


09-28-2013, 10:11 PM

The frigid and malicious winds of winter teased her pallid flesh in random currents, threatening to take her form in the entirety of its grasp with the promise of the impending shift in season. Although the phantom child loathed the biting climate of wintertime and the precipitation that accompanied it, the appeasing sensation of having overcome a milestone in her lifetime forced her indifference towards the ephemeral loss of autumn?s beauty and the approach of winter?s ruthlessness. Nearly a year had the viper plagued the surface of the earth with her maleficent presence, nearly a year had she thrived beneath the militant training of the ice queen who possessed every iota of her loyalty, and nearly a year had she been able to develop and blossom into an impressive adolescent, competent and confident in her own abilities. The upcoming year, however, was one that would test her true capabilities and one that she intended not to waste away; this imminent year would warrant the power of the surname that branded her and embellish her name with total infamy.

Lengthy strides carried the porcelain viper in the direction of her targeted destination, nostalgia the only factor fueling her to navigate towards the familiar location where she had been birthed alongside her brothers and raised as her mother?s prodigy, before the days of playing a princess to Tortuga and the long nights of attempting to accept the loss of it. Metallic and violet gaze swept over the premises of the silent and desolate forest as she entered the area, pupils failing to fall upon the blanket of snow that had once sheeted the floor, instead devouring the nearly-barren ground that was embellished by scattered leaves here and there. The surfaced roots of drooping trees ensnared the majority of her attention, however, as the babe attempted to pinpoint the makeshift den she had once resided in, nostrils quivering as she desperately tried to catch the faded stench of the Elysius to better locate the exact densite. After quite some time of blindly searching, the babe succumbed to defeat, the hint of a frown tugging at her lips as she ceased in her saunter and allowed her haunches to greet the earth, pupils continuing to search for a single sign of her early life, as if she suspected a fragment would remain after so long.


09-29-2013, 03:45 PM

Never before had she ventured out so far from her home. But her curiousity had gotten her paws moving and dragged her from the garden, moving through lands where the scenery constantly changed. Her pace was slow, lazy, yet graceful. She was in no rush. Ares was presumably within the rock garden still, awaiting the return of their father. So the babe had taken the opportunity to explore. It was nearly winter. Her birthday just around the corner. The babe had only just reached her full height, her frame long and lithe like that of her parents. It had become more apparent that she was built for speed and agility. Muscles were still growing stronger everyday, slowly but surely filling out her narrow bodice.

She had learned much in her time with Seraphim and could practically care for herself now, though she did enjoy the company of another. And Ares had provided her that. Staying with her while Seraphim was away. She enjoyed it, enjoyed him and his quiet presence. He still was recovering the devastating loss of his home and his mothers failure, but she found him slowly coming around.

Breaking through her thoughts an oddly familiar scent assaulted her nose. It was familiar, yet unfamiliar at the same time. Wary steps quieted, becoming nearly silent as she became her cautious approached. The back of a familiar pale form graced her vision. For a second she thought of Ares, but this smell, this stench was far more feminine. Artemis. Lips curled back silently before she finally made her presence known. "Artemis, what a pleasant surprise." Neutral tones dripped from ebony lips as she came around the side of young woman. She looked so similar to both her parents, her bodice large and built for strength. They had all grown so quickly. All movement ceased, two-toned gaze resting on the pallid woman, waiting for the onslaught of words that were certain to follow.



09-30-2013, 03:48 PM

Plush tendril of a tail coiled gently about her protruding hips as if to provide herself with a sense of comfort and protection from the biting climate, eyelids concealing her mismatched gaze from view as she gave up on attempting to locate her former den in the labyrinth of willows in favor of admiring the serenity of solitude. Primary senses went without use as the silence consumed her, allowing an unwelcome spectator the opportunity to observe her period of relaxation from afar with judgmental and disdainful eyes. Had the phantom child been made aware of the stalker that lurked beyond her line of vision and just exactly who possessed the verdant gaze that lingered upon her robust physique, she would have leapt to her gargantuan paws out of fury and initiated conflict. However, she remained stagnant in her placid form, all thought drained from the confines of her resting mind, entirely oblivious to the presence of the wench she had developed an intense distaste for.

Tranquility and obliviousness did not remain for long, however, as feminine vocals writhed through her auditory system, alerting the viper to the presence of an invader to her privacy that dared approach her from the rear without a purposeful warning sound. Astonished, the woman?s skull whipped around in the direction the voice had emanated from, pupils dilated only slightly to portray her surprise and the only trace of emotion to her otherwise vague countenance. Displeasure settled in the pit of her stomach as her gaze trailed over the visage of the familiar canine that was contorted only slightly into an enraged snarl, and despite the fact that similar emotions had stirred within her at the immediate recognition of this wench, her expression remained stoic as her pupils lingered upon the vibrant viridescent of the adolescent?s eyes. Her gaze never strayed from the premises of the other?s physique even as she halted towards her side, lingering dangerously close for the phantom?s comfort. Digits flexed as the babe made premature preparations for conflict should it happen to arise, weight shifting towards her hind limbs to enable swift retaliation should the other attempt something funny. ?Devya,? the viper addressed the sable juvenile with equally apathetic tones, nostrils flaring as she inhaled the rancid stench of the female, pausing only when the familiarity of a certain scent that mingled with the other?s was registered. A sneer warped her porcelain features and she tore her gaze away from the female, pupils flickering forward as a soft chortle cascaded from her velvet lips. ?I see my brother has finally asserted his claim over what?s rightfully his,? she hissed, unaware to the fact that her brother had been discreetly meeting with the babe behind her back.


09-30-2013, 08:55 PM

The pallid woman that sat before her never once let an emotion slip onto her face, though she could guess that she was not to pleased to see her either. Her name slipped off her silver tongue, tones similiar to her own. Her stoic frame was broken as a sneer contorted her face, words spewing from leather lips. I see my brother had finally asserted his claim over what's rightfully his. It was hard for the babe to keep a snarl from wrinkling her dark features, but she was successful in doing so. Instead, she allowed a sneer to curl her lips, mimicking the arrogance that this dame so evidently carried. "I don't believe you could be anymore wrong." Serpentine words oozed from her lips, it was clear that Ares sister had no idea of her brothers whereabouts.

