



13+ Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 05:31 PM

Hooves drummed in a quit two beat pattern as the inky form made it?s way across the landscape. Tireless, steadfast, determined, she led the trip toward the abandoned farmland with her fellow pack brother, carrying a message. Obsidian kept running the message through her mind, over and over. "Obsidian, Sephiroth, the two of you will go to Seracia. Tell them of Glaciem, that they have taken Gideon and tried to take Liberty. Tell them of the war - warn them to steer clear of the pack if they can. The further off of their radar they remain the better. My one request, is that should war arise in the near future, that they will take any mothers and children temporarily under their wing."

After Chrysanthe had said that, she had risen Syrinx to Second Alpha status. And Syrinx had practically declared war. Her ears pinned in annoyance. After Chrysanthe had won her place at their head, no she was putting the very wolf no one much trusted in a place of power. Her tail flicked as she slowed to a walk, head lowering to the ground. Nostrils flaring, she took in the multiple scents of wolves, including all those she?d encountered at the wedding. Epiphron was there, and her mate. Her head lifted. ?I?ll let you call, I?m not sure how they?d react to a call from me. Epiphron might know it, but that?s all.? She nodded to her fellow messenger, allowing him to do the honors.


10-01-2013, 06:22 PM

Dual toned frame followed the swift form as they made their way to Seracian borders. This was an area he had not been too, having immediately gone to Valhalla shortly after his meeting with Seraphine and Angeal from Ludicael. Now he was a full fledged member, and on his first mission as a messenger. The words rang through his head, not easily forgotten. They had to warn Seracian allies of the threat with Glaciem, and now here they were. Dual casted eyes glanced up at the larger beast, silver audits flicking as he nodded and stepped forward to fulfill the request. Though he was normally a silent and introverted man, he knew that belonging to a pack would mean tasks such as this, as well as being more active with others. Though at times such as this, he did not mind. He would take in a good breath, and then throw his head back, letting loose a loud howl that would be heard by all of Seracia and surrounding lands. His call rang loud and true, a summoning to the borders.


10-01-2013, 06:23 PM

A strange scent wafted toward his nostrils, sending his hackles straight up and his adrenaline into overdrive. Something was amiss. With hasty steps the King would usher himself toward the source of the scent, finding it absent of testosterone - which only calmed him slightly. Sometimes females could be harder to handle than males. It was overwhelmingly different than the scent of a wolf, and so he would remain on edge as he neared. Guard hairs along his spine stood on end as his ears tilted back slightly and his tail flagged upward in a display of dominance. The King would not be trifled with on this day, not with things the way they were with Glaciem, Valhalla, and the rest of Alacritis. He knew a bit thanks to his pack members willingness to share, but overwhelmingly he felt blind to events outside of Seracia. It was unfitting, but it only added to his aggression level. Eyes of lime burnt hot and vibrant as he neared the stranger - no, strangers - at his border. They were respectful enough to remain outside, which he was thankful for. He noted the non-wolf was a horse, one he vaguely remembered from some time ago. The other wolf smelled strongly of Valhalla, and so he began to relax - if ever so slightly. ?King Maverick Mathias at your service,? he would utter with the amount of pride it deserved. Some time ago he would not have mentioned his surname at all upon introducing himself, but with his father's disappearance he felt it his obligation to keep the family name alive. Ears swiveled forward in time with his tail which descended between his hocks, unwilling to force his status down their throats. Something of importance had driven them here, and he intended to hear about it at once.




13+ Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 06:42 PM

Sephiroth tossed out a call, and shortly the chestnut appaloosa that was Maverick, Epiphron?s mate, came onto the scene. He came with guard raised, and she didn?t much blame him. After all, she doubted he?d ever seen a horse except for at the wedding, and that was herself. Hells, she hadn?t seen another horse in years? Was she the only one left. She hoped not? She lowered her head to fall into a respectful bow, ears relaxed to airplane slightly to the sides, tongue sliding out in a soft chewing. A sign of respect and submission, and a friendly one at that. He relaxed, and she guessed he had analyzed their scents and found them Valhallan. He introduced himself, though she herself already knew who he was. Long memory, and it had only happened last year.

Her head raised and she studied the male with a large blue eye. ?Congratulations on your Kingship, Maverick. I am Obsidian, and this is Sephiroth. Chrysanthe sent us with a message. The Northern Pack, Glaciem, are our enemy. Isardis their king, has challenged for one of our members, Liberty, and while he lost, his lady Argent challenged for Gideon. She won the challenge. Gideon is now hostage of Glaciem. We are going to war.? Her ears flicked back uneasily. Her first war. She?d only ever heard of war before now. She continued.

