
I knew you were t r o u b l e *


10-03-2013, 03:54 PM

Necessity was not that which is conditioned as an established fact, but of a looming interpretation. It was in this way that progress could be achieved for a single construed necessity was the notion of advancement conceived, nurtured and tested. Be it a motivation of discontent or a pitiable sentiment of egotistical longing, necessity was more often than not the root element many reckless decisions, punishable with no promise or praise nor success. It incited the thought as to why one should take such risks only to be reminded of their dissatisfaction. Sometimes it was well worth the trouble.

The ebony dame, in a rare instance of irresponsibility, had ventured beyond the designated limits of safety in favor of personal gain. It was an opportunity that the medic resolved would be gratifying enough in its earning that she would risk her safety and, quite possibly, her companions. Such consequences were necessary, the dame reasoned in the disquieting silence she found herself in. How was she to be an adequate healer if she did not have the means to heal? It seemed an arguable standpoint but in this she was convinced. She needed to do this. It was a necessity.

Sulfur and brimstone burned the sensitive layers of her nostrils, stirring a ragged cough from her throat that in turn forced her lungs to choke on ash-laced oxygen. The atmospheric pressure was alike nothing she had ever experienced, stiflingly hot, arid and smelling of tar it was a wonder anything could survive in such wastes. But she knew better than to write of its seeming inhospitableness when the outlying scent of wolves brushed her olfactory senses. No, there was more than just charred stone and molten rock inhabiting this place, though she hoped to avoid both all together. The striped witch was breaching etiquette for but one thing, a trinket any other wouldn?t spare a glance at or notice its absence. And of course, it could only be found in regions of this climate.

Even through the foul smelling, almost moist air, Lietaenyl could pick apart the scents flitting temptingly above her head. All were foreign novelties that she hadn?t time to analyze but among them was a fresh, crisp aroma that spurred her into motion. She could only describe the smell as being green, the only manner she knew of relating plant life and it was lacking in its illustration but it served its purpose. Nearly a mile up the ridge the she-wolf?s turquoise eyes narrowed on the prize she sought.

Despite her previous depiction of scent, the item of her interest was in fact not green at all. The plant she fancied was spherical in shape, its reed-like petals arching up from its base and vaguely reminded her of a porcupine. It sat in a depression in the rock a few feet above her but there was nothing to stop her from making the short climb to the cluster.

It took no time at all for her to do this, the medic?s tail swayed with her accomplishment as she bent to pick the foliage and juggled to find a proper setting for it in her mouth for transport. With her stolen piece of foliage she was quick to dismount the rocks and hurry toward the border she had crossed. With any luck she?d make it back before Zodiac even realized she was missing.




5 Years
Extra large
10-04-2013, 02:17 PM

The flow of rogues at his borders hadn't slowed down much. They were still coming and coming. It was rather tedious having to meet most of the new wolves at the border, but recently Newt had managed to help him out a bit, though not enough to make that much of an impact. He still appreciated her help, it was more than welcome. But in the end, he had chosen to do this and now he was doing the best he could to keep up with all the wolves who wanted to join Tortuga. He hadn't expected much of a response as far as members, but he was glad that there were wolves willing to join. Perhaps he would have a strong pack after all.

Border patrols were a regular thing for the titan, something that he did very much out of habit than anything else. It was a good habit to have, because his patrols always brought him across rogues. Like the one he was scenting now, who had dared to cross into his borders. Another border crosser? He didn't have such a good track record with those kinds of wolves. Needing to know who was trespassing, the King would march on, sense alert as he searched for the silhouette of the stranger. Almost near the borders movement caught his attention and his icy gaze came across the ebony silhouette of a woman carrying herbs, trying to extract herself from Tortuga as quickly as possible. A bark would ring out from the titan, calling to the woman, wanting her to stop so he could talk to her and see what exactly she was doing here in Tortuga.

