



09-16-2013, 02:09 PM

The woman had much on her mind. She had just defeated Renesme in the spar, that turned into more of a battle of dominance along the way. Canttina had a chunk of flesh ripped from her shoulder but i was scabbing over quickly. A toe in her left front paw had been broken, which left her in a limp. Also, her back left hind leg was left with a nasty bite would as well. Canttina took the pain like she always did but she did not enjoy it. Her mind was racing when she trotted through the willows. She waved in and out of the trees without a single trace of care. But, she stumbled upon some pale looking mushrooms. She tilted her head and dipped down. Her maw scooped up the small mushrooms and chewed them up. She snorted at the odd taste and texture before she let the shrooms slide down her throat.

The woman wandered to the pond and looked down into the water. She stared at her gruesome reflection in the water as her vision became much more blurred. The water seemed to glow and fish got much larger. She blinked as few times before she got up. Her head tilted up to look into the night sky. The moons seemed to grow. The white pearl within the sky shimmered and began to sing to her. She stared at it in awe, her eyes were wide. Canttina began to howl to it, the meaning unknown. SHe then fell to the ground as she stared at a Willow. It waved to her and she smiled at it, "Hello!" Her voice was chipper but scattered. Her eyes were glossy, she just laid there and stared at the Willow.



09-16-2013, 03:37 PM

Ozz and Kai had been exploring a bit once fall had come around. It was deep into the middle of it though and the male had been advising against Ozz speaking with anyone until she decided what pack she was going to end up in. Though she didn't entirely care or want to be bothered by that in these moments. She was only interesting, in the things around her. Ozz had been raised in an area where she was strictly monitored, everything had gone to hell when she had been born to the moment when most of her family and friends died. If she could consider any of them friends that is. Her paws easily tapping against the ground as she hopped along. The huge four and a half foot tall demon trailed behind her, leaving a black mist behind his feet as he went. Red eyes glinting as they stopped spotting a wolf who probably didn't know they were there just yet.
Ozz stayed down low as she watched the female, talk to the willows. "That's an interesting one I'd say, best be careful around her." Kai hissed through his sharp teeth. The scarred female made a silent laugh as she flicked her tail in a back and forth manner. She really didn't care about how dangerous one thing or another was when it came to her skills. Ozz was rather confident, ever since leaving the village. She had contracted with a demon because she could learn from it after all. Ozz jumped out of her hiding spot and flicked her tail as she stood a few feet away from the fae. "Isn't it boring talking to something that might not talk back?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as her emerald eyes searched over the woman. Maybe they would make some sort of weird connection, you never knew.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



09-16-2013, 04:14 PM

She stared at the tree with a sick smile upon her lips. She saw a Wolf jump out. Though it was much more then a Wolf. Canttina got up and walked toward it, her head tilted to the side. The Wolf was mahogany brown like herself, but the eyes. The eyes were red. They beamed like balls of lava. Boiling. She licked her lips and grew closer. A question was heard but the hellucinating Wolfess ignored it. "You are a being from Hell, aren't you?" She spoke breathlessly. She sat down and looked at the ground. Her eyes were full of confusion. "You have come to collect me? For my sins? For the death I cause?" She asked the question in a sorrow filled voice. Her eyes reached the demon's eyes and they seemed to plead. "Take me." The woman was in a trance. Her eyes deceived her because of the mushrooms. Everything happened so slow then so fast. Every noise was louder and longer. Canttina looked around for a few moments, her eyes fluttered shut as she flopped to the ground. "You know, darling, I do believe I have helped the world. I have plucked the lives of insolent and unnecessary beings off the Earth for the necessary lives to live." She opened her eyes to look at the being before her. "You don't look like a demon. Are you new?"



09-17-2013, 10:46 PM

Ozz was a bit surprised at the woman when she spoke to her. Demons who would drag her to hell for her sins. That wasn't entirely how it worked, not in her head anyway. As her tail flicked Kai let out a deep annoying hiss in his dark form. Maybe she had finally met someone who wouldn't think she was crazy. Her emerald eyes held sparks in them as they lowered on the other woman. "I am not the demon you seek, but I am contracted to one." She commented, her head turned towards Kai who lurched his back. He obviously by the looks of it didn't feel very comfortable about his existence being told to others.
"I will always be new to you woman. My name is Ozz, I reside by the black demon of kar named Kai. Is there something you needed?" Ozz was this strange when it came to the world she lived in. It was nearly like the world around her could collapse at any moment. Kai lowered himself and stood beside Ozz, red eyes glaring at the woman. He was not amused, but Canttina couldn't see him, so he wasn't too bothered by the fact. He just certainly hoped she wasn't thinking about stealing Ozz's soul from him.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



09-20-2013, 10:50 AM

The woman opened her eyes to stare into the orbs of the lovely lady before her. Canttina then saw the truth, emerald orbs. She blinked a few times as everything got so much more beautiful. The moon was like a glistening orb of loveliness. She smiled softly as the other girly spoke about her demon. She tilted her head, contracted to a demon? "Is he nice?" The question was odd, most would back away from such a statement. But, Canttina believed in angels and demons. Well, she would believe in anything if it was sold to her correctly. Though, at that moment the woman believed this odd creature before her really was contracted to a demon.