Claws subtly flexed against the earth, feathery plume resting idly at her hocks, muscles beneath her pelt instinctively readied. "I see you haven't spent much time together since your mother lost what was rightfully hers. Sweets where laced with mild venom, just enough to prod at the porcelain babe without be outright cruel. Blue and green orbs watched like a hawk, looking for the slightest change in Artemis. It was doubtful that the babe would pass up on a chance to brawl with the dame she so very disliked, and frankly Devya was itching to put her in her place, to get the girl off her back. With every moment that ticked by a little bit of her kindness slipped away, setting free the unbridled rage that was so deeply hidden in her, that she didn't even know it was there until now.

Heart pounded in her chest, blood pumped through her veins. Images of her biological father flashed in her mind. His pride, his ability to be so conniving and uncaring. She remembered how she dreamt of following in his footsteps. Dreamt of ruling a great pack that would be feared and respected. And it would all start with this one girl. This one insignificant mongrel. With war raging inside her, the sable dames outward appearance didn't waiver, a small sneer remained fixated on Artemis, waiting for the next clash of words.



10-01-2013, 05:59 PM

Pride fluctuated within her as she pondered the possible methods that her brother could have taken in order to enslave the snarky and sable juvenile that had addressed them with such venomous tones so many months ago, the devious smirk that had captivated her features only elongating across her countenance at the imagery of the babe?s submission. Pupils remained averted from the orphan child?s own as her thoughts diverged entirely to her sweet reverie, only broken from her trance as soprano vocalizations graced the atmosphere and directed her attention back to the svelte adolescent that refuted her pretentious assumption. Pupils flicked towards the arrogant grin engraved into her adversary?s visage, bitter rage engulfing her diseased mind as she denied the possibility of Devya?s freedom against her competent brother, all trace of emotion dissipating from her porcelain features as she silently conjured excuses on behalf of her brutish sibling. It was true that she had managed to defeat her brother in combat, but there was not a sliver of doubt within her mind that the male could preside victorious over a mere outsider -- especially the brat placed so proudly before her.

Mismatched gaze precariously vacated the premises of the juvenile?s countenance as she noticed the tensing of unimpressive muscle beneath her dark flesh, triangular ears careening towards the babe that dare spoke of her mother in an ill fashion. The evident venom embellishing the other?s tones was enough to trigger an influx of utmost loathing within the pallid phantom, but instead of physical retaliation, the hellion merely allowed a wry chortle to brush past her velveteen lips that had been pulled back taut against gluttonous incisors in a mocking smirk, giving a sluggish shake to her skull out of pity towards the foolish wench. ?I suppose you are right; my mother has lost her crown,? she confirmed in an eerily cordial manner as her chuckling subsided, pupils searching for Devya?s own as she squinted with feigned curiosity. ?But she has managed to keep her life, and I must say that that is more than your parents could ever hope to achieve.? Bleached incisors protruded from her upper lip in a toothy grin at the conclusion of her biting response, offering neither a flinch nor movement of preparation to the sable brat, entirely confident with her retort. Of course, the wraith was not certain of Devya?s true parents? whereabouts, but the assumption was logical given the fact that the orphan had been abandoned early in her youth. Not only that, but the opportunity to push the incompetent adolescent?s buttons was far too tempting to surpass.


10-01-2013, 08:02 PM

The phantoms mask never once wavered, but she could image the rage that bubbled inside her, with the way Morphine's children worshipped her, it was doubtful that anyone would get away with speaking ill about the ex-Queen. The noise that left the child's mouth was distaste and rather irritating. It was easy for the sable babe to guess just how Artemis would attack, using her parents abandonment as her only ammo. Her sneer grew, revealing the tips of fangs. "Oh my dear, that is quite old news. And besides that my parent is still alive and well."

She couldn't lie that she still felt the pain of her parents abandonment, but there was no need for the porcelain wench to know that. Unabashed resolve kept her lips curled back in a wicked grin, determined to see the girl falter. The siblings were so much alike in their ways of attack, and yet no so different. Ares resided comfortably in her presence, while Artemis still chose to attack. It had been decided that two could play at that game. She knew of the blood that ran through her veins, and the blood that ran through the pallid dolls. But her's started Tortuga.

With an attitude to match the dames, she let it flow freely. Never would she pass up on a chance to taunt the bratty child before her. It could be said that the pair had made it their mission to make the others life a living hell.



10-02-2013, 08:42 PM

Greedily, her gaze remained fixated upon her adversary?s dark countenance, eyes yearning to devour the faintest trace of despondency or bitterness that may manifest upon the brat?s feminine facial features in response to her brutal insult. Alas, the wench?s arrogant smirk went unwavering from her features even as she digested the cruel meaning behind the pallid hellion?s words, her sneer only elongating across her visage in defiance. The bitch was persistent ? Artemis would grant her that ? but just how low of a blow would the phantom need to conjure in order to cleanse Devya of her wry fa?ade? The viper was certain her previous comment had the potential to penetrate the wall of apathy buffering the stubborn canine?s features from portraying her true emotions, but apparently the bitch was difficult to crack. If the Elysius babe intended upon fracturing her adversary?s durable barriers, surely she?d need to strike with more force ? to insult that of which she held dearest to her: their father.

The smirk that had remained stagnant upon her own porcelain features dissipated as the sable brat retorted pointedly, daring to brand her with a moniker of feigned affection and ironically mentioning the goliath that sired them both ? her by blood and the other through adoption. Her stance grew rigid as the thought of Seraphim drifted through her mind, so taboo in regard to her mother who had embellished his existence with a negative connotation, forbidding her interaction with the male whose blood coursed through her very veins. A singular brow quirked upon her forehead as she pondered momentarily, uncertain as to whether or not Devya?s assumption was correct, or even if it would remain as such. ?For now,? the pallid fiend suggested, mismatched gaze reuniting with the verdant of the other adolescent?s, emotion drained from her velveteen lips but a maleficent gleam dancing across her eyes, hinting to the fire that raged upon her interior. ?My mother, she will kill that oaf.? The information that spewed from her unhinged jaws was stated with resolute confidence despite the fact that she was attempting to pry at the other girl, the solemnity of her tones only promoting the idea of Seraphim?s untimely death. Allowing the statement a moment to sink in, the babe tore her pupils away from Devya?s developed form, staring off into the depths of the forest as she attempted to accept the terms that had vacated her own mouth, indifferent to the concept of losing her father. ?And then, we will dance in his blood,? she spoke with an eerie placidness, metallic and amethyst eyes trailing sluggishly back to the other?s. ?And then there?ll be no one to save you from us.?


