
Broken Dreams



09-19-2013, 11:05 AM (This post was last modified: 10-21-2013, 05:14 PM by Chrysanthe.)

How in the hell had this happened? How could Chrysanthe be at the battlefield injured while some ivory man wants to rip her throat out? Had she done something wrong? Had he done something wrong? So many questions plagued his mind as he rushed from the Glaciems and to his friend. He still knew nothing of the war or challenge, but he did know that something was happening between both packs. Surly Chyrsanthe would have some explanations for him, because this was driving him crazy. [/i]She[/i] was driving him crazy. Ever since that day seasons ago he hadn't let her slip his mind. Somehow she had imprinted on him, those baby blue eyes flashing in his mind as he came closer and closer. Luckily for him, the Glaciems told him what pack she was from. Hopefully she was still in the state he last saw her in, any further damage and he might lose it. Once he reached Valhallen borders, he let out a long, worrisome howl for his dear friend.

Italian Accent Speech



09-20-2013, 11:24 AM
Seeing Themisto on the battlefield had thrown her for a loop - she hadn't seen the man since their first meeting, and had managed to just miss him in the seasons that followed. She remembered their meeting though, his voice and visage clear in her mind - he was an interesting brute, a free spirit of sorts, which was why it was even stranger to see him on a territory meant for bloodshed. Could he be challenging for someone or something? He seemed to be rather fond of Gideon when they met, did he know that she had failed to protect him? Was he as disappointed in her as she was? There was worry in his tone after all, it could be for his cousin now taken in by the enemy - or rather, their enemy. Seracia had yet to be involved in this fiasco and if they were, the alpha had an idea in mind that could benefit the both of them without getting the Kingdom involved in a war she felt completely and totally responsible for.

Her heart and head were heavy as she approached the brute, the bleeding from the wounds on her muzzle had stopped but the injuries were there to stay for a while. Perhaps Erani could dull the pain with some herb or remedy, but between her own bitterness toward the healer and her unwillingness to be healed of wounds she so justly deserved - she hadn't approached her mother since coming back to Valhalla. Blue eyes slowly rose to meet his own amber ones, and she watched him, wondering what brought him to Valhalla.

"Ah, you... treated Isardis, didn't you?" She did not want him dead, just wanted he and his pack out of her hair - but there didn't seem to be much of a chance of that. Not while they had Gideon, and not while they wanted Liberty. "Did I kill him?" If she did it would have been an accident - but she wasn't quite sure whether she would feel bad about it or not. He wasn't exactly on her nice list.

ooc: setting this thread before the meetings c:



09-20-2013, 12:08 PM

He sighed heavily, stub of a tail twitching anxiously as he waited. He really hoped she was alright, he couldn't imagine her beauty being plagued out of hate. Finally she came into view, and he couldn't help but smile. She seemed pretty okay, the first injury he noticed was the one on her muzzle. It wasn't bleeding anymore which was good, but it did look like a scabby mess. "Chrysanthe..." He managed to say in a mere whisper. He was already in awe, god she was so beautiful. Why did this have to be so difficult? Why was a grown man having butterfly's in his stomach like a little pup? If he didn't get a hold of himself he might even start blushing, and that would be a dead give away.

""Ah, you... treated Isardis, didn't you? Did I kill him?" His left ear tipped back slightly, and he fought the frown that wanted to crease his lips. Isardis? The white man? Was that all she cared about? They hadn't seen each other in so long, and he didn't even get a hello or anything. He didn't want to be rude, so he answered, trying to ignore the sudden disappointment he felt. "Yes, I did. He is fine now, and I must say that he is rather ungrateful and rude. I'm not one to judge, but when someone saves your life you can at least say thank you." He rolled his eyes. This had been the first time in a while that he had felt negative feelings toward someone. He set his gaze back on her, trying to keep eye contact. "I came here to make sure you were alright. I don't know what happened or why it happened, all I know is he was hurt and I needed to act."

Italian Accent Speech



09-20-2013, 12:46 PM
Seeing the brute would have normally put her in a good mood - Themisto was someone that she considered a friend, a damn good one. But the loss of her mate had left her without who she considered her better half, it seemed nothing could pull her out of her current slump.

He paused a moment after she asked her question - had she said the wrong thing? Spoken too soon? Yet as soon as the moment came it passed, and he answered her question. As he explained his meeting with the other, the alpha nearly laughed - yep, he had certainly met with Isardis. The man was beyond rude, she had learned that not on the battlefield, but when he first came to Valhalla to announce of his challenge. Seeing Themisto roll his eyes did manage to pull a small chuckle from her, and she shook her head. "You? Not liking someone? How strange." The woman could have sworn that he could get along with anyone, appreciate anyone.

