
Where Do Your Demons Hide?



Extra small
10-01-2013, 08:15 AM

It was promptly after meeting, and he had not given them long to think at all. Those that were willing to rise in war would do so, those that contemplated it would only mean they would back out at the last minute. he had no time for those that lacked commitment. This was a war game; only the willing would play, and he knew that, and he openly accepted it.

The demon stood in a massive field, his body atop a minor slope in the land, he looking to stand even more above them than his natural stature allowed him. Tail writhed and turned and the imperatoor raised his muzzle and demanded they come. He had put them near a source of water so that wounds would be addressed as quickly as possible. He was going to train them all. make them all as vicious as he could; but none would attain his level, of this he was certain. He did not seek to make mongers out of Valhalla's populace, but he did expect to make something worthwhile. He did expect to make them want to fight for their things. They had lived in the obvious nature of things that they could have whatever. Now, they had someone telling them different. They needed to learn how to take back their rights, for they would always face opposition. Always.

Coding by Lu



10-01-2013, 09:44 AM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 11:54 AM by Sevan.)
She had just stepped back across the Valhallan border when the sound of her fathers call beckoned her closer. The babe had no idea she had missed the pack meeting , she had been scarce in The borders of her pack lately, having no interest in lingering. Limbs carried her towards the location of her father.

She found the mass of her father perched atop a small slope, his back to her, she doubted he was unaware of her presence. Blue and silver eyes glanced around her, no one else had yet arrived. Stilts pushed her up to tans by her fathers side. "Father." lyrics flowed from her lightly colored jaws, crown tilting up slightly to meet her fathers gaze.

"What's going on?" Fiery plume swayed at her feet, one ear directed at her father, the other listening for the approach of the pack. Since when did her father summon the pack? Since when did he wan anything to do with Vahlallans? As she got older things became clearer. Her mother wasn't coming back. Her father favored er eldest sister. She was doomed to be stuck in this pack.


10-01-2013, 12:07 PM


The meeting had ended with Synrix being named Alpha. She wasn't sure how that would turn out once Gideon returned, she couldn't see the make just stepping down. But she wouldn't question Chrysanthes decision. After being promoted, and her training completed, the pale woman felt it was wise to attend Synrixs meeting for training. There was nothing wrong with a little extra practice. And with war on the horizon she was sure that her find Erani would be centered in the battle, caring for the wounded.

Since her training, it was almost as though she was a different wolf. She carried herself with confidence, her gait graceful, head high wherever she went. It was how she made her entrance when she found Synrix on top of a small slope. It came as no surprise that he would place himself higher than the rest. She offered a nod of greeting at she took a seat to wait for the rest. Blue and gray eyes drifted the fae standing st the new Alphas side, they looked so similar. She assumed this was one of his daughters. It was such a same Eos had vanished, leaving behind her little family.


10-01-2013, 06:51 PM

A summons had dripped from the lips of her father, and Vyvienne was not yet big enough to disobey him. Long limbs carried her powerful frame towards the call, acidic gaze immediately landing upon one of her siblings. The dark-drizzled girl arrived at the side of her sister, Sevan, pressing into her harshly and aiming to nip at her scruff. The point was clear; rub her scent into the pelt of her sibling, dominate her, show her just who she belonged to. Vyvienne refused to have any confusion when it came to her possessions; they were hers, and everyone was forbidden to touch them.
Her eyes shifted from her sister to her father, looking upon him curiously. At the meeting he had been promoted, a ruler of Valhalla, and because her father was hers that meant that this pack was now hers. Alas, the girl would not go proclaiming such things, but her posture made it evident. She carried herself with authority, frame stiff and tall, challenging any who would dare to challenge her. Her size had given her arrogance, her blood doubled that, and the accumulation of her possessions made the dark girl feel like a god.



10-01-2013, 07:02 PM

The little oddity would swirl, following the guided scent of her sisters; dense tail flicking elegantly about her haunches as she would skip with a rising conceit. She had been with her mother most of the day, hovering amidst the borders; not that the shielded woman was any fun, her lack of patience and apparent dullness no less than draining. The fiery plumage of her two siblings would rise in the distance, bubbling about the presence of their colossal father, Vyvienne?s typically ruthless approach of Sevan no less than to be expected. The marked girl would snicker, slowing her pace in an attempt to creep up behind the larger teenager; stalking the bleached earth upon her chest, only to leap at the last moment in an attempt to hook pinned teeth about the hocks of the dark-red babe, rolling onto her back to expose the frosted markings of her abdomen. She?d get that proud miss bossy-boots.

