
A Long Time Coming


09-17-2013, 08:40 PM

Noonday's sun had just dawned over Seracia as the King reached the westernmost edge of the lake. The water was still and quiet, undisturbed despite the late hour. The sun beamed down upon him, striking his russet coat a bright red. Emerald eyes would shift eagerly as his crown tilted perpendicular to the landscape, allowing his muzzle to point at the blue and white sky. With a gentle melody he would beckon the kingdom to his bosom, requesting their presence for a meeting that needed to be held. It was wise to have these meetings periodically, and it was important that everyone stay on top of the news in Seracia. Dappled haunch descended to the earth as his crown once more moved parallel to the terrain, angling down ever so slightly in a noble manner. Tail swept about his hips neatly as he waited for them to come, hoping his wife and children would be in attendance as well. It was time they be formally introduced to everyone in the kingdom.

OOC; you have until Saturday, September 21 to join the meeting. Anyone posting after that will be considered late. Those absent or extremely late may be shifted down in the ranks.




09-17-2013, 09:06 PM

Rivaxorus was excited for this pack meeting. Kurai her red fox followed closely behind as the large girl headed towards the call. When she got to the point where King Maverick was in view she dipped her head in a polite greeting. Her tail flicked back and forth as the fox turned his head and dipped it to the king as well. Kurai hadn't met Maverick yet but now was a place to start as any. "Greetings King Maverick it's a fine day." Rivaxorus said politely as she took a seat in front of him a few feet away. Kuari sat beside her his yellowish eyes looking at the king.
"It's a pleasure to meet you sir, my name is Kurai, I am Riv's companion." The British fox said with a dip of his head. The two had no idea what this meeting had to hold. Either way Riv was happy to be here in the first place. Her black tail flicked up and down as her red eyes watched the russet male.

Cassius 1


3 Years
09-17-2013, 09:15 PM

but i never let it get me down

He would run ahead of the group of pups, not paying attention to whether or not they were following. Ambition had been slowly growing on him now that he had learned he would not be eaten within Seracian grounds. He was still cautious and flighty, but Cassius knew better than to tarry when his father was calling. It seemed this was a big deal, for the call clearly summoned the entire kingdom, as opposed to when it was directed at their family unit. Half and half face would brighten as he noted his dad sitting not too far away. The child ambled over, rubbing gently against Maverick's right foreleg, his shoulders barely reaching to his father's knee. Someday he'd be bigger - at least he hoped. He couldn't hope to ever hold a candle to his larger siblings, though. He had a feeling he'd never be a sizable lad. Cassius inclined his head to his dad, posing a question. "What's g-going on, Da'?" This seemed different than a normal day. Another woman approached with a smaller canine-like creature. The smaller creature introduced himself, piquing curiosity in the young Adravendi-Mathias. This thing wasn't so much bigger than himself! However, the child wasn't nearly bold enough to speak to either the creature or his larger comrade.

{Table coded by Lu}



09-17-2013, 09:33 PM

She had been storing away some herbs when the summoning call of the young King pierced the air. Without even a second thought she was off, it sounded like her was close, near the lake, not too far from where her den was with Gerhardt. Within minutes she was just yards away, spotting the red King with his son and Riv already there. She would dip her head to all three, smiling at the young Casius before taking a seat a bit to the side but close enough. "It is nice to see you out and about little one." She would say gently, her tail laying over her paws. She wondered what the meeting was for.


Awesome table by Briena <3



4 Years
09-17-2013, 09:35 PM

Arian followed her younger brother at a nice pace. She was excited but she didn't want to over excite herself after all. A smile on the small girls face. Once she reached where her adopted father was her head turned towards her younger brother and then to the woman in front of her with the little creature next to her. "MAV, look she stole my eye patch!" The girl still hadn't gotten used to calling Maverick or her adopted mother by mom or dad. It felt a bit too soon for her to let go of them. Her tail flicked back and forth as she tapped Cassius on the head with her paw. "You should go talk to that thing."
Arian was a bit bigger than the rest of her sibling since they were half a season maybe even more apart. Though they were growing close behind. As the girl wanted to play the part of big sister and protect them no matter what they did. After all she had been through hell in a pups term. Her smile, was surprising. Just hopefully if any black wolves showed up she'd be able to hide behind Mav.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.



