in a fight. Some of her children like Friction and Kylar had taken to the art better then others like Cynrik and herself but hey, they all knew the basics. In the end she was probably far to selfish for this pack, normally only loyal to one for the length of time that their contract ran for. She enjoyed her work as an assassin, seeing as she hadn't been sent on a mark since Cyanide she was beginning to get restless. Maybe her skills would be put to better use elsewhere seeing as she really didn't have a secondary trade to fall back onto like her brother had.

Her head dipped slightly lower as he greeted her but the female did not respond, holding her tongue until there were other things to speak of. A massive beast of a woman arrived next and Vi's head snapped around fast enough to hear an audible crack. She knew of this woman in many ways, had known briefly of her in the old lands as the leader of Lentajin before it had become Amenti and also knew her as a sister. She had spoken to Friction of their siblings, having him describe most of them to her in as much detail as he could remember. She had gotten descriptions from Cynrik as well, though their details had varied in different ways she had been glad to at least have an image in her mind of them. This woman was defiantly one of them. From her massive build to the black coat like the goddess's to the silver streaks around her eyes and dipping her tail. And if that hadn't been enough to convince the russet woman of the female's lineage the scarred and war torn look she had fit the descriptions as well.

Mate to Newt? True Vi had seen them together at the meeting Newt had held when she had first claimed Tortuga but they were mates? She openly gaped at the beast of a woman as she spoke, not afraid to be caught due to the milky white eyes the woman sported. AS Newt arrived though her gawking was turned to the other beast her arrived. If they were mates the cold shoulder Newt was giving Zara said otherwise now. Vi looked from Newt, to Zara and then to Taurig, her eyes wide and saying it all. 'What are you guys eating to get so big?!?' She straightened a bit from her more submissive posture but more to make herself feel less small then to show her dominance. But as more wolves flowed in, some smaller then herself and some a more natural height, she relaxed a bit more and let the meeting ebb and flow around her. After a few moments she lifted herself and moved towards the scarred female. She made her presence known before sitting beside her. "I'd like to speak with you after the meeting, I'll grab dinner..." There was a wink thrown in at the end out of habit though even as she did it she realized the woman wouldn't see it.

No greetings were given to the rest of the wolves though she kept her eye open for the albino Sovari she had met at the boarders. Had she joined the pack? Taurig waited an good amount of time before he spoke. Vi stopped looking for the petite female and sighed, turning her focus back to the male. She was half pleased to learn of their alliances, more able to accept it now that she had family all over the place. With Cynrik in Sercia, Friction in Valhalla and Kylar in Ludicael she wasn't spiteful towards Taurig for promising not to attack them. He extended an invitation for everyone to join their pack and Vi licked her lips almost nervously as he opened the floor for anyone else to speak if they liked. Well... She might as well bring it up in front of others, if she met with Taurig alone her inner bitch might want to come out and play and that might not end well... Ah screw it, she probably should talk to him sooner or later anyways. She would tell him later. The woman lifted herself and dipped her head gracefully once more towards the king, nudged the blind woman and then turned and padded back towards her tree.

-exit Vi unless stopped-


10-10-2013, 10:32 AM
Nausica Saxe

Nausica! The sound of her brothers outraged voiced reached her ears. She looked up to see him barreling towards her, clearly enraged about the affection she showed their mother. Quickly jumping to her feet, her brother collided, knocking her backwards. A growl rumbled in her chest as she hit the earth hard. She felt his fangs snap at the flesh of her neck. Rage shot through her. Heart started pounding, sending a rush of adrenaline and rage through her veins. As soon as he released her, the boy turned his attention to their mother. A mistake. He rose up on hind legs, showering their mother with kisses. The girl picked herself up, ears pinning against her crown.

Legs pushed forward, launching herself at her brother. Her goal was to knock him off his feet as he leaded against their mothers chest on two legs and pin him beneath her. He would have gotten away with pinning her had he not gone and bitten her neck. A snarled curled back her lips, jaws snapped, aiming to latch onto his neck. She waited to their bodies to collide, for his blood to tease her tongue. Her tail twitched between being curled high over her hips dominantly and streamlining behind her. Rage blinded her, sending her vision red. She wanted to see her brother bow before her.