10-04-2013, 10:33 AM

The pale bitch wouldn't give, the two continued to go back and forth, spearing each other with their words rather than fangs. The babe watched as the smirk faded from the witches face before she replied with another snarky comment. The bitch dared to threaten her fathers life. So this is how the game would be played. Without falter, venom oozed from her jaws, a soft chuckle ratting her vocal cords.. "The only one in need of saving is your mother." Lips cured back just enough to show the tips of pearly fangs.

The threat on her mothers life would certainly push the pale phantom over the edge, send her spiraling out of control. Watchful eyes never moved from the bitch, two toned orbs dancing with an unexplainable wickedness. Had someone told her one day that she would be so cruel with one of her adversarys she would have never believed them. The sable dame found herself feeding off a recently discovered emotion that had buried itself deep inside her. Could it be that her lineage was rearing its ugly head ?



10-05-2013, 09:37 AM
i intend to edit this post once saf decides on how many rounds she wants to do c: but still, i will get an admin approval. edit approved by andy.
we knew this was coming, saf, xD <3

Although slicing through her adversary with naught but venomous words fueled her steel veins with an intoxicating dosage of adrenaline, the phantom child could not disregard the burning sensation of anticipation as it gathered in her oversized paws. Before long, she knew that bitter comments and open threats would not sate the desire to pummel her opponent with eager tooth and claw, nor would mere words splatter the earth crimson in the sable brat?s blood as her mismatched eyes yearned to see. But the pallid babe would relent the increasing urge to obliterate the ruthless creature placed so vulnerably before her, defiance and pride rooting her to the earth, unwavering in her composed stance despite the tempting rage that enveloped her interior. If the viper could battle off her desire for long enough, surely she could force the other to snap and initiate combat for her; either method, the babe was certain this feud would end in blood ? hopefully little of her own.

Her evident threat upon their father?s life did not gauge the reaction from her adversary as the babe would have assumed, fury gurgling within her chest cavity as the arrogant smirk that had remained stagnant upon the other?s countenance only developed further, an amused chortle accompanying the wry expression. Apathy encompassed her own porcelain features even as poisonous words vacated the premises of the bitch?s mouth, triangular ears twitching with the confident threat that fell upon them, daring to even consider the possibility that her mother could be defeated by their father. The words struck a chord within the pale fiend and her upper lip just barely twitched as the other exposed the tips of her incisors in challenge, causing amethyst and mercury eyes to narrow slightly as she stared at the brat, pondering. ?Shall we test that theory?? she inquired slyly, the edges of her velvet lips ascending upon her visage in a crooked grin as she offered a wink in the direction of her adversary. Haunches removed themselves from the earth as the adolescent pulled herself to her paws to support her mass upon all fours, serpentine limbs elegantly carrying the babe a small distance of five feet away from the dark juvenile before she pivoted back to face her, the grin unwavering upon her countenance. ?Suppose I attack you, here and now,? the hellion started as she began to settle into her defenses, spreading her limbs equidistant apart before bending each slightly at the knee to lower her center of gravity and enable swift movement. ?You come home to daddy dearest, battered and bruised, relay to him what happened because God knows he?d worry about you,? she spat, a trace of jealousy embellishing her tones. The man she once called father had never considered her well-being, but upon their encounter with the dark brat, he practically leapt to favor her instead of his own flesh and blood, and the wench knew he would not hesitate to do it a second time. ?You and I both know he?d find me to reprimand me for what I?d do to you, and once he did?? her voice trailed off as a sick chuckle cascaded from her lips, ?It?d be reason enough for mother; you know that.? Her mother?s terms had been made clear to the babe after the meeting that she had unfortunately refrained from attending, but she had every intention of showing for the final conference ? she just had to initiate it.

?And, in essence, his death would be all?? she began, her skull descending to fall in alignment with her spinal column, tail extending straight outward from her rump to be used as a counterweight should the situation warrant it while her toes splayed across the earth and her nails grappled the soil for traction. ?Your?? Her ears careened backwards, pasting themselves against her crown while her eyes narrowed slightly, shoulders rocketing forward to provide the base of her neck with loose rolls of excess flesh, only aided in protection by the raising of her hackles. Skull was drawn back some to create pockets of flesh around her neck, chin tucking against the curvature of her neck while her jaws unhinged, gluttonous incisors at the ready. ?Fault!? With her final sentiment verbalized, the adolescent shot forward in an attempt to quickly close the slight gap between their bodies, intending to greet the babe with a head-on collision since she suspected her larger apex and heftier mass would overpower the lighter-set canine. If and when she neared the sable brat, her left and jutting shoulder blade would seek to slam into the left (Artemis? POV) of Devya?s chest just before her shoulder, intending to both force the smaller wench backwards and to hopefully create moderate bruising there. Simultaneously, her jaws would snake to the left (Artemis? POV) of her adversary?s face, upper jaw seeking to ensnare Devya?s left cheek while her mandible would attempt to forcibly clamp down upon the bottom left corner of her opponent?s own mandible, wishing to ensue ruthless pain within the brat with the pressure applied behind her hopeful bite. This was no spar against her sibling, and this time she was not compelled to hold back. This time she would unleash the beast that her adversary had taunted.




move ONE of THREE

ATTACK running at devya with the intentions of a head-on collision, left shoulder blade seeking to hit the left of devya's chest right before her shoulder. upper jaw seeking to grasp devya's cheek, lower jaw seeking to grasp the bottom left corner of devya's mandible so as to ensnare the left side of devya's face.

