
Gotta Keep Your Head Up


10-01-2013, 12:47 AM

Black and desolate, the remains of the Saratoga Woods were not exactly a prime tourist location. There was no water here, and certainly no food. He'd scarcely seen any prey on the path over, and when the wind blew it kicked up acrid puffs of smoke that made the sunny eyed male cough. But for all the issues associated with the land, something about it still pulled Solaris here. He walked through the blackened stumps of trees and unintelligible masses of soot with wide eyes, armed with a sense of intense wonder at the way the world could turn against you in an instant. Life could go on happily for years, only to be snuffed out in an instant.

It was marvelous, how life worked. He had experienced it first hand, with the losses he had suffered in Aethelis, losing so many he held dear in the span of a few months, all for the sake of one man's prejudice and greed. He would never understand the evils in the world, even though he had seen them. To do wrong was simply a foreign concept, something he could never imagine being capable of. He knew it didn't take a lot for someone to snap, and it could happen very suddenly, but he didn't ever think he would be one of those wolves.

Coming to stop before the tallest tree in the immediate area, Solaris stared at the blackened bark intently. He admired this tree. Even in death, even though it would never grow new branches and experience the shedding of leaves in autumn again, it still stood tall like martyr of sorts. To Solaris, it spoke volumes. You could destroy its kind, and end its life, turning it into an ugly shadow of the strong spirit it once was, but it would still stand tall. He liked that, and maybe no one else would feel that way about a random dead tree in a burnt down wood, but Solaris had never quite fit the status quo.

Sinking down beneath this tree, Solaris took a deep breath of the smoky air. In some ways it felt sort of cozy here, even though it looked very far from such. But... It was a nice pit stop to gain some perspective. Smiling contently, Solaris closed his eyes, meditating quietly.