"It's good to see you Themisto - I've missed you." He was part of Seracia, which was tied to Valhalla. He could have visited whenever he wanted - she herself had been a bit too busy to take the trek to the east as of late. "He was injured because he challenged for Liberty - one of the yearlings here." The girl was extremely important to the alpha, and luckily she had managed to secure her place here in Valhalla. Gideon though, had not been so lucky... "I fought him and won." It felt like luck in comparison with her loss - but Liberty was here, and she was safe for the time being. That was more than she could ask for.

"I'm afraid I've made enemies out of Glaciem by not giving them what they wanted. I don't know what their plans are, but I'll probably be fighting them more often." And alone too, without Gideon at her side. Azalea though, might be able to take up some of the battles, but imagining her heir hurt in any way made her mentally flinch away from the idea. "Especially since they took Gideon." More like she had lost him. She had the chance to try and win him back, and failed.



09-20-2013, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2013, 04:11 PM by Themisto.)

He couldn't help but smile when she chuckled. It was good to see her laugh, even in this state. Finding happiness in darkness meant she was mentally strong enough to handle anything that came her way, and that was a good attribute for any alpha to have. "I know, very strange of me. I guess not even I can favor everyone in the world." He said, a chuckle vibrating his chest. He was already starting to feel better just being around her, it was crazy how his mood could balance so unpredictably based on her reactions. "It's good to see you Themisto - I've missed you." He could feel his cheeks starting to burn, but he fought it off to the best of his abilities. Luckily she went on, and it snapped him out of his pup like phase. "I see." He said simply, his lips creasing into a frown. "Congratulations on your win. What does he want with a yearling anyways?" He would ask curiously. He was a grown man, a yearling would have been useless to him.

"I'm afraid I've made enemies out of Glaciem by not giving them what they wanted. I don't know what their plans are, but I'll probably be fighting them more often." "Chrysanthe? The beautiful princess I met seasons ago, fighting a whole pack on her own?" He said with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. "The Glaciem's will have a feared opponent, that's for sure." He would say, taking a step toward her. He couldn't help but stare at the wound on her muzzle, his healer instincts kicking in. He was going to ask about her wound, but then she said it. Gideon was gone. Instantly his lips curled back, revealing his unblemished canines. They took his cousin? His own flesh and blood? He couldn't believe that he had helped them, he had been played! "Gideon? My own flesh and blood?" He growled, turning away from the woman. He didn't want her to see him this way, he didn't want anyone to see him this way. It was so out his character, but he couldn't help it. He was a neutral man, but when it came to family, he would freeze hell over. "When are you going back? I promise you Chrysanthe, I will stand by your side with my teeth and claws ready." His hackles were raised, his lips were slightly curled, and his claws were gripping into the earth. This was the very first time he had ever been this angry. He felt betrayed, he felt idiotic, he felt ashamed. How dare the ivory man make him feel this way. How dare they take his cousin, his own flesh and blood. They would pay for this.

Italian Accent Speech



09-22-2013, 12:19 PM
His chuckle relaxed her slightly, managed to get her to focus just a bit more on the brute in front of her opposed to the various looming problems that Valhalla had on their hands. She wished that she had more information, more intel on what Glaciem even wanted in the first place. Had all of this really been about a girl? About Liberty? No longer was she thinking about her loss to the dark woman, but the challenge as a whole, the strange new ice pack was doing things strangely, not at all the way a newer pack in Alacritia normally went about things. Were they that strong? Had they made bonds with other packs that she didn't know about?

It was all up in the air.

"Liberty and Isardis met, and she was bold - too bold. Enough to catch his attention. As long as I have her, even while they have Gideon - I don't believe this will end." She would never forget the insults that the bastard had spit at the girl. But it also worried her - that because of one member, that the rest of the pack could be met with such unrest. Tactically she may not be making the right choice - and surely there would be some members that saw the fault and be upset with it.

His attempt to ease the air was sweet, and appreciating the gesture she smiled somewhat - but she couldn't respond, only pull her eyes away from his own. She was not so sure she would be much of an opponent - this pack seemed more war ready, stronger individually when it came to battle. It was tempting to lean on the brute, to take his subtle offering of support as he glanced at her wound - but she had to hold herself together without it. Gideon wasn't here, she didn't have time to feel sorry for herself.