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10-04-2013, 07:05 PM

Turquoise orbs crackled in the smog the volcano produced, their edges stained with a static glow as adrenaline churned in her blood. It was as if every atom in her body hummed and buzzed, shaken to their quantum cores, vibrating with the invigorated rhythm of her heart as she beat a hasty retreat toward the comparative safety of Tortuga?s border. It was not so much the deed itself that made the witch feel in spectrums of rich vitality but the notion that she would dodge the penalty warranted by her willful accomplishments.

Her steps were nimble as the waiflike creature navigated the uneven terrain, their precision accented with overexcitement at her minor triumph. It was an addicting sensation had it not been abruptly cut short by the piercing undulating voice. Lietaenyl jerked to an ungraceful halt without having meant to and she burned with the treachery that her body would respond so unhesitatingly to another?s demand. The evocative tune warped her confidence into a shapeless something, leaving the striped medic bereft of the arrogance of just seconds ago and now keenly aware of her aloneness.

With hopes of a clean getaway effectively dashed, Lietaenyl frantically searched for the origin of the howl and blanched at the sight of the larger canine. Skin prickled with the familiarity of the situation being that this was not exactly her first offense of this caliber and the reactions had not be any more enjoyable than she expected this one to be. But perhaps there was hope for her yet. There was still a considerable length of distance separating her from the sentry and had she been one to guess the border was not much farther out.

You can outrun him.

The thought injected her with panicked energy, vigor that she did not waste by reasoning with herself. Logic had no place where fear rested.

Lietaenyl bolted.




5 Years
Extra large
10-06-2013, 06:58 PM

He wasn't pursuing the woman or threatening her in any way or form. Then again, a hulking titan like himself that was running about half speed towards you wasn't exactly the most comfort inspiring sights. He would've stopped to show her that he meant her no harm, but upon hearing his call to her, she bolted. Suspicion bubbled beneath the King's pelt as he poured on the speed, ebony limbs pulling the King closer to the fleeing dame, now needing to know what exactly she was trying to do. If she was running, that had to mean that she was doing something around here that she wasn't, right? Or perhaps she was just nervous about seeing such a big wolf on her tail. And perhaps she should be, if he discovered her to have been doing something to stir up trouble in his home.

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Zodiac I


3 Years
10-06-2013, 08:59 PM
We drive on and don't look back

It doesn't mean we can't learn from our past

They had been together, having found a small cave to call their temporary home for the last few nights. It had snowed, it had been bone chilling cold yet Zodiac hadn't left her side once. Rarely had she left the deny to hunt what she could, rabbits seemed to be the main prey they had to share. Peasants were rare as it was and they were tricky to catch; never the less the titan of a women had done her best to feed them both more so her companion then her self knowing Liet had needed the food more so then her. Zodiac would make sure Liet got her fill for she wouldn't see her starve or go without eating every day where she may very well would lie to Liet telling her she had eaten while she had neglected to do so. It was for the good of her sibling, that was all that mattered to Zodiac being self sacrificing as she was.

Having just returned from a rabbit hunt Zodiac had been alarmed slightly when Liet proved to be missing from the den; dropping the rabbit as she picked up her trail Zodiac had started off in a slightly rushed trot believing she had simply gone to relive her self or even gone as far as searching for edible herbs yet that hadn't been the case. It had taken her further and further from the place they had calling 'home' in short term of the word. Zodiac wasn't sure how long they would be staying there, perhaps until the winter passed yet that seemed unlikely with how small the cave was.

The scent of Liet's had brought her to this place, nothing short of nearly lifeless. The smells of lava and ash was what greeted her yet it didn't take long for those deep sapphire set eyes to spot the bolting form of her sibling, along with that of another after her hide. A snarl ripped free of the titan as she rushed forward to cut off the one chasing her sibling yet to as well get to Liet's side. "Liet!" The harsh bark left the stoic warrior as she closed the distance and put her self between Liet and unknowingly the alpha of this territory. Those ears pinned against her wolfen skull as those eyes narrow; that head lowered as those shoulders pushed forward taking on a defensive stance as that tail flagged proudly behind the fea quite telling the male to back the fuck off.

Occ; Long postie, o.o.