DEFENSE limbs spread equally apart, center of gravity lowered, skull aligned with spine, tail out, toes splayed, nails biting into the soil for traction, ears pinned, eyes narrowed, shoulders forward, hackles raised, skull drawn back some, chin tucked, jaws gaping

INJURIES first round.


10-07-2013, 06:29 PM

Words prodded at her ears, and begged her body for action. She watched as the pallid bitch moved away from her before turning to face her once more. His death would be all... A snarl curled her lips, her crown naturally dropped to cover her throat, triangular ears pinning to her scalp, eyes narrowing with hate. Your... Shoulders rolled forward, the extra flesh adding more of a barrier in addition to her rising hackles. She stepped forward, stance widening, legs bending, all to center her balance. Fault! A vicious snarl ripped from her jaws as the babe shot towards her, her tail going straight out like a banner behind her. She came head on, barreling towards her at an unforgiving face. Devya knew the girl was bigger and therefore heavier, a head on attack would seriously bruise her chest and possible knock her off balance. Muscles coiled in preparation. The babe was aimed just slightly more to the her right side and she had only seconds to decide. Hind legs pushed her forward, the dark girl moving to the phantoms lefts side (Dev POV), causing Artemis to collide with her side rather than her chest. Ribs shuttered under the forcing, nearly immediately bruising painfully. The wind was knocked from her lungs, causing her to gasp for air and no even seconds after she felt fangs pierce her flesh, daggers digging into the already bruised flesh along her ribs. A snarl of pain shook her vocal cords, defenses coming down tighter.

No time was wasted in a rebuttal. Jaws unhinged, lips curled back. With Artemis still presumably attached to her side, the sable girl turned herself as much as possible, jaws aimed straight for the other girls shoulder, fangs intending to grab a hold of the muscle that lay beneath her pelt. Should her bite land successfully, her crown would shake back and forth, intending to inflict damage on anything she had between her jaws but still keep ahold of the bitch. Unforgiving hate consumed her, setting freely the demons that lay hidden. It ran wild and untamed, causing her to be ruthless in her attacks, no mercy would be spared on the pale girl. Should her attempt to latch on to Artemis's shoulder fail, then she would seek to attack along the contours of the girls back, both had reached a year and therefore their full height, which put Devya an inch taller than her adversary. Her back up plan would hopefully put her closer to the girls spine but farther down her back, giving her only the advantage of inflicting pain and hoping she would release her own leg. Only time would tell how it play out, and time consisted of only mere seconds.

ATTACKS: Jaws aimed at her left shoulder, intending to sink in as deep as possible, followed by a shaking of her skull for additional damage.

DEFENSES: Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked, shouders scrunched to push an extra layer of flesh around her neck, hackles raised, legs spread and lowered for stable center of balance, tail streamlining behind her, jaws opened. Devya moved forward and to the left(her pov) to avoid a head on collision, as soon as they collided she let herself relax to roll better with the impact to keep herself from entirely falling over.

INJURIES: Serious bruising to her left sided ribs

ROUND 1/3 for Vengeance

OOC- please let me know if I'm wrong about them reaching their full height at a year so I may change it, I wasn't entirely surely about it



10-10-2013, 06:09 PM
thanks for waiting, saf c:

Although her ears were pressed defensively against her crown, the viper could register the snarl that cracked her adversary?s gaping jaws as she initiated the assault, shattering the silent tension of the atmosphere with its vehemence and unveiled fury. Had the pallid hellion not been so determined to defeat the sable witch before her, she would have released a deafening cackle of victory, fueled by the fact that she had finally managed to extract a trace of emotion other than arrogance from the orphan adolescent. Alas, the babe was far too engaged in her attack now, narrowed amethyst and mercury gaze unwavering from Devya?s lower chest cavity as she attempted to pinpoint muscle contractions that would serve as telltale signs of movement, finding none until her body was mere inches away from the brat?s own. Her own left shoulder blade would fail to greet its initial target, instead slamming against the left side of her adversary?s ribcage as the dark juvenile darted to her (Artemis?) right in order to dodge her frontal assault, snapping jaws also missing the left side of Devya?s face in favor of the tender flesh adorning the girl?s ribcage. Feeling inadequate with the placement of the grip she had obtained upon her adversary, the fiend relinquished her hold upon the other?s flesh, gluttonous incisors yearning for a new destination.

Hips swung outward and to the left in an attempt to bring her own body perpendicular to the sable brat at a perfect ?T? intersection, lips unfurling over the yellowed bone of her teeth as pain shot through the upper portion of her right shoulder as Devya plunged her incisors approximately a fourth of an inch deep into sinewy muscle. With retaliation on the brain, the pallid fiend allowed her limbs to spread equidistant apart once more, bending each appendage at the knee to lower her center of gravity while her tail crept between her haunches to protect her vital underbelly, ears pinning against her crown, toes spreading across the earth, dulled nails grappling the soil for traction, and shoulders rolling in their sockets to push excess layers of fat around the base of her lowered neck where her hackles were already prickled. Left forepaw would leave the safety of the earth as it ascended quickly, weight shifting equally between the babe?s grounded limbs as she?d expose her palm towards the bitch, attempting to slam the tough bone of her heel against the already-bruised ribs of her opponent, intending to break the bones located towards the center of Devya?s left-sided ribs with the force applied behind her hopeful shove. Regardless of whether or not her attack would prove to be a success, the babe would immediately attempt to plant her elevated forepaw firmly against the earth afterward, wishing to maintain her balance with four grounded limbs rather than three.

The babe?s attacks, however, would not end there. In synchronicity with her shove, the hellion?s gaping jaws would yet again seek to ensnare the left side of her adversary?s face, narrowed gaze attempting to pinpoint Devya?s left eye through her ruthless thrashing, the puncture wounds to her own right shoulder lacerated accordingly, widened in diameter to about half an inch. With Artemis? chin tucked tightly against the curvature of her throat, protected by rolls of fat due to the fact that her skull had remained drawn back slightly throughout the brawl, the viper would strike, head tilted away from her opponent?s jaws and towards the left (Artemis? POV) so that her chin could remain tucked even through her hopeful bite. The molars lining her upper jaw would seek to puncture just below Devya?s left brow while the molars lining her mandible would attempt to pierce the area just beneath her adversary?s left eye socket, intending to place the woman?s left eye between her jaws so that she may pop! it free from its socket with a single chew and leave the woman a cyclops, forever reminded of the day she attempted to bring the Elysius babe down.




move TWO of THREE

ATTACK bringing her body perpendicular to devya's, artemis attempts to slam the heel of her left forepaw against the center left-sided ribs of devya, attempting to break them beneath the force of her shove. artemis' jaws attempt to encase devya's left eye by bringing her upper molars just beneath devya's left brow and her lower molars just beneath devya's left eye socket so that she may pop devya's eyeball into her mouth.

