
-- shock wave whispers



3 Years
09-24-2013, 11:08 AM

Few of Seracia seemed to be awake right then. It was late enough that it now qualified as early morning; the birds had not yet awakened, but they were beginning to stir. On the horizon, a slight touch of light made the sky a soft gray instead of the inky black that dominated the rest of the sky. It was the kind of chilled autumn night/morning that most wolves spent curled up inside their dens, huddled up against mates and pups, basking in the warmth of their fellow wolves.

And of course, Kamala was out on her own, her paws carrying her tirelessly and mechanically across Seracia's territory. She had criss-crossed the same stretch of lands several times before that night, but the insomnia that had claimed her that night wouldn't allow her paws to still. She needed to move until the crisp air burned in her lungs and her legs ached. Mostly, Kamala just needed her brain to slow down until she could slide into a slumber. It was rare for her to end up staying up this late, but every once in a while, Kamala found herself awake as the birds began to chirp and the sun began to rise.

It had been a while since she'd been this awake this late at night. Ever since she had talked to her brother, she had been feeling better, but tonight her brain simply didn't seem interested in acknowledging the fact that her world wasn't falling apart, and her mind was whirling at a million miles an hour, thoughts of her father and brother and niece and nephews chasing themselves through her mind. She missed her mother right then more than anything, but missing her mother wouldn't bring the woman that Kamala remembered back, and the wolf that her father had killed was far from her mother.

A gusty sigh escaped the female as she tilted her head back to gaze at the inky sky. There was no chance she was getting any sleep any time soon.



09-24-2013, 09:09 PM

ooc: As I start to write this the song I Swear comes on by John Montgomery.... I just...Yupp this'll be interesting. :P

Being here only a few days, Crucible still found it hard to sleep. He was much too used to being a rogue with no home and no security. Crucible had learned much from his time as a rogue, but some of it would take weeks if not months to undo now that he lived in a pack. He feared that his detestable sleeping habits would be one of these. Black paws carried him over the cool ground. Most of his whereabouts were known to him, but he was still trying to accustom himself to the area. Perhaps wandering about at night was not the most useful strategy in this endeavor.

The young man had caught the scent of a female as he trotted through the area, but had ignored it. She was of this pack, he was sure, but he did not know whom she was. No reason to frighten her by coming up to her in the night as an unknown wolf who did not yet smell of pack. Though he hoped that most of the wolves would know who he was after the meeting, one can never be quite sure.

A sigh sounded to his left, and Crucible was painfully aware that a meeting would be next to impossible now. By now he would have noticed that he was there and close and it would be rude to leave without introducing himself. Making his way through the wood, he came upon the lovely grey female from the meeting. His ears pricked. Of course he had wanted to meet her, but he doubted he would have had the chance to. Though he was curious as to why she would be up so late, maybe something was plaguing her thoughts?

He sat close to her and wrapped his tail about his feet. The nights had been getting cooler and he felt the need to cover his toes. Yellow eyes looked at every aspect of her. The stars reflected brilliantly in her eyes and it was very picturesque indeed. "Why is such a lovely femmae up this late?" As per usual when he talked to women, words sprang from his mouth without much thought, "The stars are beautiful for sure, but all you need do is look at your reflection during the daylight to see the same. Is there something on your mind?" Though only a yearling, Crucible had always been well spoken for his age and he happened to have a weakness for beautiful women. Cocking his head at her, he waited for her answer.

ooc: Men, they always take over my I should probably separate Dempsey and Crucible now before it gets out of control :P



3 Years
09-26-2013, 08:55 AM

Kamala had anticipated being entirely alone, that no other wolves would make an appearance on this night, but it seemed that tonight, her assumption was incorrect. The observant female found her ears twitching to pick up the noises of another approaching through the still night. It didn't take long for a vaguely familiar looking male to make his appearance, striking golden eyes meeting her own as he addressed her.

Kamala was amused by the flowery nature of his words, but she had to admit that it was nice to be complimented so. It had been a long while since a male had been so polite to her. Thoughts or Tiresias and Fenrir flickered in her mind for a moment, but she shoved them away firmly. Both had left Seracia some time ago, and though she had considered them to be her friends, it would not do any good to dwell upon the past. "I had a bit of trouble sleeping," The female murmured, her voice quiet in the cool air. She saw no reason to raise her voice right then, not with sleeping wolves in the territory and peace in the air.

The compliments did not go amiss; Kamala was flattered by them, in her own way, though she doubted the truth of them. "I have looked upon my reflection, and it pales in comparison with even the smallest of stars." That much was certainly true; Kamala was far from as beautiful as the stars that glittered in the sky above her. She had an interesting appearance, certainly, but not exactly a beautiful one.

She hesitated for a moment before continuing; "But I've got a bit of everything on my mind tonight." The female twitched her tail in an attempt to show that she wasn't too bothered by it. "And how about you, Sir? I would not think that you are awake for no reason." She slid easily into the formality that had been taught to her from an early age as she addressed the stranger.

Still, there was something missing from their thus far rather polite conversation; names. Her father would have been disappointed in her. "By the way, my name is Kamala, Princess of Seracia. May I ask what your name is?" With that inquiry, Kamala fell silent, pricking her ears in the direction of the stranger.

thank you canttina! <3


10-08-2013, 06:16 PM

Golden eyes were entrapped by the pretty femmae and Crucible found that he could not look away from her. It wasn't necessarily her physical beauty that spoke directly to him, but rather her inner beauty. She radiated with it. How could one not see this? Her eyes were clouded so with thoughts, but if they could be cleared they would shine as bright as any star in the night sky. "You misunderstand," A small smile jumped to his lips. "Surely you are beautiful on the outside, but the sparkle in your eyes shines as bright as any star, the air of confidence about you makes you as stunning as a strong oak tree colored orange, yellow, and red from the fall, and your voice is like a breathe of fresh air." Crucible remembered her at the meeting. The leadership that had been so pronounced on her features made his heart pound. "Your beauty is much more enticing than those with physical beauty. Do not underestimate yourself." The boy dipped his head in a humble gesture. He wanted her to know that every word was meant with great sincerity of heart.

Crucible nearly laughed when she called him sir. He was no sir, he was barely more than a pup. "Please, call me Crucible." His eyes trailed from her body then to the woods around him and he sighed. "Oh, it's nothing really. I just haven't slept in the comfort of a pack for most of my life. I'm much too used to being guarded at all hours, including this lonely hour of the day." Crucible's eyes lifted back up to hers then, sharing a silent thank you for making his day less miserable by her presence.

"By the way, my name is Kamala, Princess of Seracia. The young man tried to keep the shock from appearing on his face. Shit, Maverick was going to kill him. She was too old to be his daughter, but maybe his sister? Shit. He was so dead. Well, if he was going to go out, better do it swinging. A low chuckle erupted from his maw. (Crucible wasn't sure where this deep rumble came from, as his voice was just starting to change, but he knew he liked it.) "It is both a pleasure and an honor to meet you princess." He dipped his head to her as was proper, but he couldn't help himself and winked a golden eye at her when he looked back up to her pretty face.

ooc: Sorry this took so long!! D: But I hope you like it :D Poor poor Crucible. He's in so much trouble.