


09-15-2013, 06:21 PM

It was a cool fall night, the full moon hung above her its dewy glow casting soft white light against her fur. She had slipped out of Glaciem's territory, earlier that evening, just to clear her head. The words of conversations that she had, had that week echoed in her mind. Just a mere curer... A heavy sigh would escape her jaws, and her hindquarters would come to rest on the rocky shore next to the water, the spray of the falls misting her. Staring into the water, her mind weaved and tumbled around itself, a feeling of melancholy drew itself up in her. What was she even doing in Glaciem? Why had she felt such a pull to go to the pack? Why was she staying somewhere she wasn't appreciated?

Even as she contemplated running away, she knew she couldn't. Argent was there, the only friend she had ever made... Isardis... the name in her mind even brought chills to her body. Tossing her head back, she let out an annoyed howl, not particularly summoning anyone, but a soprano noise to allow her frustrations and out. What would she do?



09-17-2013, 07:46 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The brute was wandering, seeking only to absorb his thoughts on what had happened in the recent weeks. Tortuga's leadership had changed hands, he had endured a rather unpleasant encounter with Morphine, and had finally set up his life in the pack. He knew now that he could provide a good home for his daughter without staying constantly secluded on the borders of Tortuga. He had nothing to worry about - except his biological children.

Seraph hadn't seen Ares since the encounter in the rock garden, and hadn't seen Artemis or Codeine in much, much longer. What did they think of him now? Did they have any love for him at all? As satisfied as he was in his new home with the life he had now, he couldn't bear the thought of his children hating him. It would be exactly what their mother wanted.

A foreign call drew him to the waterfall like a magnet. He was uncertain why, but he felt a need to investigate the sound. When he came to the place, his narrow gaze fell on the female near the water's edge. She was a stranger - and one from another pack by the smell of things. He wasn't sure if there was any way to approach her - he wasn't sure he even wanted to - but he stood there, only making himself noticed by the clearing of his throat.

Tagged: Eris


09-20-2013, 11:50 PM

The clearing of a throat jerked her attentions to the present, and she whipped around, hackles raising, and she would take a defensive position, a growl in her throat. Taking a step back, her head would lower, and she would look at the stranger with a wary expression. One couldn't be too careful, these days, no one really knew who was friend and who was foe. "Who are you?" Annoyed tone would demand, lips curled up to show her teeth.

The stranger was white and tan and had outstanding green eyes, that captured her her attention, as her own golden pools met his. He's not trying to threaten you... her mind whispered, and she felt her body relax slightly, though she maintained her defensive position, just in case. She was aware of her close proximity to the edge of the water, aware that one mis-step could send her into it's icy depths, and though she'd be okay, it wouldn't be very comfortable.


09-22-2013, 08:15 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The female did not take kindly to his arrival at first, rising into a defensive positions and demanding his name. He tilted his head slightly to the side as he focused his narrow verdant gaze on her own golden one. Her pelt was so unlike the solid colored ones he was used to seeing on his children, who were the only wolves he typically went out of his way to see. Hers was a mixture of many colors, so un-pure and yet intriguing at the same time. He wasn't sure why he felt that way, though.

Patiently he waited unil she had visibly relaxed a bit before responding. Sorry to have startled you, came his neutral tones. I was just out for a walk to clear my head, and apparently I followed your call here. He offered a momentary smile before allowing his expression to return to nothing. Now that he was in this situation, he couldn't simply walk away, and he was in far too good a mood to spoil it was snide remarks to avoid a conversation.

My name is Seraphim. You are?

Tagged: Eris


10-04-2013, 11:07 PM
Her defensive posture slackened, and she let out a tense sigh, her golden eyes lingering over the pallid creature who stood before her. His tones seemed soothing to her, and she relaxed, gently nodding her head to his words. While he spoke, she lingered over his looks, reminding herself that this pallid beast was far from the king who had ruled her home, he wasn't the one she had such conflicting emotions about.

Seraphim, what an odd name. It was a title that she had never heard, though admittedly, her experience with names seemed to be in passing with most creatures. Politely, she would speak, "I apologize for my abrupt rudeness, Seraphim. My name is Eris, it's a pleasure to meet you." Her tones would be soft, yet there was a undeniable strength and confidence behind them as she spoke, wondering where this conversation would lead.