DEFENSE limbs spread equally apart, knees bent to lower her center of gravity, tail pressed against her underbelly, ears pinned, toes splayed, nails grappling the soil for traction, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, neck lowered, weight distributed once she is on three limbs, attempting to bring her elevated forepaw back to the earth after her attack regardless of whether it hits, eyes narrowed, chin tucked, skull drawn back slightly to provide her neck with rolls of fat.

INJURIES puncture wounds to her right shoulder, a fourth of an inch deep and a half of an inch wide.


10-14-2013, 05:51 PM

Her heart pounded uncontrollably against her in her chest, blood pumped through veins, a mixture of the crimson life force and adrenaline. For the first time in her short life, the sable babe wanted this bitch eliminated. The piercing of fangs against her tender flesh kept her focus, the sharp pain was immediately gone as her side was released from the pallid witch's grasp. Pools of green and blue zeroed in on the fact that Artemis was now perpendicular to her still standing to her (Devya's) left. It was a synchronized dance. Just as the phantom swung out her hips, her left paw lifted and slammed into already bruised ribs. Fire spread across her side, pulling a cry of pain from ebony jaws. Fractures spiraled across her ribs (about 2-3 bones depending on Artemis's paw size). The air left her lungs as the fire continued to lick at her side.

With that, a new wave of unaltered hate rolled through the girl. Eyes remained narrowed slits, traingular pieces of flesh tightly flattened themselves to her crown. The porcelain doll had set her balance carefully before her attack, just as quickly as her paw lifted, it was on the ground again. The sudden pain had put a falter in her step, but it only caused her grip on the girls shoulder to tightened as jaws clenched through the pain. The bitch was ruthless. Ivory jaws were spotted, aimed directly at her face. Ebony jaws unhinged, releasing her grip on the brats shoulder. Her own shoulders rolled forward, her pelt still bristling with outrage, all to add protection around her throat. Because of her grip, her body was curled around the front of Artemis at a slightly awkward angle when the bitch had moved to form a "T" out of their writhing bodies. With an attack aimed at her face, Devya rose up, hind legs coiling and widening her stance, bending at the knee and keep her left paw placed farther back for balance, her goal was to throw her chest across the brats shoulders along with both forelimbs, claws aimed to dig into flesh to keep a hold, her hips swung out, moving away from Artemis. Ebony plume tucked between stiffened hind limps, protecting her precious underbelly, hoping to give the phantom little to work with. Pain once again shot through her merciless as fangs sank into lower side of her neck, gripping the fatty protection that was there.

Jaws then parted, aiming not for the obvious nape of her neck, but rather the witch's tightly folded ears and the surrounding area. She wanted her to fall, to beg for her release. Should her jaws successfully land, she would then toss her weight back, intending to rip at the girls ear, to pull the ghost into her dark embrace. She refused to stop. Jaws would flex against any flesh they found. She was a yearling and while she had reached her full height, she had not entirely filled out to her max weight of 115, until that day she would be lighter than her adversary. Rather than tire herself and throw all of her weight back in sudden force, hind legs shifted backwards a few inches, and she began to pull, putting more and more pressure on the flesh between her jaws until either it gave away or the bitch bowed at her feet.

ROUND 2/3 in Devya vs Artemis

ATTACKS: With Artemis placing them at a T, it would have caused Devya to be curled around the front of her with her grip still held onto Artemis's shoulder, so Devya released her, rose up on hindlegs, throwing her chest and forelimbs across her shoulders, claws digging in for grip and jaws aimed for her ear or the surrounding area

INJURIES: bruised and fractures ribs (left side), puncture wounds to her left side, bite to the left side of her lower neck, closer to her shoulder area

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, tail tucked to protect belly, hind legs parted, bent at the knee and her left hind paw placed farther back than the right for balance

OOC: As discussed in PM, Devya gets to keep her eyeballs XD I feel as though this is terrible so if anything doesn't make sense let me know as it makes sense to me :)



10-16-2013, 10:29 PM
i feel like this is the worst fight post in the history of fight posts? xD so pm me if you have questions! this was fun though, saf <3

As her heel made contact with her adversary?s left-sided ribs as it had intended to, extracting a muffled yelp from the other girl?s clenched jaws as the damage was dealt, a sick sense of mirth coursed through her interior, ecstatic that she had been the cause to the other?s distress. Her thrill, however, would be short-lived as the grip to her right shoulder tightened momentarily, causing the phantom?s toes to clench in pain as her left forepaw was granted access to the earth once more, ensuring her stability before Devya?s jaws relinquished their grasp to her flesh. The open puncture wounds stung as they breached the frigid autumn air, but the babe was unable to dwell upon the pain for long as her opponent reared back upon her hinds, causing her (Artemis?) bite to completely miss the intended target of Devya?s precious eye socket in favor of the fatty rolls adorning the lower left side of the girl?s neck. Obtaining such pockets of excess flesh would do little for the hellion, and thus, as soon as her incisors penetrated and managed a grip upon her opponent, her jaws would immediately vacate the premises of the girl?s flesh in preparation for a new attack, muzzle turning forward in the direction of her opponent and tucking against the curvature of her neck.

