
The Queen's Legends



5 Years
10-11-2014, 05:11 PM

I offer you...

sexy adopts...


The Queen's Legends

Alright guys, real talk. I need to get some motion all up in Ebony's business, so lets do this. The characters are members of an elite group known as the Queen's Legends. Their names, appearances, and backgrounds are predetermined, but depending on site interest this may or may not be the only batch released.

Pups are picked from birth to serve in Old Ebony's army. Particular families and clans were known for breeding wolves with esteemed fortitude and intelligence, but the selection was not limited to these alone. Any wolf, from the highest birth down to the lowest, would be evaluated for their potential. Those who showed exceptional promise would be taken away for training unlike any other.

Much like special forces training, you can think of the Legends as Alacritis' equivalent to the Green Berets, the Russian Spetsnaz,or the Irish Army Ranger Wing. They have undergone extreme survival training, combat training, and can be considered experts in espionage, toxins and poisons, navigation, and various methods of healing.

You might expect these characters to refer to wildlife by their scientific names, to navigate by constellations, to put themselves through rigorous workout routines, and even have unusual skills like preservation of food (sun drying) or water filtration. These wolves were expected to be the last line of defense between the royal family and the rest of the world. Their mindset was not that of an individual, but that of a team. They were trained away from corrupting emotions such as rage and jealously and lust.

[EDIT - For the sake of age and timeline their story has been subtly altered and will go as so:] The Queen's Legends were among the first targets of the coup. their skills were not only widely revered, but feared amongst all. When the moment turned, the old Legends were the first to be 'removed.' The legends you see before you are their highest ranking apprentices, their squires and trainees. It can be assumed that they held all the same skills, merely waiting for their master's death before stepping into their rank. As the cruel Azarov family overtook Ebony, it was clear that these wolves, who even as squires had loved their queen dearly, could not stay. While they were watched closely the group was able to make their escape. [The manner of their escape, the names of their past masters, and any specific details of their training or life in Ebony is completely up to you guys! I'm excited to see what you come up with!]

Word of mouth has carried word of Raisa's survival across the land, and as such the five have turned for Alacritis, prepared to swear their service to a true Queen.

[Image: tgKkLOS.png]

Name: Luka

Gender: Male

Expertise: Navigation

Age: 3 Years

Season of Birth: Summer


Family: Large, complex family group.

Personality: Lacksidasical / Humorous / Apathetic / Disconnected / Stargazer

History: A protege, and a member of a gypsy tribe of traders in the Xanilov's realm. When his family fell on hard times, and on the wrong side of the law, they offered three sons to the army for training. The bargain was accepted, and Luka along with two cousins were handed over. On their way back to the territory's epicenter the group was caught in a terrible storm and were struck by a flash flood. When they finally woke up, dazed and confused, to the soldiers horror they were completely lost. Luka's cousins and half of their party could not be found and were presumed dead. Knowing they were likely in enemy territory the remaining party resigned themselves to death or capture, to which Luka scoffed and turned his gaze towards the night sky. He lead the group back beyond safe lines over the course of three days, saving the life of what he did not know was a high ranking officer. Luka was handed over to the trackers unit of the army with his highest recommendation.

[Image: tI2FVxB.png]

Name: Diarmuid (?deer-mid?)

Gender: Male

Expertise: War

Age: 4 Years

Season of Birth: Autumn

Bloodline: Common

Family: All Assumed Alive: Father / Mother / 2 Brothers / 1 Sister

Personality: Fatherly / Brooding / Cynical / Prude / Straight-forward

History: Diarmuid was born into a common outlying pack, with little to no contact with the inner ring of nobles. He expected a simple life, living hunting and dying with his family. When the Xanilovs went to war with the realm Diar's homeland bordered with, he was pulled into the fray. The young brute proved himself quickly. Again and again he would come out on top where others might have fallen and been swept aside. He was discovered to have a natural gift for strategy, and a calm charisma that inspired his companions. By the end of the war, Diar found himself a captain of a small cohort. His followers would grow, and his own force would become a thing to be reckoned with. The young male moved through the ranks like a fish in the sea, eventually holding higher esteem than many wolves half his age. His tactical abilities were unmatched, and he was not a man of rage or torture, as many others might have become in his position. The man's ability to keep a level head earned him respect so many of his companions lacked, having chosen to breed fear instead.

