
A Fighting Promise


09-30-2013, 10:54 PM

Rage was built up in him. He had found his sister after seasons of searching, nearly a year to be exact. But he couldn't take her home...couldn't bring her with him. She was held captive, a prisoner of the new Amenti queen. He wanted so badly to rush in and attack the one that claimed to be her "master" but knew he was not strong enough. The memory of him being forced to walk away from pained him greatly, only adding more determination and anger to his soul. Before he had departed, he promised he would return and get her out of there. Even if it cost him his life, he would save her. She was his sister after all, and he would do anything for her. Even if it meant he had to trade places with her to gain her freedom. It was something he was willing to do. She meant everything to him, and to see her in such a torn up state killed him. Mismatched paws stopped on the blood stained grounds, the winds passing him by as he gazed across the lands with ice glazed eyes. He would throw his head back, a single howl slicing the quiet air, calling someone to fight. He had to release his frustrations, but more so...he had to start practicing to get better and stronger so he could challenge the crazed queen.
Practice Spar




5 Years
10-01-2013, 02:26 AM
what a terrible intro i have given you :c i'm so sorry

the barren land smelled of death. it was painted, rotted, and made of battle-drawn blood. a toothy smirk crept over the pestilent man's lips as his diminutive, three-threaded tail swayed briefly. many men had died here; given their lives up in a brutal battle to eternally fight alongside odin. one day, so too would be his fate. but not today. today he had to touch up his muscles. it had been a while since he had taken on another who anticipated his attacks. his reunion with his beloved brother was a close call, having been so close as to draw his blood yet not been able to rip open his cavity. he'd nearly lost control in the heightened lust of their night. that was the reason he was here.

none other than the battle cry of his brethren caused relaxed audits to come to attention, tensing every muscle in his core. it was, in all honesty, the first he'd heard. screams of horror, pleas of terror, even moans of pleasure - he'd heard them all before except the eerie call for battle. he'd always been one to call them in with a charming smirk and a tempting wink, have his fun, then tear into them like they were nothing but sweet chow mein. and as he made his way to the dark man who he'd come tooth to fang with, an unfamiliar adrenaline drilled through his veins. this would be interesting.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-01-2013, 04:07 PM

It wasn't long before his call was answered, a strangers scent upon the winds blew towards him, turning the mans head. Oceanic eyes fell upon the stranger, did he come to seek some practice with him? He hoped so...Hansel needed to get stronger in order to save his sister and whoever else the Demon might have trapped in the dark confinements of that hell hole. And so his quest to get stronger would begin, and if that wasn't enough then he would find allies to help him. He was sure that Gretel wasn't the only one stolen and confined...that devil had been taking prisoners for a while it seemed, so he knew there would be more that sought what he did..

He took a few steps towards the man, dipping his head in a slight greeting. "Hello stranger, are you the one that will be answering my call? Name's Hansel, I've a purpose here on these fields today...and maybe you can help me with that." Already bold and quick to the chase, Hansel would gaze steadily at the man. Wondering if he would apply words of his own for a small conversation, or agree to it and begin.




5 Years
10-01-2013, 05:49 PM

the temptuous man buzzed with excitement, his taut muscles begging to be released in a single outburst of a thoughtless attack. but that wasn't why he had answered this man's call. he was to press himself, strain his muscles, gain a strategy more head-on instead of grab-and-snatch. it would be difficult, no doubt, considering he'd never sparred with anyone not of kin. but he had faith in the gods; odin would be in his favor.

as he crept forward, shoulders rolling smoothly with his oddly dainty paws, placid twice-colored spectacles took in the handsome man before him. he was clean-cut, dark, a little bit of white spice splashed on. and his voice was equally attractive. a genuine smile spread over his previously pursed lips as the name of his competitor touched his ivory ears. how foolish it was, that the wolves of this land always seemed to openly give their name. "pleasure, hansel. if you so wish me to, i am at your complete service." he paused to allow a small chuckle of amusement at his suggestive response, a charming smirk playing on his features. "while you are in my presence, you may call me v?ngar. after we part ways, well.. i won't be within earshot, right?" he winked toward his opponent, taking a haphazard step closer. perhaps after business was finished, jaeger might pursued the man for a different type of recreational fun.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-03-2013, 07:58 AM

One grey toned audit would lean forward to catch the strangers words. His right torn and flopped ear would hang limp, but was able to catch the strange words all the same. v?ngar huh? What a strange name...this guy seems weird, and I have an odd feeling about him. I wonder if he'll be up for a good fight...I need to get stronger to save Gretel... Concern for his sister would flash briefly in his blue eyes, only to be replaced by guarded expressions a second later. So the man said he was at his service? Well then he wouldn't refuse invitation to a good fight now would he?

