
Lock Me Behind Bars But Not My Soul.


09-19-2013, 10:32 PM

She had remained infront of Satis on their way back home. She held herself with pride and no fear. Each step she took would only fuel the burning fire within her. This place was no home, it was a prison from the start. She was naturally not one to be held down in one place without her choice. Often she would glance to the sides, thinking of running yet again. But this odd looking girl would only track her down again. Shoulders rolled forwards with the impending punishment that was sure to come. She was not sure what this would mean really for her. Nor did she plan to just let it happen.

Head had lowered naturally to protect her throat. What glaciem did not know, not even her, was that Keita was no humble female. A blood thristy past had made her hardy, a fighter. Her green eye blazed with a fire so fierce it would sear through skin and bone. She di not stop at the borders of Glaciem but headed straight for the heart of the snow lands. Hackles had raised, ears laid flat against her skull. She stopped, eyes closed as she gathered herself. Her body tensed, muscles so well hidden rippled smoothly as she spun to face Satis. A snarl so deep ripped through the air. Legs spread evenly to balance her, claws digging into the earth to anchor her. Tail held stright out behind her.Should there be wittness to this punishment? And a healer? She growled out. Brief flashes of images she knw not of crossed her mind. There a blood, the memory or skin tear, fur flying, and the satisfaction of winning, of knowing another laid dying at her paws.



4 Years
09-20-2013, 12:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2013, 03:25 AM by Isardis.)

Satis would remain guarded at the haunches of the foolish woman, hounding her, sending snaps of impatience towards her tail as she encouraged her frontwards. There was nothing she could do to prevent the actions of punishment, Satis had received orders from Isardis, and she would stop at nothing to fulfil them. The pallid wasn?t a trained fighter, a brood for a reason, despite the confidence she so executed it would be no challenge for the marked oddity to out-do her, to deliver her punishment with ease. Oddity would greet them at the borders, Satis regarding him only with the exchanging of glances; this was no time for distraction.

The woman would spin, sending Satis into immediate fight-mode as her defences would raise; hackles announcing the initiation of a potential challenge. ?Think about your challenge, woman. You either take your punishment or you fight it, risking far greater damage,? she would hiss, eyes narrowing upon the fool as she?d take a confronting step towards the woman, giving her one last chance to back down, "And no prisoner deserves a healer." It would be then that she would leap for the dame?s left forelimb, exposing only the back of her neck to the woman as she would violently rock her skull left and right in an attempt cause enough damage to render her lame; thus making her true punishment far easier.


09-23-2013, 09:53 PM

The dark brute would go ignored by the white ghost. Again another wolf she knew that was part of this so called pack. She hated it here, feeling like a bird who had its wings broken, its freedom taking away from her. Her soul was dying inside, cracking and crumbling under this isolation. She had no true friend here, only Zanire the bear had proven to be a friend. But she would not risk calling her here to her aid. No, now was not the time. Somewhere deep down, the queen of the fog knew she would not be leaving here any time soon. Her body screamed at the injustice, the cruelty of being kept here. Silently inside she was crying. She would become a prisoner, forever bond to this icy hell.

Satis' reaction to her was quick and ready. She snorted at the other women's words."To sit it silently and be whipped aye? What wolf would that be if they were to just sit there without naturally defending themselves hmm? I am not the type to silently just obey blindly like some of you. I need reason, i need a true leader, a true pack to want to follow. What kind of pack just fights for gathering more females and then leaves them unattended? You think i can here knowing how Isardis was like? No, i came thinking this would be better than being alone, but its worse. To be in a pack and yet still feel like your isolated.." Her accent was heavy with bitter anger. The simple statement of no healer would come made the white ghost sighs sadly. So this was what the pack was like? Trap its members, take away their free will, and not provide them with what they needed? All the more reasons she had to escape this pack.