10-05-2013, 09:33 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The brute took another long moment to look over the female as he awaited her reply. She was small, something he was just noticing but was blatantly obvious. She stood near a foot shorter than him, and looked to be about half his size. The massive male wondered at how he had failed to notice before. Her size did not take away from her confidence though. He doubted little that this woman would let a small stature bleed into a small personality.

Seraphim watched through narrowed eyes as she finally relaxed, and noticed that he exhaled himself. Apparently he had been holding his breath while waiting, but he couldn't figure out why. He offered a small smile and nodded in response. It's a pleasure to meet you as well. I apologize again for intruding... Are you okay?

Even as the words spilled from his mouth, Seraphim was questioning himself. What had gotten into him? He never spoke to others, unless for some personal gain. He hated conversation, hated company. But if that was truly so, why was he comfortable now? He should have simply walked away, back to his home, but he was rooted to the spot. Against his own will he seemed determined to find out what was ailing the woman before him.

Tagged: Eris


10-08-2013, 07:42 AM

She rested back, her haunches folding neatly against the ground, her tail coming to curl ever so neatly around her frame. Slowly every muscle in her bodice relaxed, the contracted tenseness of them releasing and she let out a small breath. His words would startle her, was she okay? She didn?t feel okay. She hadn?t felt okay in a long time. Perhaps for a short time, she had found herself a home in Glaciem, happy in her rank, in her position in the pack. That was before she met Satis, the daughter of her king. Mere curer, the words still chilled her spine. Then the battle, with her liege and the alphess of Valhalla. A stranger, had gotten to her fallen king before she, a stranger!

Was she okay? No. Was she going to lie about it? Absolutely.

?I?m fine, I was just feeling a bit restless.? She hoped, her eyes wouldn?t betray her. She hoped when Seraphim looked into them, if he even bothered that he couldn?t see the misery and the guilt that she knew would be reflected there. She also wondered what another male other than her king would think of the brood that she lived in, the world that she was a part of.



10-08-2013, 05:35 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Something about the woman's response was off. Thought she claimed to be fine, he saw a hint of sadness remained in her expression. But she was a stranger, and it was best not to pry. After all, how would he have felt if some stranger tried to get into his head? Seraphim knew better, so he pretended not to notice.

Carefully he settled into a sitting position, relaxing as he touched the ground. Still in this position he towered over the female, her small stature continuing to amaze him. Seraphim offered a shrug of his shoulders in response to her words. It happens to all of us now and then, he said with a hint of a smile. He had enough issues of his own to understand her feeling. He had felt the need to move around and be involved lately, he assumed because of the many quick changes in his life recently. Restlessness was what comprised his being now.

Feeling the awkwardness of the silence that surrounded them, the brute was compelled to speak again. So, Eris, where are you from? He knew that she was of another pack, but was uncertain which. Not that it mattered much anyway - Tortuga had yet to establish any relationships, being still young under Newt's rule.

ooc;; This of course took place before Taurig claimed :)

Tagged: Eris


10-09-2013, 09:41 AM

She hated lying. Loathed the very idea of it, but she had lied to him and that didn't sit very well with her. The tenseness in her body left her slightly as he accepted her half truth, and she nodded at his response, agreeing with. Yes, she supposed that everyone felt this kind of restlessness, but did the also question their placement in their packs the way she did right now? Admittedly, she had gotten complacent in her rank, her placement in the pack and Satis was a warrior, of course she wouldn't understand the true work of a curer.

His next question caused her blood to turn to ice, sharply her golden eyes would meet his green ones, her heart racing. Why did telling him, this total stranger of her alliance with Glaciem effect her so?! Pride shut down her near fear response, and her jaw clenched slightly. Relaxing as she opened her mouth again, taking a light breath. "I am a curer of Glaciem." Her voice was even, hopefully not betraying the swaying confidence she had in her ranking, as she looked into his eyes. Would he be disgusted with her? Why did she care?

"Where are you from, Seraphim?"



10-15-2013, 05:51 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

Seraphim wondered what made him so curious about this female. What did he care where she was from? Things like that had never mattered in the past. In fact, in the past he wouldn't have even asked her name. So why did he care now? What had changed within him so much?

