
We as Infidels



Extra small
09-27-2013, 08:09 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2013, 09:41 PM by Syrinx.)

OOC: [ ]

Syrinx would call out for his eldest daughter, the one that had been the most present in Valhalla, and he would wait for her in his condemning silence. It was time to begin her training, to craft her into a warrior without perplexion. She needed to become something superior and something better. The first steps to that would be teaching her about her blood, would be teaching her that she could do anything with the strength that was in her. She was a pure warrior. He and Eos had genetics that, together, could not fail. Of this he was well aware.

"Vyvienne," her name was ushered from his lips and his legs were planted against the ground. The stature of the emperor would appear to be larger for admittedly, he had put weight on, sitting silently and in anoyance in Valhalla. Never before had he lacked a purpose, but he had to admit, things were a bit boring while he had nothing to do. He, admittedly, was excited for the war that was on the horizon, and he was certainly going to be taking part. After all, he was a force to be reckoned with, non? Lips curved into a wry toothy grin and he stared at the landscape, looking at it as though he envisioned fire, and chaos. With Eos gone, the strands that tied him to reality seemed to snap a little more each day, and it was painful for him to admit, but he was slipping, and with every step he went farther and farther into the endless abyss.



09-28-2013, 11:53 AM

She followed her father?s summons, not because she was a particularly obedient daughter, but because her father was hers and she had not been able to keep close track on his presence lately. Her dark brown frame carried herself through the landscape, long limbs pulling her towards her sire, who she greeted with wide acidic eyes and a blank stare. Vyvienne Adravendi was quite the sight; she was an extremely large girl, especially for her age. Upon arrival she would swiftly decline into a seated position.

?Father,? she said without much emotion. ?Where?s mine?? she asked, a simple, strange way of her asking where her siblings and mother were. No, there was nothing incestual about her possession of her siblings, but rather she viewed those around her as objects. If she liked them enough, they became hers, and then she could control them. For now, all she could do was control her sisters, but perhaps as she grew her capabilities would expand. Perhaps her father had called her here to teach her how to take what she wanted.



Extra small
09-28-2013, 10:03 PM

OOC: [ ]

he liked when things were different and Vyvienne was precisely that. He, of course, expected no less for she was his daughter, and his daughters were only as strong as he. there was no difference, and now, it was up to him to train them for life with the absence of Eos. He could not say that her departure was unexpected, for she had never really been a constant marker in their lives, but he could admit he was surprised that she would take off with such rapidity. He would find her and try to find what so coaxed her away. He wanted her to be a part of her children's lives, for she had not had a mother, but that did not mean the children were meant to face the same fate. Perhaps, in her book it did, or perhaps she had just forgotten to care. The latter was the most probable. She had never been a particularly loving creature regardless of her upbringing. She was...different, though he respected this.

"You should keep track of that which belongs to you, Vyvienne," If she had stepped up as the leader of her siblings and the superior one to be, then it was fair that he push such a task onto her. If she wanted power then he was going to make respect a resplendent and overbearing factor of her life. He would force his daughter to become a legion instead of a single force to be reckoned with. "What do you see in Valhalla? What has it brought you?" he needed to know what she already knew, and from there he would begin.



09-28-2013, 11:31 PM

She observed her father as he instructed her, dared to provide her with guidance. And yet she would tolerate for now, as she had yet to grow to his size, had yet to gain a strength of her own, a strength that would render her able to subdue him. ?They shouldn?t leave me,? she told him coolly, a chilling response. ?Mine,? she reiterated in explanation. They were hers, and if they left her, others might be mistaken in exactly who her sisters and mother belonged to. Nonetheless, if they were too filled with wanderlust, it was up to Vyvienne to punish and discipline her.
Her father asked about this place, about Valhalla. ?Nothing,? she answered truly, for she had yet to obtain much anything from the pack. ?It stinks,? she responded. It stunk of another, it stunk of someone who dared to think they had dominance over the chocolate-drizzled girl. Oh, she was not content with that. It?s mine,? she said, because it was true. She?d been told it was her pack, and thus it was so. It took merely a word of possession for her to decide that something belonged to her. Acidic gaze faced upon her father, curious what he would say to that. Certainly he would understand that he, too, was hers.



Extra small
09-29-2013, 01:32 AM

his child's chilling tone did not daun him as though it should have ad it was because he was naturally so unattached. perhaps another father, or most any member of valhalla would have found him to be particularly confusing given the fact that he just let her words roll off his ears, but he cared little what the others thought. his daughter would be a weapon of mass destruction and he could not wait to see the consecration of the earth below her. she would be an unparalleled weapon of destruction, especially if he could lobotomize her in the ways he would attempt.

"Things will always leave. you must force them to stay," he needed to let the first thing she learned be that she had to be iron in her standing. she had to force herself to keep control of what was supposedly hers. His ears pivoted and turned with her little revelation, and he understood the truth in it. She had learned nothing, but with the tides of war, hopefully that would change, "non, child, remember this, something does not need to be under your control to be yours," Valhalla was not his, not any longer, but it was, consequentially, true that he had enough pull and levity in the pack, as Cairo's first-born, to get pretty much anything he wanted done accomplished. That grasp on reality wouldn't only expand as time continued.



