
Welcome Home Sweet Child


09-17-2013, 10:32 PM

The light of the evening sun would shine it waning light upon her coat free of pigment. The long silvery fur would glow a bright orange to match the hue of the fiery sky. Coral eyes would scan the horizon, hoping to see the form of someone all so familiar to her. Satis had left their place of birth in a very foul mood, her mother in hysterics as her daughter went missing. Impra was still at a loss as to why her sister had left, she had not been there at the time of conflict and her mother would say nothing. She knew where she had gone though, she had mentioned a search for their lost father. The towering she wolf would have kept herself in her mothers care were it not for the burning curiosity she felt about the wolf who had sired her.
So as she drew near to the territory she let the scents of her new form roll over her pale nose, the new smell mingling with one that was incredibly similar. Satis was close, as was their father. It would hardly take her until the sun was completely hidden to find them. By then the moon would rule the sky, and the blaring sunlight would extinguish the painful hold it had her in. Not that she didn't enjoy sunsets and certainly the relief could already be felt to be on its way.



09-17-2013, 10:46 PM

His travels had taken him all over the lands he now called home, still he was on a search for the perfect place to set his Empire. Large feline paws brought him back to the cold lands of the north, glad to be back in the cold he felt himself grow more at ease. So much that he was almost completely unaware of the she wolf that lingered in his path. Before he could be spotted he would slow his pace and go into a more stealthy position. He took in her form, which was rather impressive for a canine. Her stature was tall and thin, and her fur absolutely pristine. He could not remember a time when he had seen such a wolf who was as pretty as she.
He gathered his thoughts and decided to see who she was, her form was curious enough to catch his undivided attention, he had to see if she was as captivating visually as she was mentally. Gargantuan spotted paws would stalk up to her, his presence not noted until he was almost upon her. She looked upon him and he was startled once again, her skin was of the most delicate of pinks and her eyes a stunning rose hue. He was quite taken aback by her presence, not noting the albinism that took her. Vat's a pretty she wolf like you doing alone in the tundra? He would purr as his emerald gaze took in her facade. There were not many wolves who could brag to be taller than he, but like most he encountered she could not touch the weight he held upon her.



09-17-2013, 10:54 PM

The presence of another would not be alerted to her as she swayed along through the land. Her long tassel like tail would kiss the ground as she walked at a comfortable pace. Sounds would be the first sense that became aware of the cat's presence. Her porcelain ear would tilt into his direction as her face followed the alert. What met her eyes was rather surprising, a giant spotted cat would walk up to her. She could feel her hackles start to raise at his approach, but something made her feel less than frightful. Had he craved her flesh she was sure that he would have already succeeded in taking what she had. Vat's a pretty she wolf like you doing alone in the tundra? She was momentarily distracted from the question because of his accent, it was surely one she had never heard before.
She would let her gaze rest upon his, clearly confused for a moment, Wha..? Oh, me? I'm making my way to my father's Kingdom. I believe I'm close. The terrible look of cluelessness would disappear as she looked back to her looming destination. Why do you ask, cat? I didn't think lords such as yourself associated with wolves. As her coral gaze moved back to the spotted feline she'd take him in more this time. He was not much shorter than her, but he held much more weight than she could wish to encompass.



09-17-2013, 11:06 PM

She would be slight;y startled by him, but it was hardly anything new. Many wolves had become quick taken aback by his grand presence, and this lovely gem was no different. He hardly knew what it was that drew him to her, the perfectness of her pelt or now the sweet sound of her voice. He had never felt so drawn to a creature, but now he could feel the desire building up within him. Vask wanted her for his own, to call her his. He would smile innocently, hardly able to touch the freedom that radiated from her. She was completely enthralling. "Wha..? Oh, me? I'm making my way to my father's Kingdom. I believe I'm close. Why do you ask, cat? I didn't think lords such as yourself associated with wolves." He was slightly hurt at her words, but he could hardly blame her. He was a special case.
He would draw more near to her side, but would keep himself standing proudly. He would take in her sickly sweet scent through golden nostrils. Mmm, I see. Vell my dear your form was quite alluring even from a far off distance. I had to take in your loveliness at a much closer distance. His chest would rumble at the words, drawing himself ever closer to her. But, I am being rude. I am known as Vask Ivanov Prince to the Siberian Empire. He would let himself fall into a low respectful bow.



