
Star Player[Joining]


10-01-2013, 01:46 AM

It had been an entire year since the boy arrived on Alacritian lands, and now it was time. He had heard of other packs, and just paid a recent visit to the Glaciem lands...a place he hadn't visited since he first arrived. And it had changed...alot. He knew of the new prisoner they kept there, guarded by a male with black fur and white markings. Tidus knew the name, but was enraged at the way he let the white king control him. Tidus despised those kinds, and when he caught word in the winds, he came here. He heard that the kings own son had left him, and so the young male came to see for himself if he was any different. He stopped at the borders edge the moment he scented the markers, tilting back his head, he would let out a single call. A howl filling the air, calling forth the one he sought to meet.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 02:27 AM (This post was last modified: 10-02-2013, 01:58 AM by Taurig.)

The trickle of members had not ebbed nor had it increased. It remained steady. About one new member every few days. Newt had offered up her help in accepting the new members that would come knocking at his borders, but he hadn't seen her around much. She had pups to tend to, so the king could understand if she was a bit held up at times. He didn't mind at all. He actually preferred to meet, greet and accept each new member himself. He wanted to be a good king and what better way than to personally accept his wolves. The King would rest at his rocky ledge of a den, paws overhanging the lip of the ledge, ebony lips stained crimson with the blood his breakfast; rabbit. They were tricky little bastards to catch, but the titan was getting better at catching them.

He just swiping off the last traces of blood from his inky lips when a summoning call burst from the borders, alerting the king to the presence of a stranger. Limbs would unscramble from beneath the King, his leftovers forgotten as he gave himself a quick shake before descending from his ledge, powerful limbs pulling him towards the border of his territory. The stranger's scent would waft into his nostrils, telling him the wolf was male, as well as rogue. A potential member? Icy gems would flit across the grey and ebony figure of a man who seemed to be around his age, if not a year or two older. He appeared to be a respectable man, but looks were always deceiving. The scarred King would approach, tail held in alignment with his spine, features relaxed and friendly in apperacen. Taurig, King of Tortuga at your service. What brings you to my border?

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10-01-2013, 03:30 PM

It wasn't long before the young boy saw a creature come into view, he was a largeer wolf then himself. Grey tones swirling here and there, kinder eyes then he'd seen in the past gazed at him steadily, and then the King would introduce himself. With a nod, Tidus would comply, "It's nice to meet you, Taurig. So you're the son of the wicked ice king I heard so much about...I just came down from that territory, and it's not a place I would like to be. Name's Tidus Zanarkand. I've come to seek acceptance, and a place among your pack. I've heard nothing but kind words about you whispered upon the winds, and thought that this would be the perfect place to use my skills. I assure you, I am quite the hard worker and honorable man. So if I am accepted, hopefully I can prove myself and rank up. Though I am young, I will be turning two very soon. And it seems your not much older then me despite your size, yes?"

He stopped the wagging of his tail, a most deep and seriously thoughtful look creeped into his eyes as he gazed at the man before him. "I promise I will do everything that is asked of me, and I will always strive to keep the name of the pack as honorable as possible. I've no ties with evil ones, in fact, they can go to Hell for all I care...waddaya say? Can I join?" He watched Taurig with a hopeful gaze, though he tried to contain any hopeful excitement as much as he could, the suspense would begin to boil over soon..

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
Extra large
10-02-2013, 11:59 AM

A frown would crease the man's brows as the man began to speak, immediately pinning him as the son of Isardis. He would continue on to say that he didn't want to be in Glaciem, introducing himself as Tidus Zanarkand, claiming that he had only heard good things about Taurig. He spoke about being a hard worker and that was he was willing to work and improve in order to move up in the ranks. He sound like a good man to join Tortuga and the cobalt King would excuse him the reference to Glaciem. He clearly didn't mean it in any offensive way, just stating the facts that he knew. And it wasn't like he was wrong.

It is very nice to meet you Tidus. From what you say, you sound like the perfect candidate to join Tortuga. And yes, you are correct, I am only about a year older than you. I am more than willing to allow you to join Tortuga, but I must ask before I accept you, what would you bring to Tortuga Tidus? What kind of skill set would you add to the mix in order to benefit the pack? Clearly the young man was eager to help and become part of the pack and Taurig was glad that he was so enthusiastic about it.

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10-04-2013, 05:39 AM

Tidus watched the other intently, taking in every word, every question. His skill set? That was easy. "Well, I'm fast and light on my feet. I am also one of the best swimmers in Alacritis, and one of the best fishers. You won't find anyone that can catch a large bundle of fish faster then me. On top of that, I'm steadfast and can hold my own in battle. I'm an efficient fighter, though I won't provoke any un-needed fights. I'm top of my class...or, was...before my pack was wiped out." he would murmur the last part, trying to keep the emotions of his past well hidden. He would always keep such things hidden behind a display of unreal happiness and fun. It was his way of escaping those painful memories.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



5 Years
Extra large
10-06-2013, 03:31 AM

There was scarcely a moment of breath between his words and the beginning of the man's. Well, I'm fast and light on my feet. I am also one of the best swimmers in Alacritis, and one of the best fishers. You won't find anyone that can catch a large bundle of fish faster then me. On top of that, I'm steadfast and can hold my own in battle. I'm an efficient fighter, though I won't provoke any un-needed fights. I'm top of my class...or, was...before my pack was wiped out. Fisher. That was a hunter, only instead of catching deer, he caught fish. That was a good skill to have, made him more versatile than those who simply hunted herbivores. And he clearly had the experience to back up, though it was tainted with the loss of his family. A deep frown would crease the King's features, scarred ears flattening against his skull in grief.

You have my condolences Tidus. But now you have a new family. Welcome to Tortuga. A small smile would curve the gargantuan's jaws, hoping that being part of a new family would allow the young man to replace to sad memories with good ones.

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