
Silent Whispers

Elysia I


10-02-2013, 07:14 PM

It had been a few days now but the pain was still intense. Jaws stretched open as wide as possible, lips pulling back. It would be seem like she had something irritating stuck in her throat but if one actually saw, half her tongue was gone. She would snap her jaws closed with an loud audible crack. She had no problem with the fact her tongue was gone, no, she had been willing to give it. Her King made an offer for exchange for only her tongue. She had willing obliged. But no one would ever learn this, they would never learn the truth of her missing tongue. Not just because is was nearly impossible to speak but because she would never tell. She would never betray her beloved King of the Night.

But enough of that, she was on a mission. She had to find Demoino and her brother. In was finally here, and though she resided in the south to keep near Kusugra, the chill had even reached there. Now in the west it was more noticable and her pelt fluffed out as she shivered. The scent of Valhalla was strong to her right side as she trotted along the borders. She was hoping Demoino was here, since he seemed to be moving this way last time she had seen him. She froze mid-step, left forepaw raised. How would she ask for him though? Or even tell this pack who she was? She shook her head roughly and continued. Thats why she had to just linger at the borders till she found him. She smacked her lips to moisten them. Loosing her tongue had not been to much of a problem other than the intense agonizing pain. She had no idea how to make it feel better. Holding cold water in her mouth and spitting it out helped some, but the pain was always there. Surely though it would go away in time.

Unlike most wolves the earthen colored girl had a high tolerance for pain. She did not know this, thinking her pain was normal had it happened to someone else. She had never experienced any high amount of pain before, so this was it. She was able to keep her mind buisy from it though. She had spent most of her time hunting for Kusugra and herself to make sure they would be healthy for the winter and now finding Demoino ane her brother. She wished she could just howl out to him. But something told her she would cross paths with her brother soon enough. Sea green eyes widened in alarm, he would surely expect her to talk! What would she do? Brows furrowed and she frowned. Ah! She can just pretend to be sick and have lost her voice! Yes that was prefect!. She glanced at the borders again looking for the white knight.


10-11-2013, 10:56 PM

It was like he was on the hunt all over again. Kaveh hadn't seen his dear sister in months and he had no idea where to begin looking for her. He had left Kaala a few weeks ago, promising to come back as soon as he had found his sister and made sure she was okay. He sighed, a frown creasing his features. He should have never left her in the first place! He should have learned from the first time they had been separated to not leave her alone, but there was nothing that could be done about it now. Now he just had to find her.

On a stroke of pure luck, he caught her scent, and instantly his seafoam-green eyes jerked up to franticly look around the area around him. Her scent intermingled with the strong scent of a near by pack. Did she join them? Well, whether she did or not he was going to see her, even if he had to trespass to do it.

He surged forward, trotting toward the edge of the territory quickly. Suddenly he laid eyes on her, seeing her searching along the border of the pack lands for something or someone. He broke out in a grin and ran toward her, his tail wagging behind him happily. "Elysia! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!" He skidded to a halt in front of her, his tail waving like crazy. He nuzzled her affectionately and asked, "What are you doing here?"



10-17-2013, 03:04 PM

It had been quite some time since he had seen his adopted daughter Elysia. He remembered stumbling across her all those months ago near a lake, the poor thing was scared beyond belief. He had managed to calm her down and make her comfortable enough for him to join him. Since having come to Valhalla, the white knight hadn't seen much of his daughter. He would've preferred to keep her close by, but he didn't want to her boss her around, so he had allowed her to roam free and the man could only wonder what kind of things she had been getting herself into. She was a bit more of a wanderer than his first daughter Seraphine, but he hoped that after a few seasons her thirst for wandering would be sated and she would return to perhaps join Valhalla.

Demonio had been a bit on edge the last few weeks. Just a few days ago the newly appointed King Syrinx had held war training and very few of the warriors Chrysanthe had appointed arrived. It was a sickening feeling to know that his family was going to war, that some of his fellow packmates could possibly not be coming back. It was a saddening realization, but it was a fact that he had to come to terms with. The white knight padded through the Valhallan territory, trying to keep his body occupied so that his mind wouldn't start wondering again. And it was during this that the man would catch a scent that he hadn't smelled in quite some time; Elysia. She was near the borders. Immediately the man would change his course, ivory limbs pulling him towards Ely. To his surprise, there was another male at her side, and he appeared to have some physical similarity to his adopted daughter. Hackles would bristle warily as he approached. Elysia, where have you been? He would glance over the second brute for a moment before allowing his gaze to focus on his daughter, mass coming to a halt paw steps from her.