Her adversary?s forepaws would find sanctuary upon each of her shoulders and her nails would clip into the flesh there, causing the pallid viper to ricochet off of her opponent just slightly as the other girl?s chest was thrown against her own shoulders, a snarl warping her porcelain countenance as the sable brat?s incisors pierced the top of her left ear to about a third of an inch in diameter, thin trails of blood streaming down the left of her face. An opportunity arose to knock her opponent onto her back and into a vulnerable position due to the fact that her (Devya?s) balance would likely be compromised when only her hinds were grounded, and Artemis, realizing this, would attempt to take advantage of that very factor. Own hind limbs would coil to build momentum as the phantom?s weight would shift momentarily towards her rear, attempting to gather force before her weight would abruptly shift towards her chest as the babe lurched forward in an attempt to collide the front of her own chest with the underneath of Devya?s ribcage, intending to knock the girl off balance and onto her back with the brute force applied behind her attack, hoping that the other girl?s pulling would only aide her in this motion. Meanwhile, gaping jaws sought the tender and exposed jugular (exposed because no protection to the neck was mentioned in Devya?s previous post and Devya would have to reach over Artemis? head to obtain her ear) of her opponent, skull snaking to the right (Artemis? POV) of Devya?s neck and jaws angled in towards the left in hopes of ensnaring the upper right portion of the girl?s neck, intending to penetrate deep into flesh and threaten the other?s life. Throughout her attacks, defenses would remain in lockdown with her eyes narrowed, limbs bent to lower her center of gravity, shoulders rolled forward, hackles raised, skull lowered slightly to protect her neck and drawn back to provide her neck with rolls of excess flesh, toes splayed, tail tucked against her underbelly, ears pinned to her crown to the best of her ability whilst one is being tugged upon, and nails grasping the soil for traction. The viper wished to finish this, finish this quickly, and finish it with another victory under her belt.





ATTACK artemis lurches forward in an attempt to crash her chest into the underneath of devya's ribcage with the intentions of knocking devya onto her back, hoping that, with devya's pulling on her ear, it'll only aide her in the endeavor. meanwhile, her jaws snake to the right of devya's neck and are angled towards the left (in towards devya's neck), jaws aiming to ensnare to upper right portion of devya's neck.

DEFENSE chin tucked against the curvature of her neck, eyes narrowed, limbs bent to lower her center of gravity, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, skull lowered to protect her neck, skull drawn back to provide rolls of excess flesh around her neck, toes splayed, tail tucked, ears pinned, nails grasping soil for traction.

INJURIES [ round one: puncture wounds to her right shoulder, a fourth of an inch deep and a half of an inch wide. ] top left ear pierced to about a third of an inch in diameter. devya's nails did not damage artemis because wolves' claws are dull in comparison to other animals' and would not likely break skin.


10-20-2013, 08:56 PM
OOC- worst post ever.... this was definitely fun though! <3

Pain. It radiated from her side in uncontrollable waves. There was no blocking it out, it fogged her mind, and yet the only thing pushing her through it was phantom that relentlessly kept up her attacks. Fangs had successfully grabbed the brats ear, blood tickling her tongue. Forelimbs had successfully found their place across her adversaries shoulders. Her little victory was short lived. There was subtle shift in the brats (Artemis) weight before she shot forward, her chest colliding with Devya, intending to knock her back. A snarl peeled back against incisors as jaws remained clamped on her opponents ear. Ebony feathered plume would tuck tightly between her legs to protect her vital belly from the jaws of the wench. She allowed herself to fall back, to roll with the collision of the pale bitch.

However with a jerk of her head, intending to rip the flesh she would release the brats ear, jaws turning just as her adversary shot up intending to grab her by the throat, unhinged jaws aimed to either collide or clamp down on the parted jaws of the pale babe. Her previous attack had left her throat open but she would not so easily give the girl access.

Unbridled fury burned through narrowed eyes, her defenses tightened as she prepared to collide with the unforgiving earth beneath her. Forelegs would curl back, leaving her opponents shoulders. As her back hit the earth, forelimbs shot out from their place against her chest intending to collide with the nearly body part to either keep distance or knock the pallid brat off balance. She refused to go down without a fight, she would give the little bitch something to remember her by. White hot pain shot across her rips, knocking the wind from her lungs, a snarl peeled back her dark kissers, a growl mixed with a yelp exiting her throat unwillingly.


ATTACKS: Jaws released her ear and aimed to either collide or take a hold of Artemis's jaws as Artemis tried to grab her neck. Forelimbs first curled up against her chest and then shot out as she hit the ground to either keep Artemis at a distance or knock her off balance depending on if they hit her chest or her forelimbs, kinda depends on how Artemis moves

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, tail tucked against her belly, hind legs bent, shoulders still rolled forward to add fat to protect the sides of her neck, hackles raised

INJURIES: Fractured ribs on her left side along with puncture wounds, puncture wounds to the lower side of her neck


The Judge


10-23-2013, 01:12 AM

Artemis vs. Devya for Vengeance

Round 1


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Your posts are very clear, however I recommend being wary using all your lovely big words for some things. Eg. Mandibles- I know what mandibles are, however using this term instead of ?lower jaw? for example can confuse things a bit; especially with certain judges who do not use or understand the more ?colourful? words for wolf anatomy.

No powerplaying found.

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Full points for protected throat, raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, splayed toes, centered weight.

ATTACK: 6 / 10

Full points for an effective and strong attack to the chest, attempting to throw Devya?s balance before aiming to grasp the lower jaw/cheek.

INJURIES: 10 / 10

First Round

Round one Artemis Total: 45 / 50


CLARITY: 7 / 10
I am having trouble understanding some of your angles. Darting towards the left of Artemis if anything would have caused her to at least hit the shoulder, not her side? You also had a couple typos which could have been potentially confusing, and fail to mention which shoulder Devya is attacking. Don?t presume we know.

Points deducted for excess movement. I believe Artemis? attack should have been fast enough to hit front-on, and that Devya would not have had the time to present side-on to Artemis. As I said in Clarity she should have atleast hit the shoulder. Also the way her jaws were aiming for the face I don?t see how they could hit the ribs when the ribs are so much lower than the area she aimed for.

DEFENSES: 8 / 10

Full points for raised hackles, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, balanced weight, ready jaws. You lost a couple here because you related the ?crown? to shielding the throat, when it should have really been the chin or lower jaw. Also widened legs, we prefer squared or equally spaced.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Launching towards Artemis, attempting to bite at the shoulder and shake skull. The shoulder is not easy to grasp flesh on (very tight muscular area), and shaking the skull here would likely result in the loss of her grasp. Not to say it?s impossible, just unlikely.

