
Let it be



10-01-2013, 01:05 PM

Winter was upon them, and the woman was more then happy to see the snow. There was always the downfall of the cold and the lack of prey. Yet with so many wolves, she was certain they'd be able to survive the winter with ease. Kurai the funny red fox that she owned as playing around in the snow. His tail sticking out of the snow as he jumped about, making her laugh slightly as she stretched from her waking moments. Shaking her brown fur to make any excess snow fall off of her pelt. The girl hadn't gotten used to Seracia, but her search for her son hadn't gone so well. He was still missing and had no idea where he was. Nor did she know where her brother was either. She just only hoped the two idiots were safe. Her black tail wiggled back and forth as she crouched down near the fox who patted her on the nose, with a large rabbit within his jaws. Where had he got that from? "There was a burrow near hear, I got et for ya." The british fox handed the rabbit over. Riv happily dipped her head to the companion. Sitting where she was and relaxing to dig into the fleshy bits of the rabbit.
Rabbit was probably her favorite food, specially since the jack rabbits where she grew up didn't taste very good. The ones here were delectable, specially snow rabbits with their white coat. Blood staining her muzzle she let out a happy bark as Kurai jumped into the snow in joy. Somehow, Riv still retained her happy qualities, and she still cared deeply for others. She was a strong leader and warrior, but never really acted on it unless she got provoked. Silently though she ate half the rabbit, wondering if there was anyone nearby who wanted the other half. It wasn't a meal, but it was good for a morning snack just as any other rabbit was.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-03-2013, 07:24 AM

To call Epiphron distraught would not at all be an understatement. While she was able to hide her worries from her pack -- even from her husband, for the most part -- she felt nauseous at the thought of impending war against their closest ally, Valhalla. She wanted to visit her former pack soon, to make sure they were training and keeping their warriors alert and prepared. Also, to ensure they knew that Seracia would gladly welcome the women and the children, as well as the weak and those unwilling to care for themselves. She would defend them with tooth and nail; her and Maverick's marriage had only further secured an already strong alliance. The two packs were nearly as close as two separate groups could be. If they needed their help, they would welcome them with open arms.

And she couldn't help but feel like she would be inclined to step into the mess, even if they didn't request help.

Her thoughts wandered as she padded across the territory, paws sinking into the light dusting of snow that coated the earth. It was easily the most lovely season, but also the most dangerous. Soon, prey would become scarce, and she was partially dreading the impending hunting lessons with her children. They would likely subside on small rodents throughout the winter, unless the pack could team up and take down something larger.

It was then that the scent of a fresh kill arrested her attention from her slightly somber thoughts. Muzzle jerked upright, blue gaze dancing about her surroundings, searching for the source. The Queen's nose dipped back to the earth, tracing the scent ... straight to the woman with the strange eye patch who looked oddly like her own adopted daughter. It took her a moment to search her memory for the lady's name. "Riva, right?" She called out kindly, smiling amicably. Slowly she padded forth, noting she had managed to catch a rabbit this morning.



