
Dealing With the Devil



6 Years
09-21-2013, 10:01 AM (This post was last modified: 09-21-2013, 10:24 AM by Azalea.)

Like a bandit she had made off in the night while her pack slept. She moved with purpose, running break neck until dawn broke over the horizon and her paws gave out under her. When she collapsed she was already near the north and allowed herself a quick nap.

It was hard to sleep, her mind so full of thoughts. She told herself that she was doing the right thing. Valhalla needed Gideon more than they needed her. No one knew what she up to, it was how she wanted it. The north rose before her, as she moved at a brisk trot. Snow began to fall, autumn ending early so far up. Ears pulled back, throat a tight knot. She scented the air, trying to pickup a trace of Glaciem.

In the back of her mind she told herself that she would at least get to see Vixe again. Maybe she would even have a chance to rip him a new one. Would she live? Was this the end? Her heart jumped as she found a scent. A deep, rickety breath being inhaled and then exhaled before she could bring herself to follow the trail.

She found her way to the overlord's doorstep, stood on the threshold of an unknown future. Would they even take her trade? Would they play dirty and not honor her words, keeping both her and Gideon? Amber eyes were steeled against any emotion, for once keeping her face a mask. A howl escaped her lips, calling forth the demons of new Glaciem.

The female sat down, forcing calm upon herself. She imagined her mother's heartbreak, her father's frustration. Gael would not even believe it. Chrysanthe would think she was foolish but be so happy to have her mate back. Erani would likely think her foolish as well. Cormalin would be disappointed. Sarak... would be lost.

She howled again, more persistent this time. "Just get this over with!" The last thing she wanted to do was chicken out.



09-21-2013, 10:59 AM

The visitor was unexpected, knocking upon the doors of Glaciem and pulling Argent towards her. The new mother had experienced a bout of insomnia, and assumed that Eris would happily watch over her children in the night. She arrived at the borders to a shocking sight. The russet-kissed girl whom Vixe had pointed out an interest in, a beauty certainly, and a member of Valhalla?s high rankers. Crimson eyes set upon the girl gently, taking in her form, trying to determine if this was the start of a war or not. ?Why have you walked into the devil?s den, dear?? she questioned.
She tensed, prepared for battle. She and Sendoa had already shown the Valhallan leaders were weak, but weak leaders did not account for the rest of the population. She would let out a low bark, a summons for Isardis, although she knew not if the King was still awake. Nonetheless, she assumed he might find intrigue in this little situation. Argent found it unsettling. Had she brought the rest of Valhalla with her? Was she here to challenge for Gideon? Part of her wanted to just go ahead and challenge for the little dove right then and there, but alas she did not. She would hear her out, for now.



6 Years
09-21-2013, 12:10 PM

It was Argent who came to meet Azalea's waiting form. Dark circled eyes looking at her warily. Friend or foe? That seemed to be the question. Azalea didn't come to fight them but she found it impossible to be seen as friendly when standing before the kingdom that wanted to destroy all those she loved.

?Why have you walked into the devil?s den, dear?? Her words were swift and to the point, the Valhallan's eyes wandering over the wolf as she spoke. No longer was she pregnant, it seemed. Instead heavy tits hung below her. She quickly averted her eyes. "To propose a trade. I wish to take Gideon's place as hostage of Glaciem." Her eyes met the crimson ones. There was a fire in her eyes, a defiance that could never been stomped out. She was here to give her aunt her mate back. No doubt, Chrysanthe would need his comforting touch in the weeks to come.

There were many trials to be had, Azalea was just sick of waiting. She was laying down her cards to serve her pack in the only way she knew possible right now. Action was in her blood, she couldn't just sit idly by. Argent seemed uneasy and Azalea assumed it was just the worries of new mother. The Valhallan girl was a threat and they didn't know who she might have with her, waiting in shadows. "I give myself to your king in return for Gideon's freedom." She paused, "If it so pleases your King."

She was being polite as possible, more to the point than anything. She would not throw herself upon them begging for the red wolf's release but she also knew she couldn't be rude. The Glaciem wolves were so very easily offended.


09-21-2013, 01:22 PM

Stiffly she would rise as one, then two howls split the seams of Glaciem. It seemed someone was intent upon gaining an audience. ?So shall it be,? mumbled the Sentinel. She wavered on her paws for a moment, almost unwilling to drop her left forelimb to the earth for fear of the stinging sensation that would result. Chrysanthe had certainly done a number on her armpit. The scar was ugly and jagged, where flesh had been torn and hair had been stripped. She knew even once it healed it would be a considerable blemish upon her steely hide for the rest of her days.