Talk like this

Elysia I


10-19-2013, 08:56 PM

She would not have to search the borders for much longer. The rushing of paw thrumming the earth had her head lifting to look behind her. Her eyes brightened at the approaching dark brown male. Tail waved wildly behind her as her brother. She whined softly but it was slightly scratchy. And then the questions came. She hoped she could pull this off. It shouldnt be too hard since she couldnt really talk. She could act as if she had a really bad sore throat. But before she could try anything a new voic sounded behind her. Sea foam green orbs widened with surprise. She had been right, he was in this pack! She gave a small yelp before leaping at him and gently nipping and nuzzling his face and neck.

After a moment she calmed down to back a few steps awway to look at both males. Well here went nothing right? Tail waved behind her she breathing was heavy and she tried to make it sound whizzy. It really wasnt hard since she was so excited, thrilled and nervous at seeing them both. She sat down and tried to smile at them but lifted her paw to her throat and coughed. There was no way she would attempt to speak, it would be too easy to tell there was more than a sore throat going on with her. Her paw went back down to the ground as she watched the two. Hopefully they would play nice and introduce themselves so that they would know one was her brother the other her adoptive father.


10-20-2013, 04:23 PM

The brown male looked up to see the white wolf approaching them, eyeing the older male warily. His ears twitched with surprise when the other brute spoke to his sister, asking where she had been. So he knew Ely? Who was he? Kaveh turned his attention away from the stranger long enough to watch his sister that had been silent thus far as she weezed, coughed, and motioned to her throat. His brow pulled together with worry. "Are you sick, Ely?" he asked, putting the puzzle pieces of her motioning together. Not that she could really answer if she had lost her voice, but he supposed she could nod.

He turned his seafoam-green gaze back to the ivory wolf that Ely apparently knew, watching him carefully. His scent showed that he was a member of this pack, so how did Ely know him? "I'm sorry, I should have introduced myself earlier," he said, remembering his manners. "I'm Kaveh, Elysia's brother. And you are?" He wondered if this male was close with Ely. She had been away from him for sometime after all, it was very possible that she had made friends around Alacritis while he was searching for her.



10-20-2013, 05:49 PM

Ely immediately came to the white knight, fawning over him with kisses, nips and nuzzles. Clearly she had missed him. Demonio would return her attentions, nuzzling his daughter with tender affection. She smelled particularly different. He expected it since she had probably been all over alacritis, but smelled like another predator. What exactly had she been doing while she'd been out and about? Once she was calm she would back up, seating herself between the white knight and the strange chocolate boy. It was then that he would notice how she wheezed, as if she were sick. She would smile at them both, raising a paw to point at her throat, coughing in the process. She was sick? Since when?

The earthen boy would voice the question that was circling the ivory man's mind. She had to be sick. There was no other explanation as to why she would be pointing at her throat while not being able to speak properly. The boy would then turn his attention towards Demonio, realizing that he hadn't introduced himself. I'm Kaveh, Elysia's brother. And you are? Brother. Ely had a brother? She had never mentioned that...maybe she hadn't known either? It's a pleasure to meet you Kaveh, I am Elysia's adoptive father. I took her in several seasons ago when she first came here to Alacritis.

Talk like this


11-01-2013, 02:08 PM

Kaveh blinked with surprise when the white brute introduced himself as Elysia's adoptive father. The thought back to his and Ely's conversation long ago the first time he had hunted her down. She had mentioned finding herself a father figure... what was his name...? Oh! He smiled as the name finally came to mind. "Demonio! So you're the one that adopted Ely. She mentioned you a while back. I've been meaning to come introduce myself, but I got a bit side tracked on my way to find Elysia."

His seafoam green eyes looked back to his sister and a big smile crossed his muzzle as he realized he had news to share with his sister as well. "I um... Well, Ely I have something to tell you. That's one of the reasons why I was looking for you, actually. Um..." He gave a small, shy girn, looking down at his paws. "I met a fea, her name is Kaala. I like her a lot... I think I may love her. I wanted to introduce you to her so I could see what you thought of her." He looked back up at her, remembering she was too sick to talk. "Although, I guess that would be a little hard to do while you're sick, huh?"
