
I could really use a wish right now...


09-25-2013, 12:51 PM

Gloved paws touched quietly upon the ground of the strange cave formation. He glanced around, aqua blue eyes taking in the darkness and eeriness of the caves. He had been passing by, and his ears had picked up melodic sounds from this direction. But there was nobody he could scent, all there seemed to be was the musty taste of damp earth and rock. But there had to be something here, something that drew him near. A soft whispering voice entered his black lined audits, drawing him forward. Was it an illusion? Or was there someone in there singing a sad melody? The voice he thought, sounded like a woman's...sad, full of a hunger that he could not identify...the seemed to sing to him. And somehow, he felt it was familiar. The voice tugged at his heart, at his very soul. The boy closed his eyes, soaking in the tune that made his heart sink and fill with sorrow. Yet at the same time, it seemed to soothe his very core.

He stood there for what seemed like an eternity, the voice slowly dying away. The emotions that circulated in those notes, filled him with so many feelings. And then he knew. Slowly he opened his eyes, the voice fading into nothing more then silence. "Mother..."

The white males voice would ring in a single whisper. Sorrow etched within when the realization of who that melody belonged to hit his core. His mother was gone, yet her voice still followed him. It brought the boy to tears, though he tried hard to keep them from falling, one or two would make their way to the ground. He swallowed, trying to control the tightness that constricted his throat. Then he would seat himself, and stare at the far ends of the caverns...waiting. Waiting to see if she would call to him at least one more time.



09-25-2013, 01:19 PM

Wolf from dawnthieves, manip by Ocena. Character belongs to Deneke!

The singing caverns. They drew the icy temptress into their dark embrace with songs of sorrow, and yet, there was a beauty in the rising and falling of the sad tunes the cave emitted. The ivory she wolf let dainty paws fall silently on the stone floor, her otherworldly silver pools called to her attention another wolf within the shadows. Waves of pure depression radiated from the bichromatic pelt, most likely caused by the trickery of the caves they stood within. The pure ivory maiden would say something, but she did not know this wolf, and she herself would have preferred to be alone at such a time. So, instead of making an attempt at conversation, or even acknowledging his presence, she moved away and sat in the shadows. Her own voice, eerie and soft, created it's own tune to match the songs that were starting up. Her silky vocals wavered and lilted, the most beautiful of songs filling the caverns. Until the other wolf pulled himself together, the snowy rose would wait, singing along to the sorrowful tunes of the invisible sirens within the dark caverns.



09-25-2013, 01:46 PM

Moments would pass. The voice that drew him to the caverns did not completely cease its song. It was as if his mother were actually here, whispering her sweet song to him. He stared at the ground, wondering if it was just a trick of his mind or whether this was real. Alacritis so far, seemed to be full of mysteries. This one in particular, was the only mystery to truly draw something out of him. His parents were dead, killed in some cruel accident of fate. His sister had been taken away by a couple who feared that she would end up in the same predicament. His older brother, gone without a trace. Didn't even care about what happened to their mother and father. And Drake? He left on his own to find a permanent home so that his sister could live with him.

With a shuddering breath, he swallowed back the constriction that threatened to choke him. He closed his eyes once more, soaking in the last remnants of his mothers lost song. Black lined ears would twitch back, hearing something intermingle with the sorrowed song of his mother. From his position, he turned to look back towards the entrance. To see where the other melody was coming from. It sounded surreal to him, beautiful yet haunting. Aqua eyes sought out the figure hiding in the shadows, here white pelt outlined by the shadows. He moved to face her direction, wiping away the tears with his paw before doing so. As he tried to collect himself, he would swallow back his emotions and face her.

"S-sorry've a beautiful name is Drake, just wandered here...I guess the caverns are playin' tricks on my ears." He didn't mean to speak nonsense. Though he supposed he needed a distraction, something to pull him away from the haunting lyrics that pulled at him. He sniffed once, hoping that his voice wouldn't cave in the next round of talking.



09-25-2013, 02:09 PM

The male would cease his tears, and his ears would twitch towards the damsel with the derma of fresh snow. He took notice of her sitting there, and a heavily accented voice would make its way into her pyramidal auds. "S-sorry miss... You've a beautiful voice... My name is Drake, just wandered here... I guess the caverns are playin' tricks on my ears..." He explained, the sheer sorrow in his voice softening the woman's heart ever so slightly. She stood up, padding towards him. Her feminine hips would sway in an attractive manner, her long, silky ivory banner sweeping across tall heels. A pair of raven's feathers embedded in her tail would dance an erratic ballet in the quickly changing air currents. Her face held no emotion, her eerie moonstone orbs were consuming, yet within them, there was a trace of something, her own sorrows.