talking to you



Extra small
10-06-2013, 08:16 AM

the titan would not be give a crowd that was excessive and immediately disappointment in those of Valhalla would begin to stir in his heart. a massive snarl would rip free of his lungs and his eyes would dart around. Now, he was demanding them, urging them. This was not a time to relax, and Valhalla needed to realize that. His children had come with beautiful imediacy. Looking forward to the same chaos that he had so longed to plunge into. They craved destruction as much as he did, and a bit of it made his heart swell with pride. Today, they could learn the basics, and then, they would learn how to choose things to fight for. He enjoyed the pointless scrap here and there, but he would not lean constantly into pointless drabble. He had things to do always--wasting time was not an option.

vyvienne moved in and her presence seemed to encumber the most pride to the situation, simultaneously, Cynder introduced rivalry, and Sevan came with the willingness to merely see what was going on. Tongue lashed hungrily across his lips and his eyes danced over the bodice of the healer that had so willingly come. How intriguing, no? "This is a pathetic way to begin what an empire should consist of. Very well. If children must lead Valhalla perhaps it is time for a change," what was happening here? He had no idea. The beast flicked his tail idolently and looked at each of them carefully (first to rayne) "Do you even wish to learn how to fight?" she didn't seem the warring type. he needed to be certain of her motives.

"Cynder, Vyvienne, Sevan," he began and his lips curled into a prideful smile, "Welcome to what the rest of your life should be dedicated to--Victory," the serpent moved towards Sevan, eyes following her carefully, and as he got closer and closer he would aim to walk along the right side of her, head twisting towards her neck, and immediately throwing his jaws forward to sieze her neck. Hopefully successful he would not squeeze or add pressure, merely glare at the others. their first lesson was given immediately.



10-06-2013, 09:39 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2013, 09:39 PM by Sevan.)
Her sisters didn't take long to arrive, followed shortly by a white female she had never seen before. Crown turned as she felt Vyvienne brush harshly against her side, fangs aiming to nip at her neck. Lips curled back in a snarl as her own jaws parted, snapping in her sisters direction. Eyes narrowed with distaste, lips remaining curled. The sound of her fathers voice broke her concentration, turning her gaze to mammoth brute. He spoke with frustration as the lack of members that had answered his call. A low growl of displeasure dripped from her jaws. This pack would fall in this war if not for her fathers guidance. Blue and silver eyes flickered to the woman her father address, audits sliding forward to hear her answer.

Lips curled back in a smile as her father addressed them once more. The smile faded as her father stalked towards her, his chest pointed at her right side. Eyes narrowed, waiting to see what he would do. She felt the twist of his neck as he turned his skull to grab her by the scruff. A snarl snuck by her lips, her own crown turning to meet her father. Being so much smaller than him gaze her an advantage. He failed to protect his throat in his attempt to grab her scruff. Growing legs propelled herself upward, jaws unhinging aiming to grab a hold of his throat. Ears lay flat against her skull, eyes still narrowed, the fur along her back and nape bristled.

She had not expected their first lesson to come so quickly, but their father always kept them on their toes, and it was good to learn to expect the unexpected. She had never been taught how to properly fight, only knowing what she had learned wrestling with her sisters when they were younger. But now she would learn, and she refused to fail. She would not be the weakest, she would grow into a powerful woman. And it all started with the possibility of her jaws landing on her fathers throat.



Extra small
10-07-2013, 09:41 AM

a snarl would rip free of the behemoth's throat to encourage the war that was rising here. he against his own flesh, aiming to rip her throat out, or at least make it as real as possible. tail whipped behind him in mild aggression and he fervently (no mention of if he actually grabbed her neck or not so im assuming he did) locked his teeth, lightly, around the right, mid side, of her neck. he did not tighten his jaws or attempt to throw her off, merely made it so that she couldn't slip away. He would, however, find himself mildly proud as she aimed to hoist her body up and try to find his neck with her teeth. His left shoulder bore itself upward and aimed to rhrust into her nose and knock her back. Her access to the left side of his neck would be denied immediately. He would take a step back, regardless of if she fell from him or not, release his hold on her and watch her, "Do not attack t he obvious. Would it not have been wiser to attack my legs? To make me bow before you? Do you not want to see infidels bow in honor of you? Do not go for the victory, go for the glory, for the heart is a far more formiddable reason to do anything," even if the heart was blacked, cut-off, and mildly intolerable on most days. The serpent rolled his shoulders and turned, "Vyvienne, Cynder, a game of Queen of the hill, yes?" the victor would be the last one standing, and how intriguing it would be.