10-03-2013, 07:37 AM

Who would have thought the queen herself would show up at a time like this. I gave a small smile, I understood how tough times were at the moment. After all, Glaciem seemed to be causing all sorts of trouble with their king. Ever since I figured out my son was a part of Tortuga. Things quickly came to my realization that I was beginning to settle again and I was determined to make sure the devils kept where they belonged chained to hell. Kurai poked his head out of the snow as I stood myself up and dipped my head towards Epiphron. I had to remember too, that Arian was my cousin. I was more than happy to discover my family was doing well, it was no wonder there were so many though. My father wasn't exactly, mr.right before I had killed him. Much to my regret of taking life, but it was for the best anyway. Grabbing the half of rabbit in my jaws, I offered it towards her. "You can call me Riv if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you Epiphron." I honestly wish I could give her some sense of consoling as to the situation. After being so used to leading a group of rogue, that were a large family of mine, who had the mentality of a kingdom. That was why I was so adapted to Seracia so quickly. Honestly it bothered me, the best I could do was offer my services but I wasn't used to being so 'restricted' as one would call it.
Kurai hopping over stood in the snow by my side. Dipping his head to the queen, as I sat myself down again. "What brings you around here at this hour my queen?" I asked, not knowing how to really break the ice. I could say a lot of things, like how Arian was my cousin. Or how I was mildly worried for everyone with Glaciem. Even though Seracia had strong alliances, we should have been fine. There was no telling what could happen though. "Are your pups doing well?" There, that was the choice of words I needed. It wasn't to subtle, but then I could ease into the many things I wanted to ask, and wanted to get across. Kurai let out a small foxy purr before splaying himself out in the snow on his stomach. It was a bit funny, but I tried not to laugh.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-05-2013, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 10-05-2013, 06:28 AM by Epiphron.)

Her nature was subtly flirtatious, no matter who she was addressing -- she was a lovely women, graced by the undeniable beauty of the Adravendi lineage. And so the smile on her features was soft and welcoming, and slowly she dipped her maw to the earth as she drew slowly closer. Epiphron's gaze wandered, attention shifting to fixate on the woman's companion -- a red fox -- who was buried in the snow, peering curiously up at her. The woman lifted the other half of the rabbit that remained, offering it to her. A snack that would not at all be unwelcome, she decided. A grateful smile as given, and she slipped forward to take it from her jaws. "Thank you," the Queen offered, eyes sparkling with contentedness.

Carefully she placed the kill down on the earth. "It's nice to meet you, too. I saw you at the meeting, but ... meetings are a bit too formal to really get to know anyone." They were necessary, she knew that; but that didn't stop them from being a bit of a hindrance at times. With ease the woman would recline to her haunches, before sliding down to her belly alongside Rivaxorus.

The woman asked what brought her out at this hour. A slow shrug would allow her shoulders to rise and fall, a gentle sigh slipping from between her jowls. "Always something to think about," she offered a bit vaguely. "My children are doing wonderfully. Though I would be lying to admit that I grow worried thinking about this Glaciem situation. It makes me feel uneasy when my children wander from home, now." But she knew that she had to let them explore as they pleased, despite the obvious dangers that lurked outside of their borders. "And what about you -- how are you adjusting here, Riv?"



10-05-2013, 01:48 PM

I could agree on her on the Glaciem things. It filled me with worry, along with everyone else that was here. I really wasn't surprised, their king was as thick headed as a goat. And yet still he managed to survive another day because he had women flocking to him like flies. Even men as well, it made me want to puke. What was going through their heads? Honestly, why would you support such a monster in that fashion. It never ceased to amaze me, how the ignorance of this world worked. Some could call me an idiot though, or a cruel wolf at that.
I understood what she meant by the meeting. I gave a nod of my head to let her know I was listening while she spoke. Listening had been something I was fairly good at through the days. Often Denki, Allen, and Jayden would complain to me about their problems. But then I never got to voice my own, building it up under pressure. It was a sad fact, but my heart was strong enough to support it. Even after we had broken into pieces after my father died. My red eyes scanned over the lady as she sat down beside me. Curling my tail on the opposite side where she had sat herself.
"Try not to worry too much queen, Maverick is a strong king, and your are fairly level headed. Not to mention the members have their strengths too, besides Valhalla is here to add upon that." I tried to reassure the girl tapping my tail against the snow. Kurai climbed out of the snow and onto my back, curling into a ball as his little copper eyes looked at Epiphron. "Kurai is just a bit nervous, that or he's cold." The red fox curling his tail made a soft smile towards the queen in a small hello.
"I had a nightmare a few days ago, but Loccian happened to be nearby and we had a chat. Seracia is a lot like my old home, apart from it being bigger of course." I laughed a little bit. Loccian was a nice girl, and she held high rank within the pack it made me feel more comfortable. Though I knew I wished to raise my rank, not for the power. It just seemed like I could better offer my services to do so.
"About Arian, I tried telling Maverick during the pack hunt but I guess it was a busy time. The girl is my cousin and I figured I'd let you know rather then starring at her this whole time wondering why she has an eye patch like mine. Her father natsu is my cousin off of my half sister Niana's part of the family. We have a rather big family after all. My son is in Tortuga, as is my brother." I got it out finally, once as I had felt comfortable after all. It's not like I could tell her my father was a whore and even for his age he went off making children like no tomorrow then left the next day.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-14-2013, 05:41 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2013, 05:41 AM by Epiphron.)