Even so, she couldn't help but expect some sort of disapproval from Themisto after she told him that Gideon had been stolen. That he would be worried about his family and regret letting a beloved part of it stay here in Valhalla in the first place. Looking back up at him, she saw the light that she had thought to be endless both flash and wither in his eyes. He was angry - an emotion that she never thought she would see so thoroughly on the healer's face. It was then that she realized that the Matthias family and the Adravendi had gotten along this way for a reason.

They were both insanely dedicated to their families.

"As soon as I can - perhaps before my wounds heal. I don't know their plans for him, or if they're done with Valhalla, but I have to try." She knew that he would do the same for her - tirelessly. "I'm sorry Themisto, I should have been able to protect him." She had her chance, and she let it slip out of her grasp. "Thank you for your support." It lifted a bit of the pressure, to know that she could depend on him. She had he and Azalea right now, she had yet to explain the ordeal to Valhalla. But they would know soon enough.



09-25-2013, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2013, 12:56 PM by Themisto.)

When she spoke his audits were always swiveled forward, ready to catch any and every word or sigh. He wanted to know how she felt, he wanted to know what was going on in her life and how it affected her personally. He genially cared about her, more than any other female he met in Alacritis. "Liberty and Isardis met, and she was bold - too bold. Enough to catch his attention. As long as I have her, even while they have Gideon - I don't believe this will end." She would pause, then continue on. "As soon as I can - perhaps before my wounds heal. I don't know their plans for him, or if they're done with Valhalla, but I have to try." He sighed, his gaze dropping from her own. He had forgotten this part, he had forgotten the moment when the man threatened to rip her throat from under her chin. He needed to tell her that war was afoot, he needed her to know her life was in grave danger. "Chrysanthe..." Her name dripped from his lips gently and somewhat trailed off at the end. He didn't want to tell her, he didn't want to scare her- but reality was harsh, and if he wanted her alive, she would need to know. "While I was assisting the ivory man he was so consumed in hatred and revenge that he said some things that he should have kept to himself. He will be coming back for you, this time hellbent on revenge. He said... He said he was going to rip your throat out and harm everyone and everything you love. He is going to start a war." His gaze lifted back up to meet hers, and he used all his willpower to resist the whine building up within him. He didn't want anything to happen to her or Valhalla. He just wanted everyone to get along.

"I'm sorry Themisto, I should have been able to protect him." "Oh Chrysanthe, don't be sorry. You did everything you could, including saving the young girl. Gideon is a strong man, he won't let them break him. The girl on the other hand, they would have mutilated her." He would say gently as he came forth, attempting to use his snout to raise her chin up. He wanted to see her look proud, he wanted to see the look in her eyes that he had seen when they first met. He wanted her to be happy. "We will get him back. If you fail because of your injuries, I will step in and challenge again for you, and I presume Gerhardt would do the same. If war comes to your borders, I can assure you that Seracia will be by your side, and so will I."

Italian Accent Speech



10-10-2013, 07:10 PM
Her confidence had been shattered, but she still tried to pick up the pieces before him. Before he, and before Valhalla she had to be strong or they wouldn't have any reason to believe in her anymore. And so she swallowed her fear, and faced the fact that she was going to have to fight and win if she wanted Gideon beside her again. The other male's muttering of her name was enough to pull her attention out of her somewhat clouded gaze, but his next words would be like iron dropping into the pit of her stomach.

Isardis? Starting a war?

She couldn't believe it. Although she had felled the King once, had challenged for one of his own just as they had challenged for hers, it had all escalated so quickly. Everything was wrong - she had destroyed something vital. Valhalla could no longer run as a neutral kingdom, as one of neutralities with some friends but no enemies. They had not only an enemy, but what could in due time become their sole oppressor. It scared her, she feared for her members, and it wasn't something that she could hide like her previous fears. Although he did not whine, she did, small and accidental, but it was only the tip of the iceberg in regards to her dread.

"I can't drag Seracia into this war Themisto - I can't. Epiphron and Maverick have a family, they're a new King and a new Queen. Valhallas enemies shouldn't be their enemies - it isn't fair." She wanted to fall back on Seracia, wanted more than anything to drown out her enemy with sheer numbers, two of Alacritia's biggest packs could pretty much form a wall around Valhalla in comparison to most. Yet she couldn't bring the mayhem to her sister's door. Seeing Epiphron before, so happy, content with the life she had made after leaving Valhalla behind... shaking things up because of her own mistakes just didn't seem right. "War... how the hell am I supposed to fix this? Do I just let it happen?"

