
Track it again


09-18-2013, 05:45 PM

Oddity was sore, his muscles had been toyed with since his last fight. Considering how rusty he had been, it was no wonder he lost. Though he had to admit, the strange dance he had with the woman had made him gain respect for her more. After all, being one of Isar's children, he was adapted to respect her regardless. Gender was no term for the man when it came to Isar. That man nearly ran over his heart some when it came to terms of loving someone. Oddity had to chuckle at the thought. His right front leg had a wound over it, not to mention his left blue eye with gashes above and below it. The lower gash was going to turn into a scar, but he was happy to wear it. The same as the older one on his chest. As well as the soreness in his neck bothering him from the piece of skin that had tearing. All the wounds scabbing and beginning the slow healing process. Oddity felt like becoming a cat and to start licking the wounds, but he told himself not to do so. After all, they would heal on their own, and he had been treated already for the wounds. He wouldn't die, and that was enough. His honor was a bit hurt, but not much as to why he felt in such a way towards the daughter of his king.
Oddity lowered his head onto his paws to think for a few minutes. "Why did it have to be you?" The boy whispered half to himself. Wondering why he had created such a feeling in the back of his heart. A small needle fell onto him from the dying tree's as they would be starting their sleep before the coming spring. Oddity would turn three years old next season, but he didn't feel any older than he already was. Time itself didn't know when to quit telling him to stop saying that he was above everything. Now he understood what it felt like to be a small part, no, a small particle of something much larger. Well, at least his King had no worries, for Oddity would never betray him. It may have well just ripped his heart out. It wasn't remorse, that wasn't there, but he didn't desire to feel that way in the first place. He was strange still, Odd, as his name fitted him.

Speech,(Click me for theme)



4 Years
09-19-2013, 10:19 PM

She would approach the familiar with a shallow respect, though still the vixen would carry herself with an evident pride contained by her rank, her purpose. She had bested the ebony male in a spar, and it would perhaps seem to be somewhat obvious as she would saunter towards the resting male, the deep wounds encircling his sockets enough to suggest he had got his money?s worth from their brief encounter. Satis on the other hand, bore the scabbing suggestion of a healing shoulder wound, and apart from a grazed cranium she was virtually unmarked. A decent effort. She appreciated his willingness to be her training pawn, her punching bag so to speak, so the youth thought it only worthy that she should converse with him on a rather less violent note. Perhaps to grow somewhat memorable within his character, as her mother likely would have suggested. Not that the marked peculiarity would strive upon her mother?s weakened ways. ?Does something trouble you, ebony sir?? feminine tones would fall from ivory lips, the striking mistress lowering to rest upon her haunches. Hell, she didn?t even know his name.