
A Promise to Keep


09-16-2013, 09:32 AM

Walking into his new home, Dempsey kept his wits about him. No one here knew him yet and he did not smell like the land. Though he was sure Alena could fix that right away. He smirked to himself and his eyes twinkled. The prospect of raising pups was excited and nerve wracking all at the same time. On the one hand he was excited to play with them and teach them what he knew. On the other hand he was nervous he would do something wrong and mess up. He did not want to be that kind of step father.

Soon he caught Alena's scent and made his way towards where he thought she was. This would be odd for him. Dempsey was terrible with relationships. Usually he just didn't care enough to try. He preferred the one night stands, the Aspasia's of the world. This wouldn't be like that though. He had to at least act like he cared about these pups' mother as more than a play thing. They shouldn't be subject to his ideas of relationships just because he had never had a good one. They should grow up believing that there was such thing as true love and that that thing could be found. Dempsey had lost that thought process long ago. How could he possibly believe that true love existed if his own father did not even love him? He would have to have a talk with Alena about their new relationship. He wanted to know straight up what she wanted him to act like, and if he was to play the lover then she needed to know he meant nothing by it. Sure she was pretty, but Dempsey wanted nothing to do with being tied down.




11 Years
Athena I
09-18-2013, 11:06 PM

A familiar, missing scent found Alena's nose as Dempsey wandered closer to her. She grinned and her tail waved slowly behind her. So, he had come after all. She was glad to see that the platinum-eyed brute was going to keep his promise. She was laying down just outside the entrance of her den, keeping an eye on the five pups she had in her care. Jian was curled up at her side, napping, and Calix had found some unknown new treasure that he would no doubt try to take inside... again. She chuckled as she watched them, wondering how Dempsey would feel when he saw all of them.

She waited for her new partner to find her, his gray-hued form coming into view. The ivory Madame smiled sweetly and motioned him over with a gentle toss of her head. She fell back into the same routine she had used the last time they spoke, though she found it harder and harder to tell the difference between her act at her reality. Her pups had softened her heart a bit and made her a happier fea, though she wasn't sure if that was a plus as of yet. She gave Jian a gentle lick and nudged the black and gray marked pup up onto her paws. "Go on, go play with your brothers and sisters," she said gently, nudging the young pup with her nose till she had padded away on obedient paws.

Turning her gaze back up to Dempsey as he approached, she leaned up to him and placed a welcoming lick on his cheek. "I was beginning to think you chickened out on me," she said teasingly, motioning with her muzzle for him to lay down beside her. "Go on, make yourself at home."



09-25-2013, 08:00 PM

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Dempsey harrumphed when she mentioned that she thought he chickened out on her. He hadn't chickened out, he had just been....busy... Her suggestion for making himself at home was interesting. The brute had not thought she would be that welcoming as they began to get to know each other, though she must trust him at least a little to allow him near her pups. He would take it as a compliment.

Approaching her, her body much thinner than the last time they had met, he remembered the other part of their agreement. Of course, it was a bit early to be asking her to fulfill on her end if he had not yet fulfilled his own side of the agreement. Though it never hurt to ask, Dempsey thought. He slipped around to her back and laid in behind her. His head slipped easily over her shoulder and he licked her cheek.

"So how many little ones have you had?" Surely it would only be two or three. That was normal, right? Dempsey was pretty confident in his ability to be free to pursue other endeavors, and by that he meant the pups' mother and Aspasia. Never one to take something for granted, he knew Alena would be tired because of her pups on occasions and he reserved that right to call on Aspasia. Though just on occasions might be too little for that she-devil. He would have to debate on that topic.





11 Years
Athena I
09-25-2013, 11:08 PM

Alena chuckled softly as Dempsey stretched across her shoulders and licked her cheek. She turned her head to give a small lick to the tip of his nose before looking out to her pups again just as Jian started fighting with Lel. It looked like they were just playing, but it was hard to tell sometimes with those two. "Be careful you two!" she called out to them, but the pups paid her no mind. She sighed and shook her head. Kids will be kids.