There was still much to be learned about this northern pack, but it didn't stop her from feeling sick with worry almost every day. The possibility of her Valhallan family being threatened was worrying; she couldn't bear the thought of any of her family being wounded -- or worse. Erani and her children; the few that remained with her. Chrysanthe. Collision and Soleil and their children. Syrinx and Eos and whatever children they were rumored to have. Epiphron's own blue gaze watched the women curiously after she finished speaking.

'Try not to worry too much queen,' Riv assured her. It was hard not to -- but she wouldn't show her weakness outwardly, even if she dared speak of it. A nod was given, her tail flicking behind her. "I know that we will be fine," she said, nodding her head slowly. "I am not worried for Seracia, but rather for Valhalla. It is my birthpack; my sister rules and most of my remaining family resides there." Besides her husband and her children, and whoever else might be wandering out there; most of them had remained in Valhalla, as was expected of an Adravendi.

The Queen watched the fox with slight amusement as he offered a smile, watching as he curled onto Rivaxorus's back. "Loccian is a good woman," she agreed readily. Her loyalty was unquestionable, and never went unnoticed.

But the change of topic, to her daughter -- Arian -- was a bit surprising. Ears flicked as she listened. The markings had been a bit of a giveaway, but it wasn't something she'd felt inclined to dig up unless it was necessary. "Small world," she noted softly, a smile overtaking her features. Part of her had been worried that the woman would feel some kind of right to take Arian from her, and Epiphron would be damned if someone tried to pry her daughter from her family. But Riv seemed to have no ill intentions. "Well, she's certainly a lovely girl. Natsu did a good job raising her. And I am more than happy to have family in Seracia."



10-14-2013, 12:52 PM

That was good, I had it out of my chest that was for sure. A small relieved sigh left my lips on good terms at that. So the queen hailed from Valhalla, I could see that was why there was an alliance, a marriage. How things worked here and there, I wasn't certain, but I was sure Valhalla would be alright. There wasn't much I could do for the queen besides give her some sort of comfort by reassuring her. My black tail found itself flicking back and forth as Kurai stood up, finding his way towards my head. Facing the queen with a small foxy chuckle that was a bit muffled. "We are here to help my queen. Rivaxorus was a keen commander back at her old home, her job was to make sure everyone was alright." The british fox exclaimed. Yeah, and look how well that turned out, the evil had snatched my happiness right from under me. The few who survived ran off, because they were afraid of me. The past was the past, and it was the hardest thing to think of the future, and if the same memories would happen again. That, was the worst part.
"If you ever need anything I will be here to help. I feel as if my job is to protect others and what is dear to them. I wouldn't want anyone having to have to go through my paw steps again." I made a soft smiled towards the woman. I couldn't help but to think, that somehow I should be involved, yet it was all up to the higher ups. At these times usually Denki would be here to tell me what I should or shouldn't do. But since he left, I was left with uncertain feelings, it kind of backfired on my stubborn personality. Perhaps I should change the subject, talking about it too much would probably piss off the queen. Then I wouldn't be surprised if a quick, off with my head, came into play. Though she didn't seem like that kind of wolf at the moment. She was kind, and like any other wolf, she was worried about family.
"I'm glad that he was a nice father. All I have are stories of them, I had my paws full with my own family.....and having to deal with my father." I was such an idiot, there it was again. There wasn't any normal subject I could come across without turning it into a sob fest was there? Maybe because my life had been a sob fest, and I tried to cover it up. If I never explained it to anyone, they probably never would have guessed anyway. I stopped speaking, maybe the queen had something she wanted to say. I was rather keen on listening, if anyone needed it.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-18-2013, 06:16 AM