With a half-hidden wince the woman would proceed forth to the source of the sound, knowing that someone else would have likely arrived already to see to it that the stranger did not breach the perimeter. If they had not, it wasn't as if Sendoa was too late to stop them herself. With a slightly pronounced limp, the Sentinel would stride onto the scene, head high and tail erect. Argent had beaten her to the punch, and Sendoa caught only the last words that Azalea spoke. She was willing to trade her own freedom for Gideon's. How curious. She seemed genuine in her proposal, and she had indeed come of her own accord - or so it seemed given that there were no scents other than hers.

The Sentinel would slip up beside Argent, brushing her uninjured right shoulder gently against the Duchess' flank. The gesture was a silent affirmation that Sendoa was present and stood ready at her side to defend Glaciem as she had before. Emerald gaze would narrow slightly, examining Azalea as if she could somehow read into her very mind - which of course she couldn't. ?How generous an offer, Azalea. I wonder if you know what it is you are sacrificing for the freedom of your precious king?? Did the child know what Glaciem would put her through, what their King would certainly do to ensure she knew her place? Did she know she would bear litter after litter so long as she was held here? Did she know this was a place where women were property? Did she know this was far from her precious home of Valhalla? Oh.. did she know.. Sendoa was almost amused with the prospect of trading captives. It wasn't as if Gideon could do anything of benefit for the kingdom - he was unable to provide the king children, and was unfit to go out hunting unaccompanied. What could he do of benefit besides acting as a play-thing when one of Glaciem's warriors got bored?



09-21-2013, 06:47 PM

The beast was always moving, always patrolling, lengthy stride of the almost two year old devouring the miles surrounding the pack. He had been scarce lately, preferring to tend to his duties rather then be as social as he had been when he had first joined this pack. Witnessing the battle over the young female from Valhalla and then the battles that followed had been stressful for the young male, wanting nothing more then to jump in and end them himself to protect his new family. But it wasn't something his rank would allow and so he had been forced to sit idly by and watch as events unfolded before him. He was unsure about what he had gotten himself into anymore, about what this pack was all about but he had never been the type to back down no matter the situation so he had no intention of ever leaving this pack unless something awful was to happen to the pack itself.

The howl was familiar and completely unexpected, it stalled his momentum as giant skull lifted and sickly green eyes turned towards the direction of the sound as if the one who had made the sound would come drifting out of the snow towards him. But it wasn't a call for him, no it was a call for the higher ranked wolves of Glaciem and that left a heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach. Why would she come here after everything and call for Isa or Argent?

His limbs felt like they were made of lead as he turned and began walking towards the southern most boarder. He was slightly slack jawed as he moved, ears tipped forward and orbs intent on his destination. He saw Sendoa a bit off and cut his way towards her, though they had never formally met he knew her from the battle and knew of her ranking. He fell into step a bit behind her without a word, head and tail lowering respectfully. Argent was already there, speaking as he followed Sendoa to the gathering. He heard Azalea's words and it felt like an icy grip had tightened around his heart. She was here to trade her freedom? He was about to protest when Sendoa spoke, putting his concerns far more eloquently then he ever could.

He shot Azalea a warning look, trying to prove Sendoa's point before Sendoa or Argent even looked at him. If/when they did he would dip his head politely to both. They were his superiors in every way but he would do what was needed to protect them. Until Isa got here as well, he wouldn't be letting Azalea leave, she had made this choice and now he would have to make sure she committed. He liked her but his loyalty was with his pack and that wouldn't be questioned today. So the massive male would stand behind the females, head lowered but gazed fixed on those enchanting eyes that had captivated him when they had first met.




09-21-2013, 07:05 PM

The swift bark of his Duchess would be enough to draw The Kings attentions to the scent of a near-stranger, the accompanied stench of Valhalla plentiful reason to initiate the rising of pale hackles, a threatening growl rumbling within his pipes as towers would flicker curiously. He could think of no other reason for the Valhallan?s to approach his kingdom unless it were to propose a challenge, or perhaps to beg their own suicide. And so he would launch from his hindquarters, coral stilts reaching out before him at a resolute lope, cherry nostrils quivering as anticipation would hum beneath his chest.