?Chrysanthe asks that you avoid Glaciem; the less they know of you the better, but she has a request. Should war arise in the near future, that you shelter mothers and children here in Seracia until things clear.? Her message finished, she dipped her head and stepped back, ears forward. How would he react to this news? From what Obsidian had heard, Maverick and Gideon were related in some way; family.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-01-2013, 06:54 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 06:54 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias happened to be nearby, albeit in a different direction than her husband; while the call was not altogether familiar, she found herself intrigued as to its origin. Her children were growing older, and she'd heard talk of some kind of feud between Glaciem and Valhalla -- she was beginning to become more interest in such affairs as she no longer had to tend to her children as much. The mere thought of her former pack being in trouble was distressing. Though she didn't know if Maverick would want to get too involved, she knew she would not let her family walk into danger without being there to protect them. But if she had the choice -- to remain here, with her husband and children -- or to defend her sister, her brother, her nieces and nephews?

It was not a choice she wanted to make, so for now she would push such ideas into the back of her mind until she heard any news of what was going on.

As she drew near to the source of the call, the scent of Valhalla was strong, and it lifted her spirits. Though she greatly looked forward to every meeting from her family, her allies, her former pack-mates; she was always worried that they would come bearing bad news.

Maverick was already there, and she noted Obsidian quickly. The equine was an honorary Valhallan, and though it was a strange addition to the pack, it was not totally absurd. A smile graced the Queen's features as she padded forth, coming to a gradual halt at her mate's side. "Obsidian," she greeted the horse, interjecting slightly. She was quick to direct her attention to the male she didn't already know; though he smelled strongly of Valhalla as well. "Queen Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias," she introduced herself, figuring Maverick already had -- hopefully making it obvious that she was a former Valhallan, if the stranger did not already know.


10-06-2013, 02:47 AM

Almost immediately a red figure with an appaloosa printed figure emerged from the woods. He would introduce himself as King Maverick, and Sephiroth would dip his head in respect to the young king. Looking him over and observing quietly as Obsidian spoke, Sephiroth estimated the young king to be around the same age as himself. He wondered how such a young boy came to be the king of a pack, though he was sure someone had placed him there or he inherited it. Either way, someone as young as him would deserve respect. After all, it wasn't everyday that a young wolf was an Alpha of his own pack. He waited patiently as Obsidian told the king of the message that Valhalla had for the young man, waiting to add in anything should the horse forget.

Shortly after she finished, however, another figure would appear from the forest. Sephiroth's cool gaze would rest upon the woman as she stopped to speak her name. Adravendi? Why did that sound familiar? Sephiroth could not relate the name, he had not spoken to the Alpha since he joined as he was still a recently joined member. He was sure though that it had some significance. dipping his head to the pair, he would take this chance to speak. "A privilege to meet you, King Maverick and Queen Epiphron. I am Sephiroth Crescent, a new member of Valhalla. What Obsidian has just said is true, Glaciem is threatening to initiate a war with Valhalla, and the foolish King has decided to act upon a blind fit of rage due to wounded pride. He lost the battle for a member, but managed to make a prisoner of Chrysanthe's mate. It would be most helpful to Valhalla should Seracia be willing to take in refugees when the time for war arrives." The man looked from one to the other, wondering what their take on this was. He wondered if they would aid Valhalla in a fight should Valhalla suddenly need it, though he was sure that with Valhalla's numbers, not even the other packs of alacritis combined could take them out.


10-08-2013, 09:02 PM

The horse would take the lead, beginning to speak as his wife arrived and interjected. Maverick glanced in her direction as she introduced herself, a smile fluttering upon his lips. It was good to have her at his side in a time like this, he imagined that the news from Valhalla was important. As the horse uttered the news the King's lower jaw slackened ever so slightly, pulling away from his upper as a mildly surprised expression graced his features. So, everything his pack had told him was true - and more. Valhalla needed their assistance, but was only requesting that their mothers and children be harbored. That seemed easy enough - and Maverick would certainly accept. ?Of course, of course..? he would utter with certainty. ?Seracia will always be a safe haven for Valhallans in need.? He glanced to Epiphron, knowing she would agree. The thought to offer warriors came to mind, but he held his tongue for the time being. Maverick wasn't keen on plunging his warriors into a war he hadn't started, even if Valhalla was their sister pack. If asked, he would oblige them, but he wasn't intent upon volunteering his knights. ?Have you any idea of the numbers that would take refuge here?? Of course he would not deny anyone from Valhalla, but it would be helpful to know an estimate of how many would be coming to Seracia - both to prepare his members and to be sure that food and dens were in supply when they arrived.