He lifted her chin, and she struggled not to lean on him further - instead lifting her head to meet his eyes. Her heart was hammering in her chest, but closing her azure eyes she would try and put it behind her. Yet with her eyes shut so tightly, it looked more like the woman was going to cry. "He has to be alright, I don't know what I would do without my husband." Her words were hushed, whispered with a hint of frenzy. She couldn't imagine her life without him.



10-14-2013, 03:06 AM

His heart would thump slowly as they came into contact. Just feeling her warmth mixing with his shot butterfly's into his stomach- bur despite his actions she still seemed distant. Why? Why wasn't she falling into his embrace, why wasn't she letting him in? Why was she keeping her walls up? It frustrated him, but he would not retaliate, and he would not complain. She had her reasons, and he would wait however long it took for her to come to him- only she never would. "He has to be alright, I don't know what I would do without my husband." He watched her eyes close, and as she finished her sentence he would feel his heart stop and drop. Husband? Who? Gideon? That was the only option, they hadn't mentioned others besides him, Maverick, and Epiphron. Now he felt completely shattered inside.

He wanted to do something but he couldn't. Here she was, the love of his life about to burst into tears and all he could think about was his shattered heart. It hurt, it burned, it made him want to rip his heart from his chest and walk away- only he couldn't. Despite his aching soul he would not abandon her in her time of need. He would never abandon her. If she loved Gideon then so be it, but he would never stop loving her. He would wait until it was his time, and if that never came in this life he would repeat over and over until he got to have her. He would follow her grace until her last days, and even then he would lay on her grave to stay with her. He may not know her as well as Gideon did, but he knew in his heart that he belonged to her. Maybe not as a mate in her eyes, but to him she would always be his lover, and he would protect her at all costs, even if it meant killing himself inside.

"Chrysanthe..." Words dripped from his lips broken and tattered, but he would do his best to hide his pain. He didn't want to make her feel worse, so he would bite his tongue despite the words threatening to come to the surface. He couldn't tell her how he felt, it would only ruin things more. Though his eyes would show more emotion than his words ever could. The way he looked at her was in a way he could never look at another. The love and defeat he felt inside shown bright in his dull expression, so perhaps she would see it all without words being spoken. Perhaps she would finally understand why he was truly here. "Chrysanthe I..." Words would cut off as he closed his mouth. He didn't need to say it. She would understand.



10-21-2013, 05:13 PM
He would tense after her softly spoken words, and the look in his eyes looked so incredibly hurt that she had to pull herself back and rethink what had just been said. What had she done? Was he reacting to her own sadness? Her guilt or her worry? An apology would sit on her lips, but would not be spoken, because once her name tumbled off of his tongue she realized the painfully obvious. Themisto was hurting because of her - but it hadn't been anything she had done. The heartbreak was nearly tangible, she could hear it and almost taste it in the air as he struggled to speak. The young woman was not sure how to fix this - her heart belonged to another but she still considered this man a friend. He had was here for her, had risked so much by telling her of Glaciem's plans, and there was little that she wouldn't do for him... but she could not give him what he wanted, what he needed, all the same.

She could apologize, she could make up excuses and explain over and over again how she didn't know how he felt. But that would only make him hurt worse - and that wasn't what the alpha wanted to do at all. "Themisto, there is little I wouldn't do for you, but I can't give myself to you." He knew that wasn't an option, it was why his words were so heavy, so sad. "I care about you - deeply. We're family, and even though I have a lot of it, I love each of you dearly." To the point of it being a fault, even the ones that she hadn't met or begin to understand. "You're different though, even without familial ties I would trust you. With anything." Regardless of her rank or where she lived, she had faith in the amber eyed man. He had befriended her without knowing she was a leader, had made her smile and laugh without doing much of anything at all.

Themisto had managed to see sides of her that most did not after knowing her their entire lives, in less meetings than she had toes on one paw. "I never wanted to hurt you Themisto." But loving her was a lost cause, she loved Gideon entirely. Yet for a moment she wished that she could be there for him the way he wanted - seeing him so defeated was painful. "I'm sorry." He had not confessed, but now she understood. His patience with her, his endless caring, his willingness to fight beside her, he did it all out of love. Love that she could only return the way a friend would. Fiercely - but not romantically.

And that was the last thing that he wanted to hear, she was sure.