Though the sight would be one of surprise, a red-faced girl that could near be mistakable for the magpie monarch, Chrysanthe, herself had it not been for the child?s obvious youth. He would slow upon the realisation of his crowded populace, content to have formed such a loyal army in such little time of his leadership, with their defence he could focus much further upon his brittle impressions. Lightly he would waltz to their confines, seamless strides imitating a lack of gravity as the angel would so pompously saunter, sweeping tail the only suggestion of his earth-bound qualities. His chassis would tremor with endless muse, smirk-stained orifice twitching with intensifying pleasure upon the realisation of the adorable situation. ?Ah, so she comes with wisdom; to toss her genetics amongst an already thriving pool? What a lovely decision my little dove,? he would pause as he brushed past the hips of Sendoa, ceasing half a body?s length in front of her, ?Such pretty little spawn you would bare.?



6 Years
09-21-2013, 07:25 PM

Glaciem wolves spewed from the seams like roaches, coming in no different fashion than upon the battlefield. They seemed creatures always prepared for a fight, seeming to wear their small numbers in ways they didn't even realize. Sendoa approached looking at Azalea as if she were crazy.

?How generous an offer, Azalea. I wonder if you know what it is you are sacrificing for the freedom of your precious king?? Azalea said nothing, distracted by the wolf that trailed the steely woman. Vixe. Slate grey fur marred with patches of white, acid green eyes. She couldn't miss him if she tried. His massive form would not allow her eyes to stray. Exhaling, she let out a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. His eyes met her and she blinked, looking away quickly in hopes he didn't catch that she had been staring. This meant too that she missed the look of warning.

Everyone seemed to think this was a bad idea, even Glaciem wolves. Her attention was drawn again, an ear tipping in the direction of the king as he lumbered closer. A pale vision, horribly grotesque in her eyes. Pink tinted with eyes that lacked any pigment but the blood that flowed behind them.

?Ah, so she comes with wisdom; to toss her genetics amongst an already thriving pool? What a lovely decision my little dove,? Her eyes grew into slits. ?Such pretty little spawn you would bare.? Her ears flipped back as he made clear what he meant. So this was what the others had intended to warn her of. "I will be taken hostage but I will not be made another one of your harlots!" Her words came swift, loud, and ferocious. A snarl broke out with them. It was too late to take it back when she realized that she had not minded her tongue as she had meant to.

Now her ears clung back to her skull, amber eyes flicking to Vixe almost begging him for some solution but she knew there was none. Azlaea stood, taking a step back from them. "I will go with you but I want your word that Gideon will be freed." Her tone was prompt and perhaps a bit demanding. She wanted a fair trade. She wanted to believe that Isardis could keep his word.



09-26-2013, 05:51 AM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2013, 05:52 AM by Isardis.)

The others would remain silent, their tongues held upon their King?s arrival. He would snicker with nauseating pleasure as she spat at him, her sour words no less than honey to eager lobes, encouraging him only to take a step forward; to invade a space that would no longer be hers, to reach carelessly out with a pink snout as he would hover it but centimetres from her own, drowning in her youthful scent. ?Oh don?t be so sure,? he bubbled, ?It seems to me you are untarnished as yet, your womb having never seen a gasp of existence, the squirming of spawn; though it will be a slight pain to gift golden life to woman that should bare only bronze.? His words were of pure taunt, not entire within their truth, designed only to chip at the girls weakened shell, to force retaliation.

Her conditions were clear, and while the man were hesitant to make bargains, to show he were lightly flexible within his ways; the dread Valhalla would feel upon the loss of a princess would far outweigh the pain of a pathetic leader. ?Darling you are too kind, to take the rabbit from our hands willingly; I do ever so thank you, and to think I had considered setting him free,? cunning, twisted, his mind would whirl with the pleasures of their encounter, sweet lies dripping like poison honey from angel lips.


09-26-2013, 04:56 PM

She had had few run-ins with Gideon, but what she knew of him was nothing useful or interesting. Isardis joined the fray, and she knew that her part in this was through - though that didn't mean she had to hurry off. With interest she would remain a part of the group, listening to the girl state that she would be a hostage but she would not be a harlot. A snicker fell from the Sentinel's lips. ?Oh child, don't you know that a slave has no say in what becomes of her?? Did she really think that she could state the terms of her confinement? She had willingly given herself to them, and it was unlikely she would leave here unscathed. In fact - Sendoa would see to it personally that she did not. Tail would flicker behind her eagerly as she twisted forth beside Isardis. Her muzzle would crane to his right ear, whispering tantalizingly against the guard hairs. ?I will release him personally, Isardis - if you will allow me the pleasure.? She imagined that her brother would have plans for his newest hostage, and it would only be a waste of his time to deal with the mouthy valhallan king. Sendoa would take great pleasure in chasing the vermin far from the heart of Glaciem.