7 Years
09-18-2013, 03:26 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

For a large portion of Tahlia's life, she had yearned for the small accomplishment of gaining a family, a husband and children that she could devote herself to. It was how things were done in her pack of origin; women were married off to raise a family her husband could be proud of and prove herself a competent wife. And after acquiring Bane as her mate she had thought herself halfway there. No sooner had she come into her season, she pressed for pups, and obligingly he complied with her request. So presently she was on the home stretch to finally having that family she so dreamed about.

Of course, Tahlia also had a bad habit of glamorizing things in such a way that made reality somewhat less appealing than it was in her imagination. Marriage had always seemed a pleasant finality until her first husband had gotten himself killed and she had been forced to seek another as a tarnished widow. And now the miracles of life that she was attempting to carry were proving to be far more than she had anticipated. Not only was she already showing - in perhaps a few weeks time she would reach the halfway point - but the weight and hunger and discomfort were trying her patience, upsetting her already imbalanced hormones. Her reflection did not look the same when she peered at herself within the waters of the lake, she did not feel like herself with these new bodies growing inside of her, and she knew she was not entirely acting like herself either. Bossy one moment and pleading the next, she was certainly going to run her elder husband ragged before his time.

So when the call came from Maverick for the whole of Seracia to gather there was the slightest bit of trepidation that made the wolf hesitate before running off to answer. A gathering. With all of the pack. And her feeling irritable and less like her typically polite and dignified self. Yes, this is going to go well, she grumbled within the safety of her mind, ears splaying disapprovingly at the idea. Her position beside the lake, lying half within the shade and half out so that at least a part of her would dry in the sun from her impromptu swim, held much more appeal than did the meeting she was expected to be at. But knowing that she had an image to protect - even if her children were already doing their darnedest to distort it - she knew she truthfully had no choice.

With a vocalized groan, she drew herself grudgingly to her paws and trotted off into the woods, her still damp forelegs slightly chilled within the denser shadows. Their place of meeting was surprisingly close, and catching on to the scent of the healer Loccian the pregnant russet and black she-wolf finally came within sight of them. Although a large portion of her mind was preoccupied with feeling suddenly insecure and self-conscious because of her increasingly obvious condition, Tahlia devoted the other part to maintaining the same sort of semblance that she so customarily appeared before the pack with. A vague hint of a smile was set upon her muzzle while dark golden eyes skimmed the familiar and unfamiliar faces presently gathered, her head politely lowered and her tail to match. Just a little did her eyes seem to dazzle as they alighted upon the pups, and feeling her smile stretch into something more earnest she padded quietly toward Maverick for a small private audience before the meeting could truly be called to order.

"My apologies for being late in bestowing my congratulations to you on your family," she stated with a smile and a tail wag for the King, keeping a distance yet from the red ruler after noting the timid streak that seemed to run within the two-toned youngster who stayed close to his father's foreleg. A glance was spared for the pups along with a complacent smile, a bit of her comfort returned knowing that soon she would have her own. "They are lovely," she remarked admiringly, just a little noting the peculiar appearance of the larger female pup compared to the boy. Almost she asked whether the others would be arriving with their mother, but seeing an opportunity to voice her own circumstances to her leader she took it. "I wish to inform you," she stated with just a slight hesitation, hushing her voice a little for privacy, "that I shall be expecting my own here soon." Surely he had noticed and would understand what she meant. "I have taken Bane as my mate. And I carry his pups." It was not exactly how she had anticipated breaking the news, but feeling as if she had waited too long already there was no time like the present. Golden eyes skimming across her leader's face, she waited, hopeful of congratulations of her own.