10-07-2013, 08:34 PM

Lietaenyl was thoroughly embroiled in the realization that risking life and limb for a dinky volcanic shrub was not one of her better ideas when she heard her name called. The sharp call threw her panic for a few precious seconds, replacing her whirlwind panic with joy and relief at the familiar voice. "Zodi!" Zodiac was here! Zodiac would rescue her! Zodiac?was totally going to have her ass for this. Shit.

Suddenly the striped medic was not so relieved to see her adopted sibling but considering her option was the devil she knew and the one she didn?t her opinion on the matter was pretty much a moot point. At least her blue-eyed sister wouldn?t toss her into a lava pit, something that she sincerely hoped goliath number two wouldn?t consider as a potential punishment for her trespassing.

Skidding clumsily across the graveled path Lietaenyl quickly took the offered barrier between herself and her pursuer who she peeked at from behind her companion. The plant she?d stolen still dangled from her lips, utterly out of place in the tense atmosphere. She glared at it accusingly; as if to blame the lock of vegetation for the possible fight that might come of her foolish decision. Stupid plant.




5 Years
Extra large
10-08-2013, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2013, 10:41 PM by Taurig.)

He would've easily caught up to woman, if not for the unexpected surprise that came charging in. He hadn't smelled anyone else near the border, nor seen anyone waiting anywhere for the ebony woman, so the King was rather surprised to see another figure charging at him, apparently knowing the evading woman.
Came the woman's cry as she approached the dark dame, the name Zodi escaping the smaller vixen's lips. The second woman came up to the ebony one, physically shielding her with her body, as if protecting her from him. She had it all wrong. He wasn't going to hurt her. He simply wanted to know who she was.

The King would allow himself to slow down until he came to a stop at a respectable distance, massive chest heaving as he recovered from the heavy exertion. Please ma'am, I mean you and your companion no harm. I was simply trying to figure out who she was and why she had been in my lands. His voice was a little breathy as he tried to recover from the run, body language calm and friendly in appearance, trying to keep the pair from getting even more worked up than they already were.

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Zodiac I


3 Years
10-09-2013, 03:39 PM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

Liet was quick to take refuge behind her that body keeping it's stance as tensed as she was, lifting that head briefly only to look back at her sibling and seeing the herb oh Zodiac was tempted to turn her wrath upon her sister for trespassing for a damned herb. Why did she get them into this sort of trouble? This hadn't been the first time this had happened oh no Liet just had to go and stick her nose somewhere it doesn't belong just for a herb. Zodiac understood she was a healer but why oh why had it had to be in a packs territory? Uttering a slight growl of annoyance her gaze shifted to the large male once more proving to be quite winded after Liet's little masquerade she had pulled.

The brute proved to know what a respectful distance was and that was ideal for zodiac at least for the moment. Even as that head lifted and that snarl plastered on her stoic face left that muzzle as she simply watched him as he proved to speak. Once he was finished a second glance was given to her sister. "By the looks of it raiding your home for herbs." The dame stated it flatly she had said it many times before at lest to the ones who didn't out right attack them. "Liet always gets her self into this kind of trouble; I should of expected it sooner and stopped her." That gaze hardened briefly knowing she would have to scold her younger sibling.


10-11-2013, 05:27 PM

She?d known it would only be a matter of time before the events surrounding her misconduct would be brought to light. It wasn?t like there was a convenient lie that could be told to delay the inevitable but Lietaenyl still couldn?t help but wish the accusatory looks hadn?t come quite so swiftly. The green-eyed healer pointedly avoided the snappish look given to her by the older woman and silently willed the earth to open up and swallow her. She scowled at the unrealistic thought, shifting guiltily in place as she listened to the conversation with only half an ear. It wasn?t like she wasn?t going to hear a great deal more when they were a safe enough distance away.

The fervent burn of shame heated her body but Liet thought it best not to speak just yet. Not like she could deny Zodiac?s accusations anyway. Not with the evidence dangling from her lips. Said plant was spat out at her feet, innocuous and probably just as much the victim to circumstance as Taurig was to Liet?s reckless behavior.

A frown marred the dame?s features though and she grunted unhappily, ?I?m still here you know.? She huffed indignantly. ?S?not like it happens all that much. Twice at most.? Discounting maybe five other instances where she?d actually gotten away with it but that information probably wouldn?t help her case much.




