
You monster



6 Years
10-01-2013, 09:34 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:36 PM by Alamea.)

The turning of the season had brought with it an unexpected side effect. She had not known it possible for it to feel so uncomfortable. The girl has left her family too early, with no one to tell her of this change that would arrive upon her second year of life. It had her itching for a release for something comforting. Perhaps that was why she had once more wandered so far from her pack lands towards the general direction of Tortuga. The girl knew of course that Rune would not be there, but she hoped to find him somewhere around here.

Alamea was in heat, she could smell it upon herself, feel it radiating from her skin but knew not what it was, only that it made her irritable, and that she was feeling the distance between herself and Rune like she would feel the loss of a missing limb. She wanted him, in as many ways as she could imagine and other ways she couldn't. The sound of rushing water was the only thing that soothed her, so she forced herself to focus on it. Then it came to her, upon the breeze, a scent, and a shadow passed over her heart gripping it hard as the panic took over.



10-01-2013, 09:51 PM

Kyuboku smelled like wet dog. He had to keep a track on Alamea. He couldn't let her get away, not when she was so wonderfully far away from her beloved pack. Picking up her path had been pure fate as he had gone lax on watching his little sister for days. Now seemed the perfect time to pay a visit to her and he didn't get far before he found her scent.

His path had taken him into several bodies of water so far and now he stood windswept and bedraggled as her watched his pale sibling from a afar. Charcoal coat stuck out every which way as he made his advance. Her nose had tipped to the wind. It had shifted, blowing his scent toward her and wrecking his cover. He had to catch her before she could get out of his reach. He sauntered in, head low, eyes locked. His sway was casual, perhaps even lazy. \

"Alamea! My baby sister, look how you've grown. Once a child and now a woman." The closer he drew the more potent her scent became. The more it overwhelmed his systems. Eyes flickered over her with a hunger in them. "I've missed you so," His words rang with truth. Tail stood rigid above his back. He was tense, prepared to act if she tried to bolt. Surely she was just as happy to see him as he was to see her?



6 Years
10-01-2013, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:39 PM by Alamea.)

The waves of fear were washing over her, drowning her. The response was automatic. Her tail tucking neatly between her legs, ears pulling back, teeth baring, her tongue darting in and out of her mouth as she lowered herself. She was facing his direction now. Slowly she began to back away from him, but he was coming towards her, his strides longer than hers. There was no mistaking him, his walk telling her all she needed to know. He had changed some, scars running across one of his eyes and pulling at the corners of his mouth but he was almost as she remembered him.

"Kyu- Kyuboku." She managed, her voice catching in her throat. Her gaze met his, her rose eyes filled with fear and beginning to well with tears. "You've- you've changed some too." Her voice was shaking, but she forced a weak, fake smile, knowing that if she appeared glad to see him that whatever happened next would not be quite so bad as if she showed her dismay.

A thought reached her and she swallowed the lump in her throat. "D- did you come all this way to see me brother?" She tried to sound grateful, but it fell flat. There was something comforting about knowing he was alive, well, but she just wished he wasn't here, that he was alive and well as far away from her as possible.



10-04-2013, 10:02 AM

The submission she showed to him made her black heart beat faster. It was exhilarating seeing her crumble before him. In his mind she was giving herself over to him, submitting to him as her higher up. ?Kyu- Kyuboku.? He stood on her toes, legs locked straight as he took a few rushed steps forward. His tail waved, a show of his happiness. "Little sister... How long I've waited to here you say my name again!" He had spent most of his life following her and now that had her his voice trembled with longing.

How he wanted to touch his darling sister. But was that all he wanted? The scent of her heat made her mind buzz. ?You?ve? you?ve changed some too.? He stopped at this, lips twitching. His face angled to hide the ugly scaring from his sister. It was not to be mentioned, not to be looked at. Their pink eyes met and his tail wagged again. Kyu missed the terror in her eyes, only seeing the gleam of what he translated as joy. She was so, so happy to see him. Her smile made his ears press forward eyes ever so hopeful.

?D- did you come all this way to see me brother?? The way she said it...

"She's lying." The realization hit him like a brick wall, instantly making his ears fold back and his hackles raise. When he spoke there was a growl in his tone that was deep and forbidding. "Why, sister I've followed you since I realized you left me. I could not figure why you would ever leave me... you're not happy to see me again." His voice was a mixture of rage and confusion. At the same time her remained thoughtful.

He turned his face off, letting is fall vacant. He moved toward her, leisurely. "Is it your new pack?" He practically spit the word at her. He closed ground between them, inhaling her sweet scent deeply. "They can't have you. Don't you understand, dear sister? You are mine." With that he sprung, rearing up over the dainty girl to try and mount her. Every inch of per body belonged to him and he could not keep her then he would at least make sure no one else wanted her.



