
Let me hear your battle cry

Zodiac I


3 Years
10-04-2013, 05:07 PM
We fight to live, we live to fight

And tonight, you'll hear my battle cry

Blood was thick in the air some a few days old or older while others were obviously newer; those sapphire eyes closed briefly as those tormenting memories of the wars only a few years ago came to mind again. A sigh left her black lips but the veteran shrugged it off as those eyes opened once again, tail flicking she found her self in the middle of a ring of some sort. Blood was splattered here and there; no doubt a fight of some kind had taken place here recently. Standing where she was, the fea offered a small howl for any near by, simply yo test their skills and sharpen her own for Zodiac was starting to get a tad rusty. Not that she wanted to fight she proved to do so only when necessary.



10-04-2013, 05:56 PM
The soil here practically reeked with the metallic tang of blood, and it unnerved her. Her random wanderings had brought her to the Battlefield for no apparent reason, but as a distant call went out for a challenger, her ears pricked. She wasn't a good fighter, but with all the conflict she was encountering, perhaps it would be a good idea to try and gain some expertise.

She loped off towards the sound, finding a she-wolf with vibrant blue eyes waiting. "Um, perhaps we could spar, if you'd like?" she offered, a tad awkwardly. She set her defenses, just in case the girl took her up on it. Ears were flicked backwards, head lowered and shoulders moved forward so the shaggy ruff of her neck would protect her throat. She did not clench her claws into the dirt, but let herself loosen up, ready to jump away if needed.

(How many rounds?)


10-04-2013, 06:04 PM

A witch with a frown should be neither patronized nor crossed. One would assume Zodiac would know as much by now. The dame?s satin lips were curved into a look of exasperation at having woken alone and with no forewarning as to where her friend had lumbered off to. Her initial response had been to bide her time in the event that the larger female was merely out relieving herself or possibly hunting for whatever morsels there was to be had. However, as the minutes ticked on her surety in these speculated activities lessened, allowing her annoyance and unease thrive without reservation. Not that she would ever admit to being worried.

How could she leave and not say anything? It wouldn?t have taken more than a few nudges to stir her from slumber, inform her of her intended whereabouts, and then depart to whatever godforsaken hovel she fancied. ?Unless she didn?t want me to know about it?? the thought rose unbidden in her thoughts, planting the seed of further doubt where already a field of it grew.

The black female quickened her strides and grimaced at what she had come to find in her search. The scene before her was disturbingly familiar. Not because the witch had ever set foot on the bloodied plateau but because it was this very thing that she and Zodiac had fled from in the first place. War, strife and death were what had brought them to Alacritis? shores. Liet did not want to be here but apparently the urge was not as easily resisted in Zodiac.

Said wolf stood in a carefully constructed ring as her howl echoed its challenge, summoning another female. Being too far to hear what was being said, Lietaenyl rushed up to the designated fighting area but respectfully - or reluctantly - stayed outside it's perimeter. "I hope you know I'm not healing you if you get hurt!" She huffed, sulking and knowing that her threat was an empty one.


Zodiac I


3 Years
10-04-2013, 06:39 PM
We fight to live, we live to fight

And tonight, you'll hear my battle cry

Standing there as she was the titan of a women simply waited for her called to be answered; with the shift of the wind it brought her a new scent one of that of another wolf, unmistakably female and young. It wasn't long before the fea made her self known asking about a spar; she seemed unsure of her self. But before Zodiac could answer her traveling companion showed up, threatening not to treat her making the older women let out a brief chuckle. "I know you better then that, Liet." All too well knowing her threats were folly and nothing more then that.

Shifting her gaze to the other women a nod was given. "Your move." The women drawled, shifting those shoulder forward as that head lowered and alined with her spine. Eyes narrowed as those ears tucked tightly against her head, those black lips curled back against the upper and lower part of her jaw reveling those pearly white fangs. That tail was held out much like a rudder behind her for better balance; paws spread out evenly for balance as those claws would dig them selves into the ground for better traction.

Zodiac Vs Arayne for Spar.

Move: Zero of Four.

Attacks: None.

Defenses: Set - Shoulders pushed forward, head lowered and alined with the spine. Eyes narrowed, ears tucked, lips pulled back against the upper and lower part of the jaw. Tail held out for balance, claws dug into the earth for better traction as those paws spread out evenly to distribute balance evenly.



10-04-2013, 07:28 PM
Another wolf joined them, a black-and-white female who spoke to her opponent snappily. Arayne offered a few wags of her tail in greeting before turning back to the wolf she was to fight. The woman let Arayne have the first move. "A-alright." she said, swallowing. From here, the grey one looked like a boulder, immovable and anchored. She would have to strike where it counted instead of get into an all-out grapple.

Keeping her ears back and her tail held out for balance, Arayne moved from one side to the head, her head shifting like a serpent about to strike. She doubted she could fake out the larger wolf, but she was more concerned with finding a place to aim for. She stalked around the woman's right side in a circular path that slowly tightened as Arayne passed Zodiac's shoulder.

She paused midstep, and, like a whip cracking, she lunged, jaws flying open with lifted lips to attempt to bite onto the right side of Zodiac's neck, on the muscles behind her ear. If she managed to get a grip, she would also push herself forward, hunching her shoulders, hopefully turning Zodiac's head away from her. She knew enough about fighting to know that keeping her opponent's teeth as far away as possible was a wise decision. Her hindpaws were kept firmly anchored to the ground, although her front paws were lifted as she tried to get a grip on Zodiac's flesh.

Zodiac VS Arayne for Spar
Move: 1/4
Attacks: Lunges at Zodiac's right side, trying to bite the flesh behind her right ear and hold while pushing Zodiac's head away
Defenses: Ears down, lips up, hindpaws dug into ground, tail straight, shoulders hunched
Injuries: None

Edit: Bolded Arayne's words.


10-04-2013, 10:52 PM

Lietaenyl harrumphed; mildly aggravated that Zodiac was not at all deterred by her threat yet at the same time pleased the witch to know her friend knew her personality to such a point. Still, that did not excuse the fact that her sister had decided to separate them without so much as a hint of forewarning and the medic clung to her anger like a starving leech. Her forgiveness wouldn?t be hard won but she was certainly not going to make the endeavor an easy one.

?Don?t think this means you?re off the hook Zodi,? the dame scowled. ?I?ll be using an disinfectant that burns for every one of you injuries.?This promise was one the spiteful witch would undoubtedly keep. Resigned to being a spectator she gave the other wolf, Zodiac?s opponent, a thoughtful but unfriendly look. ?If you get hurt don?t expect to be treated either.? She snubbed, though again her words echoed hollowly and were devoid of their intent to do as promised ? or not do as it were.

She sat on her heals and watched the proceedings with minimal interest in the fight itself so much as cataloging the damage inflicted between the pair.