10-07-2013, 10:37 PM


It surprised the dame that no one showed up. Surely Valhalla would not just roll over and give up this easily? It was disappointing to see the lack of dedication with war looming over them. Immediately Synrix addressed her, wanting to know if she wanted to fight. "I'm by no means a fighter, I'm a Healer. But I have been training, and would like to further my abilities so that I may defend myself and those under my care if needed." She let her words ring out, blue and silver gaze turning upward to meet that of the newly crowned Alpha. Soon after he addressed his children, his words causing brows to lift curiously. Surely he wasn't serious that children would lead Valhalla. They were the future.

She watched the scene unfold as he first attacked one of his daughters, knocking her back with a harsh jab of his shoulder, and then turned the other three on each other. It was an interesting tactic to training children but she wasn't about to go questioning his already questionable ways. Instead she chose to sit quietly, waiting, hoping, that others would show up, and for Syrinx to give some directions.



10-08-2013, 09:41 AM
it bothered him little that syrinx had been chosen to fight on behalf of Valhalla in the spot he had pursued, and in the long run, it would perhaps be better. Syrinx wasn't afraid of crossing boundaries like Collision had come to be. Perhaps a reckless attitude was what was necessary here...though if it wasn't Valhalla was making a grave mistake that they would all come to see in time. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too late if they were, indeed, wrong. Syrinx was formidable in some aspects, though in more than he had gained--he lacked.

the beast heard the call of the young leader and immediately turned his course to get there, by the time he had, there were already most of his children and a young healer. a scuffle was already underway and Collision was baring witness to the strength Syrinx clealy wanted to beat into all of them. This was a dark and long road. Where was it going? No one could really tell. that much was certain. His ears rocked back lightly against his head, but acting weak in the presence of the behemoth would not be wise. he already expressed his disdain for it, only a fool would pretend as though it mattered. shrugging his shoulders and shaking his limbs out collision howled, announcing himself and also inviting others to arrive. Syrinx was already hard to please. Valhalla needed to come.



10-08-2013, 04:15 PM
As soon as she finished her chat with Azalea, the alpha would respond to her brother's summons. No doubt he would be disappointed in her inability to be prompt, but she had told the girl that she wanted to speak to her even before he was promoted. And so she swept onto the training field, frowning at the turnout. Where were her newly promoted gamma? They should be here, at least watching so that they may know what to train in before this pack marched into batlte. Yet those that were here, were all family save for Rayne, and the ivory dame was a healer - she would not be on the front lines. Agitation ebbed at the ends of her nerves, and yet she would put that aside, watching her nieces show that they truly were Syrinx and Eos's blood. It was almost unnerving, the way they carried themselves so eerily similar to their sire and dame. Despite their time in Valhalla, the pack had not rubbed off on the young females at all - they were the same quiet girls with bubbling resentment for everything and nothing at all.

They would be a force to be reckoned with, that much was certain.

"Collision." She would greet her oldest brother, hoping that he was not too upset with her placing Syrinx beside her opposed to him. "It seems our soldiers are late." The woman would hold back a sigh, but her face would brighten somewhat as she focused on Rayne. Her newly promoted theta - would she want to train with she and Collision? The alpha had to wonder how well she could protect herself as of this moment - she had already been through more than many Valhallans with the attack on her before. "At least some are here for training." She would offer the woman a smile. "Want to spar?" It would be more of a warm up than anything else - she wanted to see what the healer knew.

ooc: a two round practice spar maybe?


10-08-2013, 05:32 PM

War was coming, she could feel it in her bones. Isardis had lost, and she and everyone else knew that his pride would drive him back for revenge. It was an unavoidable situation, as much as she hated to admit it, Valhalla and Glaciem were going to war- because of her. If only she hadn't met him, if only she had walked away and not given him the time of day. If only. Paws kissed the earth as she carried herself toward the group of wolves. Syrinx, a man she didn't know, was training the members and preparing them for battle, so of course, she would be there. She seemed to be a bit late, but at least she wasn't a no show. "Syrinx." She would say, not acknowledging the other girls around her. Well, besides Chrysanthe, she had flashed her a smile, though she didn't know if she saw. Now she would wait for her leader to give her a lesson.


10-09-2013, 09:09 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 02:17 AM by Gael.)