6 Years
10-07-2013, 12:59 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:40 PM by Alamea.)

He had her trapped, she could not run, should not run, he would easily over take her and then there'd be hell to pay. His words made her want to tremble, but she swallowed the lump in her throat and forced herself to look at him, though not in the eye. Her heart jumped into her throat at the twitch of his lip, expecting a growl but he simply turned away, hiding the scaring from her. It came as a slight relief, the sight of the scar had made him all the more intimidating and at least now he looked like the boy of her childhood.

He caught the change in him, his ears pulling back and fur rising. Her eyes widened and she began to attempt another hasty retreat. She flinched as he spoke, and forced another smile. "N-no, I am, I am-" She pleaded, saying the words she knew he wanted to hear, hoping against hope it would calm him. She cut herself off.

She knew the blank expression he wore, and it scared her most of all. She continued to back away but as he began approaching again, he would close the distance between them quicker than she could create it. "Is it your new pack" Images of her pack members flashed before her eyes, and then Rune did. What more did she want right now, than for one of them to rescue her? "They can't have you. Don't you understand, dear sister? You are mine." Her breath caught as he began to lift above her. She could feel his weight coming down upon her small frame.

Instinct kicked in then, even as he tried to mount her, her body tried to fight back. She managed to bite back the growl that wanted to rise, letting out instead a yelp as she attempted to pull away, tail curling even tighter between her legs.



10-21-2013, 09:05 PM

The pale sibling struggled, yelping out as she did. It seemed to strike a nerve, making Kyu jump back as if struct. "No, Alamea. Don't cry. Father might hear you." His pupils were put pin pricks in his eyes, giving him a crazed look as he backed off from his sister. His own tail had drawn between his legs.

Teeth bared all the while he narrowed his eyes at his sister. He advanced once again, tail still tucked. As he closed the space between them again the dark male made to snap at her cheek, a strike to draw blood. In his mind all he heard was her yelp played on repeat. In his mind he needed to make her shut up. It was clear that sanity had jumped ship for the time being, convinced their parents were still around. If he didn't make Alamea be quiet, they would both be in for it soon enough.



6 Years
10-22-2013, 09:57 PM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:40 PM by Alamea.)

He jumped back suddenly and she breathed a quick sigh of relief and wheeled around to face him. No way in hell was she turning her back on him! Then his voice started and suddenly she was back in the den, a pup as her father repeatedly went after their mother and her brother? The images flashed before her eyes. With those simply words he had transported her away from the present, sent her spiraling back into her horrific past. So wrapped up in her memories was she that she did not notice his approach, did not feel the gap closing between them.

Until he snapped at her cheek, fangs finding flesh and she forced herself not to yelp, jumping to the side in an attempt to free herself. Fur pulled from her face, the welling of blood tainting her pristine coat. Then the tears came, she couldn't help them, couldn't stop them. How was it fair? How was it possible that after this time, after she found hope again that it should all be ripped so violently from her? That all it took for the world to come crashing down around her was the simple appearance of him, of her brother?



11-12-2013, 08:01 PM

Alamea fell silent though she did jump away from his onslaught. That was enough for him, for her to be quiet. Full pink eyes looked at her before looking around, not focusing on any one thing. "Good. We'll be safe now." Just as he took away her happiness, she seemed to take away his sanity.

Tail eased between his legs, laying limp behind him. As his heart rate slowed, his eyes went back to normal and his posture slumped a bit. The ghost faced brute cast his eyes upon his sister with caution, seeming almost confused. Lips raised in a growl that made no sound, backing away from his little sibling before turning away.

"Go away." Was all he said before walking away with slumped shoulders, exhausted from his state of dementia.



6 Years
11-22-2013, 02:40 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:41 PM by Alamea.)

The ivory girl did not know what was happening, the past and present blurring together into a horrific collage of her worst fears. It was only as he spoke again that she managed to grab hold of the threads of reality, wide eyes swinging to look at him again. What was going to happen now? Would he mount her again, only this time make sure she shut up? That was the worst thought of all, in her core she knew it was wrong, but there was something about her heat that made her want it. She stifled those thoughts, not daring to allow them to mature.

She watched him visibly relax, holding her breath, unsure what it could mean. She was never certain with him, sometimes it seemed he was done and the moment she let her guard down he would spring again. He turned away, and spoke. Alamea's breath caught in her throat, wanting nothing more than to bolt but forcing herself to watch him saunter away for a moment before turning tail and fleeing back the way she had come, tail tucked firmly between her legs just in case.

-Alamea attempts to exit-