At once Satis made her move on her. Keita kept her front half light. Her quickly noticed Satis aim for her leg and reared up. Body twisted to have Satis jaws land on her shoulder instead. Lips pulled back in a grim of pain. But suddenly a new feeling washed over her. The scent of her own blood, sent her heart racing, driving her insane. The thrill of a fight coursed through her veins. Somehow she knew in her past she had loved the fights, loved the taste of blood and inflicting pain on others. Her own pain would seem forgotten, her brain unaware of the body being wounded. Her blind eye was towards Satis, limiting her judgment of how to react. As her limbs came back down to the earth, her back ached, head tucked in to protect her neck and shoulders rolled forwards to aid in any affliction to her neck. Blinded by the high she was experiencing from the fight and flashing memories she was unable to retaliate back. Her body shook, welcoming to ripping pain to her shoulder. It was a wounded that was deep, enough to take several weeks to heal, but not one to stop her escapes. Her chuckled darkly to herself, seeming to not get enough of this high she was being washed with. The Seracia healer's herb were at work as well, helping to numb the worst of the pain. But Keita wanted to taste blood, she wanted Satis' blood on her teeth.

Her head snapped to the side, green eye finding Satis, yet not really seeing her. She saw someone else, no, they kept changing. Each wolf she saw had been one she had lashed out her claws and teeth at, each one had felt her wraith. She snarled and would attempted to snap her jaws around Satis' right forelimb at the ankle. To at least let her tongue taste the blood.




4 Years
10-02-2013, 08:15 PM

By some miracle the pale woman managed to dodge her attack, however Satis wouldn?t allow herself to be discouraged; she was a fast and risky fighter and she was rapid enough to recalculate. Her lack of contact had sent her rocketing beneath the rearing woman, and so the marked fae would take her opportunity to return the favour; rising slightly on her hinds, skull tipping backwards to send a sharp snap towards the base of the vixens exposed neck, to grasp at the lower gullet, just above the chest in an attempt to hold either the jugular or airways. She needed to weaken the reluctant vixen before she could pound her with the consequences of her actions, if she could make her light headed she could get her on the ground.


10-06-2013, 02:15 AM

Her attempts would not go so well. As she had reared up Satis struck, latching onto her lower neck. Eyes widened with fury. Forelimbs came to rest on the most top forward part of the Overseer's shoulder for balance. She would then shake her head and neck left and right. A silent snarl gripped her features, saliva dripping from her fangs. Hindlimbs stayed even, holding most of her weight, tail whipping around like a rudder. Her body heaved with the need for air, in her shaking of the head, she had not realized Satis cut off her airway. Her silent snarl turned to gasps for air as panic sank in.

Black dots swam in her vision, hindquarters trembled, weakening. She would have blacked out excpet for one thought. She had to be awake for Satis's attack, her maim. Part of her wanted to pain, wanted Satis have to look into her eyes as she need the dirty deed for the King. She wanted her gaze to haunt the odd color female for many nights. Pride, it would also not allow her to take the easy route and pass out. Oh no, she would endure this. In a desparate attempt she would suddenly use her forelegs to push away for Satis, at the same time as yanking her throat out of the King's dog's mouth. Skin tore, surely deep enough to leave shallow scars in the future. Her force of pulling away sent her toppling to the ground on her side. She rolled onto her stomach, gasping and heaving for air. All energy was spent. Her franic race to Seracia, the walk back to the north, and now this. She was done, no longer unable to even lift her body from the ground. Her one eyed gaze turned to stare right into Satis's eyes. Pray this at least be a look this female would never forget.




4 Years
10-10-2013, 03:00 AM

Finally the woman would topple, making the life threatening mistake of ripping the flesh from her throat by her seemingly own accord. Foolish. But the oddity would not complain, swiftly the marked girl would launch towards the now laying form of Keita; watching with satisfaction as she spluttered over the ground before her. Mind clouded by venomous adrenaline a pale forepaw would come to press against the weak mature?s nape, to push it until she exposed the left side of her pale face. So effortless it would be, so sinister, so sickening. For a moment the inexperienced babe would dread the initial taste of wolf blood, but still her jaws would lower to the cheek of the prisoner; briskly hooking her lower canines in under the lip as far as she could manage. A deep breath, and the maim would be inflicted; clenching ivories tightly as she would rip towards the ear, hopefully feeling skin and flesh away from bone, to shred the side of her face to an extent where she would never be beautiful ever again. She was stripped of her dignity, and she was left there to bask beneath her pain. The vixen reversing a couple of meters from the opposing wench, to gaze reluctantly down upon her efforts. Her stomach would churn as emotion threatened to overpower adrenalin, a faint sense of guilt coiling her heart. But alas, she was stronger than that, and the woman would swiftly turn and take her leave.

-- exit satis?