


09-24-2013, 03:29 PM

Heavy paws landed on the ground in a familiar slow walk. Kyuboku was not a wolf who feared the world around him and found no need to rush to destinations. He had to take his time, to smell the roses. Dark inky black coat with differing shades refused to capture the light as it washed over him. Dingy and dirty, there was no real need to clean up. He had no one to look pretty for.

Alamea came to mind and he grinned. "Oh, but I do have my dear sister." His inner voice rang out and a rotten chuckle soon chased after. His ears folded back, looking at the mountain before him. A volcano, about as predictable as he was. Wolves held residence there, brave souls living on the edge. He was seeking them out, hoping to join their ranks. He hated rules but that didn't mean he hated companionship. He needed to be near others but he couldn't just go hunting down his little sister so soon. Alamea had found herself a pack to protect her. She was hiding and he doubted they realized it.

Scars ran down the right half of his face, that eye glazed over slowly losing vision. A wicked half smile was created by the scarring, lending to his dark look.

He hit the border abruptly, a low growl bubbling up. Eyes looking around he seated himself with an annoyed huff. "The waiting game," He said internally, rolling his eyes. He loathed waiting.

ooc: reusing, hope you don't mind but my other thread didn't get very far D=



5 Years
Extra large
09-25-2013, 02:25 PM

New members had begun to flock to his borders more and more frequently, so the King thought it best to remain near the borders. They could be coming any time of the day and Taurig wanted to be close by in case they showed up. And they did. Well, one did anyways. The unfamiliar scent of a brute lingering near the border's caught the titan's attention, powerful limbs spurring him onwards in the direction of the stranger. Icy gaze would come across the dark figure of the man, several scars decorating his features, a pair of amethyst gems providing vision to the man. He sat at the border patiently, awaiting to see who would come to greet him. The King didn't keep him waiting long.

Afternoon sir, I am Taurig, King of this land. What brings you to my borders? Pace would be halted, allowing the gargantuan to stop before the grey man, icy gaze steady on his figure as he awaited a response.

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09-28-2013, 09:02 AM

The foliage shifted in an unnatural manner, the sound alerting Kyuboku to the approaching wolf. The creature that appeared was larger than he was and Kyu did not know exactly how that made him feel. A little peeved... maybe pissed off. "Afternoon sir, I am Taurig, King of this land. What brings you to my borders?" His eyes narrowed slightly, the act causing a pinched look in his left eye where the scar tissue was pulled.

He stood, looking over the wolf that he would assume an alpha. "I come to offer my abilities to your kingship in trade for a spot in your pack. I am an able fighter." He paused, lifting his head. "You, however are not who I heard whispers of. Am I to assume this pack has been taken over or has power merely shifted in the ranks?" The male's pink eyes shifted about for a moment. From what he had heard a she-wolf ruled these lands and well, that wasn't a vulva between the blue wolf's legs.

He supposed if things had changed, he would probably want to know what the pack was like. Honestly though, the touchy male could not be compelled to give a fuck. Kyu had his own agenda here, though not with this pack specifically. His little darling sister had traded her brother for a pack of strangers. Not only did he feel betrayed but forgotten, both of which royally ticked him off. Anger tended to be his first emotion at all times and now was no different.



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 02:03 AM

The man was scarred just as the titan was, though his scarring was across his left eye as opposed to the torn ear and nose that the king sported. The man wasted no time in letting Taurig know exactly why he was here. He was an able fighter, looking for a spot in Tortuga. Fair enough. But the man continued on to question who exactly he was, apparently having heard of Newt's reign before him. If a place in Toruga is what you wish, then it's done. And since you claim to be a fighter, I shall award you the rank of warrior. But you must know, ranks here are maintained with hard work. If I notice you take no time to dedicate to your duties, then you shall find yourself to just be a common member. He would pause, allowing his first set of words to sink in before continuing. Now as far as being the past ruler Newt, she is our Beta, I am not. I am Taurig, ex member of the Northen pack Glaciem, now King of Tortuga. May I ask whom is that I speak with?

ooc: sorry for short post ;-;

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