09-17-2013, 11:18 PM

She would watch with wonder as his beastly form drew nearer her own, she could count the elegant whiskers upon his maw. She had to admit that he was quite beautiful, with his rosetted pelt and emerald colored orbs. She was quite enamored by his appearance alone. She'd never experienced such a great cat. His words would not help her heightening interest, "Mmm, I see. Vell my dear your form was quite alluring even from a far off distance. I had to take in your loveliness at a much closer distance. But, I am being rude. I am known as Vask Ivanov Prince to the Siberian Empire." Her cherry eyes would widen in excitement at his proclamation of his name. She had been completely right in thinking he was a Lord among cats, a Prince even! She was at awe she could catch the eye of such an impressive beast. She would lower her ears at the realization of his royalty, returning the show of respect he was able to show her.
She could also feel the pride that would swell within her chest, his words only fueling the knowledge of her beauty. She knew she was gorgeous, being able to capture the sight of such a cat would prove it. My greetings, Prince. She would dip her head, I am called Impra Armada, daughter of the High King Isardis The lyrics would fall from her ivory jaws as her glittering gaze found his.



09-17-2013, 11:28 PM

It seemed the two were of similar backgrounds, both having been raised as the progeny of kingdoms. Though he was sure the more specific details were moons apart, he had heard little of the king, but had been meaning to arrange a meeting with him, he realized then the connection between the she wolf and the royal male, both held the same condition in their grasp, obvious albinism. Vask took hold of the opportunity as it presented itself to him, maybe he would be granted more time with the elegant goddess. "My greetings, Prince. I am called Impra Armada, daughter of the High King Isardis." Her quarts gaze found their way to his emerald orbs, he could feel himself becoming hypnotized by their appearance.
Not wishing to relinquish the intimate scene he would let more word fall from golden lips, It's a dangerous place in these parts, would you let me accompany you to the border? He would offer softly, well aware that she could handle most any creature that thought to attack her, but it was always helpful to have a mammoth sized cat by your side.



09-17-2013, 11:53 PM

She found herself caught in his interesting gaze, the green depths seemed utterly endless. She was pleased that the cat was able to hold it for such a length of time, it was hard for some to look into the bloody depths. The tug of a smile would pull at the corners of her lips, she was beginning to enjoy this feline. It's a dangerous place in these parts, would you let me accompany you to the border? An ivory eyebrow would raise at his offer, she could certainly take on most of what came at her, did she need his company? The better question was, did she want to bring him to the teetering edge of her father's land. What would he think of the princely cat? She didn't even know what he'd think of her.
It was really his own decision though, and if he wished to come within sight of her powerful sire so be it. She could not control him. I would not turn you away, honorable cat. her eyes would sadly lose their contact as she turned back to look at where she was heading, getting quite impatient to be there. Thank you, Vask. She'd take another glimps as her long legs took their first strides.



09-18-2013, 12:08 AM

Their gaze would be broken all too quickly, though her hint of a smile would not be lost on him. He'd give her his own, mirroring her own gorgeous one. The golden cat found himself in an odd place, this she wolf had captivated him like a fine diamond. He couldn't help but to want to keep her away forever, he could not bring himself to thievery though. The young goddess belonged to the icy King Isardis, her father. He was sure that she would not be given up in any type of request. She was worth much more. What had Vask to give in return? His kingdom was not established and all he had was himself, but he wanted to badly to keep in her presence. I would not turn you away, honorable cat.
She would turn her glittering bodice away from his own, her alluring gait taking her closer to the land she would call her home. His large form would follow, Thank you, Vask. he took in her soft words, they were placed delicately upon his ears. You're very welcome, my dear. He would answer back to her as they fell into line. The giant cat placed next to the giant wolf, their strides almost matching as they trotted the rest of the way to the border in comfortable silence.