Silent I


11 Years
09-18-2013, 08:42 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2013, 08:46 AM by Silent I.)

The morning was as fresh and crisp as any other in Silent's eyes. She loved autumn because of how everything seemed to change. The colors went from fresh green to the beautiful oranges, yellows, and vibrant reds that were so familiar to her. The winds that swept around their den had bites that occasionally nipped at her ears and nose. The ebony fae shivered all over, softly chuckling to herself as she let the effects of the early morning settle into her old bones.
A howl then hit the air, tones indicating importance and urgency. Silent's ears pricked and her head turned in the direction of the source. She looked back at her family, of whom was enjoying a breakfast of deer meet, only to tell them, "Let us go, my loves. A pack meeting is about to take place!" An excited yip from both Faolan and Mercury met her ears and she grinned widely at their responses. Ara and Jendai began to walk towards her, of which she nuzzled both girls with a loving nose. All of her children were amazing. She loved each and every one of them with all of her being.
As they left the den, she watched Faolan bound ahead, eager to get there first to see whom all was there. The ebony fae, silver now showing in various places on her body, looked for Bronze. She waited until he got beside her before starting off towards the location of the meeting. Her green eyes, filled with adoration and affection for Bronze, swept to him as she said, "I wonder what this meeting will be for, my love." Curiosity was obvious in her tones, but she didn't push the topic any further.
When they reached the grouping of wolves, Silent's eyes roved around the different members of the pack. She recognized Loccian at once, only because of her dark fur and how it stood out against the autumn colors. Her head bowed in the direction of Maverick when her eyes met his, green gaze to green gaze. She wagged her tail behind her slowly before reclining to her haunches beside Bronze. Glancing at him for a minute, she then openly nuzzled his cheek. She kept an ear out for the pups, keeping track of where they were. "Behave, my dears," she softly said, knowing that each one would do their best to control their excitement.



09-18-2013, 09:23 AM

beginning to the end

It was another typical autumn morning in the familiar household. Bronze had gone out to catch breakfast, making all four pups wake up and be excited from the hunger. Faolan had latched on to the part of the deer he claimed, little teeth sinking into the thick thigh of its hind leg. His weight had dragged it apart from its body, making it easier for him to yank with a shake of his head. Pretty soon, the silvery gray pup was eating his fill, and sleep was trying to temp its way into his mind. A nap would have been nice...if Mother hadn't woken him up.
Faolan had heard the howl around the same time as his mama, but he didn't know what it meant. Only when Silent said that a meeting was about to take place did he decide being sleepy wasn't an option. The eagerness to be out and about among other wolves - maybe even the pups he had met - made him yip in response to Silent's words. He was greeted with a grin from her and he looked over at his father before abandoning the chosen leg he was sharing with Mercury.
He clumsily padded outside the den, trying not to trip over his lengthening legs as he stepped out into the brisk air. Breathing it in and taking in the details of the outside world, he looked around with bright eyes and then proceeded to lead the way. As he was slowly growing, his strides were becoming longer and faster. Faolan enjoyed this and it didn't take long to reach the location of the pack meeting about to take place. Eagerly, he looked around and caught sight of the King and Queen's children. A welcoming bark was sent to Cassius, and he proceeded to walk towards him, but Silent's gentle warning settled upon his ears and, looking disappointed, reclined to his haunches beside his mother. Faolan snuck a glance in her direction, only to see her nuzzling his daddy, and he looked away quickly. "Mushy stuff," he said in a loud whisper, shaking his head as he saw an approaching Mercury. "Can you believe that, Merc?" He asked, blinking in disbelief at the very idea of it all.
His attention then turned from the question he gave his brother to the King. Whatever problems he had concerning his parent's public displays of affection would be there when the meeting was over. The red-furred male's words were more important.

Puppy Talk

we are alive


09-18-2013, 09:48 AM

Aeil had been walking around the borders of Seracia, patrolling just to make sure everything looked all right, when she heard the call. Maverick was summoning the members of the pack, and it was definitely important. She did a quick search of the land she was standing at before she retreated behind the borders. Her long strides carried her lengthy form through the woods and across the fields, going through the grasses and trees that were slowly changing their colors. With her dark gray body against the colors, she definitely stood out.
Her bright blue eyes sought out the members that she knew and the ones she didn't. Either way, she was proud to be a part of the large Seracian family. Aeil's attention then focused on Maverick, and once everyone had said their word, she patiently approached him. "Good morning, King Maverick," she said, slowly trying to regain her breath after her sprint. "I hope I am not too late." Her tail lightly wagged behind her, ears perked intently.
A smile appeared across Aeil's face when she saw the bundle of pups that surrounded themselves around Maverick's legs. She didn't put her face in their personal spaces, but instead looked back to the proud father and said, "They are adorable, your Highness. Congratulations." An ear perked in another direction, hoping to catch the presence of Gerhardt. She missed the Ambassador dearly and hoped he would show up for the meeting. Another bit of her wished Dragon would show, but Lord only knows where he was so early in the morning.