13+ Years
Extra large
10-11-2013, 02:00 AM

Epiphron was next to arrive, and Obsidian offered a soft greeting nicker, then turned her mind and attention back to Maverick as he took in what she had to say. It seemed he was only half unaware of the goings on. This meant word traveled fast, and some of his wolves perhaps had heard of the problems. He accepted the request with no hesitation, and she nodded, forelock swinging slightly before draping over her face, as she listened to his next question.

She herself wasn?t quite sure how many there were that couldn?t fight. However, she knew there were no pregnant mothers, or nursing mothers. Only pups, since the large chestnut Syrinx?s mate, Eos, had vanished from their lands. Again. ?I believe? A few pups, but no pregnant mothers. A few of those are Chrysanthe?s brother?s pups?? Her tail flicked at the thought of them. She?d seen them from a distance, and hadn?t cared to get any closer.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-13-2013, 07:41 PM (This post was last modified: 10-13-2013, 07:43 PM by Epiphron.)

'A privilege to meet you, King Maverick and Queen Epiphron.' The male she did not know began, and a gracious smile was offered as she dipped her head lightly. Though she had missed the initial part of the conversation, Sephiroth filled her in quickly. War was on the horizon, but how soon? It seemed no one was sure. And not just that, but Gideon had been taken prisoner -- something that would certainly not upset her as much as it should have. The thought of her sister's polygamous mate being held captive was actually a bit of a relief, but that was not something she would confess to even Maverick. But she would never truly wish her sister to be unhappy.

But the real reason for their visit was not just to deliver the news; but to ask for help, if it was needed. Epiphron would be more than happy to take in refugees. In fact, she would quite gladly take in visitors, war or otherwise. With a glance at Maverick, she nodded readily, agreeing obviously.
"That wouldn't be a problem at all," she agreed, her gaze composed -- despite the worry that welled inside her chest.

Obsidian spoke up, saying there were only a few that might need shelter. As well as Syrinx's children... The horse didn't seem impressed, and quietly she nudged Maverick. "The last time I visited Valhalla, Chrysanthe told me of of Syrinx and Eos' children." It was a subject she hadn't been totally comfortable bringing up to her husband, since she knew her brother and husband weren't exactly the best of friends. But then again, it had been nearly a year since they had even seen one another -- and it seemed they had all matured a bit since them. "I haven't met them myself, but they are more than welcome here." Her attention was redirected to Obsidian, her words certain. No matter what anyone thought of the children, born of incest; she would not tolerate them being treated any differently than her own children. Though the thought of Eos left a bitter taste in her mouth, loyalty was engrained in her, and she would never do anything to hurt family. Even if her. As she and Maverick had yet to talk about whether they would be comfortable sending any of their warriors to help, and so it was a topic she would be silent on for now.


10-18-2013, 04:49 AM

The dual toned man remained silent, his glance casting about their surroundings as if expecting to be ambushed any moment. Though it was unlikely, especially being so close to Seracia's heartland, he wouldn't put it past their current enemies to start an early war and ambush Valhalla's messengers. After some moments, he would return his attention to those before him. Listening quietly as Obsidian mentioned their numbers. He had no input here, being new to the pack he had no idea how many pups there were at the moment as he had not yet gotten a chance to integrate into the pack well enough to find out just yet. After the queen had spoken, it came to Sephiroth's mind that there might be others seeking refuge other then their own pack members. Perhaps to avoid being pulled into the war without consent or forced into it by the Glaciems or other wolves of power. Clearing his throat briefly, he spoke "Though this is just a thought of forewarning, I have a feeling that there may be others who might attempt to seek refuge from this war. Perhaps those that may want to avoid having anything to do with it or avoid being forced into it from our new enemy. I am sure rogues as well as Valhallans among others may seek refuge...after all, this war not only affects affects all of Alacritis."

He glanced from queen to king and back, wondering if they would take heed to his words. Though he was not of important rank, he figured that he would put his thoughts out there...after all, a war never affected just two parties. Now, Seracia would become a part of it. And with them, many more lives would be at stake...with Glaciems pride, he was sure that they would make an enemy of Seracia as well. Alacritis would be at war soon enough, and all who called these lands home would be pulled into turmoil if it wasn't stopped soon.