Things shouldn't have come down to this, but they had and there was no avoiding it now. Glaciem was pretty much looming on the horizon, waiting for their chance to strike and Valhalla had to get ready. For as long as they'd been around, as far as the young Adravendi knew, they hadn't participated in any wars. Or maybe they had. He wasn't too sure, but the family that surrounded him didn't seem like the type to march into battle. They were more peaceful than anything, which was probably a problem. Gael himself had just turned two several days ago and now he had to prepare himself for battle. It was a nerve racking thing, but he wasn't going to stand by idly while some foreigners came in and tried to destroy his family. If there was one thing on their side, it was numbers. Valhalla was the biggest pack in all of Alacritis, so they would definitely outnumber the Glaciems. But would that be enough?

His uncle's call would ring out across Valhalla, summoning the warriors to him. They needed be prepared and who better to train them than Syrinx. The newly turned two year old try to respond to the call as quickly as possible, clearly not the first one to arrive. His uncle, as well as his nieces whom he hadn't had a chance to meet yet, aunt Chrysanthe and his father were all present, along with a few members whom he wasn't acquainted with. A serious expression took over the young man's features as he moved towards the little group, cerulean gems dancing over the russet figure of his uncle and aunt, sparing a glance towards Collision. Uncle Syrinx, Aunt Chrys. A dip of the skull would be given to the two as a greeting, turning towards the grey man that was his father, ready to learn whatever they wanted to teach him.

Talk like this


10-09-2013, 09:22 PM

War was looming. His family was in peril and the now five year old man wasn't going to stand for it. Why was it that just when he was beginning to start his life over again that things had to deteriorate? But what was done was done and there was no taking it back. Now, Valhalla had to get ready for war, as much as he didn't want to. He didn't want to see Chrys get hurt, or Claire, or even his daughter Seraphine. He had to protect his loved ones, or he would die trying.

A summoning call from the newly appointed alpha Syrinx would ring out across Valhalla, summoning all the newly appointed warriors to him. He was going to train the warriors and the man hoped that the russet alpha knew what he was doing. Powerful ivory limbs propelled the warrior towards the call of his alpha, mismatched gaze falling on his best friend's figure. If he could've, he would take her place in the war, let her stay home, but he knew that Chrysanthe wouldn't want that. She wouldn't sit idly by while her people shed their blood and the blood of their enemy. The ivory knight would come to stand a few yards away, haunches folding beneath him as he sat, wondering what exactly the new alpha had in store for them.

Talk like this



7 Years
10-10-2013, 01:24 AM

Surreal didn?t like where things were heading. The frightening male Chrysanthe had fought off at the beginning of Chrysanthe?s reign was now second Alpha. Chrysanthe had put him there herself. Silver ears flattened as she padded toward the call to warriors. Her mother had left the meeting without a word? All of her family had. Deep down, she knew her mother?s sadness came from a knowledge of an end. Her uncle too seemed tired. A beta was a wolf the leader listened to for advice, and yet in a sudden twist, it seemed like Chrysanthe had no trust in him, just because he made a move that he felt would have less damage on Valhalla.

She broke into the small group, noting the presence of the new second?s children. He would seriously allow children to fight in his intended attack? Mismatched eyes narrowed. She settled onto her haunches at the edge, watching him spar, then turning her eyes to Chrysanthe, who had also begun a spar with Collision, Azalea?s father. Where was Azalea? Her eyes returned to Syrinx, and she forced her face to remain expressionless. Too much snarling and posturing. An opponent would be far more unnerved by silence. A snarl, a curl of the jowls could warn an enemy of an attack move. Cormalin had been training her hard. She was managing to make him pant now. Of course, he was getting older. Alsander, however, had taken interest, and he had some moves Cormalin hadn?t taught her. They?d gone through a practice round in private after the meeting, more to work off the stress than anything else.

Surreal remained silently sitting where she was, watching, observing. Liberty was there, and Gael, and Rayne as well. Demonio, Seraphine?s father, was there as well. Alsander hadn?t arrived yet, and that was probably a stone in Syrinx? throat; he already seemed angry all the time. Untrustworthy. She knew Alsander would be there soon, though. They were almost inseparable.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
10-10-2013, 01:39 AM
Alsander Grey

Alsander didn?t think anyone in his family much liked Chrysanthe?s choice in a replacement for Gideon? The tension in Erani and Cormalin, as well as Surreal?s shudder, had cued him in to that. Why send an attack to Glaciem, where the enemy had the advantage of knowing the land, and all the best places for an ambush? Why not draw them here? Where Valhalla would have both numbers and knowledge of their home, and be able to set up an ambush? A quiet grumble thrummed in his chest. Both their Leaders were three years his juniors. How were they supposed to train warriors who mostly were their elders? And he didn?t trust the large russet male. The male?s eyes fairly shone with impending madness.