He would incline his head ever so slightly, never once removing his eyes from the strange man. "Got a strange name there, Stranger. And I suppose after we part ways we might not ever see each other again, though it depends on fate nowadays eh?" He would hold his ground, his voice nor glare never wavering. He was not afraid, he was full of pure determination. He promised her that he would come back, promised her that he would return and free her and any others that were enslaved. An idea would spark in his mind, and he wondered if it would play well in the future. "Say stranger, I'm on a mission. And it just so happens that you may become part of it. I'm going to cut straight to the chase here, I have a promise to fulfill and I will not rest until its completed. Or I'll die trying. I sure as Hell won't go down without a fight either. So, are you willing to accept this challenge? Depending on your skills, I may request assistance of you in the future. And should you require mine in the future, don't hesitate to call. A reasonable and honorable offer, don't you think?" He would hope that the man agreed. When the time came to challenge the insane queen of Amenti, he would need all the help he could get.



10-03-2013, 04:07 PM

Yang walked onto he beaten battlefield. His paws made barely a sound against these hard frozen ground. He was only passing through, on the way to see his sister. The harsh winter sun was useless against his dark fur, not much heat to be absorbed.
While passing, Yang would see two wolves. Both were male. One had very distinctive markings, while the other, looked like someone Yang had met before, although he couldn't place his paw on who exactly. The fight seemed interesting, but it was just a spar. Looking at the sun, Yang decided that he had time to spare. Sitting down, he faced the pair, his blue eyes concentrating intensely.




5 Years
10-03-2013, 06:19 PM

interest brewed within the mercury and marble blue spectacles of the man as his guest's emotions slipped through. his neck coiled and his lithe body writhed behind him; every sinew clinging to his bones wanting to take advantage. but hansel quickly recovered and a small groan of disapproval fell from jaeger's lips at his suggestion of fate. he knew, with all his being, that fate was nothing but a poor man's excuse for his oppressive life. the gods gave you opportunities throughout your life; if you rejected them, they simply gave you another with wool over your eyes so you believed you'd chosen something on your own accord. there was no free will involved. and jaeger accepted that.

but this man seemed like one who simply would not accept the facts. he spoke of a mission and while jaeger was interested, he had a game to play. "what you speak of is a fool's errand." he side-stepped, frame curling and uncurling behind his steely gaze. "to put your own life at risk for a mere promise without any personal gain is not my style. but..." a movement from his peripheral vision caused a diamond audit to swivel, ready to catch any noise. they had an audience. "i happen to be an honorable fool." a devious smirk flashed his pearly whites at his soon-to-be opponent. "now, shall we compare our assets in a fashionable spar?"

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself


10-19-2013, 02:58 AM

Monocromatic ears tilted forward as the stranger spoke. His lip would curl slightly as the words would pierce him, "to put your own life at risk for a mere promise without any personal gain-" As soon as the other man had finished speaking, Hansel's anger as the thought of his sisters situation seeped into his mind and took root. A short threatening step forward and a snarl erupting from his maw showed that he was angry and in no mood for tomfoolery. "What do you know! I've a perfectly good reason! Unlike most who walk this damned land I'm one of the few unselfish who is willing to risk their life for the sake of another!" With a flared temper and clenched teeth, he glared at the man. "If you are an honorable 'fool' as you say, then let's see if you keep to your word after this. I know I will..." he muttered.