It was nauseating imagining Glaciem trying to ambush Valhalla, but she couldn't even begin to think of what might happen if they somehow caught wind that Seracia might be aiding their allies. Epiphron could only hope they would steer clear of them, for the mere possibility of her children being in danger made her stomach churn. With what she'd heard about those wolves, they weren't past snatching children in the darkness of night. Absolutely deplorable.

A smile painted her own features, a gently and kind expression, despite the worries that welled beneath those blue eyes of hers. "And I appreciate the willingness to help," she said surely, nodding her head slowly as she watched her, considering. "Would you be willing to take on the rank of Baroness?" She couldn't imagine Maverick would object. There needed to be a bit more wolves taking charge, especially with war on the all-too-near horizon. God forbid something happened to either her of Maverick, or any other high-ranking wolves, there had to be some order to ensure security here.

The fox spoke up, saying Rivaxorus had been a commander in her old pack. That was good news, but she didn't want to think of having to actually send wolves to fight. But the woman knew if Glaciem's forces were strong, she would not let Valhalla walk into a fight they might lose without some help.

But the talk of Arian made her soften infinitely. The girl was wise beyond her years, and never did she regret taking her in. "An Adravendi will always be cared for," she ensured her. Even if she still identified with her parents -- and Epiphron wouldn't blame her for that -- she was not an Adravendi-Mathias child, too, and would never be treated otherwise. "Your father?" She would question, knowing that individuals rarely brought up subjects unless part of them, even if it was pushed deep inside, wanted to discuss it.



10-19-2013, 01:09 PM

I smiled, of course I was always willing to help. There was nothing worse than knowing that your family was in trouble. In the end it was probably the only feeling I had until this point. Where as many had already left me behind to start their own lives, I did still have Allen and Hajime. Who knew maybe I'd gain more family along the way. I had a long way to live, even if it felt like I had been living for a very long time. Glaciem would have what was coming to them, and if I had anything to say I would automatically be at their throats in an instant putting my own life on the line. But, that would make others dearly upset, so I couldn't be that stupid anymore, I didn't have a team to back me up.
"It'd be an honor Epiphron." I said with a bit of surprise. Lowering my head in a bow, then raising it again with a flick of my ears. I honestly never thought I'd be put into a position of power again since my last events of life. Not ever since my spell of dark insanity that I over came and then never mentioned ever again. From where I stood, I saw nothing special in me, I simply lived the way I thought a life should be lived. It was somewhat daunting, but no more exciting then it would be if I was an evil commander trying to take over the world.
Someone who would always be cared for was lucky, and I hoped that in the future every child could be like that. Well, better than myself who had lost my family on a simple whim, and then was forced to grow up at a quick rate otherwise I would have died. Thanks to my teacher, who happened to be a full grown white tiger, I was able to get through life. I also had Denki to thank, and many more who supported me, and somehow I ended up on the top of all of them. And still they always asked me why I didn't become mad with all the power given. Probably since I really didn't know what to do with it, and didn't know what everyone expected of me.
As soon as the subject of my father came up my eyes shifted slightly away from the queen. "For a long time I didn't even know he was my birth father. My mother died giving birth to me and my brother, but made sure other families took us in so our father couldn't get to us. He wasn't a very kind man, he was even more heartless and ruthless than the king of Glaciem himself. He ended up killing my adopted younger sister, and the father of my son Hajime. I had no choice but to kill him before he got me." It wasn't as hard to share it as it used to be. Though my stomach was riddled with the scars of my father, invisible unless someone were to rip my fur away. Then you would see them across nearly every inch of the flesh that contained my innards. "I really didn't want to kill him, for some reason in the back of my mind I still thought, he's my father I shouldn't do this. But I also had to protect the little family I had left." The ending of a life was never easy, no matter who it was.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-25-2013, 05:34 PM