2 Years
09-29-2013, 06:20 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2013, 11:10 AM by Meinx.)
The dark pearl was so alone in this place- consumed by the time that drifts away so fast that not even she could care about meeting people. It was a call that caught the attention of the girl, her father. Yet it would not be for Meinx, no. it would be for Vyvienne. A sigh would roll past the ebony lips as the moon hinted orbs would roll in an exaggerated manner. Standing would the small femora whisk across the earth to greet the two- the two wolves she has seen very little of. Her steps where in a constant beat, silent and predator like as she'd approach behind her father. Strong and confidant Meinx would stand a few meters away, the cranium held higher then usual. " Oh.. So you've forgotten about me now, papa?" The sarcastic, wicked tune to the voice would be captured into the scene, before a weak chuckle would ease it over.

The gaze would drift slowly over vyv, a smirk twisting upon the lips knowing that they where destined for great things. After a few moments Meinx would stand beside her older sister, there differences only slight- for one- the only obvious difference is there eye colour. One thing would always linger on the mind- did her sister think she owned all the siblings, even Meinx? It was a thought worth clinging to. Her mother had been absence, did she leave them to carry on the life of a rouge? did Eos not love them anymore?

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


09-29-2013, 04:00 PM

Her father?s response was understandable, but Vyvienne was under the impression that everything should know how strong she was, how powerful she was, and should be inclined to stay. ?Why didn?t you force mother to stay?? she inquired, curious. She wasn?t injured by the loss of the woman, but more curious. ?All that is mine is under my control,? she told her father. They just don?t know it yet. One of her belongings would then wander in, interrupting the conversation. Acidic gaze settled upon her smaller, dark sister, a low growl rumbling in her chest.
?He called me for a reason. Leave, or I will make you,? she told Meinx. She would find the girl later and perhaps bond, but for now she didn?t want her possessions mixing. If Syrinx had wanted Meinx he would have called for her, but that wasn?t the case. Later she would visit with her sister, but for now the girl wanted to hear whatever it was her father had called her here for. Her posture was clear; if her sister didn?t comply, she wouldn?t hesitate to fight her.



Extra small
10-07-2013, 09:52 AM

the beast had a lot on his mind, Eos disappering did not particularly sate his thirst, but alas, it was a fine wager, one that he could not give up on. She was an undiluted strain of power and he needed to believe that her aggression was being well enough placed elsewhere. He would search for her soon to sanctify his mind if nothing else. Eyes fell on Meinx as she arrived, as she questioned, and wondered about her mother dearest. Shoulders rolled and an inquisitive glare consumed his gaze, " your mother does not love. she feels nothing. Perhaps to myself she feels something that is nothing more than understanding, we know where each other come from, but we are not the same. she's always yearned to be alone," who would have thought he the housewife in their equation? Perhaps he had always known he would be the one to raise their brood, but he had said nothing. had not allowed himself to speak when he had no qualm with the outcome. His children were strengthened. He had lost a motherly form in life and he had turned out fine. Better than. he had a sense of loyalty and determination, while he also held an unequivocal ability to have anything he wanted. Perfection cloaked him well.

Slavering and turning to see Vyvienne as she questioned him with the indifference she had portrayed since a child, "I do not force your mother to do anything. I would be foolish," he would be indeed. For forcing her down such a path would only have, ultimately, resulted in his own misery. A thought he did not stand well to fancy. The empyrean would raise a brow as a threat was issued from Vyvienne to Meinx. He knew well of her nature and immediately he would insert himself into her line, prompting her to reconsider. "Your sisters will aid you much in life, Vyvienne. Perhaps it is best they know of everything. Make them your strongest bonds. As one, you are a queen, together you are a legion. Hell's legion,"



2 Years
10-07-2013, 11:46 AM
Her gaze would consistently shift between the two, before finally burying upon her sister, A scowl burning across her mask towards the word that spill, The lips would part- it wasn't a challenge Meinx would be accustomed to, rather in the teens mind it was or even is better to think with the mind before going straight into the attack to prove a point that wasn't even in need of being made- a simple greeting would of been nice. Afterall why do something you'll later regret. Parting the lips there would be no response- interrupted by her fathers own hiss. " You may be the fighter right know.. Vyvienne but that's not necessarily the best thing. Fathers right. We would all be powerful as one- like a rock, not alone. Everyone can be defeated, even you."
It was a fact that would murmur from parted maw ,her wispy tail flicking behind her.

'your mother does not love. she feels nothing.'

As the thought lingered in her brain, her orbs would asses her guardian over " Is that the same to you? Would you rather be alone, did you not love mother? Would we be any different?" It wasn't that meinx cared, but rather she was interested in how this family is built. At this moment in time, Meinx wasn't much of fighter, more of a plotter and with that she was rather proud. But as the months go past, her skills will expand and perhaps she will become a great warrior and even leader if she wishes to strike a claim.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



Extra small
10-21-2013, 05:55 PM

Meinx was the more level-headed of the group which made her the most like an Adravendi out of any of them--and though it irked him to believe so he could believe no less and would refuse to believe anything other. His head straightened up and he shook out the tension from his body; their conversation was to be had amongst themselves and he would not have an integral part in it. Siblings built character and Syrinx intended to see his children become particularly bubbling in character and ideas. They would need to supply the ropes to do that to one another for he could not do everything for them.

"Your mother and I have a bond stronger than mere love--never forget that. She is understood by me when the rest of the world rebukes her and she rebukes them. What we have is not as easily categorized 'love'. To us, to think such a thing, would be curious if not offensive," Syrinx did love Eos as a sibling--but in the greater scheme of things he held an emotion unknown towards her.

"You are different always. You are superior. 100% Adravendi blood, and that is what places you above the rest of the world," it was hard to explain that their blood was what set them apart.