[Image: DUJ5SFd.png]

Name: Anya

Gender: Female

Expertise: Healing (Poison)

Age: 3 Years

Season of Birth: Summer

Bloodline: Peasant

Family: Irrelevant

Personality: Genius / Haughty / Cold / Sarcsatic / Dangerous

History: An utter protege, this girl made a name for herself before she was even a year old. Daughter to a member of a brothel tribe meant to serve the nobility, Anya saw many disturbing things that did not sit well with the sharp young fae. She slipped away, absence unnoticed for many weeks, and shadowed the pack's finest healers. Simply form observation the child learned the way of toxins, concocting a plan and a potion to ensure her own safety. She had always been a pretty little thing, and knew that in time she would be required to 'serve' just as her mother did. It was no great task to dispatch the brothel's guards, but the captain was a lighter sleeper than she had anticipated. Upon waking he called out the alarm, but when his gods didn't show up he dragged the juvenile by the neck, walking his rounds and finding each cold and dead. Anya believe he would kill her then and there, but instead she was dragged before the royal council, and given over into the hands of the then-Legendary Healer. He would pass on months later, and in his wake leave a sharp eyed cunning young girl who many would whisper about... so long as she wasn't in range of hearing. Her reputation would grow quickly, fiercely, and despite her extreme youth the girl's intellect would skyrocket her into a place of elite prestige and esteem.

[Image: CoYo1R8.png]

Name: Fyodor (?fyo-door?)

Gender: Male

Expertise: Espionage

Age: 4 Years

Season of Birth: Winter

Bloodline: Middling Nobility

Family: Up to you

Personality: Introverted / Strong-But-Silent / Prone to Daydreams / Optimistic / Refined

History: Fyodor was stolen from his family as a pup by a group of rival kingdom's spies. He, along with perhaps a dozen others with royal markings, were taken with the hopes of raising them to become insurgents. They faced cruelty, harsh laws and standards, starvation and abuse. Only three of the original dozen survived their first year. While his companions had been successfully brainwashed, Fyodor only played the fool. They were released back into Ebony territory with their assigned sob story, their new identities, and their marks to be assassinated. Fyodor turned at once to the army in hopes of revealing the breach, and was turned away as a youth with a story. His noble markings kept him from facing an execution, but it would not spare him a savage beating. He turned instead to a more shadowy organization, a group of mercenaries for hire, thinking to swear himself to the leader in return for the deaths of the two insurgents. What he did not know was that that small band was in truth a front for the royal espionage division. He was taken in, re-trained, and used as a double agent for the neighboring kingdom.

[Image: HzVEBD0.png]

Name: Siobhan (?shiv-awn?)

Gender: Female

Expertise: Hunting

Age: 3 Years

Season of Birth: Autumn

Bloodline: Common

Family: Large Clan

Personality: Boisterous / Un-Ladylike / Enjoys Brawling / Curses like a Sailor / Quick to Laugh / Quicker Temper

History: Born in a war band, this young girl was trained from birth to kill. It was not grisley to her, nor a heavy matter, but sport alone. She had very little empathy for the creatures and wolves she was made to hunt, but this hardly made her dark of heart. In fact, she has always been of a joyous, charismatic countenance. Perhaps a bit psychopathic, but that's hardly relevant. After a small border war broke out in her home range, instead of waiting for for the royal army to arrive Siobhan led her small clan against a much larger force and hunted them down in guerrilla-like fashion, hunting and tracking them, taking them out one by one. By the time the nobility arrived to deal with the problem, it was taken care of. The huntress expected retribution for acting in a political manner without royal consent, and when asked who was responsible for this Siobhan stepped forward with fire in her eyes. Instead of punishment, she received praise and recognition.