Dempsey's voice met her ears once again and she turned to look at his platinum gaze once again. She knew that she had expected to have around three pups, and she was sure he had expected the same. Wondering what his reaction would be, she said simply, "Five pups."

After he had absorbed the information she turned her gaze back to the playing pups. As she spoke of each pup she motioned toward them with her muzzle. "The solid black one is Calix, he likes to collect stuff. Not sure why, but it makes him happy so I let him. The two-toned gray girl is Tocan and the solid white with the black tip on his tail is Lel. The boy that's gray with white paws is Nako and the last girl that's white with the black stripe down her back is Jian. Of course, I don't expect you to remember all of their names immediately. I mean, there is five of them after all."



10-09-2013, 11:13 AM

Five pups? Shit. Way to go and completely throw anyway your life for the next two years or so Dempsey. Looking down at Alena then he couldn't let her see his internal reaction. Instead he just smirked at her and said, "They better be worth it dear." He nipped at her ear and slung a foreleg over her shoulders. "Do they sleep through the night yet? If so, I'd like to pamper the pretty mother of five tonight love."

Quite content to just have her body pressed close up against his, he just relaxed and watched the little pups. They would be a handful for sure. Five? That's ridiculous! He would have to be careful around this pretty little lady's season. He didn't want to have ten pups to take care of for sure, even if five of them would be his. Dempsey started to wonder what it would be like to have pups of his own. Pups that would call him father and look like him and his mate. That would be nice, he guessed, but he didn't know if he wanted that responsibility for the rest of his life as of yet.

Thinking of pups of his own made him think about the process used to get those pups that he would have to do with the woman he loved. That made him think of the pretty wolfess pressed up against his groin at this very moment, and he let out a breathy moan into her ears."Or perhaps they take naps, doll? I'd love to play with them and get to know them, but I have this itch that I can't quite reach by myself love. Perhaps you could help?"

ooc: Sorry this is so late... :(




11 Years
Athena I
10-14-2013, 12:13 AM

Alena smirked as Dempsey pressed himself up to her, draping a foreleg across her shoulders. She was glad her pups were occupied, giving her and Dempsey some space to talk and, well, enjoy each other. It had been quite sometime since Alena had gotten to have any personal time like this with anyone. She supposed the last time she had gotten any attention was when she and Bane had their little tryst.

She chuckled softly at his questioning if they slept through the night as of yet and she turned her violet gaze to look at him, a little grin coming to her lips at his second question. He was certainly eager, that was for sure. She was almost inclined to give in to his temptations and wondered what her chances of having her pups take their nap a little early was. She brushed her muzzle up along his chest and neck, giving his muzzle a soft lick as she answered, "They are very good about sleeping through the night. And even like to take naps occasionally. Let me just see if we're lucky today, hmm? Then I can help you out with that scratch." She gave him one last smirk before slipping out from under him and trotting over to her pups.

Alena gathered up all five of them, herding them back toward the den with protests from the whole group. "I know, I know, dears. But its nap time, okay? Go on, go to sleep." They filed into the den and she slipped in after them, giving each one a loving lick and making sure they all curled up together and were dozing off before she quietly slipped out to rejoin Dempsey.

She quietly padded over to him, a slight smirk on her muzzle. She gave his muzzle a lick before motioning toward the trees in the distance, a silent suggestion that they move away from the sleeping pups. She led him away, her tail waving gently from side to side. When they were a far enough away that she felt like they wouldn't bother them with any noise they made, but she could still keep an eye on the mouth of the den.

She knew that her sweet, innocent act was pretty much torn to shreds by this point, but she really couldn't bring herself to care. Her violet eyes found his platinum gaze again and she stepped closer to him, brushing the side of her muzzle against his. "So what was that you said about a scratch?"