5 Years
Extra large
10-16-2013, 01:22 PM (This post was last modified: 10-16-2013, 01:22 PM by Taurig.)

His attempt at trying to calm her down seemed to be working; her defensive stance melted, the snarl twisting her jowls disappearing. The woman whom the tresspasser had called Zodi (which he assumed was a nickname and not her actual name)turned back to glance at the ebony, ivory decorated woman as she explained that she had probably been sniffing around for some plants. Plants. The woman was a healer? Tortuga only had a few healers, less than five actually and if this woman was a healer, then he was in need of her specialty here in his pack. Zodi would refer to her companion as Liet (another nickname), stating how this wasn't the first time she'd been caught doing things like these. Now that he knew the reason behind her trespassing, it was an offense that was completely forgivable.

I take it she's a healer? And you a warrior from your stance? This might not seem very appropriate at the moment, but if currently don't have a home, I would like to extend an offer for you both to join my pack. Tortuga could always use more warriors and definitely more healers. There was hope in his voice as he spoke to the two women. Would they want to take this offer? He would have to wait and see.

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Zodiac I


3 Years
10-17-2013, 07:16 PM
All the things that we might've done wrong

We could've been doing this all along

An unhappy grunt and words soon left her sibling, causing the warrior to look back at her even as she went on about it happening more then once. "You know, your not helping your self in the matter; much less when you lie Liet." The warrior would speak softly for her yet at the same time she would scold her sibling for two things; trespassing and now lying. But alas Zodiac loved her sibling despite her more mischievous ways; what could she do? Liet simply was on Zodiac loved and quite deeply as far as being a sibling went then again Zodiac had to of course make things a bit difficult for her if not even tease her for them.

The defensive stance remained upon the women's form s her gaze drifted back to him once again; so he went from chasing them to inviting them to join his pack. That was different most would attack in an attempt to chase them out of their pack lands. A brow rose as she debated on answering, but first allowing that stance to shift to a more neutral one as her gaze would find it self on Liet as Zodiac was not standing beside her. "What do you want to do?" A simple question for her sibling, if she wanted to stay then Zodiac would as well but she wouldn't force joining them on her for they had little idea as to how these wolves were.


10-19-2013, 12:14 AM

Lietaenyl rather deliberately ignored Zodiac?s comment, maintaining that she hadn?t made an unseemly habit of trespassing where she shouldn?t be. Instead, the healer gave Taurig a very pointed look as he seemed to come to terms with the situation and how quickly it had devolved from the explanation he had gotten. He wasn?t angry so that much she was thankful for; it meant she wouldn?t be catching an earful while also needing to patch up her sister however that didn?t allay her fears by much. It did open the gateway for the Alpha to self-promote however.

The woman blinked thoughtfully, her expression one of disbelief and acute indifference as this had to be the strangest way to proposition a pair of vagrants ever. Not that she honestly could say she or Zodiac had been invited anywhere considering they had only endured the comforts of one pack in their relatively short lives. Liet jerked noticeably when Zodiac chose to step aside, exposing her completely to the male?s view and Lietaenyl straightened a bit taller, fully prepared to engage him in a (one-sided) stare down when Zodiac piped up again.

She sniffed haughtily. ?More healers and warriors? Or more bodies and people with the aptitude to tend to them?? The remark wasn?t particularly kind but she wasn?t going to be bamboozled into joinging some slapdash pack because they were asked to. However her attention was stolen by the fact that Zodiac didn?t seem inclined to do much of the decision making. Lietaenyl whipped her head around to confirm. ?You?re leaving the decision to me?? Shocked and slightly perturbed was an understatement.

Why would her sister let her make a decision like this? Or rather why would she make her decide it? The striped woman curled her tail around her body, wriggling with obvious discomfort. ?I don?t know.? She muttered lamely. ?It might be an alright idea? Winter isn?t getting further away.? Her gaze moved from her sibling to the male, a hint of suspicion clouding her searching eyes. ?Anything we should know about your land that might be pertinent information for us to have??