I will match you up to 300 gems for anything you would like to buy for these beautiful bastards! Thats anything you want for them, accessories, companions, war paint, w/e. So have fun with that! I want these to be awesome guys, like hella sweet.

There are a few things I need to ask of you though...

First, I want these characters to remain ACTIVE! Not, 'Well I didn't have them put officially inactive so technically I'm still good' but ACTIVE. I want to see them posting, interacting with the other Legends and most important interacting with Ebony! We've got all these Old Ebony wolves running around and no one playing them! C'mon guys, we've got a lot of room for some pretty awesome plots here, but they're not gonna happen on their own.


What I need from you is the following:

Name: Which would you like to play?

Any alterations:

RP Sample: 350 Word minimum.

Gemstore Items and Value: What you plan to get and the ammount I will be matching (max. 300 gems)

[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!



4 Years
10-11-2014, 05:19 PM (This post was last modified: 10-11-2014, 05:42 PM by Sacha.)

Name: ANYA

Any alterations: Pfft she's gorgeous just the way she is!

RP Sample: The siren was silent as the grave, watching the discussion as it went between her comrades. Her brow furrowed for a moment, and a single thought rang out through her mind. You can't be serious. Letting out a derisive snort, rosy pools would roll heavenward.
"Diar, that is the most imbecilic thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth." She announced smoothly, the thick, vicious lash of her accent ringing out in the middle of the male's speech. "It's a physical impossibility for you to have fought the polar bear and won, you lack the size to overpower it." She continued, her knowing gaze fixed upon his features. "As well, your strategy is flawed." She added nonchalantly, adding in a haughty smirk just for the fun of it all. Now, she could simply sit back and watch the indignant expression turn into a snarl.
"I absolutely did, An! How do you think I got this scar!" He barked, jerking his shoulder for emphasis. His brow was furrowed so deeply she was worried his eyeballs might pop like berries. She rolled her eyes again, head lolling forward in exhaustion with this lackwitted argument.
"And that's another thing, seeing as you only owe one such scar to this battle with such an immense and powerful opponent, that implies the bear would have only landed one blow upon you. That it illogical, and impossible. The bear could reach about and knock your head right from your shoulders from any place that you could reach to kill him and win the fight." She argued, raising her head again and staring the man down. "You're either lying about the fight, or the victory." She informed him, deadpan toned and rather bored. Honestly, this wasn't a complicated situation. A polar bear was at least four times Diar's size, even as Brobdingnagian as he was. So, by process of elimination, he was obviously lying about something that happened in this make believe scenario.
"You're ruining the story, An." Luka sighed, and she offered him a lopsided shrug.
"I didn't want to risk you all giving Diar more credit than he should have." She purred, grinning wickedly as her gaze flicked back to the titan of a man, who looked about ready to take her apart. That would be a fun thing to watch, in her opinion.

Gemstore Items and Value: Odd markings (for her sexy legs) and that's 300 gems so I was thinking you pay 150 I pay 150? idk we can discuss it if you'd like">



9 Years
Athena I
10-11-2014, 06:15 PM
NAME: Siobhan

ANY ALTERATIONS: Nope, she is perfection.

RP SAMPLE: "You go on around the other side, alright? Split up and head in from each side. I'll head on in this way." She motioned straight ahead of them, glancing back at her hunting party when one of them, one of the newest members to the group, spoke up to protest her heading straight into the herd of elk on her own. According to this whelp it wasn't 'wise' to charge into a herd of large beasts armed with thick antlers. The corners of her mouth twitched with a smirk as she turned around to face him, noting that the rest of the group was giving him glances that said 'ooooooh you shouldn't have gone there.' Well... Aren't you just fucking observant? But you see, I'll run in and take the bull down so all you have to worry your little head about is the does and the babies! But if that is too difficult for you feel free to run home to your mommy. I'm sure she would be fucking thrilled to know her son is such a whimp." With the back talker silenced and the rest of the group entertained she whipped back around to take up her former stance at the head of the group. "Now, if there's no more comments from the peanut gallery lets get this thing over with, ladies!