He was going to the call; he had no choice. He was a Gamma, but he wondered why the hell Caerul hadn?t been given a rank. His brother was willing to fight, and was a natural leader. He set his thoughts aside as he stepped into the group, gold and green eyes flicking about the members gathered. Pups? The pups should have been headed on their way to safety in Seracia, since it was quite obvious Syrinx wanted this war very much. He came to settle beside Surreal, noting her expressionless face and ears. Quietly, he let her remain as such, turning his own gaze to the crowd, taking note of each face.



Extra small
10-10-2013, 09:54 AM

-trying to speed this up, pardon not waiting for your reply love,-

they didn't know his true intentions, and to be honest, it mattered very little to him wether or not they came to understand them. The king was a heroic martyr, in his own mind, because he was twisting their civilization into something it long ago should have been. Perhaps once a claim to neutrality would have been fine, to keep from involvement with the outside world, but some prick had come along and sought out total domination. Syrinx could not have such a thing, and thus he had been forced to change the roles by which they lived. This day would prove to him that some of them could pull their own. At least slightly.

Eyes danced around and the boy stared at his children. They would have their battle for supremacy. They had to. Ears tilted back and he stared at all of those arriving, "your weaknesses must become strengths. you're only as strong as your weekest," the serpent would turn his eyes to those that had arrived such as Surreal and the other boy, as to who's name he was unaware, eyes trailed them carefully and he twisted his head curiosly, "would you like to train this day? Or have you come to make observations?" the words were almost implicitly coy but they lacked the gusto he normally spoke with. He was not out to instigate any inner pack turmoil. For he understood the levity, with perfect clarity, of what was happening. The thought of losing sickened him, thus he was even more prompted to remember the cost when he went in for the big challenge.



10-10-2013, 10:08 AM
He access to herr fathers neck was denied by a thrusting of his shoulder just before he realized her. She bit back a growl as the hard bone collided with her nose. Pain shot through her muzzle but no sound exited her. "Yes father." She seated herself as her father gave orders to her other sisters, leaving her out for his own reasons. Two toned gaze turned as more wolves approached, seeing her aunt the Alpha. Her expression remained void of an interest or any emotion.

Her father began to speak, his words powerful. She ignored the sounds of her sisters though careful to keep tabs on them. She remained focused on her father, watching the way he projected himself to the pack and how he rallied them. It made her chest swell with pride. This was her father, her blood, her future. Her and her sisters would rule the world.


10-10-2013, 10:15 AM


She offered a quiet greeting the alpha as she approached, listening to the words of her leader. It was true that soldiers were late and it was disappointing to see. Her gaze slide to the woman when she felt the attention shift to her, the smile was returned, audits coming to attention at the mention of a spar. "Certainly." Nervous excitement passed through her. The chance to test out her skills that She had learned, but it was against her alpha. She was about to rise, turning out the other wolves that we're arriving, but Syrinx began to speak.

She still rose, looking questioning at Chrysanthe. Do they start now or do they wait? The words of the second Alpha teased her ears as his lesson began. It was nerving wracking to see just how he would lead. So quickly he had pinned his children against each other and they had happily obliged. And now he would do the same with the pack. War was looming overhead, they needed a leader like him, that much was clear.

OOC- sounds good to me, sorry for the delay


10-10-2013, 11:15 AM

He had known what the cost of his returning home was, rather, he had found out. A sigh drifted from parted lips and had also led him to spend more time out on his own...alone. He wanted to make sure that, upon his return, he was ready for the things that were coming. Eyes fell across the expanse that was Valhalla and a small smile dared to encumber his features. He was mildly glad to be home, but he had to admit. it was bitter sweet. He needed to take the news to all of the Valhallans. It didn't take long for him to, conveniently, hear the call of another. It was familiar. Chrysanthe's brother? They slightly crazy one..yeah what was his name? The boy couldn't recall, but regardless, Valhalla was once partially his and he made his way into the land and towards the gathering. there was a collective group together, and they seemed to have a few spars going on their own. Eyes trailed lightlly across each of them and he made sure that when he came in Chrysanthe's back was to him.. He had been released, and though he came to tell her terrible news, he wanted her to have a moment of happiness. Even if it was fleeting.

The man sighed and moved forward, decorating himself in a more pleasant look. Even though this was the beginning of war he wanted to get things set up for a time of rejoicing. It had been a minute since he had experienced anything other than wry gusto. Glaciem would perish. That much he believed. Though, when would its time come? Valhalla was old...but was it tired? Time would certainly tell. The titan rolled his shoulders and moved forward to place his skull against chrysanthe's right hip, "Would you fancy a spar with me?"