
When I'm alone[joining]


09-24-2013, 06:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-24-2013, 06:38 PM by Hajime.)

It seemed that more than one wolf had locked on these lands after all the commotion. Word traveled fast to the so called prince's ears after the rumors took place. Not that he traded too deeply in that kind of stuff. He was just crawling faster and faster away from his uncle as the days went by. Hajime was nearly two years of age, and by his size you couldn't tell the difference. The boy pulled himself across the border at the edge of it as he scented the fresh blood. Glaciem as he had heard it. It was early morning, and mist was falling across the ground. His red eyes narrowed on the place. He didn't know if he was making the right decision. After all, his mother, was part of Seracia. And she didn't even know he was here with uncle Allen. If she were to discover him, she may just want to steal him from his new home that he chose. As for when he was a loner he could do as he pleased. As he flicked his black tail the lightly colored brown male standing at thirty six inches in height let out a sudden bark, right then and there he made his decision.
If a problem rose, he'd solve it. After all, he wasn't going to just stand by and do nothing. It may have seemed cruel, but after killing his adopted brother Hajime hadn't really thought about what others thought. The man was going to kill his mother, so he was sure it was a fair decision. Hajime was not a perfect boy after all. He may not have been perfect but he wasn't a saint either. Though only the judgement of the god in heaven could possibly understand him. Even if the whole world turned against him, he wouldn't care. As long as those he cared about were safe and doing well.




5 Years
Extra large
09-24-2013, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 01:51 PM by Taurig.)

The habit of border patrolling in Glaciem had carried over with the new King into his new territory. It was kind of a habitual thing now for him, to get up, find something to eat and then head out for the daily patrol. But in this instance, it was for a different purpose. He wasn't patrolling because there was a threat to his pack, but because he was looking out for those who wished to join his new pack. So far he'd only come across a few. But a bark in the distance would alert the King to the presence of a newcomer. Without hesitation the titan would advance towards the call of the stranger, following the scent markers he'd laid down not too long ago, icy gaze coming across the light brown figure of a rogue male.

Taurig would slow to a steady walk, features calm and friendly, tail hanging between his hocks. Morning sir. I am Taurig, King of these lands. What has brought you to my borders this day? The gargantuan would halt before the man, the words falling his dark jowls non-threatening.

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09-24-2013, 08:10 PM

Hajime looked at the dark male, his red eyes widened with his size. His father instantly came to mind from the stories his mother had told him. Izaya had been a forty inch tall wolf with red eyes. Though this king was far different, it was simply the fact that Hajime hadn't meet a wolf larger than him, until now. His pure black tail flicked back and forth as the perfect skinned male made a small dip of his head. The Dark prince himself wasn't even certain how he'd fit in here. Yet, within the past of the place and how it was reconciling. He wished to help some, if any at all until he could figure out what he wanted to do with his life. His name Taurig....could he have permission to use it as simply as it was. "Shin'ainaru-nushi wa, watakushiha ni jibun jishin o shutoku shite imasu nani o oshiete" The boy whispered to himself slightly as he pulled himself down onto his paws. He was now on his stomach before tapping his nose against the dirt and raising himself again.
"My name is Hajime Walker. I'm wishing to join Tortuga. I'm not quiet sure what the pack is about though. Taurig-sama." His red eyes glinted as his black ear moved towards him. Hajime was strange, Taurig would probably see that, but he meant well in all that was his young heart. He wasn't even an adult yet. "I turn two this winter." Hajime figured it was a needed detail. Just in case the way a pack worked, he was not allowed an actual rank till he was of age. Although by his own terms and his stolen childhood, he was already an adult. And winter would be here soon, it only had a measly few months to go for it to come around.