Hansel's emotions were raging, he was itching to let out the pent up anger and frustrations among other feelings. His muscles were ready to spring, and it seemed to take all his strength to keep himself in check. He wondered if he should allow the other man the first move, but his fury at the memories of his sisters injuries would spur him on. "Prepare yourself!" he warned, as his legs spurred him into action. With flattened ears and narrowed eyes, Hansel sprung forward in quick succession towards Jaeger, his teeth were bared in a gleaming white grin to protect himself against a counterattack to his face as he rushed towards his opponent. Hansel was clever, but his rage drove him head on to his opponent. Knees were bent for quick movements, and as he moved closer he would scrunch his scruff should the other man try to counter with a spring and aim for the back of his neck. And so he would move to Jaegers left side(Hansel's right) and attempt to bash against his opponents shoulders with his own to try and unbalance him and hopefully leave some bruising. Should his primary attack work, then Hansel would then attempt to move as quick as he could to rear up and bite at the mans neck to dig his teeth into the scruff and attempt to force him down and rake his claws on his shoulder. He lowered his head to protect his throat then, knowing that this attack would make him vulnerable and while doing so he tucked his tail under his body to offer some protection underneath. Toes splayed for balance, hind legs splayed for balance as well and claws dug into the earth for traction as he pushed his weight on his opponent in an attempt to slow his opponents movements. He hoped that his rushed attack would send Jaeger off balance.

Round 1/4

Defenses: Neck/scruff scrunched, eyes narrowed, ears flattened to skull, knees bent for quick movement, teeth bared to protect face from counter attacks, head lowered to protect his throat, tail tucked, toes splayed for balance, claws dug into earth for traction, hind legs splayed for balance.

Attacks: Rushes towards Jaegers left side to bash his shoulders with his own in an attempt to unbalance him and bruise him. If successful, he will then attempt to rear up and bite at Jaegers neck to grab his scruff to try and force him downwards, while at the same time raking his claws on his shoulder. Pushes his weight on his opponent in an attempt to hinder/slow his movements; his attacks are made to try and unbalance his opponent.

OOC: Noob spar person here lol I just did what I /think/ is logical in a head on attack XD I suck at initiating attacks lmao. Also I don't remember if you wanted 3 or 4 rounds, let me know so I can ask to edit :)




5 Years
12-02-2013, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2013, 09:16 PM by Jaeger.)

a man so pretentious as jaeger, so malevolent and so unquenchingly thirsty, should not be put in such a situation as this. yet here he was, locked in a scene of dramatization?his vibrantly mismatched eyes pooling into the pale soul of the man before him. emotions would flow between them, tensions remaining thick. toned sinew would twist and curl beneath that coat of monotonous luxury, begging to spring into life. they recognized the opportunity of an unexpected attack, memorized by repeated occasions. oh how he wanted to take advantage. but raised vocals cracked the air before him, clawed at his sweet alabaster auds. his own scream of erupted anger would mirror hansel's, a string of saliva clinging to his lower jaw. words would fall deafly, the beast no longer cared for politeness.

his opponent would lunge causing the man to, in one fluid moment, drop both ears against a slender skull, unhinging his jaws further in a battle cry of distorted snarls, hoist his feathered tail up and to the left of his spine, as well as cause every limb known to the man to bend instinctually. a mistake made too late to change. a cry of frustration would fall from the devil's lips as a sharp pain encased his left shoulder, a look of fury racing across his generally sultry facade as he hit the cooling ground (i assume it's still fall in the thread?). he would feel the man move over him, and would immediately roll to his back and tuck a finely chiselled chin so as to protect his pretty little throat-blocking hansel from his scruff but unfortunately not without feeling the burn of claws digging into his lower left shoulder. his ears, which had fallen forward during impact, clung desperately to the safety of his crown once more as flailing tail found a home nestled between his limbs to protect his manly goods and soft stomach. slate gray stilts would then unfold as his forepaws attempt to be planted on hansel's chest so as to pull himself from beneath his opponent while the rear feet search to hoist him off and his thinned body writhed and squirmed trying to deter those pesky claws from catching skin like earlier. concoctions of frustrated growls and snarls would continually hiss from jaeger's gaping, tucked maw?he needed to escape from beneath this man to stand any chance.

round one of four

defenses before the impact ears flat, knees bent for quick movement (though this turns out to be his demise) after the impact chin tucked to protect his throat, ears flat, tail tucked

attacks no attacks, just him attempting to pull himself out from under hansel with his forelegs while trying to push him off with his hindlegs

injuries bruised left shoulder from impact, scratches on lower left shoulder

ooc loool jae is a terrible head-on fighter xD and four rounds is perfect <3 don't worry, i'm a noob at fighting too xD --edited to add injuries

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself