
Good night, So bright


09-19-2013, 08:15 PM

Hajime had just finished exploring Inu island before arriving on this one. While the crater made up most of the island, the other part of it was fine. He just made sure to make sure he didn't fall into that thing. Bones were scattered about the ends of it. Though he had heard rumors of a grove near here, so that was where he wished to go. His black tail flicking behind him as he raised his head and watched a strange lizard crawl along the floor. He jumped back and made a deep growl. The thing turned the other way and went on its merry way.
The strange creatures here wouldn't get any sympathy from him. Hajime wasn't an evil man, but he wasn't entirely nice either. It wasn't like he hated the world, he just wanted to make something of it really. He tilted his head, red eyes looking around. He wondered if someone had lived her before the crater was created. Even these creatures lived here now. It was obviously a place of awe, not as much as the main Inu island though.



10-02-2013, 01:11 PM
That morning, after crossing paths with another wolf, Allen began his search to find his nephew. The wolf carried his head proudly, searching for the nearly two year old male. His pawsteps were light as the brute traveled along the outside of the crater that consumed a good part of the island. Every now and then Allen would glance down into the crater, shivering at the thought of falling down into it. He didn't think any wolf, once having fallen inside, would be able to get out. He strayed a few more steps to the opposite side of the crator, lifting his dark forest green gaze to search for his nephew. The younger wolf had been on his for some time now... and it was about time for Allen to reunite with his king.

Finally, after perhaps another half hour of searching, Allen finally saw his young king up ahead. He raced up to him, slowing down to a stop once he was at Hajime's side. The male dipped his head, his voice clear and calm. "My King, it is good to see you." The male lifted his head, his body completely relaxed. "Have you found somewhere for us to settle down? Or shall we keep looking?" Allen's gaze softened as he looked at his nephew. It was clear that the older brute believed and trusted the young wolf with his life, his future, and his happiness. There was a great deal of love there too, not that Hajime showed it back in the same sort of way. But for Allen that was okay. As long as he could be at Hajime's side that was goode enough for him.


10-04-2013, 01:09 PM

Hajime nearly jumped out of his skin. Red eyes blinking over towards Allen. He had run off and joined tortuga and returned to these islands, yet he still wasn't mad. Hajime found that a bit weird. Raising an eyebrow as his uncle approached. The boy sat and flicked his tail back and forth. "So your not mad at me for running off for like a week?" Sometimes he highly questioned the mans loyalty, but he didn't mind. It made him feel a bit safer, and as you would call it he had a sense of relief residing within him. He stood up and looked around the island. This would be a perfect place to live someday. But he was loyal to tortuga. After getting sick and coming here, he had run into Allen.
"I've been in tortuga, its a lot like how our family was back in the desert. How mother ran it at least. It's a bit less strict but the alpha is strong, and he's as big as my dad." Allen knew his father, his father hadn't been a normal wolf but he hadn't been evil. Black as night standing at forty inches tall with red eyes. Someone who was a perfect match to the family until he fell ill for some reason and died while his mom was pregnant, never to see his children or child at that. Hajime flicked his tail back and forth. "I'd like you to come with me home Allen. I found out where my mom is too. Our packs have an alliance!" The good news seemed to burst off of him so easily. It was not hard to tell that he was comfortable around Allen, and happy at the moment.



10-05-2013, 09:01 AM
This is Allen Walker's post.

{{Ooc:: e.e Keep posting on the wrong account.}}

Allen chuckled soft as Hajime spoke, shaking his head. "No, not at all. You know your own path better than I do, my King. Should you wish to delve deeper into exploring these lands then who am I to question what you feel is best?" The earth colored brute asked softly. He took in a breath and calmly listened as his King explained what had happened in the time that Allen was gone. He frowned a bit, not sure how he felt about Hajime falling into the rank of a follower, but he was sure that his King had his reasons for what he did. Once Hajime had finished speaking Allen dipped his head, a smile appearing on his lips.

"You know that I would follow you anywhere. If Tortuga is where we will be residing then I shall follow you there." He wasn't quite sure how he felt about Hajime knowing where Rivaxorus was. Since running off with the younger male he hadn't seen his sister in several seasons. What would her reaction be when she saw him again? At least Hajime sounded happy when he mentioned her... especially since the two packs had an alliance. The brute bowed his head before speaking again.

"I do wish to apologize for not finding you sooner, my King. I had gotten a bit distracted while I explored the mainland, and had lost your scent. I'm just grateful that you are doing well." He lifted his head, forest green eyes falling on the young wolf. There was a deep, deep meaning of love as he expressed his relief. Allen would go to any lengths to make sure Hajime was alright. He loved the younger wolf more than anyone else in this world. He couldn't help but gently nuzzle Hajime's shoulder in a show of affection. His love for Hajime went deeper than just their family ties... but he wasn't sure if his nephew knew that. If he did he hadn't mentioned anything up until now.