Translation:; Dear lord tell me what I am getting myself into




5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2013, 02:00 PM

The young man was a very decent size, still smaller than the Cobalt King, but large in his own respect. It was clear that be belonged to no pack, his scent completely free of any trace of neighboring packs. He appeared to be a respectable young man and Taurig was more than happy to extend a helping to paw to anyone seeking refuge. He would watch in curiosity as the earthen male would lower himself to the ground, belly kissing the earth as he tapped his nose to the ground before raising himself back to his full height. That was certainly interesting. He had never seen another wolf do something like that before. But to each his own; he wasn't one to judge.

My name is Hajime Walker. I'm wishing to join Tortuga. I'm not quiet sure what the pack is about though. Taurig-sama. Hajime Walker. It was certainly a very unique name. He liked it. He wished to join his pack. The King saw no reason not to allow him to, a smile creasing his jaws at Hajime's version of his name. Obviously, he was from another land because he'd never heard his name said like that before. Welcome Hajime to my home. I am more than happy to extend a home to you too, but I must now what talents you posses that you could offer to my pack. Everyone here is an equal, but everyone works hard as well.

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09-26-2013, 12:37 PM

Hajime tilted his head slightly, his black tail flicking behind him. Well, he wasn't entirely as nervous as he had been now. After all, he wasn't entirely sure what he was going to be doing within his life. "Most of my skills are unpolished. I can talk well with others, and I've had experience with fighting. My mother resides in Seracia, though I'm not sure if she knows I'm here." His red eyes moved away slightly when he thought about it. "I've had group training before. I don't hunt very well, though I have some knowledge of herbs." He explained. Trying to get every detail he knew that could be of some use. The boy turned his head down and gave a bit of a sigh.
"I have lots to learn but I always try as hard as I can. Things are a bit scattered for me, but other than that I learn quickly." Hajime finished with that. He nearly thought he was talking the kings ear off. He probably wasn't, but it was clear he was a bit, off about some things. Haji just wasn't quiet sure how to handle a superior after living most of his life only looking after himself and even others. He had never had been looked after, and his mother had told him he could only rely on his state of heart rather than any others. His red eyes flickered looking over the brute.




5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 02:20 PM

There wasn't much reason for him to ask of his potential members what skills they had, but he felt that every wolf needed to have a job, a responsibility, something that made them feel like they were important. And he wanted all of his members to feel like they were important, hence the question. Hajime would explain that he dabbled in all the arts, hunting, fighting and healing, adding on that he was a quick leaner and a hard worker. And that was pretty much all he needed. Hard workers. Well I have positions for hunters, warriors and healers open if you would like a rank from one of those. Or if you don't feel confident enough yet to hold a title, you may just be a regular member until you feel that you're ready and I see you are fit. Of course, the King would have to see that the man was willing and hard working, that he was actively trying to better himself in order to obtain a rank. Everyone had to put in their time in order to receive their reward.

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09-26-2013, 02:28 PM

Hajime was happy as he wagged his tail back and forth. A choice? He had expected the king to just place him where ever. He hadn't been in a pack before so he hadn't been sure. This was indeed a fairly enjoyable experience for the boy. "I'd find myself comfortable being a warrior Taurig-sama. You have my thanks greatly." Hajime smiled and dipped his head. The nervous feeling had gone away, and it was kind of obvious. Which opened all sorts of doors for the boy. Well, at least once he turned two years of age. He couldn't wait for more things to open up for him. Perhaps he would also be able to face his mother.




5 Years
Extra large
09-26-2013, 02:38 PM

He was trying to be a just king by giving his members the choice to choose how they would function in the pack. He wanted to encourage the fact that they were all equals. Just because he was the King of Tortuga didn't mean that he would boss his members around and control every aspect of their lives. He wanted them to feel at him here, to feel welcome, to feel like they really belonged here and what better way to get that rolling than to allow them to choose what rank they would like. It seemed Hajime was excited at being able to choose his rank, his tail wagging behind him in response. As expected, the man would decide to take the position of a warrior and Taurig was more than happy to award him with it. Then a warrior you shall be Hajime. Welcome to Tortuga. The king would step aside, allowing the earthen male access to his new home.

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