She dropped low to the ground, the tall grasses hiding most of her brown and white dappled form, moving with swift, practiced elegance. She made a beeline for the largest elk bull in the herd. The wind was on her side, keeping her scent down wind until the very last moment. Her coiled legs sprung her up out of the grass, her powerful jaws latching on to the bull's jugular and using the momentum of her jump to throw the elk to the ground. Her forepaws slammed down on her prey, one on its skull and one on its thick neck, her head jerking back and ripping open its throat before it had a chance to struggle much. She looked up, chuckling when her green gaze found the boy that had commented on her plan moments earlier. He was standing there with wide eyes as the smaller elk ran past him only to be caught by her other hunters. "THAT is how you hunt, boy!" She cackled with laughter and then lifted her head to let out a victorious howl, the hunters that were used to her style quickly joining her.

GEMSTORE ITEMS AND VALUE: Would Fox pay for half of my character slot for her? XD So 200 gems from you <3


10-12-2014, 04:13 PM
Name: Luka

Any Alterations: Maybe a slight crush on Anya, and resent Diar?

RP Sample: {In response to Den, if that's okay.}

Luka turned his black and white head to give Anya a quick glance, his blue eyes narrowed a little as she shrugged and spoke, the male sighing and smirking at Diar as he glared at the golden female. In fact, he wasn't the fighter in the group, preferring to navigate and lead the way, although the others probably didn't like the way he took charge most of the time.

That was their own problem; not his, and if they complained about it, they could find their own way back to Raisa; it would be fine if Anya would stay with him.

Gemstore Items And Value: Nope!!!


10-12-2014, 04:30 PM
I'm overflowing out my ears in characters right now, and I was really looking forward to playing Luka but I don't think I can handle another character. So I must withdraw my application.

I'm so sad ;-;



3 Years
10-13-2014, 12:24 AM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 09:48 PM by Mirabelle.)
Name: Anya :o
Any alterations: nopeee.
RP Sample: 350 Word minimum.
Gemstore Items and Value: What you plan to get and the amount I will be matching (max. 300 gems) If the markings on the legs count, then those. If they don't, I'd want a small companion for her. It will be a black footed cat <3 who BARELY qualify... xD males are 8-10", and females are generally smaller.

-before coup-

"I didn't realize that this family had become so low as to consider you intelligent."

Anya looked down at the wolf. It was so... unimpressive. As a peasant, as a wolf destined to be a whore for nobility, as a pup she had been smarter than this thing. Were she to hold poison in front of him, he probably would take a bite out of it.

But she couldn't do that. Oh, the disappointment. Instead, she just stared at him. Intensely. It didn't help that she was rather tall - she was several inches taller than this male. Combine that with the cold look in her eyes, her stiff body posture and the low rumbling deep in her throat, and the male was practically cowering from her. It was a feeling she enjoyed, honestly. Had she not run to the healers, if she had not murdered her former guards, then she would have been a toy for him.

When she felt she sufficiently cowed the male, she flicked her eyes away. A small smile graced her lips. "Now, will you cooperate? Or will you force me to take some," her she paused, head tilting to the side to stare at him again. "Extreme measures?" The smirk only widened as the male shook his head violently. "Good."

She jerked her head to the side, and one by one the members of the Queen's Legend emerged. The male's eyes widened and he flattened himself, genuflecting before them. As amusing as it was to watch, it couldn't go on.

Anya nudged the male with a paw. "Up. Now go and find your alphas; it's time to begin." Just the tone of her voice warned the male that if he messed up, it would be his death - as well as that of his pack's. A rebel pack housing a noble murderer got no mercy from the Queen's Legend.

When the male scurried off, she turned to face the Queen's Legend. She was smiling broadly. "See? Did I not tell you that my plan was much better? If we had gone Siobhan's route, we would have let the murderer gotten away. Of course, just the site of Siobhan would have made him run."

The other wolf rolled her eyes. "Damn, Anya. You are such an ass sometimes."