6 Years
09-26-2013, 08:18 PM

His sickening delight at her outburst made her stomach turn and her ears fold as tightly to her skull as possible. Her stepped up to her, causing them to stand nose to nose. Azalea held her ground, eyes alight with fire as they met his cold pink tinted gaze. ?Oh don?t be so sure,? His words made her stomach drop.

She felt ill, physically and mentally ill. Her legs wanted to give out under her. His following words only made her head swirl as she realized that this had been a very very bad idea. Gideon was no good to Isardis. Winter was coming and with winter Azalea would be a healthy breeding age of two years. Now she was quivering, her body shaking like a leaf in the wind. ?Oh child, don't you know that a slave has no say in what becomes of her?? Sendoa's quip went with little notice.

Azalea had made herself clear, though. Gideon was to be released. Chryanthe would have her mate back, she would have clarity. A clear mind would be needed in battle. ?Darling you are too kind, to take the rabbit from our hands willingly; I do ever so thank you, and to think I had considered setting him free,? Her eyes, which had moved to Sendoa now that she stepped closer, cut sharply back to the lord.

"Liar!" Part of her shouted but another part of her wondered if he really was. He was a wicked character, twisting words and ideas. Azalea felt as if the air were being sucked out of her lungs. Had she really come here expecting to find wolves different than those she saw on the battlefield? These wolves were all demented, angry creatures. They ate happiness for breakfast.

All the fight left her, her form dropping. Tail lowered and eyes dimmed. She lowered her head to the king, eyes averting. Submitting to him as she mentally went into self destruct mode. Her breath came out heavy and fast.


Her stomach rolled and her eyes watered. Pregnant was a horrid thing to be and she could never imagine herself as a mother. Her belly growing round and heavy. Milk filling her underside like puss in a sour wound. Then came the children. Child birth was a nasty affair, your body reorganizing itself to push whelps into the world, their bodies enveloped in goop. It was then necessary to remove the goo by eating it. Right away the little life suckers bitch and whine, pulling at your teats and further wrecking your bodies as though the prior damage is not enough.

Mother nature was about the cruelest of all, convincing she-wolves to actually enjoy the process of birthing and raising children. Suddenly there was an image of it, Azalea could see it now. Faceless children running about, making her heart weep with worry. She could never love them, though, bastard children of a process she would have avoided if not forced to comply.

In Azalea's mind, this was the end.



09-27-2013, 08:59 PM

He was silent, and icy hand slowly closing around his heart as he watched the scene unfold before him with a distant chill. His expression would remain neutral, cold and dead as he remained the immovable structure that backed Isardis with unwavering loyalty. He would watch, he would listen but he would not speak up as the higher ranked members worked on destroying any spirit and confidence Azalea might have had when she had first come here. Even as their words slipped out he could watch the fire in her eyes die slowly and it almost killed him. Sendoa's words drifted faintly towards him, he only caught a few of her whispered words but he understood the basic idea of it. She would deal with Gideon so Isa could deal with Aza. This was where Vixe would finally step up, clearing his throat and tipping his head. "If the king would like I could watch the new prisoner while he is busy. She seems..." He paused a bit for effect and eyed Azalea almost cautiously. "More like a runner then the other prisoner..." He said slowly, as if he was enjoying watching Azalea's hopes get crushed before his eyes. Who knew he could be such a good actor... He had planned to offer before but this seemed like a more suitable idea. He would make sure she stayed with him both to make sure she didn't leave and anger his lord and to make sure no one hurt her.




10-09-2013, 06:48 PM

Sickening her features seemed to grow, displeasure creasing the lambs features as he would chuckle with sinister intention. Oh how it pleased him, to see the princess of Valhalla crumbling beneath his rule. Wouldn?t it satisfy her queen so? How marvelous the features of her magpie ruler must be in the moment she realizes her loss. The alpha male was of no use to them, but this little ruby was a treasure to savor. Sendoa would lean to his touch and his sin would prickle with delight, ?Of course, my adore; have your fun.? He would chuckle weakly, sending a brief lick toward her cheek as his attentions would shift to Vixe, ?Very well, Assailant; the girl is your responsibility. See to it her womb stays empty.? A reminder more than anything, not that he expected the rather loyal boy to abuse his rights, it never hurt to clarify.