Her words broke through his thoughts, bringing him back to the here and now. Glaciem... He had heard of it, but not much. That is the pack where the alpha is the only male allowed to breed, yes? He spoke in only a curious tone, hiding the disgust from his voice. What kind of father could that man be? He probably had too many children to even know their names. He couldn't judge the woman for being a member of that pack, though. Men like that were usually very persuading.

A smile crossed his features at her question. I am the Beta of Tortuga, he replied confidently, rather proud of his new position in the pack. It made him nothing but happy to be able to care for his daughter in such a new capacity. This pride at being a part of something greater was almost as exciting as his interest in Eris, though.

Tagged: Eris


10-16-2013, 11:21 PM

Glaciem had been her home now for a while, a place where she generally could feel safe and practice her art and actually help others. She had made a good friend in Argent, the over-seer and had helped her friend deliver a healthy bunch of pups. She truly had no place to complain about her Glaciem life, but she felt... so displaced. As if she didn't belong. She watched the alabaster brute for a reaction to her home, she had heard many rumors about others views of her pack, as a brothel, as viewing the women as merely a bunch of whores. The question he asked wasn't unexpected, and a guarded look crept onto her jaws as she answered him.

"Unless given permission by the king himself, Isardis is the only one allowed to claim the heat of the females."

Her response was softly spoken, and her ears pricked with interest as he spoke of his rank in Tortuga. "Beta? That's an impressive rank, Seraphim." She spoke softly, her expression sincere and warm. "What's your home like?" She asked casually, wanting to take the attention off her place in Glaciem, while she was feeling so unsure of her home.



10-18-2013, 01:35 PM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

It took him a moment to consider her words. She spoke simple fact with little feeling intertwined, yet something in her expression seemed to say she felt something she wasn't comfortable with. He tilted his head slightly to the side, but said nothing for a while, allowing Eris to move on to her next topic before answering her.

Thank you, Eris, he replied to her comment on his rank. I only hope to help rebuild my pack and make it a better place for my children to live. It is a great home, one where everyone is given worth and there is much room to grow within the pack... He trailed off glancing toward the sky. Even through all its ups and downs, Tortuga was a good home. The only downside was the location, but while the volcano was dormant he had little concern. He was simply thankful for the happy things, like finding Devya, that had come out of his place in the pack.

And he couldn't help but wonder if Eris had the same feelings about her home. A serious look crossed his face and he spoke with earnest concern. Are you happy in Glaciem, Eris?

Tagged: Eris


10-26-2013, 01:48 AM

Her feelings towards Glaciem were mixed. Whether or not, she felt completely comfortable, there at all times it was her home, it was were she belonged. The pack needed her, as many pups that would be whelped, though she felt as if her status wasn't what it should be, she was home, or so she supposed. It was a delicate balance of feelings, but her feelings were something she was okay with casting aside if it meant that those under her care were in better care.

Beta was an impressive rank, and though Eris had no desire to lead mass groups, she couldn't shove the feeling of wanting to lead a group of healers, being the lead healer in the pack, yes, that's what she wanted. She wanted to feel as if all of her work in her life up to this point, was worth something, she wanted to feel as if everything she had sacrificed, was worth it. "Your home sounds lovely. You have children?" She asked curiously, thinking about what it was like to have a home like that.

His question caught her off guard, and she answered quickly, "It's fine. Glaciem's fine."



10-26-2013, 10:20 AM

i?m radioactive, radioactive

The question about his children caught him somewhat off guard. He hadn't even realized that he had mentioned them, but it was something of habit that he did often without realizing. He hesitated to respond, uncertain of what his answer should be. He wanted to be honest with this woman, but he also didn't want to overwhelm her with information. Some would say he had four children, some would say two. In his own mind, he still had four, whether they all considered him a father or not, and regardless of what Morphine declared to be true.

Seraphim smiled lightly and nodded. Yes... I have four, one adopted. If she inquired further, he would be truthful, but for now this was enough. He wondered for a moment if she had children, but assumed from her question that she did not. He would avoid asking, knowing that for some it could be a difficult topic, but he couldn't help considering that she would be a wonderful mother to any children she had in her lifetime.

Her response to his question about her pack seemed too quick, too planned. He knew that there must be more to it than her simple response, but he did not pry. Instead he simply nodded and changed the topic.

I hope this is not to bold, but I enjoy your company very much. I hope that we can meet again soon?

Tagged: Eris