09-18-2013, 12:23 AM

She would watch from the corner of her eye as the large cat found his place beside her, You're very welcome, my dear. She would let the smile that had been threatening to burst through a little more freedom. The corners of her champaign lips would curl a bit more at the movement, quite content with his place at her side. She could feel their body heat mingle as the odd pair loped away to her intended destination. She did have to admit that she felt much safer and comfortable in the presence of the large cat. Impra herself was quite impressive but he held an incredible amount of grandness himself.
She could smell the wafting of the pack's scents more easily as she found herself coming to the edge of her father's kingdom. She could just pick out the lingering of her sister's scent and she could feel herself become more excited. She looked to her companion as nervousness found its way into her chest, glad to have the comfort of the golden feline. This is it. ruby lips would confess as she found her paws slowing to a stop. She looked into the depths, surprised to see the form of no one. She would need to announce her presence, her patience was not that impressive. With a quick tilt of her flowing crown she would thrust her muzzle into the air. The liquid sound would flow from her lips, calling for her family. She had come, she was home.



09-18-2013, 12:35 AM

He would enjoy her company as they made their way along the land, their pace rather impressive. Their presence was rather intimidating, the white queen trailed by the sun hewn feline. He would move in sync with the graceful she wolf, his movements coming to a steady halt as her own did. This is it. His crown would turn to face her own, his shoulders pulled back to bring him to his full impressive height. Though he imagined she expected his retreat he had decided to keep his presence next to her own. He wished to cast a glance on this sire of hers.
He would watch entranced as she pulled her head back to release the call which would summon the royal head of the pack. He would keep himself poised perfectly as they awaited the arrival of the welcoming committee, he was quite hopeful he would get a possible word with the King as well.




4 Years
09-18-2013, 03:06 AM

The familiarity would cause her stomach to shudder, skin crawling against her spine as the marked woman would pause within her steps. Surely not? Several weeks it had been since she had left her sister behind, the albino seemed to possess little interest in joining Satis? search for their father. Not that she had exactly invited the girl. It had been her break-away, her chance to be something their foolish mother wouldn?t allow, not anybody elses. And she had found what she saught, everything was exactly how she needed it. But now her litter-mate would rise upon the horizon, her unique perfume unable to be misinterpreted. And she wasn?t alone.

Quickly Satis would lope, healing injuries upon her shoulders, signals of the recent spars she had engaged within. She had been training hard for her father, did Impra boast of similar intentions? But something would send the temptress sliding to a hasty halt; the realisation of a cat sending a vicious snarl to her pale jowls, golden gaze pinning against its spotted outline as she puzzled so vigorously over her sisters reasoning. ?Impra! Why risk bringing such an unearthly beast to the door of your fathers kingdom!? Do you not realise you risk the lives of so many?? perhaps if she hadn?t known her sister so well she would have presumed she bore ill intentions, though despite her anger and fear for this creature, she presumed the albino had to have her reasons.


09-18-2013, 12:50 PM

The she wolf would watch Vask as he took on a more comfortable stance, his body screaming power through his pores. She would become nervous about his presence, as it was very much unknown how her relatives would react. She withdrew all of her claim upon him, for he was a free creature and could do as he saw fit. She just hoped he would be safe from the pack should more than just her father and sister appear. She did not wait long for her presence to draw near, Satis could be seen making her way towards them, but she would stop short as soon as her golden eyes fell upon Impra's companion. A snarl would form maliciously on her sisters face and following it a few stern words, ?Impra! Why risk bringing such an unearthly beast to the door of your fathers kingdom!? Do you not realise you risk the lives of so many?? It was certainly not the welcome she had expected, but with the golden giant at her side there was not much wonder as to why Satis was so upset.
Her sister was almost ten inches shorter than herself, and was towered over by both she and the large cat. Impra would have been intimidated as well that the situation been reversed. All was well though, and she was just thankful to be given a chance to explain herself. Hello, Satis. She'd greet before letting her explanation flow, giving Vask a quick look. I risk no one's life but my own. I have no control over the creatures of the land, and Prince Vask insisted he escort me to these borders. Had he any ill intent I can be sure he would not have hesitated to show me already. She was not sure how well her reasoning would sway her paranoid sister, but Impra was sure that Vask was not interested in bloodshed. She stole another glance at her companion, the thought of him standing golden clad next to her waiting on impending battles made her excited. Could she keep this fine beast in her possession? Would Isardis allow the cat's presence in his kingdom? Impra felt much safer around him but it was obvious that would not be the case for many.