09-18-2013, 12:00 PM
At the far ends of the land, Crucible's ear flicked towards the sound of a summoning howl. He knew that voice, it was his king's. Of course as of yet that would be only one of two voices he would know off hand, Riv being the other and she had no reason to summon him. The summon worried him some. Though he did not have outstanding loyalty to the pack members, only because he had not met them, he did not want this home savagely taken away from him like his last. The scouting he had been doing was soon forgotten as his legs picked up and loped towards the call of his king.

The young wolf was overly aware of his surroundings as he ran. He would not let another take him off guard so as he could not fight for his new home. Often pessimistic because of his past, Crucible was prepared for the worst. The smell of a large group of gathered wolves lingered into his nostrils. This slowed him to a fast paced trot, and soon to a walk as they came into his vision. Everyone was sitting and relaxing. They did not seemed concerned as to why their king had called them. Perhaps this meeting was just routine? His yellow eyes scanned each one of them looking for knowledge in their body language, but nothing was given to him besides an overwhelming feeling of security.

Relaxation tugged at his muscles and he gave into it. Though not noticeable to most wolves, one who could see the details in others would have noticed the tenseness leave his body. Crucible was skilled in hiding his emotions because he had lived as a rogue. Out there, one never knew whom you should trust and whom you should flee from. The young wolf lowered his head to King Maverick in respect before going to sit towards the back of the ranks. He did not yet feel comfortable sitting among all of these wolves he did not know. Alert as always, he waited patiently for the meeting to begin.



3 Years
09-19-2013, 10:41 AM

Maverick's howl drew her from her den, and Kamala padded towards it without second thought. Though she had been sleeping, she blinked the exhaustion away within moments and easily closed the distance between herself and her brother, the King. It was strange to think of him in such a manner, but it was even stranger to consider herself the Princess. Of course, Kamala knew that she probably didn't need to get too used to being a Princess. She would bow down before one of her brother's children soon enough.

The thought was not tinged by any hint of bitterness. Kamala had never harbored any dreams of being a Queen. No, what she truly wanted was to ensure that Seracia had the best future that it could get. She knew that she would not be the best Queen. One of Maverick's children would surely have more potential than herself. After all, hadn't Kamala not too long ago been stuck in a mire of self-hatred for letting her family down? It would be disastrous for a Queen to behave in such a manner. It had been simply embarrassing and improper for a Princess to act like that, and it had ensured more than anything that Kamala would never have any aspirations to rule the Kingdom that she loved so dearly.

She approached the gathering with a lighter heart than she had had in quite some time, however, her tail held jauntily high and a gentle smile on her features. "Maverick," She greeted him with an inclination of her head before coming to sit a little off to the side, her tail wrapping easily around her paws as she waited for the meeting to begin.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-19-2013, 11:12 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2013, 11:15 AM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron Adravendi-Mathias was content to let her husband leave alone and scope out a spot for the meeting. It was nothing new to have a few moments alone with her children, and she found it easy to guide them from the den and towards her husband's call when it reached their waiting ears. Still she kept a watchful eye on them, knowing they were still in their curious pup stage -- and it didn't take them much to wander off the path, quite literally, in search of whatever they found intriguing. After a brief stroll, the group would approach the lake. She was surprised to see Cassius barreling ahead of them, though his withdrawn nature was shown as he immediately pressed himself against Maverick. A smile ignited her features, finding her children to be as adorable as ever. Even Arian, the girl she had adopted, had quickly grown to feel as much as child as the other three.

