


09-18-2013, 06:19 AM

The little brute hadn?t been in the lands of Glaciem long, and like most pups, curiosity ruled his decisions as of late. This explained what he was doing out underneath the starlight of the pretty autumn night. The pale wash of the starlight cast against his white coat, glittering, and shining in the dark night. The black markings that protruded down his muzzle cast shadow on his face, and out of his orange eye, the only to hold sight he stared at the vast forest around him, his heart pounding in the thrill of night. He felt free and empowered and for the barely four month old pup, the feeling was all that mattered. Tumbling over his own paws, he would move, scrambling over fallen logs, using his small form as leverage to climb to the top of a particularly large log, he would stop on top of it to rest, his small chest heaving with effort, from his exuberant activities.

The scents here in Glaciem were slowly becoming less foreign, less over-powering to the young wolf, though he still found himself often confused, as too which direction the scent was coming from and how old the scent was. Generally the night air was crisp and refreshing, and the scents didn?t seem to hang as heavy as they did on hot sticky days. It was perhaps his favorite time to wander, for the forest seemed huge and inviting rather than scary and domineering. Perched on top of his post, he would stare off into the forest, reveling in the smell and feel of his new home, his little tail wagging.



09-19-2013, 10:33 AM
She had been tasked with raising the pup, but it seemed that raising a child was more labor intensive than Irin might have guessed. Well, this was complicated. She wanted nothing more than to make Isardis proud of her for raising this youngster well and giving him the opportunity to become the greatest warrior of Glaciem, but she hadn't the faintest idea of how to go about it. Still, she was scared to ask for help in such an endeavor, for that would mean admitting to the wolves of Glaciem that she couldn't do what Isardis expected of her. And more than anything, she didn't want to let the pup down either. She wanted to be the best mother that she could be.

Of course, the problem with that was that Irin hadn't the faintest idea of how to be a mother. She could hardly take care of herself, so how could she hope to take care of a young pup as well? He had run off into the frigid autumn night, and right now he could be freezing to death or he could be trapped and starving or or or he could have angered a predator and he could be mauled and bleeding out and oh goddess, she had to find him right then!

Panic blossomed in Irin's thoughts and she found herself breaking into a lope across the ground, racing along the trail that Seth had left behind him. Her imagination ran wild, and she half expected to find his corpse when she reached him. But when her gaze came to settle on Seth's form, the tension melted from her body as she realized that he was okay. Her breath was ragged as she tried to recover from the panicked race across Glaciem's territory, but he was okay, and that was what mattered.

Trying her best to be nonchalant, Irin flicked her tail, "Seth!" She greeted the pup, "Are you all right?" Had he been hurt? Had he managed to run afoul of some strange beast and get hurt? Was he hungry? Or tired?

She really wasn't cut out for this. But for Seth, Irin had already determined, she would do her best.

Talon I


4 Years
09-22-2013, 07:53 PM (This post was last modified: 09-22-2013, 07:53 PM by Talon I.)

Though he was more than a year and a half old, Talon was very much a child still. He was painfully naive and withdrawn, and rather undersized for his age, it was not apparent he was much more than a yearling -- if that. It was not common for him to wander in the darkness of night, but he felt particularly bold this night. The shimmering stars overhead cast pretty shadows down on the ground, and he crept quietly from the enclosure in which he slept,

After a fair bit of wandering, he found himself growing confused and afraid. In the distance he heard the chatter of wolves, and he continuously looked over his shoulder -- part of him was certain Isardis would be waiting there, scolding him for wandering at such an hour. His heart raced wildly, pounding incessantly inside his fragile chest. His pace increased, vision clouding as he pressed onward, struggling to regain his sense of direction and head back to his den.

He hadn't expected to run into another, but he hadn't been paying attention ... and he ran straight into a pretty white lady. Immediately he wondered if it was his Euph, but he blinked and backed up, realizing it was nobody he knew. "I'm so sorry," he stammered, his eyes wide as he watched her, taking a few steps backward. His tail curled between his legs, and he looked utterly terrified for a long moment."I-I didn't mean to!"


09-30-2013, 09:54 AM
Plopped up on the log, the little lad had reveled in the feeling of the crisp night, when the white ghost that had become something of his 'mother', appeared nearly out of nowhere. 'Seth?!' She asked, speaking his name urgently, 'Are you alright?' A small meek smile, flickered on his jaws, and his tail wagged weakly. Crap, was he in trouble? "Yes Irin! I'm fine I just wanted to explore!" No sooner had the words left his mouth, and another figure appeared, crashing into Irin.

As the other one stammered, he scrambled down to the slightly older youth. "Hi!" He squeaked looking at the brown wolf, from his one good eye. Who was this new wolf?


10-02-2013, 12:40 PM
The female breathed a huge sigh of relief when Seth assured her that he was fine, and her tail began to wag slightly in the air behind her. "That's good," Irin relaxed as she spoke, inclining her head towards the pup, "What do you think so far?" She was curious about what the youngster thought of Glaciem. It had come to be her home and she hoped dearly that the youngster she had been tasked with raising loved Glaciem as much as she. However, if he didn't, she was sure that an arrangement could be reached, if he desired to leave Glaciem. Of course, Irin hoped desperately that that would not be the way of things. She didn't want to fail the pup or Isardis.

A welcome distraction would come in the form of a brown wolf that very nearly barreled into her. Irin would jump a little, her blue eyes widening as she took in the form of a wolf who looked to be little younger than herself. "It's all right!" The female assured him, struggling to get her maw working properly as she tried to recover from the shock that had been inflicted upon her by this youngster.

He seemed to be about her age; a year, maybe a year and a half if you really stretched it, and not very intimidating. That was the only thing that kept Irin from panicking - well, that and the fact that Seth was there, and Irin was still trying desperately to convince Isardis that she could raise him well. Panicking in front of a child was not the proper way to raise one, so Irin forced her panic down and managed to smile at the other wolf.

Talon I


4 Years
10-03-2013, 07:31 AM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2013, 07:32 AM by Talon I.)

It was dark, and Talon knew that it was so stupid that he had wandered out alone! After apologizing dramatically and jumping backward, the boy remained standing there awkwardly, his eyes wide and apologetic. The lady said it was okay, but seemed a little startled. How stupid of him. And she was pretty, too -- which made him feel even more pathetic. Instinctively his tail curled tightly between his legs, a gesture of his submissive nature and his willingness to submit if the woman was angry with him.

His attention shifted to the younger boy, and he couldn't help but smile at his eagerness. "Hi!" he replied, giggling with a bit of nervousness. Slowly he hopped a bit around, facing the two of them better. "I'm.. Talon. W-who are you guys?" Noting that the woman had begun to smile, he felt his nerves relax ever so slightly, smiling in return.


10-03-2013, 09:35 PM
Glaciem had been all that he had hoped for and more, he loved the place so far, and was eager too meet all the other wolves that resided in the land. When Irin prompted his thoughts, he met her eyes eagerly, a smile on his jaws as his tail thumped on the log behind him. "I love it, Irin! I can't wait to meet everyone!" He spoke excitedly, his voice high pitched, and warm.

Looking at the oddly marked brown fellow, he smiled when he was greeted. Talon, what an odd name, he hadn't ever heard a name like that before. "Seth! My name's Seth, and this is Irin!" He said glancing up at the white dame beside him, his adopted mother. Stepping close to the other wolf, he noted that this wolf appeared to be a bit older, but that didn't daunt the young wolf, he was determined, Talon would be his friend.