Epiphron would relax visibly, tension easing from her muscles as she shuffled from her position on the ground, leaning her weight slightly to the side. Her gaze remained locked on Rivaxorus, intrigued by the woman not only because she was a subordinate, but she truly seemed an interesting lady. Certainly a possible friend; though despite how many wolves she conversed with and saw on a daily basis, her pool of close friends was small.

She was happy when Riv agreed she would take the position with honor, and Epiphron's smile grew, truly pleased. "Good," she noted with a soft chuckle. Loyalty was never ignored, and this one seemed more than eager to serve and to please her superiors. Those qualities were surprisingly hard to find at times, and she was grateful for the willingness to contribute.

The woman began to speak, and the Queen tilted her head ever so slightly and listened. It seemed her father had never been there for her -- something she couldn't quite imagine. "My mother died when I was very young," she commented softly, not merely trying to seem empathetic, but simply sharing a piece of her life with what she considered a new friend. Her father had not been at all a good man -- in fact, she admitted she had killed him. A controversial thing, no doubt, and yet she seemed to want to get it all on the table. Perhaps she worried Epiphron would find out later? Or maybe simply she wanted to share a piece of her history with another. It was not at all shameful to want a friend to confide in sometimes. "Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to, even things that feel wrong," she mused softly, nodding understandingly. "I am sorry that is something you had to go through."



10-25-2013, 07:13 PM

Rivaxorus only blinked at the woman, her gaze softened as well, well that was barely one piece of the crap she had to deal with. The events in which she went on a rampage were mildly left out, that was something she'd never tell anyone. The only ones who knew were the ones who had bared witness to her, and they were long dead. Souls that she only begged that she could bring back from the dead, but it was all impossible miracles that she tried to believe in. Her glimmering red eyes looked over the queen. Something the queen would never be able to understand, was the darkness that only sat among a spiders thread around Rivaxorus' heart. A thread she'd never be able to get rid of until she died.
They indeed did need to do things they didn't want. But, will all that being said, there were others who only wanted to profit from that. Her black tail flicked back and forth as she listened to the girl. Her mother died at a young age, she had her condolences. A soft smile rose to her features, Pip sticking by her was proof enough of her liking her. Going through something like that was nothing. "I've had worse happen, but its what makes me a stronger person. In the hopes of protecting those who cannot gather up the courage others have destroyed." She said looking at the grass. It always left for new things to enter the world.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-28-2013, 07:42 AM

She was not at all startled by Rivaxorus' admission that she had killed her father. Epiphron was certain there were wolves of Seracia that had done far worse. Even her own father-in-law had slain his former mate, the former Queen, when she had threatened Seracia. She knew that every wolf had darkness deep inside of them, but that most could control it unless they were pushed too far, or unless they had need to defend themselves and their loved ones. She was certain she would do the same, if she had been in Riv's position. It was not something she would hold against the woman, and she smiled softly as she watched her. She would make a fine Baroness, and she was certain that Rivaxorus would continue to rise in rank in due time.

"Then you are just the kind of woman we want in Seracia," Epiphron noted surely. "I appreciate you telling me this -- it makes me think that much more of you." Her head would dip briefly again, tail swaying gently behind her even as she raised herself onto all fours and stretched gently. "I ought to be making my rounds now, but please do call if you need me. I could use a good talk like this once in awhile." And with that she would turn with a friendly smile, tail curling behind her back as she made her way back in the direction from which she came, truly happy for the conversation, and the break in her monotonous day.

- exit Epiphron -