INJURIES: 10/ 10

First round, bruising behind the shoulder from collision, bite wound over ribs.

Round one Devya Total: 36 / 50

Round 2


CLARITY: 10 / 10
Great clarity.

No Powerplaying detected.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for pinned ears, balanced weight, splayed toes, guarded underside, raised hackles, protected throat, quick return of forepaw to ground and rebalancing weight.

ATTACK: 5 / 10

Attempted shove with the heel at the rib cage, then a bite aimed for the left cheek. Wolves do not hold much power at all in their limbs, and unless her whole body was thrown into a shove I don?t believe it capable of breaking bone or causing any kind of serious injury.

INJURIES: 7 / 10

Bite wound to right shoulder.

Round two Artemis Total: 42 / 50


CLARITY: 8 / 10
They are in a T formation with Artemis facing Devya?s side, Devya rears up to put her chest over Artemis? shoulder. To do this she would have to swivel a lot on her hinds, but even then she would have ended up almost face-to-face and more-so over Artemis? nape if anything.

You mention in her attack that she attempts to dig claws into flesh to /keep/ a hold; be careful here, I know you said ?attempted? to start with but you make it sound as though she presumed she had achieved contact.

DEFENSES: 9 / 10

Full points for raised hackles, protected neck, protected abdomen, balanced weight, narrowed eyes, pinned ears, paw pushed under for balance during attack. Intercept

ATTACK: 3 / 10

Rearing up to push chest to shoulders, and attain a hold with forelimbs/claws. Then aiming a bite at the ear or surrounding area. This is a risky attack in that the throat is exposed, and weak in the sense


Fractured ribs, bite wound to lower neck. Although I find the rib fracture unlikely I appreciate your willingness to take damage - this is likely going to be very painful for Devya to move her torso and breathe from here on.

Round two Devya Total: 33 / 50

Round 3


CLARITY: 8 / 10
Leaning weight onto hinds before shifting to chest suddenly. This is hard to imagine, personally I would think it would be more realistic for her to more push off her hinds rather than just shift her weight between forequarters and hindquarters.

None detected.

DEFENSES: 10 / 10

Full points for narrowed eyes, pinned ears, balanced stance, protected throat, tense stance, splayed toes, hackles raised.

ATTACK: 8 / 10

Full points for attempted thrust with the chest at Devya?s lower rib-cage, and clear shot at the jugular.

INJURIES: 9 / 10

Pierced ear- no points deducted for whatever injuries were inflicted by claws, as canine nails are very blunt and not capable of real damage.

Round three Artemis Total: 45 / 50


CLARITY: 6 / 10
You should have given more guidance as to what part and angle you aimed to grasp Artemis? jaws at. I think the only accessible place was over the top of snout, aiming straight downward, but you lost points for failing to clarify this. Also the backwards motion of Devya falling was quite confusing too and I felt it could have been worded better; is her attack to Artemis? jaws occurring /during/ her backwards falling? If so, I find it unlikely. Your last paragraph was also confusing ?collide with the nearly body part?, what body part?

Devya falls to her back and then aims to shoot her forelimbs out at Artemis? You can?t presume Artemis stayed with her during the fall.

DEFENSES: 2 / 10

Ready jaws, snarling, narrowed eyes. It?s a real shame you let go of your defenses in this round, you were doing very well with them. Remember listing in the summary doesn?t account for them.

ATTACK: 4 / 10

Worsening damage to ear, using forelimbs to knock Artemis. Forelimbs do not pack much strength, especially with the downward motion Devya had going.


Puncture wounds to lower neck.

Round three Devya Total: 27 / 50


Artemis: 132 /150

Devya: 96 /150

And the winner is...

Artemis! Devya must give up by either submitting, fleeing, or passing out and Artemis has won her Vengeance.


Artemis- Long-term: Pierced ear cartilage, may never accurately heal. Short-term: Lameness due to shoulder wound.

Devya- Long-term: Fractured ribs that will be very slow healing and make movements and heavy breathing very difficult for Devya. Short-term: Puncture wounds in side and neck.

Good job guys! Saf, it?s a real shame you faltered with your defenses at the end, for they were quite strong in the first two rounds. You would score better with stronger, more complex attacks. Also remember angles and realism are very important. I?m sorry if your scores seemed low, please don?t take it negatively as I am known to deduct a lot from Clarity. Clarity seemed to be a small weaker point for you, whilst it is one of Aly?s strengths so that is why there is a big difference between the scores. <3

Aly, really good work! Watch your wording, its beautiful and very creative but some day you might risk getting a judge that simply doesn?t understand! Also ensure your attacks are realistic- remember forelimbs don?t pack much power unless body weight is thrown into the attack.


10-23-2013, 04:56 PM
permission to pp granted by saf c:
artemis is a meanie lol

Broad chest cavity collided with that of her adversary?s, causing the sable brat to come crashing to the earth beneath her ? where she belonged. Devya?s forepaws would shoot out to push against her chest to keep her at bay from attacking, but the effort would be to no avail as the phantom?s jaws purchased her adversary?s mandible and her own forepaws rooted themselves to the area on either side of the brat?s skull, causing Devya?s jaws to encase her top jaw. A concoction of her own blood and the other?s flooded her oral cavity and the babe relished in the savory copper-esque flavor despite the pain that greeted her muzzle in the form of puncture wounds, but dwelling upon the pain would be futile for she had, in essence, already obtained victory. In order to relieve her muzzle of her adversary?s incisors, slight pressure would be applied downward to Devya?s mandible to further unhinge the bitch?s jaws (since wolves bite with their bottom jaw ? not top), a smirk enveloping her features in hopes that her opponent would realize the vulnerability of her position ? the fact that she could easily break the girl?s jaw at any given moment to render her useless. It was a threat she would willingly adhere to and, apparently, the other knew of her capabilities for it was then that Devya?s body went limp with submission, announcing the phantom child as the true champion.