With ease she slipped near Maverick's other side, nuzzling his neck lightly and lovingly. Eyes swept over the group, immediately settling on the one with the fur eyepatch -- so similar to her Arian's. Loccian had arrived, as had Tahlia .. who looked somewhat ... pregnant? Silent and her family, the dark-furred Aeil that she had befriended easily, Kamala, and a stranger. Head would lift proudly over her shoulders, a smile still engrained on her features. She was eager to officially announce her children to the wolves of Seracia. Having released her hold on them a bit, she had no idea who they had or hadn't gotten to meet yet.



09-19-2013, 11:35 AM

Everything as of late was rather stressful for a man who usually didn't care about anything. A sigh escaped his lips as he tended to his plants. Winter was approaching, and during the harsh winter land his plants would die out. He would have to wait until spring to grow them again, so harvesting them to their full potential was key. If he had to go an entire season sober he would go crazy. He had just grasped a few buds and eaten them when Maverick's call rang out across Seracia. He was summoning everyone, so it was a meeting for sure. Nudging his plants he said a goodbye, then turned and went on his way. It only took a few moments for him to reach the others. A little group had already formed, and he was happy that he wasn't late. Being late could mean a downshift in ranks, or worse, getting kicked out. If he got kicked out of Seracia he didn't know what he would do. "Maverick." He nodded to his king, then took a seat among the rest of the pack. What could this be about he wondered?


Bronze i


12 Years
09-19-2013, 06:28 PM

The call from his King would echo through the lands. Once he had felt compelled to rebel against command, to try to gain power and listen to no one; but oh, how time had changed him. He knew what was important now -- and that was his family. Part of him still wished he'd been in some position of power in his life, but the more rational part of him knew it was for the best that he was not. No, a life of humility suited his temperament better. So it was with ease that he hoisted himself onto all four limbs and began to guide his children. He wanted them to understand that it was not okay to ignore such things as a call by their King -- even if they wanted to, it was for the best that they attend too. For their safety, he hoped they would not be as rebellious as he had once been. No, submissiveness and mindfulness were important traits that would keep them safe in the long run.

Returning his wife's affections more than gladly, he set off behind the children, wanting to keep an eye on them even though they were beginning to be old enough to not need constant supervision. It was not surprising that Faolan rushed ahead of the rest, even ahead of his wife -- but not too far from their gaze to cause him much worry. Before long they settled near the gathering, but kept their respectful distance from the King and Queen. And their children. He eyed them quietly, wondering if any of his children had befriended theirs. They were nearly the same age, after all. Silence fell over him as he pressed his face against his mate's, waiting for whatever news had to be shared.


09-20-2013, 12:53 PM

Trees and bushes flew by him, the ground below nothing but a blur as the large man raced across the lands to Seracia. He had gone on an early morning hunt, hoping to surprise Aeil with some breakfast but of course, that didn't happen. He heard a howl, one that was unknown to him but he knew it was of importance. Great, first week in Seracia and I'm gonna be late for a meeting! He thought desperately as he pushed himself faster. Sweat would collect thinly upon his coat, the exertion he made to get there on time was a little much for him as he was not used to running so fast and in sprints.

At last after several long minutes, he barreled through some undergrowth and slowed. He closed his mouth, keeping his heavy breathing within his chest as he searched around for Aeil. He swallowed nervously as he moved among all the strangers. Nobody he knew here, except for Loccian whom he nodded to as he passed and headed straight for Aeil. He wasn't sure who exactly the Alpha was, though he figured it was the one that the others gathered around. Maybe he would get a chance to introduce himself after this, but for now he remained quiet as he took a seat next to the grey woman. the brute leaned toward her, touching her neck with his nose as he murmured, "Sorry I'm late Aeil, I had something to do but that may have to wait. Is...this a meeting?"


Mercury I


4 Years
09-20-2013, 10:15 PM

The little black pup would rise happily with his family, happy to go about his day as usual. Today would not be usual though, it would be his very first meeting! He thought he heard his mother and father explain them once, and from his understanding he would remember it as a time when all the pack members got together to discuss what was going on. He would get to see the whole pack today. And that was exciting.
They would tumble into the arena, Mercury nearly falling over his two front feet as he passed the King and his queen. Hurriedly he would recovery and embarrassed run to his mother and brother. "Can you believe that, Merc?" Mercury would shake his head in disbelief as he would settle in to his mother's stomach, becoming attentive to the goings on of the meeting.