The woman then introduced herself in a regal tone. The demon herself smirked and stood. Her eyes were glossy from the mushrooms. She wobbled slightly before she licked her lips, "I am Canttina Cael. I rule the north. In my own way. I have a home up there, an odd Human den thing that was left here. Its quite lovely. You should visit sometime. I love visitors. Especially the pretty ones like you, miss Ozz." She smirked even more as lust built up within her core. The shadow Queen could not control her emotions, and it was even worse due to her high state of mind.

The other woman then asked a question, what did Canttina need? What did she need. Canttina needed a lot of things. Mental stability, back massage, some excitment, maybe some lovely rasberries and a Deer legs. Ye,s she though that would be nice. But, she just stared at the woman. "You are the one that approached me, little poppet." She snickered before she stepped forward, though it was an impulse step, nothing threatening. She tilted her head and stared into thos emeralds. "What do you need?"



09-20-2013, 01:55 PM

Ozz smiled, yeah Kai was nice, for the most part anyway. Her tail flicked back and forth, she liked this girl, she wasn't trying to kill her so she liked her. Her green emerald eyes looking over to the demon beside her for a few moments. Kai gave a shrug as the black mist moved away from his body. His red eyes glinting over at the woman. Ozz turned back to Canttina. "Most of the time he is, but, if harm comes to the things he owns he might get a bit viscous." Kai gave a snort. "Most of these blokes just want to steal you from me. I have dibs on your soul." He growled. Ozz gave a snicker. Of course he had dibs, that was what the contract meant didn't it? Then Canttina called her pretty. Well then, that was a compliment she'd have to take. She wasn't that pretty, in fact Canttina had a beautiful coat herself.
"Thank you for the invite Canttina, I will definitely take you up on that offer. You are as amazing as I though." She crouched down and then stood up again. Canttina was the first wolf to actually have been interested in her. It was a feeling the girl wasn't really used to. She tilted her head, oh she had approached her hadn't she?
"I guess I was. Well, Kai was telling me you were an Odd one so I wanted to make friends. It seems like it's going well isn't it?" She smiled, wondering if Canttina would take that as an insult. Hopefully she wouldn't, that was the least she wanted from her. Was to suddenly have an encounter she was enjoying to be lost within the confines of the demons world.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



09-20-2013, 04:52 PM

The woman felt the effects of the shrooms become less and less due to the fact she only ate a few. Though, everything was still beautifully shiny. Her eyes remained on Ozz's specticals. She admired the gentle emeralds that rested within the hollow sockets. "Kai and I must be awfully alike then. Whats mine is mine." A little laugh was heard as she watched the female closely. How her eyes flicked around every now and then, supposivly looking to the demon Canttina could not see. Her sunny eyes fell upon a scar that slid down one of the other woman's eyes. She would have to ask about that later.

The other woman then spoke about her invitation. The mahogany beast would completely love if Ozz would pay her a little visit to her vessel of a home. She did enjoy woman visiting her, especially a new friend. Could anyone believe Canttina had an actual friend? It was laughable. Then Ozz called Canttina amazing as well. Her heart soured with lust and was it love at first sight. The demoness fell again, a collapse. She stared at the other insane woman without a blink.

As she laid on the ground Canttina continued to stare. Ozz then answered Canttina's question. Her eyes were unwavered as the gentle vocals were let forth. The behemoth just laid there, her gaze was glossy and excited. She asked her another question, they were getting on well, weren't they? "You will be a great friend of mine. I love looking at you and speaking with you. A rarity."



09-20-2013, 05:22 PM

Ozz smiled, she was glad. This encounter was the most amazing she had in her entire life. As Kai stood beside her his red eyes poking around the insides of her head. Wondering if she would run away in fear or stay with this woman she was beginning to become attached to. Her tail flickered back and forth at the girl. "I'm glad, and you are the first to let me live even with a demon by my side." She said her scars aching at the thought of her father and all those others who killed at her old home.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,



09-21-2013, 02:24 PM

She laid upon the ground. Staring at the woman before her. Her eyes got even more foggy and foggy. Delicate words were let forth from Ozz's mouth. With a gentle giggle Canttina let her vocals fill the air with their ungraceful blessings. "You are the first not to run or shake in fear with these demons in my mind." She laughed some more as her eyes shut. Her face was flat against the dirt covered ground. Her mind began to fade slowly. Her breathing was slow and gentle. She was content, but the effects of the shrooms made her horribly tired. Her body slowly fell into a dazey slumber. She would feel bad for leaving the other woman by sleeping, but she couldn't help it.