09-18-2013, 01:09 PM

The approach of the one called Satis would drive the first steaks of doubt into his heart. Her reaction to his presence was one he had encountered before, but had hoped that it would have been different. She was quite abrasive to his presence, but he didn't let her sway him. He wished to be in the presence of the ivory deity, he would earn his place by her side. He caught the glance of his princess as she began her explanation, she seemed to cover most of what he would have said. She certainly had no control over him, other than the gentle allure that had first captured him.
He wished not to fuel the she wolf's flame, so decided against any speech. He was almost sure that any words he would try to add would be ignored for the simple fact of his species. She seemed inclined to not be swayed by the one who encroached upon her territory. Impra's explanation would have to be enough, otherwise he would have to survive with out the sight of the gorgeous she wolf.




4 Years
09-19-2013, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 10:37 PM by Satis.)

Her sister, who stood almost 10 inches taller than herself, would seem to retract, to ponder somewhat voidly over an appropriate explanation; her expressions seemingly at ease with her mistakes. All the while Satis would grow more tense, gaze darting between the strange cat and the unexpected company of her litter mate. She craved so deeply to question her reasoning, to ask the familiar albino what had brought her to follow the sister that had previously been entirely alone in her endeavours. Not that it bothered her, but no real interest had seemed to shown on Impra?s behalf those few weeks ago. And now? Now she stood so confidently at the borders of a home she had never known, thinking it fine to invite a? feline, to her family?s reunion.

?The King?s pups are still helpless for protection against such a beast, your timing is unfavourable, and I highly doubt Isardis will grow fond of the company of the opposite species. It would be foolish to suggest only you were at risk when helpless newborns writhe within,? she would shake her head, gaze narrowing upon the spotted creature, scrutinizing him and everything he was. ?I would think it wise to warn Glaciem superiors of your plans for this? creature before inviting him to mingle with his rival species. However, do as you wish, I?m sure it is but a matter of time until Isardis sniffs the being out.? She would relax lightly, though still showing no desire to yield to its peculiarity until a leader had allowed it?s stay.


09-20-2013, 09:48 PM

Satis would not let herself relax after Impra's attempt at soothing her, but it would probably be for the better. She made some very good points, and it was certain that Impra would take her sister's word over that of a cat she had known for a mere hour. With her whole being she wished to call him hers, a great pet to be displayed to all. Alas, Satis help the truth in her grasp, and her scorning tone would bring Impra out of her hypnotized state. With lowered ears to display a submittance to her sister's more logical will. A defeated, and slightly sad voice would roll from her coral lips, "Dear sister you are much more valiant than I.
Defeated gaze would fall back upon the cat she so craved, his golden beauty tempting her so. She wished to hold his emerald gaze to her own, and even more to march aside him in battle. The possibilities would still stand, but she would have to wait to attain him. She would not forget him so quickly. "Be gone from here, Vask. You will have your word with my father, but not this night." She would give him a promising smile. She would approach him closer, lowering her voice slightly. She didn't care if Satis heard her, but the words were not meant for her ears."Stay away from here until I find you again, show them that you really mean us no harm. I'll make sure to have a word with Isardis." She would perk herself back up and stand proudly, her demeanor very much princess like.
A tender gaze was left for him as she turned back to her sister, her head lowering simultaneously. She would push Vask from her mind and put all of her focus and will power into serving her father. She would have to work for the privilege of owning the beast, starting with owning up for her mistakes. "Satis I did the Kingdom wrong, I should have never let him accompany myself. I feel incredibly selfish, I put myself before the pack. Thank you for showing me my wrong." She would try not to meet the smaller sister's gaze, she always was the more sensible one. While Impra focused on herself and her own image Satis would not, the rosy she wolf had much to learn from her sibling.