10 Years
09-21-2013, 08:54 AM
The children were ushered awake rather quickly, told that there was a meeting being held shortly that they were expected to attend to. Not that it took much convincing -- the children of Bronze and Silent all seemed alert and curious, full of life and hardly rebellious by any means. With a smile she wriggled upright, tail wagging in a steady beat behind her. It took very little convincing to get her to follow her mother gladly. She loved the idea of getting to observe all of her pack; the girl was rather shy at times, and didn't get to converse with others nearly as much as she wanted.

With a slight hop to her step, she padded along near her mother, glancing back to see her father trailing in their wake. Mercury and Faolan rushed forward, hardly able to contain themselves -- she giggled softly, loving how full of energy they were. Before long they reached the gathering, which was full of hushed conversation. Quietly she slipped between her mother and father, coming to rest on her hindquarters with a soft bark at her siblings.

Pontifex I


09-21-2013, 04:36 PM

The grand duke had caught wind of the recent birthing of his queen. There was now a royal family in Seracia and the grey-black brute couldn't be more overjoyed. As of the moment, he hadn't been able to get a chance to meet the next generation of royals, but it seemed that his russet king had other plans in mind that day. Maverick's summon burst across the land, calling all Seracian's too him. Surely the queen and pups would be present? Curious and eager, Pontifex would waste no time, making haste as he pushed himself towards the heart of the land, right where the meeting was taking place. Of course, his king was present, the proud russet man standing at the forefront. Beside him was the queen Epiphron, several of their young children running about excitedly. The man would pad in slowly, taking his time as he would greet each member individually as he moved towards his sister Loccian, nudging the smaller woman with his muzzle as he allowed his golden gaze to fall across the pups and then his king and queen.

They're very beautiful your majesty. He would comment with a smile, gazing down fondly at the tiny copies of their parents. Would he ever have pups of his own? He would have to see what the future had in store for him.

Talk like this



7 Years
09-21-2013, 05:38 PM

A meeting. Hm. Must've been important if his father rushed off to prepare, leaving him, his mother, and his two siblings to wait to be called to his side. It seemed strange to him -- but what did he know? He paced lazily around the outskirts of the den, waiting until his father's powerful call echoed through the lands.

Their mother would begun pushing them to head in that direction, but unlike Cassius he preferred to walk lazily behind. The journey was not at all long, and he noticed a few wolves had already gathered. It was so cool to him that all his dad had to do was call, and the members of the Kingdom would come. Quintus Nero was fairly certain that if he tried to call the whole pack together, he'd get a gentle scolding from his mother. He watched with curious green eyes as Cassius rushed forward, as though he might break free from his withdrawn shell; but he still slithered close to their father. Arian stood nearby, and he cocked his head as he watched the two. A rather pregnant looking woman stood nearby -- Tahlia -- and he furrowed his brows as he eyed her bulging form.

Another male watched him, and he wrinkled his nose again as he was called 'beautiful'. The boy had still not lost his puppy fat -- perhaps giving him a rather adorable appearance -- but he frowned nonetheless, as though entirely and thoroughly unimpressed. "Watch who you're calling cute, mister," he retorted, puffing out his chest as though it might somehow make him look more manly, and less cute.



7 Years
09-23-2013, 05:18 PM
Lately the cheerful child had caught a cold, left to heal in her den while her brothers were able to explore and see the world. Today, however, she was determined to not miss the meeting. Sure footed strides carried her towards where the Seracians gathered, bright eyes looking upon each and every one of them. She took a seat close to her father, looking up at him apologetically for being late. She?d been slow to rouse due to her sickness, and she hoped that he would understand. She didn?t want to let him down!
She opened her mouth to speak, but then sneezed, coughs coming from her mouth shortly afterwards. "Sowwy I?m late,? she said, unsure if she truly was late or not. Nonetheless she fell silent afterwards, aside from the occasional sniffle or cough that came from her mouth. Perhaps she shouldn?t have come out of the den just yet; she was still rather sick, after all.