
Two Can Be Better Than One


10-05-2013, 09:08 AM

The days since Zanire first settled down for her long hibernation had already come and gone. The gray, white, and black brute had stayed near her den for those first few days... but then eventually he wandered off, searching for his friend, Mako, to see how he was holding up. That was what brought the male to Wolfpaw Lake on this cold winter morning.

Kar's steps were relaxed as he padded towards the lake, a frosty breath coming from him every few seconds. Winter had arrived fast in Alacritis, unlike how it had been in Caelum. When the nights became colder Kar stayed close to Zanire's den, waiting until he was sure that she was deep in her hibernation sleep before he left her side. The young male couldn't help but worry about her a little, truthfully. The whole hibernation process boggled his mind. How was it that one being could survive sleeping for so long? Especially with no food? 'I know one thing. When Zanire wakes up I'm definitely finding her that fish. It'll be a little lonely without her guidance... but at least I have Mako and, hopefully, I might meet some other kind rogues.' Ever optimistic, Kar scanned the area around the lake.

Frost tipped the grass on this fine morning, the sun not yet warm enough to cause it to melt. Kar sniffed the air, searching for Mako's scent. There was nothing recent... but that was okay. Kar was certain that he would come around later, if he just waited for him here. A gentle smile crossed onto Kar's face as he walked over to the little rocky overhang where he first spotted Mako. He sniffed the area before going under it, his tail swishing thoughtfully from side to side. 'Everything is so quiet... almost eerie in a way. This season represents the hardship in the life of wolves. Death goes hand in hand with the pure white snow.' Kar settled his head upon his paws, leaving his thoughts to continue off on their little tangent as a source of entertainment.

Speech, Thought