09-20-2013, 09:57 PM

He would grow ever more uneasy around the she wolf, and his desire to stay in her presence was diminishing quickly. The probability of gathering his intended words was quickly growing smaller. His albino mistress would need to be left, but what length of time would it be until his side would be accompanied by her own? Two such magnificent beasts should not be separated. His ears would fall to the sides of his head at the words that were spoken, his heart falling as Impra would send him away. "Stay away from here until I find you again, show them that you really mean us no harm. I'll make sure to have a word with Isardis." He would nod slowly, allowing their eyes to meet one last time. He would do as she wished, and the pack would neither smell or hear from him until the ghostly angel found him once more.
He would turn himself around slowly, and as quickly as he had appeared before the lovely she wolf he would vanish once again. His emerald orbs would not sneak any glimpse behind him, his eyes were now for the roads. He would avoid Glaciem and its inhabitants like they were filled with plague. He wanted the girl, and if avoidance was all it would take, then he would certainly take this opportunity.
-exit vask-




4 Years
09-21-2013, 09:02 PM

She would watch in relief as her sister would yield to her suggestions, casting her ?pet? a reluctant glance of defeat before wisely sending him on his way. Satis would loosen as the strange creature would retreat, rising to her full height as her muscles relaxed, though still appearing somewhat meek before her larger sister. ?Have your reasoning for the feline ready for Isardis, but I warn you it will need to be good,? golden gaze would fixate upon her sisters rubies, perhaps mildly irritated that she had so confidently marched to her father?s kingdom and not spared a thought to their safety. But Impra had been wise enough to fix her wrongs, and perhaps the cat could be a positive addition in future.

?What has brought you to follow me, Impra? I never expected to find you so far from home, your loyalty seemingly to our mother? curiosity lingered within her gape, luminous lanterns wandering so inquisitively over the larger girls own. The surprise had been one of mild irritation initially, though now she felt almost pleased to have her sister by her side; a familiar face among so many strangers. A scent would waver her focus, the undeniable cologne of Isardis wafting from the sou-west. It would be only moments before he would arrive.



09-21-2013, 09:16 PM


He knew upon his arrival that the woman could only be his daughter; Satis had previously warned him of her only other litter-mate, a colossal and just as striking albino that would resemble her father wholly. Her body were flustered greater by undertones of pink than his, but her beauty was enough to confirm their relations. His attentions had been initially captured by the stench of another species, however as the man would waltz so effortlessly towards his daughters, pride swelling beneath his skin, he would notice no unwanted company.

Gracefully he would bless them with his presence, his thrill to have yet another of his impressive spawn within his kingdom more than enough to send his veins rattling with the rising exhilaration. She was an image of prime strength, though grace was still evident within her stance, her body resembling that of a war machine and no less. He would ponder lightly if she held as much drive as the smaller sister that stood before her, confident his pack would need no more than family to defeat the war that would ever rise. ?Such a beauty could be no less than the blood of my own, no?? a proud smirk wove his features as he would aim for her direct contact, casting a swift glace to Satis as his nose would strive to reach for the albino girls ear, to press his snout firmly beneath her fur as he inhaled her now familiar aroma, ?What greater a gift to a king, than the reunion of his misplaced spawn? What is it you call yourself, my little rose, my daughter??

She was exactly what he needed in such tender times of siege.


09-21-2013, 10:59 PM

Her sister would visibly relax as she became more comfortable, bringing herself up to the full height she could attain. As her rash actions were maybe not forgiven, but quickly forgotten as she continued with her curios questions. What has brought you to follow me, Impra? I never expected to find you so far from home, your loyalty seemingly to our mother? Impra would finally let her gaze fall upon her sister's golden orbs as she answered the request for information, Curiosity mostly, but mother is so boring. You had set off for a much more exciting life, and it called me. She would shrug as the thought of why hadn't particularly crossed her mind. Boredom and the lust for something greater seemed to be her best answer.
Before she could get any more words out the presence of her pristine father was found to be in their midst. Her eyes befell the creature who she so obviously took after. He seemed almost excited to see her, and she would accept the warm welcome happily. ?Such a beauty could be no less than the blood of my own, no?? Impra's eyelashes would bat at the compliment, her head rising a bit further with pride. She would enjoy the way her father's eyes fell upon her bodice. ?what greater a gift to a king, than the reunion of his misplaced spawn? what is it you call yourself, my little rose, my daughter?? he would purr delightedly as she felt his touch. My name is, Impra Father. she wasn't sure how she felt about finally meeting her father, she certainly would lavish herself in his praise worthy words. No other but your seed could create such beauty in me. She would beam proudly.