Anya gave her a wide smile in return. "Isn't that my charm point?"
[Image: cq7LziB.jpg]



7 Years
10-14-2014, 01:50 PM (This post was last modified: 10-14-2014, 08:43 PM by Empyrea.)

[Image: CoYo1R8.png]

NAME: Fyodor (?fyo-door?) Solnechnaya ( Rough Russian for Theodore Solaris ? small family possibly to be adopted out )

ANY ALTERATIONS: Nope, he's perfect


Quote:Darting between the leaves as silently as mice through moss. Each paw would rest for a brief moment on the forest floor before lifting quickly, having become accustomed to quick steps and sharp reflexes. Blank thoughts of the more specific names of every flora his ochre gaze settled upon passed through one ear to the other? WIP

GEMSTORE VALUE: 300 gems from each of us so he can be 39"? I want him to be tall so he is able to fight if needed, but not like FEE FI FO FUM. If you know what I mean mr bean.



10 Years
10-14-2014, 03:17 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2014, 10:55 AM by Ara.)
user posted image
Name: Diarmuid Bodrov (deer-mid)
Personality: Fatherly / Brooding / Cynical / Straight-forward
Any alterations: Personality-wise, I can imagine Diarmuid being somewhat robotic in how he thinks and acts. He was taught by his mentor that emotion is weakness and he effectively communicates and interacts with little to no feeling or emotion. Even still, he tends to be somewhat fatherly toward the others that he has trained with. Overall he is extremely driven and dedicated, his life dedicated to serving and protecting those above him. Though he grew up in a common family, he spent most of his childhood training and effectively isolated himself from his kin, thinking this was the only way to achieve glory for their family. Because of this -- and because of the events that happened in Old Ebony -- he tends to be deeply cynical.
Gemstore Items and Value: Will likely be buying him 42" of height. If you'd put 300 gems toward it, I'll pay the other 900. (6" = 1,200 gems)

RP Sample:

The silence that rang in his ears was deafening. The normal buzz of his comrades' conversation had slowly faded into nonexistence as the sun set and darkness laid its claim upon the lands. It was his turn to stand guard tonight as the others rested, a duty he would oblige by without complaint. Slowly the massive beast would walk, his pawsteps nearly silent as he moved with the grace of a much smaller being. The darkness was his abode. He fell comfortably into the shadows, his senses heightened as his gaze fell upon the horizon. Perhaps, soon, they might find Raisa -- though his hopes had been shattered time and time again. Still they would press on, and though their goal often felt unobtainable, it was something none of them would stop moving towards unless death itself kept them from her.

For a long moment Diarmuid found himself lost in his thoughts. It had always been his life's ambition to serve, and he couldn't help but feel slightly helpless without a Queen and without his mentor at his side. Slowly he had grown accustomed to life with his comrades, and soon he had even grown fond of them in way he had never felt toward any others, even his siblings. Still his paws moved beneath him, one after another in careful succession.

"Boo! The voice was familiar but startling nonetheless, and he found himself flinching ever-so-slightly as his head swung to the side, searching for the source of the noise. It was closer than he wished, and his muscles tensed involuntarily, hackles raising by instinct alone. It only took a moment for Siobhan to reveal herself, a mess of unattractive laughter at seeing his guise falter if even for an instant. "Very funny, Siobhan," he remarked dryly, her familiar form slowly coming into view as he gazed at her in the darkness.
His crimson gaze was steady and unfeeling even as he looked upon her now.




5 Years
10-20-2014, 10:03 AM
There is much sadness to be had this day...

I have decided to put the Legends on Hiatus, due to the fact that I would like them all to be brought in at once. Due to the influx of hella sweet adoptables right now, I think I am going to hold off on these guys until everyone has a bit more time for them. When they DO resurface, I was very pleased with Nyx, Shelby, and Den's apps! You three will have first choice when they do pop back up again if you'd still like to claim them.

Sorry to disappoint, but I'm sure we'll all have plenty to occupy ourselves with with the Tsanka and the South Ala natives! (:
[Image: Kxe2eLS.png]
Y'all should be jelly of these sexy Tea arts!