As she approached, it was soon discovered she was taller than the bi pigmented male. Her curvy, lean frame offered a willowy grace as she walked, her movements to fluid she seemed to float over the ground. She could tell that he was younger than herself, but it was no matter. She let her inky black lips part to reveal formidable pearl razors, and her voice filled the air between them. "Thank you for the compliment, my dear. Seeing as you have introduced yourself, I shall offer you the same courtesy. My name is Aurora. Did you hear the voice of a loved one? These caves can be very cruel in that manner." She told him, her voice otherworldly in tone, the burr of a faint Russian accent the only thing to keep her soft, silky voice from being utter perfection. When she spoke, it was nearly a whisper, but there was no doubt in her mind that he heard her.

She offered him a tiny smile, and sat down a few of her long strides away, wrapping her thick tail around her powerful paws and waiting for a response from him. Her thick fur settled like a waterfall over her beautiful frame, shining ever so slightly like the lights with which she shared a name.


09-27-2013, 01:20 AM
Aquarion gaze glanced up as the woman approached him. He could tell that she was obviously taller then him, but size was never an issue for him, nor did it deter him from making friends or being more then that. Though it was safe to say that the young boy had never fallen in love before, nor did he know what it was like. His gaze rested on the pale silver eyes of the woman, her gaze soft and filled with a sorrow all her own. Black lined ears leaned forward as she spoke, her voice sweet and melodic touched with an accent he did not know. He himself was Australian and it was his own kind of voiced accent he was used. Asided from the normal english, he had never heard a Russian accent before.

"My name is Aurora. Did you hear the voice of a loved one? These caves can be very cruel in that manner." A small whine would rumble in his throat, the pitiful sound of a small dog after she had said that. With a choked sigh, the emotion threatening to choke him out, he met her gaze and tried with all his might to remain calm and collected...though he was sure it was obvious that he was failing at it. "Actually...yes...I hear the voice of my...of my Mother. She...she passed away when I was a few months old. I still remember her song." The boy turned his head to look deeper towards the caverns, the song now gone. Returning his gaze of purified blue he spoke again, "Is it wrong to keep hearing the voice of passed on souls? Or am I just goin' crazy? Sometimes I can't tell y'know?" Ah...he was rambling again. Though not as bad as he usually did when emotions threatened to overtake him. He was doing his absolute best not to break down in front of this stranger, and so far it was paying off.

His eyes swept over the woman for a brief moment, noticing how the light that entered the cave would play upon her pelt. Her silver eyes were definitely worth a look, as they reflected the light that seemed to bounce all over them. The song she had sung previously, that was definitely a beautiful masterpiece. Flowing gently and with sorrow to match the song of his lost Mother. She was taken away from him too soon, and he needed to find out how. Thus the search for his older brother began...and in the process, he had come across this woman who was as pretty and as fair as the full moon on a starlit night.


09-27-2013, 12:14 PM

As she listened to his reply, her heart broke for him and his sorrows. She came closer, as it was clear he would not be holding it together much longer. She rested her delicate cranium along the side of his neck, gentle as a summers breeze, her voice falling from her lips to create a soft string of calming words. "Now now, it is okay. It is perfectly normal to hear the voice of one you have loved and lost. I used to hear the voices of my entire pack, and that is why I do not come here as often, it is simply too much to handle with the wounds still raw." She told him, her voice trailing off as she bit back her own sorrows before they could pour out of her like a river through a failing beaver dam. From her pristine ivory coat, the scent of lavender and ginger would waft into the olfactory sensors of whoever was in her vicinity.

She lifted her head from his soft pale fur, her face just a few inches from his. She offered him a light smile, beating her thick alabaster banner upon the dark stone floor in an attempt to lighten his spirits. Stepping away, she went to follow a cheery song of her own through the caverns. Albino hips would sway in a manner that most found alluring, yet was an unconscious part of her long stride. A thick, silky tail would sweep like a pendulum across tall heels, twin raven feathers dancing erratically in the constantly changing air currents. For instance, the song you hear now, is that of my dead, infant sister. She said with absolutely no emotion, for allowing any into her voice would cause her to break down. She was stone cold, her tone completely matter of fact. A small pool of water, constantly fed by a stalactite above, altered her reflection, and she saw a single figure trapped within the mirror surface upon the ground. Lily Lunashka, her mother.