Pride fluctuated within her, the onslaught of adrenaline that greeted her veins upon Devya?s submission causing her to refrain from releasing her adversary immediately. Instead, her jaws would clench upon the brat?s mandible to increase the pressure applied to it, a quiet chortle vacating her occupied jaws that she knew her opponent would feel. ?My mother trained me ? my father trained you,? the babe hissed pointedly, her vocals still muffled due to her grip upon her opponent. ?What does that tell you?? she asked bitterly ? expectantly ? wanting the girl to admit to her mother?s competence or their father?s incompetence. Until that moment, she would refuse to relinquish her grasp to the girl ? ruthless to the very core.


10-23-2013, 07:32 PM

Her grasp at the brats muzzle had landed successfully but she failed to keep distance between them. Pale paws imprisoned either side of her skull while jaws clamped down painfully of her own. Her mind told her that she had nowhere else to go, it over. Artemis had one. Slowly and reluctantly her body went limp in submission. As the adrenaline faded from her system the true pain of her side crashed down on her, her breathes coming out as wheezes as she tried to avoid taking deep breaths but it only made her tired lungs scream in protest. Arrogant lyrics clawed their way into her ears, causing her eyes to narrow. Lips peeled back against fangs a growl forming in her throat but it was cut short, mixing with a whine as the bitch bit down harder of her jaw threatening to break it.

Bitch. One day she would pay for this. The sable babe would see the phantom bow before her, beg for her release. Only growls exited her jaws, not a word spoken. She would not give the pale bitch anymore pleasure by speaking. She had her victory, she would get nothing more. Triangular audits pinned against her skull angrily. Briefly she took note of the tear in the phantoms own ear, a little gift to remember her by. Devya would shift beneath Artemis, the pain in her jaw growing by the second, both of their blood mixing against her tongue in an unsavory way. But she refused to give, eventually she would be let go.


Ares 1


10-23-2013, 08:41 PM

His pale form would join that of Artemis and Devya much too late. He would not be able to keep the two of them from battling, to keep Devya free of harm. He himself had felt the ruthlessness of his sister, he could only imagine what the pale babe could do to the darker girl. He would catch the mingled scent of the two she wolves and quickly carry himself to their sides. When his arrival was imminent lavender gaze would spy the interlocked forms, Artemis would hold the jaws of Devya hostage, just as she had once done to him.
It was certain that Ares had grown an incredibly amount softer than his pale sister, he knew that inside his conflicted feelings he could feel a heart growing, no matter how much he would deny its existence. He felt protective of the sable she wolf, more so than anything that had ever come across him. Artemis held a special place within him, but it was so much different than how he felt around Devya. As his large frame entered their presence he was slightly unsure of how to act. Within seconds though He felt his hackles rise as his eyes drew upon a flame, he could feel a growl bubbling in his chest as he saw the distress that was so evident in Devya. Let her go, sister. He would bark as he drew ever closer to them. He hoped his command would be followed, he did not want to exchange blows with his sister under such circumstances.



10-24-2013, 05:56 PM

The babe could feel the pain that fluctuated within the tip of her ear as blood continuously leaked from the injury upon it, but the adrenaline that wracked her system minimalized the unpleasant sensation if only for that moment as she hovered victoriously over her adversary, jaws locked upon the brat?s mandible mercilessly. She urged for the adolescent?s agony and desired to inflict further damage upon the defiant wench to remind her of her place, and until she could admit the inferiority of her genetics and her combat skills, Artemis had every intention of fueling those wants. The brat, however, was unfazed by the threat to her lower jaw and the vulnerability of her position, offering the phantom child with infuriated growls that vibrated the interior of her clenched jaws as they left the other?s mouth and entered hers. ?You brought this upon yourself; do not be angry with me for your incompetence,? the pallid bitch seethed, arrogance nearly tangible in the tones of her speech.

As the wraith attempted to clamp her jaws even tighter around her adversary?s mandible, the resounding rumble that greeted the atmosphere surrounding the two combatants alerted the victor to an onlooker?s presence, immediately causing her skull to tilt slightly towards the unknown canine to grant herself a better view of it. Pupils dilated as they devoured the machismo of her sibling?s physique, her brows knitting neatly together in astonishment as curiosity struck her core; had he come to enjoy the show? A smirk cracked across her frayed lips as pride coursed through her veins, satisfied that her brother had been witness to her accomplishment and hopeful that her victory over the haughty brat would appease him. Alas, the egotistical expression that had contorted her tainted countenance abruptly dissipated as she registered the disdainful command that cascaded from the titan?s lips, confusion enveloping her as she pondered the situation at hand; why did he care for the brat?s misery? Gaze sluggishly trailed back to what she could view of her adversary?s visage as if to gather an answer, but even if the answer was voiced, she would not clearly understand, and thus reluctantly unhinged her jaws, relinquishing her ruthless grasp to her opponent. Lingering a moment above her opponent, she allowed saliva to gather within the premises of her mouth before releasing it, attempting to hit the adolescent in the face in one final act of disrespect before climbing off of the girl and backpedaling a few steps to create distance between their bodies.

Expression hardened as her gaze traveled from her sibling to the sable brat and back to Ares again, silence consuming her as she drowned herself in thought. ?She deserves our spite; does she not?? the adolescent finally managed as she searched her sibling?s face expectantly, a wince playing across her features as the pain of her wounds settled upon her.


10-24-2013, 06:20 PM

A growl rose in her throat as the bitch demanded an answer from her, limbs flexed as jaws tightened on her own. The pain of her entire body was overwhelming her, her head spun. The rumbling of a third member forced her head to turn along with her adversary's. Blue and green pools settled on the familiar mass of Ares. Relief began to leak through her weary frame. His commanded was slowly and reluctantly followed but she was still flexed. Jaws flexed upon their release, tongue lashing out against her lips.

The bitch attempted to hit her one last time but letting her saliva drip from her jaws before letting her up and she nearly succeed, the bloodied liquid just grazing the side of her face. A growl rumbled in her throat, hind limbs jerked, aiming a kick at her belly in retaliation. As soon as Artemis was away from her, the wounded babe rolled to her side, wincing as every movement hurt. Slowly she got to her paws, she kept herself tall, keeping her composure until the pale bitch would leave. With slow steps she walked past the ghost to stand beside the pallid brute, hard gazing turning to stare at her adversary.
