
Broken stars


09-19-2013, 06:17 PM

Pebbles disheveled around like broken memories. If one was to be touched perhaps a wave of images could come and cloud the mind. She closed her eyes for one peculiar moment and heard the sound of youthful laughing. One solitary ear twitched as the laughter faded into nothing but darkness. Would she always feel so secluded? As if one part of who she was had been revoked from her soul and given to something evil? Exasperation slipped from her lungs as she waited for tiny paws to carry a tiny figure in the distance. Her voice was neutral, no emotion, no trace of person, just acting. ?keep up kid.? She said blandly. He was her brother after all and some part of him reminded her of their father.

She could admit that when her mother had revealed her siblings she felt something. However, What that something was had yet to be defined. She shook her head and looked towards the first twinkle of starlight. Their mother wouldn?t notice his departure and why would she worry when he was safe and sound with his sibling? She watched the laughing moon crest in the sky and her heart jerked in her chest. Was he watching them? Would he come back from the dead and hold her? Sooth the rage that ate her soul bit by bit as each day passed that his executor still remained alive and breathing. I?ll kill her for you dad. One day her head will adorn our pack with pride. She thought. She hoped that her brother?s deep rage would break him like it was breaking her. Maybe then he would help in destroying everything that bitch touched.

The sound of tumbling snapped her out of her trance. Her silent prayers to her father left forgotten as she turned to take her brother into her gaze. Her sisters seemed to stay close their mother but not him. He felt the need to follow and who was she to deny him. ?Can you not use your eyes?? she grumbled, watching him fall and tumble around the rubble of rocks. Her tail danced impatiently as she waited for him to reach her.




3 Years
Extra large
09-19-2013, 07:26 PM

"Dis stuff stupid" He would say as he walked across the landscape of pebbles. They were getting in between his tiny toes, and he already hated it. This place was a disgrace, no one needed to come here, especially not him. He was falling behind due to his tiny legs, and it frustrated him. He just wanted to be big already. "I am!" He would growl as he stepped up his game, switching from a walk into a trot. He struggled on the rough terrain, each larger pebble causing him to sway from side to side and almost lose his balance. He needed to catch up, he couldn't deny that he was easy prey for any animals or wolves. He knew his family was hated, and bringing him out here was probably a bad idea, but he trusted his older sister. She would protect him if something were to come along. "I has eyes, better ones den you!" He would snap, his little lips curling into a snarl. He had his dads attitude for sure, and Syn should know that by now. They all had a piece of him in them, and soon, hos forgotten rage would release hell on earth.



09-19-2013, 08:18 PM

Although his leg injury persisted, and likely would persist for more time to come, Alta?r was determined not to become sedentary. He had not grown up in a place where injuries were coddled and quiet afternoons in a cave were the treatment for wounds. Though his mother had been a gentle soul, his homelands were not made up if similar creatures, and she was an oddity in that sense. A dove among crows. His uncles and cousins had imprinted the concept of working injuries out. He had spent time in Fontamo Bay gently pushing the sand with his leg, and it felt stronger, but he knew to be careful with it, lest he risk further injuries.

So he'd ventured away from the bay, hunting down some herbs to kill the pain and help to encourage healing. He was no herbalist, but as a pup he had been taught the basics of things, and it was enough. At least enough to get him moving and exploring again, which is how he had come to be here. The Rock Garden was an interesting place, the rocks vaguely irritating as he picked his way around, but also very interesting. He imagined this would be a great place to sun on a warm day, though likely dangerous, as the rocks would be perfect homes for any number of poisonous reptiles or spiders.

Pausing, Alta?r lifted his nose to the breeze, nostrils flaring and mouth parting slightly as he took in the scents. There were two fresh trails here, other wolves. They smelled very similar, so they were either related or from the same pack. He could tell little else from that, other than one was distinctly feminine, and the other masculine.

Curiosity sparked, and perhaps masochistically curious as to what sort of greeting he would receive from these wolves, Alta?r followed the twin trails. He heard a small voice, the tail end of a conversation. It was squeaky and slurred, and he could only guess the voice belonged to a pup. Mother and son then, perhaps? He moved upwards to cut them off in the direction the were heading, peeking around and boulder and watching passively, in sight only if one looked for him, as his pale custard fur matched the shade of the rocks in the dying light.