A single tear was all she would part with, dripping into the pool and leaving a single, small dark track down the angelic fur covering her angular cheekbone. Then she was moving again, knowing if the man wanted to catch up, he would. Then there was silence, her baby sister's sweet, carefree voice gone again. Aurora would shed not a tear, let out no wail of inner agony, for though inside she was broken, she knew that the song was not real, just a trick played on her mind as a sick, twisted joke from the world. In a single, fluid motion, she was resting on her haunches, waiting for the next song, for the black and white male to arrive and speak once more, or for her spirits to lighten again.

Talk like this


09-27-2013, 07:41 PM
Ivory and ebony marked head turned down for a moment, then his breath caught when he felt a soft warming touch to his neck. The woman had moved forward, resting her head briefly against his neck. And in return, he leaned forward and pressed his face into the soft fur of her neck and chest. He inhaled her scent, the sweet smell of lavender and ginger intermingled within his nostrils. It was soothing, to have close contact like this. His mother often did this when he felt sad, except her pelt carried the scent of the ocean mixed with coconut. Ah the memories...His ears would move to listen to the sweet words of the maiden, her notes like sweet and gentle music to his mind. She knew how he felt, and it wasn't everyday he met a wolf that had the same feelings as he.

He looked up as she moved away, giving him a smile that in turn, made him create a smile of his own. She turned and spoke, his ears listening to the new song that would cry in the darkness. Her sister...such a young age to pass... He noticed her tone was devoid of any emotion towards it, but why? No matter how long ago his tragic losses happened, and when the memories entered his mind, he couldn't help but still get emotional. It was just who he was, sensitive...sometimes he hated it. But he didn't like trying to be one of those guys who thought crying was a sign of weakness. No, to him it was a sign of strength. Of the trials and tribulations one had endured during their life, and he had endured quite a lot.

He followed her, stopping just a few feet back as she stopped over a puddle. He stared at the small body of water, seeing the surface ripple for a moment then sit still. Closing his eyes in understanding, he moved forward and touched her shoulder with his nose. "It's okay to cry y'know? But...if you need someone to talk to, or if you ever need help...I'm here. I know how hard it is sometimes, but with that comes strength. Aurora, I'll help you through the sorrows and sadness if you'll allow me. One should never stand alone for long, the world gets lonely that way. I should know, I've been alone since my parents passed...and I was just cast to the side, an invisible. Nobody should live that way." He touched his tail to her side in a comforting manner, the motion comforting to him as well, and hoping it would comfort her at least a little. Would she believe him? He inwardly made the promise, and promises he never broke.


09-27-2013, 08:13 PM
She felt his presence beside her, cool and calm as the ocean. She could hear his heavily accented voice filling her auds, telling her it was okay to cry, telling her he would help her, be her soft place to fall. He mentioned his own hardships, and Aurora felt guilt for feeling sorrows, when he had most likely had it worse. She felt his tail along her side, comforting her. He was warm, his body heat enveloping her, making her feel safe, loved. "Thank you, Drake. That means more than you know." She whispered, her voice hoarse as she continued to hold back emotions. She had promised her mother long ago that she would only cry if she couldn't stay strong anymore. She was still strong, she would hold in those tears, save them for when something truly sorrowful happened.

She looked up, met those kind aqua tinted orbs, and smiled weakly. "I lost my entire family, my whole pack. All because of a fire." She told him, her voice nearly inaudible. Her normal voice was but a whisper, so only those near her could really take in her whisper, and even they had to strain their ears. "My little sister was carried off by a hawk, my twin brother, mauled by a bear. My father, as well as the remaining pack, the ones who escaped the fire, were killed in an ambush by a rogue pack. After that, it was only me and my mother. She died of starvation before we could reach these lands. I am the last of the Lunashka's." She told him, deciding someone must know, and this kind young man seemed trustworthy enough. She sighed, looking once more into the puddle. Her face, she came to realize, was streaked with the tracks of tears who had fallen silently as she brought voice to her history. Her otherworldly silver pools had been tainted with an icy blue as those tears had fallen, making her eyes look even stranger.

She watched the male's face, searching in his oceanic eyes for signs of judgement, pity, disgust, or something else. They were both side by side, his tail on her side, and their eyes meeting. She wondered what would come next from Drake.